

Living in craten isn't easy. Especially with my family! Calla the smart independent creative strong warrior who is always falling In Love, still young at 16 she stands at 5"5 and is trained from knives all the way to military assault  rifles. Her dark wavy intense brown hair, that is long and her dark brown eyes. She's  Truly a beauty and better yet strong and a killer. My brother Caleb he's smart good with technology he can assemble anything. He's 15 and is tall at 5"11 and he's our hacker to help us get into things, he also builds guns and other cool gadgets. He has a strong body build and has sea blue eyes and long black hair that gently fall upon them. 
Then comes my mother rose , she has one green eye and one dark intense brown eye and dark black hair that flows down her back. She's our leader she leads us in survival in craten as we live in the outskirts of the  country and which forces us to travel tothe city to steal . All the females in our family is beautilful like the sunset but strong. My is mom  5"5 and pretty as well. Then comes me eric. I'm 6"3 and have black short hair, with gorgeous green eyes and have a great body I since come from the family I come from am handsome. I am a healer I can read minds hAve telekentic abilities. We who live in craten all have special abilities. 

" eric! Let's go I'm starving and come on let's scope people out!" yells my sister angrily and she hops into the middle of the street. 
" calla really well be there in 5 minutes are you goin for the single rich man today Sis?" i say with a grin 
She replies with a " I don't know eric and how's your boyfriend ?"
Oh did I forget to say I'm gay? 
" fine I dumped his ass last week good for nothing eh anyway my 17th birthday is in a month!" i say with a smile as the sun reflects my emerald green eyes
" ohh look were here and so is mom and Caleb looks like a big robbery today bro Instead of a small one aww shucks!" she says with sarcasm we walk toward my mom and Caleb simply talking casually like nothing and as we walk up my mom hands me a letter sayin he details of the robbery.
See craten lies were the united kingdom once did. Until a old civilization America blew it up! Anyway where England is is where "cratens central city alanis is. In America the country tantum stands and is strong but is now going thru an uprising.

" Eric you got it were going in and out no deaths and no peacekeepers at all involved k?" said my mom "ok" I say as she hands me an ak-47 and my sister takes a m-14 with a red dot sight "mom on the count of three you go into the bank and 1,2,3!" said Caleb and then the banks alarms video camera went off and then we're in my mom goes in first and kicks the peacekeeper in the face and he goes down. My sister sees a peacekeeper take out a gun and she fires one bullet goes into his arm and the Chest and the.n head. I go running in "get down now and no one gets hurt!" I yell " well at leas not that many people anyway." I mumble with a smirk. *shatter* "fuck!" yells my sister "peace keepers and there's a lot of them and trainees! GreAt today is shadowing day!" she sed worried . Shadowing is when the trainees come and go a day with peace keepers b4 they graduate. Could this be it can I be our last robbery "let's go we are Gunna hafta go thru the guards Eric go get the money calla come with me while Eric gets he money! Come on calla let make a way!" my mom yells orders at us *bang bang* blood is being splattered everywhere "I hope it's no my families blood." i mummer to myself 

" this way!" yell 5 peace keepers. I got all the money in the  in the volt I fire at the charging peacekeepers. I got 4 while one jumped out of the way. This one caught my eye as he fires at me I grabb the sack of money and I jump out of he way. He continues to fire this ones young he has green eyes and long black hair that gently falls on them and hes really tall 6"5 and as I can see well built a swimmers body. "Eric let's go!" 

I bolt for the exit running after my mom and sister and I look back to see my cute killer and ring his id tag it read cameron he looks at me and puts his gun down and let's me leave.

*2 days later*

"mom can we go outside now?!" asked calla as she paces back and fourth as me and Caleb clean our wide spread collection of guns. "no we have a warrant on all of our heads, ok? What don't you get out of that if we go outside and the peacekeepers find us theyll kill us on sight! We  have a 3 ami on our head!" she scolded all of us Ugh " now get your asses to bed!" she yells irritated we aren't mad though we know she's thinking of a plan get us more food and to spend all this money we have.

As I walk around the abandon house we call home I turn the corner and into my room I close the black door and lock it and blast my music loud . I get dressed and take off my shirt and grab my black v-neck and a red sweater. Hum so much of my social life. The v neck really shows off my body I thought. With the music so loud I sneak out the window and find my sister out side leaving to the city and we both nod at eachother and show eachother our knives we keep hidden incase of emergency. It's about 10 pm as I run and steal a bike and ride into time.

As I reach town I hide the bike so I can use it later. As I walk casually past 2 peAckeepers I bump into a hard object and realize who it is Cameron ...........

Great I think I should of told my mom I loved her as I reach for my knife Cameron has a gun pointed at my throat. Ok stay calm eric use compulsion as I look into his eyes to yes my secret talent I realize he has the rare mark of born keepers who are breed to repel everything and serve those country. The three black dots formed in a triangle that are placed slightly under his left eye. "fuck!" I say as I face my defeat "I'm screwed so if you are Gunna kill me and receiver your ami than do it fast please" I say with sarcasm "I'm not Gunna kill you... You caught my eye back at the bank you, you well your special you control compulsion.?" he says curiously as he slowly lightens his finger on the trigger on the 9mm "yea y? Anything special can you use it? And please don't kill me please we only stole for well to survive in this damn country of ours." I say with complete honesty.

" I know" he says as he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me close and brings me in for a kiss. The kiss is like nothing I ever felt before like electricity was flowing through my body. I pull away " wat the fuck!" I say Appalled "srry I couldn't contol my self" he says and smiles. " cameron I'm not cheap ass thank you very much" I say wanting more of him "well maybe we can get to know eachother please?" he says with puppy dog eyes
What he hell am I doin here with a peacekeeper? Ugh "yes" isay automatically fuck I say in my head "okay Eric our races aren't to mix together are they ?" he says while tightening his grip around my waist when I was about to reply he turns around to "Abu peacekeeper Cameron nice to meet you ur special u know? You can use compulsion and deflect special abilities a true trooper you are." he says and continues with " and may I say you shouldn't have any trouble moving up in the ranks with more insurgi you kill! U killed more than 200 hundred on your last mission only !" he says with a grin and Cameron pushes a message into my mind " leave please see me again please Eric I don't want you dead like the other insurgi to me ur different be careful be safe......" 

I flee he secene unnoticed and find my sister eating at some bbq. As we reach home our mom is there to greet us.

As my mom scolds both me and my Sis she sits us down."okAy now it's time for a talk... Well you see you heard about the groups socius and insurgi well we have been invited to join one group insurgi or socius. We will be fighters for which ever division we pick and we will go as a family like always. But insurgi fight against craten and against the peacekeeper race and socius fight alongside craten for more control. It our choice but it needs to be made soon by sunrise......" 

"mom this is your solution? Join the rebellion ?!" i ask shocked that she even would give us this kind of option. " Eric just pick one the bounty is too high! We killed 30 peacekeepers if we are seen we will die!" says my mom says angered "we leave now so make your choice!" she basically yells at me. " fine I pick insurgi calla are you Gunna join me?" I ask her "yes " she sed "now pack " says my mom calm once again. 

"alpha team . Peacekeepers on the move the group is about to attack decoy team up front come from behind and take them out and show Craten who's in charge." says dimitri from the speaker calla my mother and I are on a mission as assassins for the insurgi group. We ranked reapply high since well we done this before. If we succeed we rank up to assassin and went from cadet. "Eric pay attention callas Gunna take two I'll take three And you get the last four!?" she says I nod In agreement "on my count!" she says as the peacekeepers walk in to the ally following the decoys and we jump from the ledge and now its on.

Calla pulls out her knife and throws it into on keepers eye And shoots her 9mm one time and the peacekeeper goes down. Mom snaps on keepers neck and stabs on in the chest and cuts the last ones head off. I pull out my knives and stab one keeper in the throat and the other in the spine and throw both knives into one peacekeepers chest . Then pull out my gun but the keeper was too fast and he tackled me to the ground and pinned me and put the knife to my throat. 

"Eric?" asked the voice " what the fuck? How the hell you know my name? Explain please before you kill me!" I say with sarcasm "its me Cameron!" he says as he takes off the recon mask. Right when it's off he kiss me repeatedly again and again I push him off and say " Cameron I'm going to stab you and leAve you but I'm not going to kill you okay? I wish I could stay longer, really but I got to go I pledge insurgi your a keeper we aren't ment to be" a tear comes out of my eyes and I plunge my knife to he side barely nipping his skin he gives a yelp and I then knock him out cold and push him off.

"ma let's go all clear!" I say will I leave my knife inside o him to make him look dead. We the leave and meet the team and get into the jet and fly off to base. 

"welcome back" says Dimitri "you made it, and now your ranked up but..., Eric was there a keeper you I don't know happen to not kill?" he says with a smirk and waves his had and cAmeron is brought in bleeding and looked like he was in pain. Fuck fuck fuck what am I going to do? I pull out m knife and stab the close insurgi close to me and he goes down another keeper comes running and I throw the knife. I jump for the gun and shoot the gaurd holding Cameron and he breaks free and snapps a insurgis neck and he reaches for a gun a runs towards a door and pushes a message into my mind "I'm getting the jet we are heading for tantum k meet you outside!" he hem leaves and I look at the insurgi surrounding me and look for my mom and she simply turns away I am then stabbed repeatedly again and again and then it goes black

" eric Eric wake up!" called my mom I sit right up and have sweats all over my body and have major chills "are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep what were you dreaming about?" she asked concerned like any mother would be " ya mom it was just a bad dream where are we anyway?" I ask trying to hide my chills from the horrible dream. "oh still waiting for the car to come to take us to base camp for the insurgi, we still have a couple hours til we leave so you can roam a while for A lil bit just be back in 5 hours." she says and leaves my room so I can change

I put on a gray v-neck that now A days would be considered old fashioned. But that doesn't matter so I also put on black skinny jeans ha I found these clothings in a old abandoned mall we had been searching for food and other supplies like weapons but no. We found old vintage clothes. It's k though I look cute. So to top it off I grab a midnight blue hoodie and place my knife in my sweater nicely easy to grab and use. As I open my door I say good morning and leave through our front door that leads to the rundown nieghborhood full of drug dealers and gangs. But no gang was as skilled of a killer like my family so well we took care of ourselves. As I find my stole. Bike I take my time and ride into town.

As I hide it in the usual spot and walk into the park of town I hear the birds chirping. I sit down near a tree and I hear gun firing and see a a group of insurgi running and one by one I see them being shot down it went from five to three then two and then one surrounded by 5 peAcekeepers. Fuck I might as well go and help. As I get up and put my hood over my heAd I run up and pushed up a peacekeeper and stabbed him until he stopped moving and the insurgi helped by killing a keeper by shooting him I then throw my knife at a keepers head. Two more then one more goes down by a shot to the head I charge at the tall one at tackle him to the ground and my hood falls of my head. He then pulls out his knife and points it at me. Beneath the keeper mask I can tell a forming smile and I know exactly who it is.

"Cameron?" I say with glee And reach up and take off the camouflage mask an look into his deep green eyes and he leans down for a kiss. I could feel his tongue invading my mouth as I let it enter. But I soon interior it as I push him of and take the gun from the insurgi and tackle him to the groun and ask him why he was runnin away from the keepers

Replies with a "cuz we were on our way to pick up a group of new recruits on the outskirts they are sed to be really good assassins and it looks like i found one." he looks at me and continues "but he apparently Has relations with the keepers generals son." he says with a smirk " your family is useless to us we are simply gonna turn u guys in for the reward now once I tell everyone." I say with a smile " that's a shame cuz you'll never tell the rest " he say "why" with a confused face and I simply grab my knife and stab him in the chest until I know forsure hes dead. I take my knife out of him and turn around and see Cameron still smiling at me but there's no smile on my face wat-so-ever and I say" we as in my family was almost turned over cuz he thinks me and u are a thing!" he stands up and grabs my hand and pull me from the park into a car. " to the center of alanis please my pent thank you." he tells he driver " anything sir, peace it only kept by a keeper and your dad the general wants u at station." ugh he just said the keeper motto "peace is only kept by a keeper bleh anyway I look at Cameron and he holds my hand and kisses me he then lifts me like I was weightless and places me on his laps and we makeout completely until we come to a stop. 

We leave the car and go into the building. It is like a ballroom with gold and satin everywhere butlers everywhere food it was like I was in heaven. He leads me to the elevator and we go up. As we enter his house we lifts me up and lays me on his bed I have A feeling he knows I accepted the insurgi invitation. And his urges he wants me right now and I want him. As I Take of his shirt he takes off my pants we kiss endlessly I think i fell for my own contradiction.

*three hours later* 

" I hope you know I have to walk into town and now I have to do it with a limp" I saw with a smile as I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat " ha you shouldn't be so cute then you tempt me to go for a second round." he says with the most sexiest smirk ever, his hair gently falls on his green as and I move it out of them so I can see them.
"well what time is it?" I ask because at this moment I really don't want to go home and know for a fact that the next time I see Cameron we will be fighting to the death. "its about 3:30ish and will you be my boyfriend? My other half my partner? My only love?" he says like a little boy asking his parent for permission to do something. "yes I love you too." I say happily and he lifts me from the bed and places me on top of his torso and we make out.

"but cameron I joined insurgi please tell me you aren't really the generals son?" I say hoping the world would go in my favor " what! Why would you join? Ughh and babe yes I am!" he says panicking "okay I have no idea what to do now!" I say sad because I found love that I have to abandon "well how about I join you ranks? You and your family start your own guild me and your family and there's about 200 peacekeepers willing too!" he says happy again "okay get dressed you are meeting my mother." I say scared for him



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.11.2011

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