
The Other World

The Introduction

The four friends: Roy, Ben, Jenny and Roger sneak in a time laboratory in Texas, USA at midnight. Roy accidentally presses a button and a huge time portal appears. The three are pulled in the portal and the reach The Other World. They find the place beautiful. But they got to fight the aliens. Will they win or lose?

Chapter 1:- The Plan of Sneaking

It was Monday morning which everyone hated. Guess why? Because they have school. Ben and Roy were brothers. Roger was their best friend. Ben's and Roy’s’ mom, Mrs. McAlistair, was preparing breakfast for the two brothers. She gave a shout, ‘Wake up you two. It’s already late.’
They both woke up and came out. ‘But it’s just 8.’Roy yawned.
‘What?’, shouted Ben, ‘It’s 8 dumbo! We have to leave for school by 8:15.”
Roy was pretty lazy while getting ready but Ben was getting ready as though their house was in fire.
Ben ate his breakfast in a hurry, so did Roy. They both now left for school hurriedly. They left the house at 8:30.
The reached the school and raced to the class. They had to get scoldings and they did. ‘Why is it that this is your third day at school when you are late?’ asked Mr. Johnson angrily.
‘Sorry sir,' they pretended to feel guilty, ‘this shall not happen again.’
Roy added, ‘If this happens again you could give us detention or even call our parents.’
Ben gave a look to Roy which maybe meant “what are you saying?”
Mr. Johnson replied, ‘OK you two. Take your seats.’
Their places were near Roger. Roy sat between Roger and Ben. Ben sat to the left of Roy and Roger sat to the right of Roy.
Ben whispered in the ear of Roy, ‘You have to meet me after your lunch in the park. Tell this even to Roger.’
Roger was told about this by Roy. Now it was the last period before lunch. And soon, the period was over. Ben, Roy and Roger ate their lunch in a great hurry.
First of all Roy went to the ground followed by Ben and Roger together. They tried to find a place where no one was there and they were successful.
Ben began, ‘Did you hear about a time laboratory last night on news? I had always wanted to sneak in one of those kinda places. Will you guys help me in my game o’ Sneak Peek?’
Roy and Roger gave Ben a spine chilling look. ‘Of course dude, Roy agreed, ‘we will help you in your game of “Sneak Peek”!’
Ben had a grin on his face and he said, ‘Thanks guys. Let’s play the game of Sneak Peek this Sunday. Alright guys?’
They both agreed.

Chapter 2:- A New Friend Joins the Gang

It was Thursday and all three of ‘em were at school. On Monday a friend of them had overheard their conversation. That girl decided not to say them about the overhearing. But today she wanted to take it out from her mouth to ‘em. After eating their lunch, the three boys were in the Grand Hall. The girl looked for them and she found them.
She went inside and called out for them. The three of them turned around to see the one who was calling them. They noticed the girl. Ben asked, ‘What’s it girl?’
‘I wanted to say that I had… erm… well overheard the conversation between you three on Monday.’
Their faces turned pale. They begged her that this shouldn’t be said to a soul.
‘OK, she began, ‘but on one condition. Even I will join you in this Sneak Peek.’
All the three agreed. Ben introduced himself, Roy and Roger. ‘What’s your name by the way?’ he asked.
‘Oh, sorry. My name is Jenny. My friends call me Jen. Well I guess that I’ve joined your group. Have I?’ asked Jenny with eagerness for the answer.
‘Oh, yes.’

Chapter 3:- The Final Planning
‘OK. Listen everybody. We have to communicate while we are sneakin’ the laboratory. I don’t have any idea what to use for the communication.’ said Ben.
‘Don’t worry brother,’ began Roy, ‘Don’t you remember we had 4-5 walkie-talkies and we used to play Detective and Thief using that?’
Ben said with a grin on his face, ‘Oh yeah! Thanks for the idea bro. So we go tomorrow at night. We shall tell our parents that we will be going for camping for 2-3 days.’
But in real they wanted to go only for that very night.
Jenny agreed, so did Roy and Roger.
‘OK. All the best for the parent-camping-thing.’
‘I’ll bring some food if you want it.’ said Jenny with excitement.
‘OK. Please do bring some food.’ said Ben.

Chapter 4:- Parents Not Pleased

It was Sunday morning and every one was pretty excited for the game o’ Sneak Peek. When the two brothers woke up, their mum came and said, ‘It’s not safe for you four to go without an adult with you. It can be dangerous there. Do you understand that?’
Their faces turned red with anger. The phone rang and before Ben reached to the phone to pick it up; his mum came and picked it up. ‘It’s for you Ben.’
‘Hello? May I know who this is?’
‘It’s Jen. My dad doesn’t agree that only we four kids should go without an adult.’
‘Same here Jen. My mum also didn’t agree we all going alone.’
‘So, what shall we do now??’
‘Maybe we have to plan something else.’
‘OK. Call you later.’
‘OK. B- Bye.’
Ben said this to Roy who was checking for mails in the laptop. He found a mail from Roger reading:
Hey there Roy. If you’re reading’ this or not, I cannot come as my parents will be going to visit my Grandparents and they will only return today at midnight. Sorry Roy and Ben. I really can’t help it.
‘Even Jenny cannot come coz her mum didn’t agree. Our plan failed.’
Then Ben called Roger and said, ‘Even we can’t go, so maybe next time.’
‘What about Jenny, Ben?’ Roger asked.
‘She also can’t come.’
‘OK. Maybe next time. See ya, Ben.’
‘See ya.’

Chapter 5:- Ben Comes Up With a New Plan

It was Monday when it was lunch break in their school. Roy and Ben ate their lunch and asked Roger to come to the Grand Hall after he had his lunch. And he agreed.
The two brothers went out to look for Jenny. They found her playing with her friends in the huge playground.
‘Jenny!,’ shouted Ben, ‘We have to continue our discussion and I have a plan.’
She came with them to the Grand Hall. After a minute or two, Roger also joined them.
‘I have great news friends.’
‘Stop that nonsense and come straight to the point dude.’ interrupted Roger.
‘OK fine dumbo, said Ben with a sly grin, ‘I have heard that the laboratory closes at 4 in the evening. We can leave our houses at 4 and we can reach there by 4:15 or a little late. Understand?’
‘That seems good news to me Ben.’ said Jenny.
Even Roger and Roy agreed. But it was still Monday. So, they had to wait till Sunday.

Chapter 6:- Finally Sunday

Now it was 3:45 in the evening on Sunday. Roy and Ben told their mum that they were going to play in the playground. They had hidden the walkie-talkies and torches and all that.
‘OK lads,’ she said with a smile on her face, ‘Be careful while playing and play fair.’
‘OK mom.’ said Roy.
Ben said, ‘We will return by 9 or 10 coz we are also going to have dinner at Roger’s house. He has invited all his friends. Can we go mom?’ this was the worst lie Ben had ever told.
‘How can you deny your friend? Course you can go.’
‘B-Bye mom.’ said the two of them.
They decided to go to Jenny’s house to call her. On the way they met Roger going to call Jenny.
‘Hey there, Roger. Ready?’ asked Roy.
‘Yeah. I’m very excited. Are you two ready?’ asked Roger with curiosity.
‘Course we are. What sort of question is that?’
‘OK. Sorry you two.’
They reached Jenny’s house and it was already 4! They knocked at her door and she opened the door.
‘Ready for the… adventure?’ asked Ben.
‘Yeah. Wait a minute. I’m coming.’
She came out with a pretty big bag full of food and water and things like that.
‘Let’s go.’ said Roger.
They all left and they reached the time laboratory. The security there was sleeping. It looked like he was in a real deep sleep.
‘I’m glad he’s asleep.’ said Jenny.
‘Yeah. Me too.’
They were now in front of the huge wooden gate of the time laboratory.
‘Let’s go.’ said Roy with total excitement.
Now they somehow opened the gate which was not locked. Ben gave Roy a look which meant: Are you ready for adventure?
Roy nodded. They went inside and saw a huge machine which they thought was a time machine.
‘Whoa!’ said Ben.
‘It is so cool.’ said Jenny with her face only staring the huge machine.
Roy leaned in front of a keyboard-like thing with his back facing it. Without realizing, he pressed a red button and a huge circle-like thing appeared. It was a time-portal.
‘W-What is that?’ asked Roger stammering a bit.
‘Looks like a time portal to me. Whoa!’ screamed Ben as all the four went inside it.

Chapter 7:- They Reach the Other World

Inside the portal the whole place was pinkish. Roy was unconscious. They felt as though they were traveling in an elevator.
‘Are you guys OK?’ shouted Ben.
‘Your brother is unconscious!’ replied Jenny.
‘Ahhhhh!’ screamed everyone and they reached some other planet. They could breathe in there! That was very strange.
‘What is this place?’ asked Jenny angrily.
‘Mom! Help me.’ yelled Roy at the top of his voice.
‘Mom can’t come here. And you know; it is all your fault. Do you understand?’ said Ben with anger.
Roy was now crying. What have I done, thought Roy. He was feeling very guilty.
‘Stop crying. Would you?’ said Ben.
Ben was very angry with Roy for doing such a thing.
Jenny turned back and said, ‘Look guys. This place is amazing!’
‘Let’s go check out this place. Would you come with us Ben and Roy?’ asked Roger with happiness on his face.
‘OK, fine. Let’s go explore. Come on Roy. Let’s go.’
‘OK.’ said Roy wiping up his tears with his handkerchief. He was now happy again.
It was still 4:40 in the real world.
They went further and further until they came up to a very strange place. It looked like a pool of grease. Yuck!
‘What’s this strange thing now?’ asked Jenny with curiosity on her face.
‘Look’s like a greasy pool to me!’ exclaimed Roger.
‘Yuck!’ said Jenny frowning.
The pool was the size of a swimming-pool! They had to cross it. They were all thinking and Ben came up with an idea.
‘See towards east. The pool ends there. We can go further from there. Come on guys. Hurry up!’ exclaimed Ben with a huge smile on his face.
‘Ben. Do you know something?’ asked Roy.
‘You are a… never thought I would say this… you are a real genius.’
‘Oh really?’ asked Ben playfully.
They crossed the big pool. Now everyone was hungry.
‘Would you like to do the honour of giving us food Jen?’ asked Roger hungrily.
‘OK. Fine. I’ll take it out for all of us. Let’s sit somewhere and eat.’
‘OK!’ exclaimed Ben, Roy and Roger together.
They had their food heartily and now they were filled.

Chapter 8:- They Now Know the Planet’s Name and Secrets

They were walking back in the direction from which they had come. On the way, Roy found out a piece of a paper.
‘Look. There is a paper over there. Why would there be a paper in this planet where we can’t see a soul?’ asked Roy as though he is a detective. A famous detective.
‘Good job, Roy.’ said Ben cheerfully.
They ran towards the piece of paper. Ben picked it up. It read:
This is the planet Jelilah. I am Ronald from Earth. I am a space explorer. Please save me. The aliens have captured me.
‘Looks like a SOS message to me.’ said Jenny.
‘We have to save this man. Wait… did he mention aliens in the letter?’ asked Ben with fear.
‘Yes. You read aliens.’ said Roger.
‘Do we have to fight aliens for saving the man?’ asked Jenny dreadfully.
‘Yes.’ said Ben.
‘OK. What shall we do now?’ asked Jenny.
‘Sorry guys. It is all my fault. It was my plan to bring you all here. Please forgive me.’ said Ben with a sad face.
‘Come on Ben. We all have to work as a team to get outta here. You with me?’ asked Roger.
Everyone agreed and the put their hands on Rogers and they lifted it in the air.

Chapter 9:- They Meet A New Friend

They were all very sad. It was 5:30 p.m in the real world. They wanted to return home.
‘Any plan, guys?’ asked Roy.
‘I don’t have any.’ replied Roger with anger clearly seen on his face.
‘Don’t… be… angry Roger’ said Ben with still more anger than of Roger’s.
‘OK. Cool down you two. We have to work in a team. Did you forget that?’ asked Jen with sadness on her face.
‘OK. Now what shall we do? Any ideas now?’ asked Ben.
‘No ideas but s-see t-t-there B-Ben. It is a a-alien.’ said Roy stammering.
‘What is it Roy?’ said Ben.
‘It is maybe an a-alien Ben.’
‘WHAT?’ said Ben shocked when he saw a green goblin-like thing.
All saw the alien and they were very scared seeing it.
‘W-W-Who are y-you? Answer us.’ asked Roger stammering.
‘Zim-zom lam pam?’ asked the alien.
‘What are you saying?’ asked Ben.
‘Oh so you speak English.’ said the alien.
‘Do you understand us?’ asked Ben shocked completely.
‘Yes. In our planet many of them know English. And every body calls me Zinging.
‘Would you hurt us?’ asked Roger.
‘NO!,’ yelled Zinging, ‘I am a kind alien. There are two categories: Kind and Evil and I am one of the kind aliens. Understand?’
‘OK. Let’s be friends.’ said Jenny.
‘OK!’ exclaimed Zinging.
‘Hurray. We got a new friend guys!’ exclaimed Roy.
Ben told the story to the alien about how they had come to this unknown planet.
‘Hmmm.. I see.’ said Zinging.
‘And we found this piece of paper.’ said Ben taking out the paper which they had found on the way from his pocket.
Zinging read it. ‘It is the evil aliens again. They always capture people usually scientists of the time travel laboratory. I think he’s one of ‘em. We had warned the evil ones not to do it again but I guess they didn’t understand us. And if you find this explorer who has been captured, he can help you go back to…’
‘Earth.’ completed Roger.
‘Yeah. Earth.’ said Zinging.
‘OK. So Zinging, your goal is to destroy the aliens and our goal is to find the space explorer.’ said Roy with a grin.
‘You are right.’ said Zinging.
‘Do you know that Zinging sounds like singing.’ whispered Roy to Ben’s ears giggling.
Even Ben giggled a bit.

Chapter 10:- The Alien Palace

‘OK. We’ll now go to our palace.’ said Zinging excitedly.
‘Really? Do you aliens have a palace?’ asked Jenny shocked.
‘Of course we do.’ said Zinging.
‘OK. So let us go to your Palace.’ said Ben excitedly.
‘Follow me guys.’ said Zinging wlking away.
All of them ran until they came up with Zinging. They walked and walked and walked. All of them felt like it will take ages to reach there. Finally they reached a beautiful place. It was like a castle.
‘Wow! I’ve never seen such a place before. It’s just beautiful.’ said Roger excited very much.
‘Let’s go in then.’ said Zinging.
They all walked to a huge door which was the entrance to the castle-like palace. There were two guards standing at either side of the huge wooden door.
One of them asked, ‘ZoinRinoiPine?’
Zinging replied, ‘AllionMeDorsaFuty.’
And now the two guards pushed open the huge door which led to the palace.
‘Let’s go friends.’ said Zinging.
‘OK.’ everyone agreed.
They went inside and the first thing they caught site on was the giant chandelier hanging high above the wall. It was very beautiful. Everyone except Roy bowed to the King as he was just staring at the beautiful chandelier. Ben was standing next to him and without lifting himself up he pushed Roy’s head such that it looked like he bowed.
‘WenortaPolige?’ asked the Goblin-Like-King.
‘They speak English your Majesty. And they are from Earth.’ said Zinging and explained the whole story about the four of them.
‘You are always welcome here.’ said the kind King kindly.
‘Thank you, your Majesty.’ Ben replied. Ben had heard Zinging saying “your Majesty”, so he said it just as Zinging had.
The king clapped his hands twice and dinner was served.
‘So you want to find the scientist, huh?’ asked the king to the four of them expecting one of them to answer.
‘Yes, your Majesty.’ said Ben politely.
‘Oh, stop calling me Majesty. Call me Jinos. I’m very young. My age is just 25. My father had passed away last year so I had to become the King of this planet.’ said Jinos.
‘What?,’ said Roy shocked, ‘You rule the planet? On Earth the King rules a particular country or Kingdom. But the Monarchial system has ended in our country. Now there are Prime Ministers or Presidents ruling a country.’
‘Oh, I see. This is a far smaller planet than Earth. So only one King rules the whole planet.’ said Jinos pretty interested in the talk.
‘Do you know where the scientist is?’ asked Jenny anxiously.
‘Yes. He is captured by the evil aliens of this planet. They always try to take over us and expand their territory. Take my best man, Zinging if you want to go their palace.’ said Jinos seeing at Zinging.
‘I agree.’ said Zinging.
‘You can also take our best soldiers there because we have to stop evilness in the planet.’ said Jinos.
‘OK your Ma-Jinos’ said Roy forgetting that he had to call him Jinos.
They left for the exciting and dangerous journey.

Chapter 11:- They Reach To The Evil

They reached a almost-similar palace to the one the had visited earlier.
‘Let’s find the scientist.’ said Roger.
‘First let us enter the palace, dumbo.’ interrupted Jenny giggling.
‘Yeah. Right.’ said Roger a bit angry because Jenny made him a kind of a small laughing stock.
They entered the castle and they saw ugly aliens more looking like goblin slaves.
‘These are the evil ones.’ whispered Zinging to Ben’s ears.
‘DenituRaholiDeriu. WenortaPoliga?’ asked the very-ugly King.
‘Would you speak English?’ asked Zinging to the King.
‘Oh. I see. These unknown people speak English. What are these fools doing here.’
‘We’re not fools. Do you understand you ugly-man?’ said Ben very furious with rage.
The king got angry when he was called “ugly-man”. ‘Put them in the dungeons,’said the King looking into their eyes, ‘and let this be your punishment unknown-creatures.’
‘Earthlings is a better, maybe the best name which can suit us. And we ain’t going to your dungeons.’ said Roy.
‘Yeah we ain’t going.’ agreed everybody.
‘But you have to.’ said the king looking towards his servants with a spine-chilling look.
The servants came forward and they tried to tie them with thick ropes. All of them struggled to get out of the grapple of the aliens. But they lost the mini-battle with them and they were put in the dungeons.
They saw a man sitting with his back in front of them.
‘Are you the one who had left a SOS letter, sir?’ asked Roy anxiously.
‘Who are you guys? I think you picked up the letter I had left while I had been picked up by the aliens.’ replied the man.
They introduced themselves to the man.
‘What’s your name sir?’ asked Jenny.
‘My names Danny.’ replied the man.
Danny got scared when he saw Zinging.
‘Don’t worry sir. He is from the good side.’ said Ben making Danny pleased enough.
They four of them explained their story to Danny.
‘What can we do, sir?’ asked Ben.
‘Whenever you enter a portal and enter a new world there is always a black-floppy thing from where you entered the planet. We have to jump back there and you will be on Earth.’ said Danny.
‘OK. But what about your promise to kill these evil aliens?’ asked Zinging.
‘We didn’t say that we won’t help you.’ said Roger.
Everyone laughed.
‘First of all we have to escape from here.’ said Ben.
‘Oh, don’t worry about that. I stole the key hanging around the aliens waist when he put me in here. The key is a bit slimy and strange.’ said Danny removing the key from his pocket.
‘Yeah it’s truly strange. And why didn’t you escape when you had already got the key?’ asked Jenny.
‘I feared escaping alone.’
‘Oh, I see,’ said Jenny, ‘Let’s start our journey then.’
Danny gave Ben the key. There was a strange-monster-face lock. Ben put the key in the keyhole and it fit perfectly in it. He turned it clockwise, twice. The lock opened and they were out.
‘I know that there is a weapon room to your right, Roy.’ said Zinging.
‘You sure?’ asked Ben.
‘You doubt me?’ said Zinging dramatically.
‘OK. Sorry.’ said Ben.
They went in the room of weapons. In the room there was nothing else except weapons. But they looked very strange.
‘Ben and Roy, you take the slime bombs.’ said Zinging.
‘Sounds disgusting.’ said Jenny with a frown.
‘And the rest take the poison arrows. And do wear a mask which is kept beside the arrows and bows. The arrows stink. Even I take the bows and arrows.’ said Zinging as fast as he could, but in a limit so that everyone could understand.
They were now ready with the weapons. They met two guards on the way and Roger attacked on them both.
‘Well done, Roger.’ said Ben.
‘Thanks.’ said Roger feeling proud of himself.
Now they went in the hall. Zinging whistled and the army broke into the palace. The hundred goblin-like aliens charged towards the minor soldiers.
Their main target was the King. They made their way through and they reached the King’s throne, but Zinging was still back and the King was not on his throne.
‘Look out!’ yelled Zinging as the King was behind Roy. He hit Roy with a hammer-like thing. Roy fell unconscious.
‘You… What did you do? You killed my brother!’ said Ben very angrily.
Ben threw the small slime bomb in the King’s mouth as he was laughing with his mouth wide open. Ben thought that it would poison him and he would die but no, he didn’t.
‘What did you think little boy, this will poison me? This doesn’t effect my body.
I’m harmless.’ said the King laughing still louder.
‘That is harmless, then this will effect you very much.’ said Roger as he shot a stinking poison arrow to King’s back.
The King screamed in pain and he fell.
Everybody praised Roger again and they shouted very happily.

Chapter 12:- All Reach Home.

Then they all went out of the palace followed by the army.
‘We have to search the black cloud now.’ said Danny.
It was just 9 p.m in the real world.
They finally found a black cloud.
‘Who would like to go first?’ asked Danny.
‘Me.’ said Ben carrying Roy in his arms. He jumped into the black cloud. And-lo. He reached safely to the laboratory followed by the others. Danny came last, but, before he came the security guard came in and asked, ‘How dare you get inside?’
‘Sorry, sir.’ said Jenny.
Then Danny came and heard the guard screaming at the four of them.
‘Don’t scream George. They helped me get out of the alien planet named Jelilah.’ said Danny.
‘Sorry, sir.’ said the guard.
‘It’s OK.’
‘Let’s get to our houses now.’ said Roger.
All went to their houses bidding each other a goodbye. When Ben reached home, just in the nick of time Roy was conscious and he jumped out of Ben’s hands. Before entering the house Ben told Roy what had happen. Then Roy acted as if he was not at all unconscious. Roy rang the bell and Mrs. McAlistair opened the door.
‘Aren’t you two too early?’ asked their mom.
‘Mrs.Silk had prepared the food early so we came early.’ explained Ben.
They both knew they wouldn’t get food as Mrs. McAlistair thought that they had their food already, but they were glad that the reached back home.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.03.2013

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