

Do you have a fear?


No matter how many times you say no, it will be there. Lurking there in your mind, heart and soul.  Some peoples are stronger than others. Some are weird and dumb. No matter what it is, it's there.


My fear?


My fear is fear itself.


Yes, it is possible. I am afraid of fearing. Plain and simple. If I have an ounce of fear, I will hesitate. If I hesitate, I die. In my line of work, there are hesitations. No waiting. You need to get it done and you can’t have fear. You can’t feel.


My line of work?


It’s not a job. I don’t get paid. I don’t want to do it. But it needs to be done.  Everything always needs to be done, all you need to do is find the right people to do it. The ones that can lose everything because they have nothing. The ones that won’t feel. The ones that won’t hesitate.


My line of work…….


I am an assassin. Not by choice. Not by destiny. But by force.


I was part of a large nest of 5 siblings. I was the one that was nothing like them, the outcast.  I found my way falling out of the nest. There was nobody that cared. There was nobody there.


I was forced to the streets when I was ten. I was near death. I learned to live and chose to not feel. That’s when Clob found me. Clob is my trainer and master. The one that showed me pain and strength. The one that didn’t feel or care. He is not my replaced father. I obey him and he trains me.


Me, the odd one. The one that fell from the nest. Me.


My name in Thorn. The name that Clob gave me. I can’t remember what my name was before, and I don’t care. What I care about is now. Not the things that pushed me over the edge in the past. And not the future, since there is none for me. Is there a future for a assassin? No, there is no life for me.


I’m 17 years old. I only know that because I’ve been with Clob for 7 years. I have kept track of everyday that has drug by. Every line on the wall shows all the time that I spent as me. As Thorn.


Thorn the ruthless assassin. The one that has no fear and no past. I am known for what I am and what I do.


My first target was two years ago. I say target because they are the criminals that can’t get caught by anyone else. Clob has an agreement with the “law”. When he got caught 10 years ago he made an agreement that he would train them a new assassin. One that would obey, one that would be better.


So who am I?


I am Thorn, the assassin. The one that they think they can control. But I do have thoughts. I do have plans and Ideas. And I can read people. Clob did not teach me that. I learned from all the other kids pushing me around. It’s got to know what people are thinking and feeling.

Sometimes I wish I couldn’t read people. What I see in their eyes. The horr for what I do.

The fear because of how goot I am. The lust in the mens eyes.


I know that I’m pretty. I can tell from the way that mens eyes always seem to know where I am.


I have long brown hair that reaches my waist. I have never been able to cut it, it is part of me now.  I have bright green eyes, I have never seen anyone else with bright eyes like mine, not that I remember. I have high cheek bones, full lips and a small nose. But my body is what a lot of people look at. I have curves from all the training and long legs. I’m tan from all the time in the sun.


My looks always catch people off guard. People know my name, but they don’t know my age and looks.


There is nobody in my life accept Clob. He has never taken me to the law. Clob is the one that goes and speaks them and tells me what my targets are. I don’t want to be part of this anymore. I don’t want to be bossed and told what to do.


I want this to end, i will make them end.



 I creep down the dark alley the raindrops falling and sliding down my skin soaking in and devoting my warmth. I slither to the edge becoming part of the darkness. My hawk eyes follow my target. The big brut man named Jimmy Clout. The man that has entered and killed family's in there sleep. The man that I must stop. I absurv him and calculate. I watch as he thumps past me. He is going for another family. Telling by the determination in his eyes. It took a while to find him. Even though he’s big, he’s also stealthy. Before he can get out of the alley I jump out of the darkness making sure he sees my shadow.


He jumps around pulling out a knife.


“Were you following me?” His voice drips with suspicion. He has many scars on his face but still seems to be handsome.


“I live down the street and I was just making sure a dinosaur didn’t wake from the dead.” I smirk as he looks me over, clearly liking what he sees.


“Really? Your not looking for anything?” He stood strain so he was towering but kept the knife in his hands.


“What would I be looking for? I know this street like the back of my hand.” I put my casual face on. This is the kind of street that nothing happens on.


“Of course you do. Good for girls to be safe” He smiles at me. His teeth are crooked but white.


“Yup.” I pop the p and start to turn around, but he glares I  fake confusion and stop.


“Where are you going?” He starts to walk closer. Right where I want him.


“Home. Your right, I should try to be safe.” I watch as he comes closer.


“I’m sure your safe with me.” He smiles again taking a step closer. If I was a normal girl I might have believed him. I would have thought I was safe with him and everything would be fine. But the only problem is, I’m not normal. I know that he would hurt and kill me. I know who he is I can tell that even without him being a target. Death is written all over him.


“I don’t know…” I bit my lip in thought and look into his michiftly dark eyes.


“Just have a little fun, it never hurt anyone.” I almost smirk at the innocence in his voice. He comes closer and reaches for my hand.


“Nope.” I step back take out my gun and point it at his chest. He takes a step back and his eyes widen.


“No reason for a gun, baby. I’m not going to do anything.” He smiles innocently at me. Sickening. He thinks he would be able to take me down anyway. Why don’t I just shoot him? This arrogant prat needs a little fear in his life.


“Really, Jimmy?” I smile when his eyes show a little shock.


“Jimmy? Who in the hell is he? Come on baby, give me a chance.”  He smiles, he has a plan.


“Nah, Jimmy. SInce you never gave those two families a chance.” I smirk again at his surprise. All I have to do is wait until he tries to go through with that plan of his. I see his hand fling back and the knife fly at my face. I duck and glare at him. “Nice try, my turn.” I pull the trigger. He falls to the ground leaving only his blood on the wall.




At first it was, but after you do it for so long you get used to it. Like hunting animals, you do what you have do to survive.  I spin and walk out of the alley and bend into the shadows. They will know it was me, they always do. They know that I’m the only person that can take people like him down. After all, it’s my job.


I slink along the dark alleys and soon find myself standing in front of the forest. The one that I know from heart.  I take of running.


Molding into the early spring ground. Carried by the wind and gentle sway of nature. I am fast. I am part of the nature.  I am part of the world.


The soft grass is soft against my legs. The mud soft under my shoes. I love nature. It is how I am what I’m all about. Without these woods I would not be alive. They have molded me into the fighter I am today.


I come into the familiar clearing and spot the small tucked away cottage. I step into the house and see him sitting on the couch. The cottage is simple and has a small fire place in the living room. There are a few chairs and there is the kitchen. My room very small and is down a small hallway. We get by, but only because I have to hunt and gather for us. There is no other way to get food. He is not allowed into town.  


I meet his eyes and nod my head at him telling him that the job is done. He has a peculiar look to him. From his bright red hair to his light blue eyes. He is a very brut mig muscles and wide shoulders. Clob has never really been all that mean. The only time that we talk is when he trains me or gives me a target. The rest I have to figure out on my own. That’s the way it has been. Walking past him I head to my room. I never eat after I take down a target. It has always been my way of giving back to nature.


I make it to my room and drop my belt that has very many daggers and swords in it. I crawl into bed and close my eyes. I hardly sleep, I lay there and listen to all the things around me. How can I sleep when I have all the people in my mind? When I know that I was the last one to look into her eyes.


I know all too well that they deserve it. I deserve it to, I’ just waiting until they find someone to come and hunt me down. To be that last one to look into my eyes. To have me haunt them everytime that they close my eyes.


I creep through the darkness and scan the horizon. Another job, another to kill and another to hunt. It seems like a ferris wheel.


Always cycling. It only stops to have new people. Never moving on, never resting. Only used for one purpose and reason.


I shake my head and look at the man that I’ve searched for the past two days. This time his name is Bobby. He goes after women at night rapes and kills them So far he's killed five. He does it on Monday and Friday. Meaning that he will strike tonight.


Most of the people that kill and are bad, hunt in bars. I walk into the one of the main bars, also the one that he goes to every night. I had just watched him walk into there five minutes.


I hear hooting from the drunks at the bar and the bartenders. I scan the room and catch a glimpse of Bobby talking to a blond girl that has had to much to drink. When he hears all the commotion he looks up and spots me, completely forgetting about the blondie.


My job is to look attractive and let him seduce me into the alley. The less that see the better. I’m wearing a small black dress that clings all the right places and high heels that show my long tanned legs. I don’t need makeup, i have natural beauty and don’t even own any. Clob is the only reason that I have these clothes.


“Whatcha want?” I look at the skinny bartender watching me.


“I’ll take a beer.” I inform skinny.


“Make that two.” I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn my head to see none other than Bobby. A perfect smile splitting his already handsome face. I return the smile and watch in fake interest as he takes the seat next to me. His deep blue eyes scan my body, practically eye raping me.

“Here you are, on the house.” The bartender arrives and smiles at me.


“What a kind man.” I say to him, trying to get a response from Bobby. I works, when I look at him he has anger in his eyes.


Out of all of my targets he is the easiest to read. His eyes and face are a mirror to everything.He obviously wants someone that he can control, and someone that will show attraction.


“Hello there.” I give him a wide smile, showing my teeth.  


“Hi yourself.” He sticks out his hand. “Hey there princess, I’m Mark.” I shake his hand.


“I’m Taffy.” He’s not the only one that can come up with names.

“Pretty name for an amazing girl.” I fake a blush and take a drink of the beer. I like to brink. But I can handle a lot, in my case that's good. I bite my lip and glands up to see him watching me intently lust clear in his eyes.  I giggle and take another drink.


“What a flirt!” I muster my sweetest voice and drowned the rest of the beer as it’s quickly replaced with a new one.


“I’m only speaking the truth.” His eyes are now sparkling with want. I fake a blush again and drowned the other drink. Now is the time where I start to act a little brunk.


“Wooow, you are so charming!” I sound like all the bimbo stripers here. I chug another drink and feel “Mark” watching even though I closed my eyes.

“Only for the ones that matter.” He smiles as he sees me put the drink on the table, empty.  He very obviously wants me to get drunk. Three is when I know I should be drunk as heak. I look at him and giggle. I hop up and he quickly catches me.


“Hey you!” I smile and lean into his arms. He rubs my back.


“Should I take you home?” I  laugh at his hurry to get me into the alley.


“You are amazing! You would dooo that?” I laugh and look at him.


“I would love to.” He takes my hand and leads me out, I stumble on my way. He brings me out through the door and onto the street. He’s leading me to the alley. Since I have no idea what's going on, I go with.  He drags me into the dark part and pushes me against the wall. I put my hands on his chest and feels a knife in his pocket on my way up.


“What a shame, you are such a pretty girl.” He takes the knife out and puts it to my throat. I cough and look into his lustful eyes.


“What are you doing?” My voice is slurred.


“Teaching you not to trust strangers, you should be thanking me.”


“Nahhhhh!” I giggle and he rolls his eyes.


“Well, you are in the wrong part of this situation, don’t you think, Taffy?” I can feel he's not going to give me much more time. His eyes start to scan my body, not caring what I’m going to say.


“Nope.” I watch as his eyes snap to mine.


“What Taffy?” He looks surprised that I can say a word.


“You heard me, Mark.”  I thrust his fake name into his face. He pushes the knife a little harder, almost breaking the skin.


Why am I doing this when I could kill him now. His eyes are telling me he's not going to kill me, yet. It’s like when you know that someone is lying, always easy to spot. He obviously needs me alive to make me feel the pain and him.


“What is the point in this, tell me or you’ll be dead here, right now. Taffy!” He almost shouts my name for all to hear.


“You will? You won’t, you need me alive.” I casually look into his firing eyes.


“I’m not bluffing you ******* slut!” I laugh a him, a slut? I’m not the one going around raping people and then killing them.


“I know you're bluffing. I can see it in your eyes. Now let me ask you this: did they plea? They must have seen it in your eyes. So you do need me, Bobby.” I sneer his real name. He goes pale> Moving the knife he jabs it in my direction. Sadly for him, I’ve already moved.  Taking the knife from his hand and stabbing him in the chest over his heart. He choked up blood and sank to the ground, I watched as the spark of life drained from his body leaving his eyes bleak and lifeless.


I shake my head and run for the woods, my job here is done. Time to let Clob know it's over.



 I open the door and slam it shut. Clob jumps from his seat and gets into a fighting position, when he sees it’s me he stands normal. I see his face turn as he shakes with anger. I just showed him disrespect, and I wanted to.


“How dare you enter this house like that?!”


“How dare I? How dare you keep sitting on your arse as I kill my targets. How dare you think you control me.” I have never talked back to him. Seeing the life draining from Baby's eyes was the last straw. He could have been put in jail like all the other convex.


“YOU DON’T TALK BACK TO ME!!” He comes forward and stands in front of me, by his eyes I know he wants to punish me. But he made me better then everyone, including me.


“Why? What do you have over me? Your not my father. Your not my friend.” In a flash his arm jabs out to get a hold on my neck, but I knew this was going to happen. I blocked his hand and my fist connected with his face. I crouch down and sweep out my leg bringing his legs out from under him. He laid there and then hopped up in a flash.


“You ungrateful *****!” He came back at me again. I moved to slow and his fist connected with my stomach. The pain rippled through me. “I saved you! You were nothing! If you do this, I will find and kill you!”

I ducked another blow and my foot connected with his chest causing him to fall and spiral. He layed knocked out on the floor.


I walked to my room and changed into dark jeans, tank top and leather jacket. Grabbing my weapons belt and money I passed his stim unconscious body. He was easy to take down. I stand over him and raise the gun to his head. Flashes seep into my mind. Him rescuing me and saving me. I lower the gun.


“I’m done with this.” I walked out of the door once again part of the nature.




I walk for five days coming to the town of Preston. By now I’m hungry.  On the way I’ve  apples and berries, the only things that have kept me going.  


I look at all of the high buildings and big houses. This is more of a city then a town. Zip up my jacket to hide my belt the holds daggers, swords, bullets, guns, poison darts and sleeping darts. I go into a small dinner, letting the scent wash over me. I take a seat and a short skinny lady with long brown hair comes over to me with a menu.


“Hey hon, can I get you something to drink?” I look into her pale blue eyes and see love and security.


“Coffee please, and do you have the daily paper?” She nods and walks off.


I look out the window watching the people in high hats and bright clothes, they have no idea how lucky they have it. They think that there life sucks because they have to go to work and do this and that. They have no idea.


“Here you go hun.” Her bright smile warms me but there is something in it that puts me on edge. I look at the paper and my blood runs cold “Everything okay. You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” I force a smile.


“No, I’m fine. I know what I want.” She smiles and takes out her notepad. “I’ll have pancakes.” She joltes it down and go in the back o deliver it. By the  time she comes back out, I’m already gone. I walk down the street with the news paper clutched in my hand. I turn into a dark alley and sit on the ground.


Notorious Assassin Thorn is on the loose


The bold letters on the front page stare back at me. There have been many newspapers with my name in and on it. But this one has more. I read on and push through my shock.


There is a 2 million reward for anyone that can bring Assassin Thorn to a police station, alive or dead. She has recently ran, we don’t know where she went. We would be so thankful if you could bring her down.


There is a picture of me on the center of the page. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I put my head back and close my eyes, letting my weak body fall into a deep sleep.



“Find her and kill her.” Slamming into my mind and telling me what to do. I know what I have to do. He made that obvious. I run down that alleys and hop across the roofs. From town to town I find no trace of her. Either she’s hiding good, or shes already dead. She is rumored to be the best, the unbeatable. But the fact is, she's never had to face me. I have been hiding and hunting. Killing and teaching. She only kills when she is told and who she is told to kill, I kill the ones that need it.


Somehow, He found me. He told me what to do and how to do it. He was a brut man. I reach into my pocket and take out the sketch and note the man gave me. She is young.


You need to find her and kill her. She has done many bad things. She is very strong, but not strong enough. She is the assassin known as thorn. If you can take her down you will get the 2 million dollar prize.





I hear whispers and a gun being loaded. A shadow passes over me. I open my eyes with a two barrel shotgun in my face.


“Yup this is her.” I hear a familiar and distant voice. I look at the person holding the gun and let out a gasp. It was the waiter. I hop up and hear her cock it. “Don’t you move, missy.” I freeze.


“Is this her.” I hear a warm yet cold voice behind her and look to see a tall man with high cheekbones and striking eyes look at the fallen newspaper then at me.


“Yeah, she ran like a bat out of hell when I gave her that newspaper.”  She glared at me and I meet her light blue eyes. “Matt, get the rope.” her name tag says May.


Matt comes up with the rope, i look into his eyes, they are unreadable. I put up my hand and I see Mays hand twitch. There is something about these two.


“Now you be a good and get caught.” She is very nervus, her eyes give it all away.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2018

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I will be working to edit and finish the book.

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