


© Désirée Ntolo



The academic year 1973-1974 had come. And like all the other students I was back in Yaounde, the Capital of Cameroon, for the new school year. I lived with my maternal uncle and it was not a very easy or pleasant life. And after a very upsetting and depressing first Trimester, I could not wait for the Christmas holidays to come, so that I might go back home to my grand-mother.
And that December, after my end of term exams on the eleventh, I went back home early to my village. On the twelfth, I packed my trunk early in the morning and left. People were quite surprised to see me when I arrived later that afternoon, for all expected their children to arrive by the twentieth at the earliest.
To all enquiries I replied that I had just wanted to get out of the city. My grandmother was of course very happy to see me, but she too was quite surprised to see me arriving so early, and she set about trying to find out the reason. She was convinced that there was something seriously wrong with me.
But I finally convinced her that there was nothing to worry about. But she had brought me up and she knew me better than most people, and sometimes better than I even knew myself. And was there something wrong! I was four months pregnant.
At eleven o’clock in the evening, I stepped outside to enjoy the beautiful sound of silence, as I could only feel it in my village where cars rarely passed, and most people went to bed at eight o’clock in the evening.
The moon was on its second quarter; soon it would be full. And standing there, I thought about my ‘Friends In The Sky’, those who had been there nearly all my life, appearing in their silent, rounded, light-filled ‘flying things’ most of the times at nights, sometimes during the day, when I was alone at the farms.
I remembered a few years back, when they had made an exception and had appeared while I was with my grandmother. And for once I had been determined to ensure that someone else saw them with me. So I had called her and pointed at the silver-coloured object, and I had told her that I had seen such objects a lot of times.
Amazingly she had not appeared as surprised as I had thought she would be. Instead, she looked at it for a while, shading her eyes against the glare of the sun with one hand, the other one placed on her hip, and she had quietly nodded. Then she had muttered:
‘Yes, I know. I remember there were one just like that in the sky, behind our house the day before you were born, then right above our house the day you were born; and for five more days after your birth. We saw it, Solomon and I’… And this evening, I virtually felt a kind of urge to see them. I had the feeling of something missing somewhere in me.
I took the antelope skin that had been in the family for generations, lay it in the courtyard and installed myself on it. I lay on my back and scanned the skies, trying to identify the different star groups as my grandfather used to show me when I was little.
Dear, dear Grandfather Solomon, he had died of cancer and in great pain in 1968. Things had so suddenly changed for me, soon after his death. Finished my spoilt and pampered life style…
And I had been suddenly thrown into the stark reality of hatred, jealousies, calumnies and criticism, without forgetting hunger. And the humiliation of a near-slavish but nevertheless necessary obligation to live with people who did not want me to be with them. I missed him so much…
After twenty minutes of uselessly gazing at the skies, I reasoned that my ‘friends’ in the flying object had also abandoned me. Now that I was older, they had tired of showing up. I wondered who they were, though I was convinced that they could only be those famous ‘Elyonin’ whom my grandfather had told me about so many times in my childhood. Without noticing it, I realized that I had been crying as I thought about him.
As I finally decided to go to bed somewhat disappointed, I looked one last time at the stars, and suddenly one of them began to move very slowly towards the West, growing bigger and bigger as it moved. I immediately realized that this was no star, for it came closer and stopped about a kilometer and half in the sky above me and switched on a rainbow of lights.
My heart began to beat very rapidly, and I stood up, overjoyed, staring at the beautiful object in delight; and suddenly all my sadness left me. They had come! My friends were there! They had not forgotten me!
For fifteen minutes I looked, marveling at the stunning object. There had never been any doubt in my mind that there were living beings inside those objects. For though they never made a sound, they always switched lights on and off, changing their colours of the lights, and always flying away after a while.
Our village is very far from the departmental city, and the objects could never be mistaken for airplanes, even though we sometimes saw airplanes passing very high up in the distance. Airplanes made a lot of noise and they were very recognizable by their shapes. And they passed once every week.
My ‘flying objects’ on the contrary were very different, very unusual, and quite round-shaped; like upside-down bowls. They always had lights flashing on the tops and bottoms of them. And unlike the planes, they were never afraid to come closer to the village, and they could fly straight up when they went away, not horizontally like the airplanes.
After fifteen minutes the object’s lights changed, becoming brighter, and it shot straight up, disappearing within seconds in the heavens.
I waited a little while, hoping that they would come back, and then as I saw nothing but the myriad of twinkling stars, I finally picked up the antelope skin and went back indoors. I went to bed many thoughts swirling in my mind, each fighting to come to the forefront… And I fell asleep.
Morning broke, and I went into the kitchen as usual for the traditional breakfast. And of course my grandmother tried to question me again, determined to know the secret that she was sure I was hiding. But I gave nothing away, and after a while she finally gave up questioning me.
After breakfast we got ready to go the farm. This was the time for weeding the groundnuts. I loved those moments with my grandmother. It was always a pleasure for me to tread the same weedy trails, meeting people on the way and stopping every time for a little chat before continuing. We knew all of them and everyone knew us too. We only had to hear a voice to know whose villager it belonged to.
I knew that forest like the inside of my own pockets. I knew every tree, every turning, every field and cocoa plantation and I knew exactly to whom each belonged... This was my domain where I most loved to be…
We arrived at the groundnut farm. And as usual we downed our baskets and tools to give God yet another “thank You for having led us safely to the farm, and for the protection You will give us all the rest of the day, till You return us home in safety later in the evening. Amen”
I did not mind a single bit. I loved my grandmother dearly and I loved her pure heart; and I never got tired of hearing her pray. The prayer finished, we set to work weeding the groundnuts…
Later that afternoon at fifteen and a half hours as she usually did, my grandmother left me alone to go to another one of our farms’ to collect all the vegetables she needed for dinner that night. But not before having ordered me to continue working, and lecturing me about my laziness and reluctance of course.
All our actions at the farms had developed into a form of ritual that had never varied over the years:
We arrived at the farm and we prayed, then we worked. We posed for half an hour at midday to eat and drink. Then back to work, until half past three, when my grandmother would leave me alone to disappear for an hour and return with a large basket full of different vegetables… We never did things differently…
As soon as she turned her back to go, I put down my hoe and sat myself down under a cassava shrub to dream or sing…
One thing that I loved to do when I had the time was to explore the endless ‘cyberspace of my mind’ as I called it. In there took place many adventures in which I was both the heroine and the villain, the queen and the slave, the bully and the victim, the evil witch and the good fairy, the good doer and the evil one, the ruler and the subject, the princess and the maid. But always I ended up the winner, for in the beautiful and wonderful world of my mind, I controlled my destiny to suit me, and there never was any real harm or defeat, not only for me and those I loved but to my enemies as well…
And When I did not dream, I sang. I had this repertoire of hundreds of songs that I sang over and over again to myself. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of solitude that I could get.
Chewing on a sugar cane I turned on my side, leant on one elbow and began to think about my Grammar School friend Philomene. Then throwing back my head to swallow the sweet juices, I saw one of the silver-coloured and shining flying things, so close that I choked on the sugar juice in surprise. I coughed violently, my eyes watering, trying to get the juice out of my windpipe, while looking up at the silver object.
When I finally stopped coughing I stood up and for the first time looked properly at it. And I realized that it did not really look like a turned down bowl. It was more like a bell, flat but just a little bit rounded at the bottom. It was so close that I could clearly see the gold-coloured sign that was painted on the bottom and the side of it. It looked like a Star of David.
It came even closer and I could hear a very low humming sound coming from it. It had a flashing white light on its top, and a red one at its bottom. The bottom light was placed right in the middle of the large golden Star of David painted on it.
As it came closer, I sat back, leaning on both my elbows, and a little frightened. Then suddenly something opened on the side of the otherwise windowless ‘silver bell’. It was a window, for I could see shadows moving behind it. It was dark inside with just a bit of light.
I thought to myself that whoever was inside had dimmed the lights because they did not want me to see them. As I looked, a very thin white light, like a laser shot out of it and down toward me. Well I thought it was toward me, because I instinctively turned my eyes away and protected my head with my raised arm and bent elbow…


“Get up, Puree!” Shouted my grandmother’s angry voice. “From whom did you inherit that laziness? I left you a bit of weeds to clear away and I still find them here! What have you been doing while I was gone, heh? And what will people think? What will they say in the future, heh? That I did not teach you how to work with your hands? You listen to me Young Lady, I don’t want anyone going and insulting me wherever you shall go to be married. I don’t ever want to hear any of that “your rotten mother” name-calling!”
Her voice had startled me, I opened my eyes and I realized that I was lying on my side curled up in a foetal position. And my grandmother was standing above me, a very angry expression on her face.
I got on my feet, feeling dizzy, nauseous and disorientated. I felt a bit strange. I did not feel like I had slept; I felt rather lost. “Well?” She said. “Come on; let’s go home, it is late!”

We set off for the village, with me walking ahead, not having said anything. What could I say anyway? I realized that a whole hour had passed from the moment I had first seen the flying vessel until my grandmother had come and shouted at me.
As she walked behind me, she suddenly asked me: “did you cut yourself?” I replied that I did not. And she said: “Well there is something like a bloodstain on the back of your dress”. And she even touched the stain, which was on my lower back.
I did not pay too much attention to that and said nothing… There had been so many times in the past, when I had found bloodstains on my clothes without having been wounded.
I remained quiet all evening, barely eating and not singing or joining in any conversations. My grandmother became worried and asked me if I was ill. I replied that I just felt very tired and wanted to sleep early. And I went to bed at seven that evening.
I said my ‘Bedtime Prayer’ and prepared for sleep, installing myself very comfortably on my back. I was restless, turning this way and that, even though I felt quite sleepy. Finally I realized that I felt a slight pain in my lower back every time I lay on it. Once I understood this I lay on my stomach and immediately began to fall asleep.
Then I felt some sort of click behind my right temple, as if someone had pressed a button, or a light switch or something like that. And then I listened amazed, at this speech:
“Greetings, you must now be lying down, ready to rest as you hear this message. As you must have guessed, we are the ‘people from the sky’, those who pilot the space vessels that you have been seeing since you were little. We have been waiting for you to get older before we could communicate with you. We are ‘Elyonin’. We are those about whom your grandfather spoke to you, and we have been watching you since and even before you were born. Now it is necessary for us to tell you why we have been regularly showing ourselves to you and to no other children of your age in your home village.”
“Tomorrow, do not go together with the older lady. Go instead to the cocoa plantation where you usually go and we shall meet you there at eleven o’clock in the morning, Earth time. Do not worry, we shall help you, there should be no problem.” And the voice stopped.
This was quite a weird speech to say the least. Of course I had become wide-awake and had sat upright as soon as I heard the first word. The voice had a metallic sound, as if the speaker were using a microphone.
I sat, looking slowly around my bedroom after raising the wick of my lamp, wondering whether my ‘young uncle’ Joseph were not hiding in my room and playing one of his practical jokes on me. But the voice that I had heard was a strange one and had spoken in French, while if it had been Joseph, surely he would have spoken ‘Ewondo’ our mother tongue. And furthermore the voice had not sounded like his, at all.
And to make sure, I decided to see if I would hear the same speech again. So I lay down again and concentrated strongly, calmed myself down and began breathing rhythmically. Then I did it again. I sort of stopped breathing for a second, brought my teeth together and just switched the ‘click’ on again. I did not know how I knew how to do it, but I just naturally and easily went through the process; which had not taken more than ten seconds from the moment I had begun to concentrate. And sure enough the voice came back:
“Greetings, you must now be lying down, ready to rest as you hear this message…” And the whole message was repeated word for word as I had heard it the first time…
Then I realized that somehow, that speech had been recorded in my brain; and that I could run and rerun it in my mind as often as I wanted to. I listened to it several times until I was finally overcome by sleep.


The following day, it was soon time to go to the farms. My grandmother wanted to know whether I would go with her, but I declined, telling her that I would rather rest a little more; then later on I would go to our cocoa plantation, and pick some of the pineapples that we grew there in remarkable quantity. It had virtually become a ritual for me to go to that cocoa plantation as soon as I came from the city.
I loved to be alone and meditate, and that plantation was my favourite place. I would go there, pick some cocoas from the trees, break them open, lie on my back, and suck the sweet juices from the white cool beans.
My grandmother who had always indulged me and let me do whatever I wanted to do, made no objections. She was used to seeing me go off in the forests by myself for long periods of times, and coming back when I wanted to.
And this morning, she instinctively knew that I wanted to be by myself. I waited for her to leave, to be absolutely sure that she would not follow me, and then after she had gone for a whole half hour, I set off for the cocoa plantation.
It was just a short distance from our village; it took some ten to fifteen minutes’ walk to get there. Unlike the farm where my grandmother had to go to; it was two kilometers away and she had to cross a river and a swamp to get there…


At last I headed toward the cocoa plantation, walking halfway through the village and at last turning behind the property of an old man called Michel Ovanda, where the trail to our plantation was. From Michel’s property’ it is just five minutes’ walk to where I was going; and I soon left the trail and walked into our plantation. Many questions were swirling in my mind. I had been seeing those silvery flying things in the sky for as long as I could remember, to the point where they no longer were a novelty to me as such, but I had always wondered what the people who piloted them looked like. And now I could not help shaking with anticipation and excitement.
Doubt swept my mind as I stood in the plantation, not knowing exactly where to go or what to do. Did I dreamt that message that I had listened to over an over again the night before? I decided that I did not; it would have been too incredible. ‘Now would this ‘silver thing’ be waiting, if indeed it were going to meet me? I asked myself aloud.
At that moment I strongly felt that I should go toward a fairly large clearing at the edge of the plantation, where no cocoa trees had been planted. My mind went back to a few short years before, when my grandfather and I had solemnly buried one of our ‘creations’, a ‘golem’ called Kima, in that very same clearing.
I arrived at the clearing and stood there, feeling uneasy and also feeling remorseful that I had refused to go and help my grandmother at the other farm for no good reason.
Suddenly I became aware of a distinct change in the immediate area of the forest surrounding me, and I was again covered in goose pimples. For I realized that for about five minutes, the birds had stopped singing, the crickets were quiet, no birds had flown overhead and all the other insects had gone quiet.
I slowly began to retreat under the cover of the cocoa trees, and immediately I heard the low humming sound that I guessed could only come from ‘them’. I finally looked up, and evidently there it was, now looking enormous as it was just about twenty meters above the ground. But it was really about seven meters in diameter. A red light flashed at its bottom, and on top of it there was a white light also flashing.
The lights were so strong that even though the sun was shining, I could see the flashes reflected strongly on the trunks and branches of trees. It was similar to the one I had seen the day before, and it also bore the same Star and Triangles logo.
It came still closer and descended until it was about three meters above the ground. There seemed to be no door, either at the bottom or on the side facing me; the surface was perfectly smooth and uniform.
I stood absolutely still, holding my breath and not even daring to blink; keeping my mind absolutely blank of any thoughts. I suppose that I that moment I would have been incapable of thinking if I had tried to.
The low humming sound was reduced to what seemed to be its lowest level; then what seemed to be the outline of a door appeared on the smooth silver-coloured side of the flying object facing me. The outline of the door was under the form of a white light.
And I had guessed correctly, for the door opened and two beings appeared at the opening. One was Brown-skinned, the other was White. Both of them were very tall, taller than any tallest human being I had ever seen. Both had long, shoulder length hair and both looked perfectly human. The Brown-skinned one’s hair was black, the other’s was blond. And both wore brilliantly white long robes with long and ample wrist–length sleeves and no hoods.
As the door had been opening I had been slowly retreating even further under the trees, and when I saw the beings I gave way to terror and was about to scream or run away when the two beings crossed their arms on their chests in the Essene way. The Brown one then raised both his hands, his fingers straight up in a typically Cameroonian calming gesture, and softly said in French, looking in my eyes:
“Do not be afraid, DÉSIRÉE”.
This had an immediate effect on me. I suddenly came to my senses and slowly walked back toward the clearing. How did they know my name? Who taught them how to greet people in the Essene way?
The Brown being who, in human terms would be known as being Black, had kept his hands in the air all this time; and there was something vaguely familiar about him. I had the feeling that I had already met him somewhere.
When I came to where I had been standing before, they moved back inside the silver vessel. Then a sort of ladder was lowered noiselessly down to two decimeters from the floor and I was invited by a voice from the inside to climb up. But I remained on the same spot, making no attempt to move.
After the invitation had been repeated three times and I had not responded, the ladder was withdrawn just as noiselessly as it had been lowered. Then a white light that was exactly the breadth of the door shot out from the machine and stopped at my feet. And I felt myself rising up in the air. When I came to the same level with the door the light withdrew, pulling me along with it and depositing me within the vessel but close to the door. The movement of the light had been very slow, and I guessed that the slowness had been deliberate.
The two beings were standing about two meters from me, with friendly expressions in their physiognomies. I turned round to see that the door had silently been closed behind me. Again the White one put his arms across his chest the right arm first and the left on top bowed lightly to me and said: “Peace be with you”.
I automatically returned the greeting by bowing and crossing my arms in the same way.
I looked around and saw that I was standing in a circular room of about two and a half meters in diameter, illuminated by a soft white natural light that seemed to issue from the walls, the floor and the ceiling of the room.
Three quarters of the sides of the walls were covered from waist-level up to head-level in hieroglyphic-like markings, illuminated buttons and small flickering lights. The front was a huge blank screen. Two beings that I had at first thought to be children sat on two chairs facing the flickering lights.
As I came in, they promptly stood up, turned toward me, bowed and smiled; giving me the same Essene greeting. I bowed as I stared in amazement, for those were not children at all. They both were very short, about 1.10 meters tall with long black hair and black pointed beards.
They looked like Chinese men but when I looked closely, they had a greenish tint to their skin. In fact, if I could even say so, they did not look Human, more like Humanoid.
Unlike the first two who had first appeared at the door of the vessel, these wore a grey flying uniform that seemed to be made of one piece of material that also comprised even the boots they were wearing. I say this because I did not see any visible zips or buttons on the uniforms.
On their heads they wore very transparent shields that were nearly invisible, but these where noticeable because they contrasted with the grey colour of the uniform. On their backs, there were two oblong bulges to which the shields were connected by slim tubes visibly delineated against the back of their necks; the oblong bulges were the same colour as their uniforms. On the front of the uniforms and at the wrists, was imprinted the same Star and triangle logo I saw on the flying vessel.
These two little people looked quite similar, like brothers, but I could see some differences in their physiognomies that showed, even though they were of the same race, they were not biological brothers. The two beings sat down again and turned their attention to the flickering lights.
“If you would care to follow us”, said the White one of the two tall beings. They both turned and headed toward the side of the round wall that had just one light at ceiling level.
After one last frowning look at the two aliens, I turned round and followed them, and an entrance opened up as part of the wall slid away. And we got into another area of the vessel through a curving corridor into another room, where three other beings dressed in similar long white robes, waited.
This room was different from the first one that I had guessed could only have been the cockpit, or the bridge of the flying vessel. Though also lit by the same natural light here, it did not have too many of those little lights that I had seen, and there were not too many Hieroglyphics like in the in the previous room, but there were still some here and there.
On one side, quite integrated to the wall, but protruding a little, there was something that resembled a plasma television screen.
Under it, was an array of evenly spaced multicolored dots; about two hundred in total. The floor of this room, just like the ‘cockpit’, was made of, or covered in a sparkling light metallic-blue alloy.
The beings who were in the room automatically also stood up when we entered. As I stood behind my companions, slightly hidden by their robes, these parted and revealed me to their sight. And they too immediately bowed to me in the Essene manner, smiling with bonhomie. I timidly returned the greeting and waited, staring at them curiously.
They too inspected me from head to toe, from the two red bows tied in my hair separated in two large buns, to my red polka-dot dress with short puffed sleeves, to my transparent plastic sandals and white socks.
But soon they checked themselves after looking at my two companions who seemed to me to be their superiors in rank.
These others were two males and one female. But while one of the males was perfectly Human-looking, the other one and the female, though human-like, their faces contrasted with those of the others; for they were very wide on top; but rather sharp at the chins. These faces were, if I may say, triangular; but still quite striking, and attractive to me. Their eyes were of a soft greenish yellow colour.
The lady had very long hair that hung down her back. She was very slim and was not as tall as the others, but still about six feet tall, so very high for a female to me. She and the male who resembled her wore on their backs over their robes, the same respiratory apparatus that the ‘pilots’ in the cockpit wore. As I looked at their necks I saw that they wore the same space suits as the ‘pilots’, under the robes. My companions followed my rapid inspection of their colleagues with amusement, then they invited me sit down.
There were chairs that seemed to be built into the floor of the vessel. I could even go as far as saying that they were one with the floor, simply chair-shaped protruding excrescences that were part of the floor. The chairs were placed around a table that was also built into the floor like the chairs. And there was still enough room left between the furniture and the wall of the vessel. Bur for what I could see, nothing stood loose or separated from the floor or walls of the vessel.
As is always my habit, I inspected the room, imprinting everything in my memory before slowly sitting down. I was the last one to do so. My companions were extremely patients, not seeming to be in a hurry to engage into serious conversation, quietly observing me and waiting for me to be ready to listen to them.
When I stopped looking around, the Brown one, who was sitting next to me on my right, touched a gold-coloured dot on the right ‘arm’ of my chair, as all of them did the same on their respective sits. And simultaneously golden lights surrounded us at waist length like sit belts and from behind the shoulders to the waist. And indeed they acted as such, for the man told me:
‘As you must have guessed, we came to talk to you, but we shall not remain here today. So we are going to take you to an isolated place where we may be at peace and undisturbed.’
As he spoke, I noticed that his companion was muttering a few words in an unknown language. Immediately the sides of the vessel became transparent, and I saw the plantation simply disappear as the vessel rocked slightly, stilted sideways, smoothly shot straight up into the sky and immobilized itself high up after about one minute. As it stopped, the transparency of the walls ceased. Then just as smoothly it shot horizontally in another direction, seemingly dropping in altitude as it did so and immobilized itself again on what I guessed (as the walls became transparent again) was the highest peak of a mountain, since I saw lower peaks and further far down, trees. The peak was covered in slight fog.
Since we had left the cocoa plantation, I had been staring at the ‘television screen where two lines with three dots had appeared.


The ‘White’ one of the two beings that had welcomed me at the door had been watching me all the time with a twinkle in his eyes; then he said: ‘We have arrived’. Then he touched the spot on the arm of his chair that released the ‘seat belt’, as did all the others. My ‘seat belt’ was released by the ‘Brown’ person on my right.
‘Where are we?’ I asked. ‘Mount Cameroon’ he replied, ‘the highest peak’.
‘But how?’ I exclaimed, still staring at the television screen. He smiled: ‘You are wondering if that is the trajectory we followed to come here, and how we managed to get here so soon’, he said pointing at the screen.
‘Well, yes... How did you know what I was thinking?’ I asked. He smiled: ‘you yourself sometimes guess, or should I say know what other people are thinking, don’t you?’ ‘’ I replied slowly.
‘Well that ability is latent in all humanoid beings and it is very highly developed in us. We call it telepathy, and we helped you to use it.’
Suddenly I doubted him and I thought: ‘Yeah, right. Telepathy my eye! You were looking at me while I looked at the screen. It does not take a genius to guess what I was thinking about.’ Then I looked at him, virtually daring him mentally to guess what I had just thought. But he just smiled, looking at me and shaking his head. His eyes seemed to probe deep down to my very soul. Suddenly, I felt ashamed at thinking that way.
So I hid it by saying: ‘But how? When did you exactly help me? I do not understand.’
‘That is why we came to Earth to see you. We have many things to tell you, many things to explain. And as for the way we travel, that is the proper way. Your people on Earth are doing it the wrong way, which is a shame. Er, by the way I mean the way their airplanes are powered. For with the nuclear energy now at earth’s disposal, they should be able to travel at ten or twenty times at least the speed of their supersonic vessels, if only they knew how. I suppose that is sufficient for them for now. But they could do a lot better if only they would look into other methods. But for now we shall tell you who we are and why we are here...’
‘Well, I truly cannot comment on that. I don’t know anything about planes, only that if I pay the right amount of money I can travel in them’, I could not help saying stupidly. Then I continued: ‘my grandfather used to tell me about some ‘Brothers from the Stars’ who shall come and visit me one day, and who shall continue to teach me the Mysteries as he used to teach me, and even more things. He used to call them ‘ELYONIN’. Are you those people?’
‘Yes we are’ he replied patiently and smiling.
‘Where do you come from? Which Planet? Which Galaxy? Are you from this Universe? Do you have names? And why do you two look so human if you are aliens as you say?’
His companions smiled discreetly. When I think about it now, I cannot help cringing at my rudeness at the time. But they understood that at sixteen I was still nearly a child, and that I could not help being curious. No doubt they were reflecting that at that rate they were never going to be able at all to tell me what they had come to tell me. But those smiles actually made me understand that I should talk less and listen more...

He began:
‘We come from this Universe, but from a Planet in a Galaxy many light years away from this one. It is very, very far away. In fact Earth people do not know the name of our Galaxy and judging from what they know so far, they do not even know of the existence of our planets or our Galaxy’.
‘You see, all the people present on this vessel today, myself included, are from different places. We do not all come from the same Planet. Yes I am not from Earth’ (he said this quickly as he saw me about to interrupt him) neither is my companion here, (he added, pointing at the one who had welcomed me at the door with him). But he and I are from the same Planet. We are representatives of different Solar Systems in different Galaxies. We are part of one of the Interstellar Alliances of galaxies and Planets that comprise many planets of this Universe’. There are many such Alliances in this part of space, and there are many other Universes of which Earth people do not wish to acknowledge the existence’.

‘You see, space is infinite, and this Universe is actually the smallest there is among those that we have been able to map in this part of space. There are others even larger. And we can tell you that we have even been able to leave this our Universe, and to travel to the one nearest to ours. And not only that, we have already made contact with a civilized species there’.
Our wish is to awaken the whole of Planet Earth into acknowledging our existence, and to bring it to openly become part of the Interstellar alliance of which our respective Planets are part. Earth is one of the particularly similar and inhabited Planets in this Galaxy that are isolated in such a way’.
In order to do this, we contact individuals from all Continents of Earth to whom we give different tasks. And those individuals are advised to gather groups of people whom they then instruct of our existence, messages and teachings’.
‘All our attempts at persuading heads of States of Earth to acknowledge us and to inform their subjects of our existence have resulted in their refusing to help, and then covering up all information they had received. So in contacting individuals this way and appearing visibly with our vessels from time to time, we hope to reach as many humans as possible, to the point where people in power will have no choice but to sit up and take notice.’
‘And even when they refuse to notice; at least Humanity will know about us through the groups formed by the individuals we contact. We have been doing this work for a long time now’.
‘But we have many enemies from other different galactic groups who have been opposing and fighting us for even a longer time, long before Adam’s creation. And amongst them a group of Renegades who would stop at nothing to sabotage our work and see us fail’.
‘Those Renegades are a group who split from the original Alliance that we formed, and who subsequently fought against us and opposed us when our latest work on this planet began. They gave us much trouble, several times; forcing us into destroying the work we had already done, and sabotaging any more work we did. They have never ceased doing so, to this day’.
They have already begun contacting human individuals just like we are doing now, giving misleading stories to them about us in order to discredit us, and sowing doubt in people’s minds. With the aim of usurping our position, and to contact Humanity themselves, in order to form an alliance with them and incite them into opposing us and fighting us when time comes’.
‘If that fight happens, the results would be very damaging for Humanity, as it has already happened twice in the past. For those Renegades have nothing to do with the existence of Man on Earth. And they hate Earth people as much as they hate us’.
‘We had thought until now that we could successfully stop them from entering Earth’s atmosphere and contacting Human people, but unfortunately they have managed to slip through and to make their own contacts’.
In the past ten years we have tried to calm our Contactees on Earth by telling them that none but good Interstellar Aliens do reach this Planet. But our enemies have discredited us by deliberately contacting people with no useful purposes; sometimes even kidnapping people and experimenting on them, and terrifying and mutilating animals. All this with the aim of sowing terror in the minds of the major part of Earth people’.
So now we have no other choice but to acknowledge their presence, and to alarm Earth people to the existence and activities of their Contactees, so that they may distinguish these from our own messengers. So yes, we have our groups on Earth and they have theirs’.
‘Earth is undergoing very major changes now, which changes are going to affect every Human Being, whether they accept our presence and believe us or not. And it is our duty to prepare and awaken Earth’s Humanity for those changes. By changes, we mean with the rapid progress in Earth’s technology; changes are happening in the way people used to see and conceive things; in the way of their beliefs’.
‘But something that we had always hoped would never happen is taking place today in France; that is why we came to talk to you today. We had always hoped we would never have to come to you, but now we have no choice’.
“But what use could I possibly be to you? I am just a girl and a student ... I mean I am nobody ... How can I help you? I do not understand...” I interrupted him, completely astonished. In fact I had been staring at him with my mouth widely open and frowning. ‘We are coming to that’ he replied patiently.
‘The work you have to do for us is two-fold. Your first duty is to write a book about our meetings and everything that we are going to tell you today and in the days that come, without leaving anything out. Then you will continue with the work you began with your Grandfather. You will teach others what he taught you. We in turn will add to what he taught you and teach you more, and then you will do what he told you to do before he died’.
This time I began to interrupt him again, then changed my mind and stared at him with my mouth still slightly opened, now truly amazed.
‘You see, your Grandfather prepared you for this work, as we instructed him to. Already we are impressed by the way you have behaved yourself. Sometimes people that we contact are so frightened and disturbed at meeting us that we have to abort the missions and never contact them again. And that can set us back dozens of years before we contact someone else’.
‘Others cannot support direct contact like the one we are having now, and even though they end up being good messengers, we can only work with them in ethereal form and through ‘channeling’. Unfortunately they end up confusing us with ‘gods and angels, and we do not want that to happen this time. We insist that difference to us and Angels be made obvious. You understand what channeling is, do you not?’
‘Yes I do’ I replied, nodding at the same time.
‘You see, you are not afraid of us, and that is thanks to your Grandfather’s conditioning. He prepared you from since you were very little for this meeting. So our visit to you did not come as a complete surprise’.
‘Not at all, in fact I have the habitude of talking to you mentally and to wish to see you in the sky,’ I said enthusiastically.
‘Yes, we know, and you have seen our vessels several times too’. He said quietly. ‘And every time you talk to us we know. Telepathy; that is what your Grandfather taught you to do. There is no limit to how far you can transmit your thoughts, if you train yourself well, and or when contact has once been established’.
‘I know. Papa told me that.’ I said. (That is how we all used to call my Grandfather).
‘Yes, he knew what he was talking about. Your Grandfather was among the few enlightened ‘Masters’ of this century to have existed in Africa. I had the joy of meeting him several times, just like we met you today. And we also helped him to understand many things that he would never otherwise have understood by himself.’
‘Because he had first learnt the Traditions only as the ancient Hebrews had them. But our teachings helped him to understand the Essene teachings better. For the Essenes, unlike their Pharisee counterparts were very much ahead of their time. They knew about us, and some of their Leaders met us throughout the ages, including the late Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth’.
‘Now coming back to you to answer your question, we contacted you to offer you to do this work because you chose to do it yourself. We are here simply to remind you of what you have to do’.
‘Me? How? And when did I do that?’ I exclaimed unbelievingly.
‘Before you were born’ he replied with a twinkle in his eyes again ... ‘Later ... Later ... Later,’ he said, raising his hand to stop the flow of question that I was about to fire at him.
‘Momentarily, we shall go and record in your brain the things you want you to write in a book, so that until you actually write them down and hopefully after, you will not forget them’.
‘We did not ask you to bring something to take down our message; that would have taken a much longer time. So we thought it better to record it directly in your brain, as that would make it easier for you to transcribe it without too many errors. When we have finished we shall take you back before your Old mother comes back from the farm. When we record the message, we shall put you to sleep and when you awake, you will find yourself in the cocoa plantation. From there you shall make your own way home. So, just sit back and relax’.
‘My Grandmother’, I interjected firmly.
‘Yes, very well then. Your Grand-mother… As I said, today a man is being contacted in France by non-Human aliens, also from a planet of this Universe, who have been our enemies for many thousands of your Earth years. Their meeting with that man has for aim, the usurpation and sabotage of a monumental work that we began here on earth, and that we are now beginning to see bear some of the fruit that we expected, and have waited so long to see it bear’.
‘As we know those enemies of ours are going to give a lot of misleading information to that young man, we too are here to give you, and through you to Earth people, our side of the story. You shall write a book about our meetings and have it published and distributed in all the countries where that man will sell his book’.
‘Then you shall also establish centers in countries where he will establish his, or at least have representatives there. And they will be able to make your book known and our message available to his followers. In those centers you will also teach and train your followers as we have said.’
‘You shall go in person to those countries whenever possible, and advise his followers before they commit themselves to something they would come to inevitably regret later … Something that if it is accepted or rejected, has for a prize the loss or salvation of their own immortal souls. Let Humanity make their minds up freely after having known both stories.’
‘It is because what we are going to tell you is quite long that we did not ask you to bring notebooks; as taking notes would take you too long and you might not write everything down as we would like you to. So we are going to use a method that we have already used in the past with people we have contacted. People like Moses, Ezra, Isaiah, Ezekiel and many others.’
‘We will imprint, or record the message straight to your brain. Yes that is exactly what we did yesterday. And all you will have to do is rerun it at home and write it down word for word. Do you follow me?’ he asked with a smile. ‘Uh … huh’ ... I nodded.
‘Very well, if you would just care to follow me…’ He said, getting up. But I did not move. I folded my arms and stubbornly looked down, refusing to get up.
‘You said that the young man being contacted is in France. Why did you not go to someone in France with your message? That would have been easier ... Somebody there would have been more suitable and useful than I ... I am only an African girl, what can I do? ... And I am Black ... We do have problems with skin colours on this Planet, if you did not know ... What could I do? Who would listen to me? ... And where would I find the means to have a book published? Why me? I cannot do it. I want to go home!’
I was raising my voice now and becoming hysterical.
‘Calm down,’ he said. ‘Do not worry about that. Please, follow me.’
I stood up and shouted:
‘No, take me home! I want to go home! Who will listen to such a crazy story anyway? ... This is all madness! I am mad ... And you are not real ... Take me home!’
I was now screaming, banging my foot on the floor but producing no noise as I hoped to. The female alien looked, alarmed, at the others, and retreated further in the background.
The Brown alien waited for me to finish screaming and said calmly. ‘I will be with you throughout. But if you definitely do not want to proceed, we will of course take you back...’ He held my gaze all the time while he said this and I calmed down. Somehow, I was willing to listen to him, and liked him more than the others.
I finally got up and followed him. A panel slid at one side of the wall and we entered in a room in which was a piece of furniture resembling a hospital bed, but much lower. It was however for human-sized patients.
He asked me to sit on it and to recline myself. I did so and the part of the bed where my head was began to rise. I lay down comfortably and waited. Two shiny objects that were attached to the side of the bed and that looked like bracelets were slipped on my wrists and slowly tightened until they fitted very comfortably. Then some sort of a stool on which was a cask-like object emerged from the wall, right behind my head.
He put this cask on my head and one of the little alien-looking beings came into the room. My companion placed a calming hand on my shoulder and said:
‘You are going to feel a little prick on the side of your wrists. It is not painful and serves to send you into a peaceful state of sleep. But your wrists might itch later on. If this happens do not scratch them. Rather dip your hands in some cold water and try to bear it. The itching will go away after a while, but if you scratch the itch will stay and worsen.
He then pushed the cask over my head and the visor attached to the cask over my eyes. This visor had multicolored lights on the inside that flashed in turn one after the other. I felt a slight prick on my wrist, like a little insect bite, and I immediately began to feel very sleepy.


The next thing I felt was a slight tap on my shoulder. My ‘Brown’ companion was still saying:
‘Open your eyes, we have arrived. Go home now and come back and meet us tomorrow at the same Earth time as you did today. You may begin writing when you are ready. Also there will be no need to rerun the message in your mind from the beginning. We have done a little work ... a little adjustment to help your brain process the messages more rapidly. Now all you will have to do is think of the dates of our meetings and your brain will run the correct part of the message you need to access, to listen to or copy down. You shall readily know how to do it. And you will even be able to stop whenever and wherever you like, and begin again when you wish to. Later at other times you will be able to program your to remember other things and texts and events in your day to day life. You will see. We did some work in your brain...’
By then I was completely awake. It did not seem as if I had slept at all. In fact I would have asked when we were going to begin, if he had not spoken. The little alien gave me a glass of a very clear, very cold liquid that I thought was water. The ‘Brown’ man told me to drink it. When I did, I realized that it was very sweet, very good and tasted like honey but a bit mint-like too.
As I was led to the outside door, all the crew stood up, smiling, their arms crossed to their chests. I realized that we were back in my Grandfather’s plantation. This time I walked down the stairs; then I turned around when I stepped on the ground.
The same two men who had first appeared to me now stood at the door, their right arms raised in a farewell gesture. I too crossed my arms to my chest and said aloud: ‘Peace be with thee!’
The door was closed and the space vessel slightly rose, lights changing as it did so; and it shot up very fast, tipped slightly on the side and disappeared in an instant.
I stood there for some time, looking up in the direction where the space vessel had disappeared. Then slowly, life came back in the plantation and its surroundings. The birds began to sing again, the crickets also made their noises heard. And I slowly started back for the village.
That night I went immediately to bed after dinner.


I said my bedtime prayer and accessed the message in my brain, bypassing the first one just as I had been told. It began with the now distinguishable voice of the ‘Brown’ alien whom I would be referring to from now as ‘the Black alien’ to simplify things.
‘Well ‘Little One’, as I said here is our story.’
‘As you have noticed, we are humanoids. A very highly evolved people compared to the Humans of Earth. ‘Along time ago the earliest scientists of our planet having already made all the discoveries that made their lives and ours to be such as you could only dream of; a real paradise, some of us decided to turn to even more challenging experiments. We decided to create living beings.’
‘We made all sorts of creatures. Some scientists experimented with the aquatic beings in our waters. Taking cells from them and creating similar beings in test tubes in our laboratories. Others duplicated the existing animals and even took matter from different animals and created totally new species.’
‘These experiments were a great success but also met with a great deal of opposition within our society, as many people were already against those experiments us scientists were doing. Because though some of these animals were beautiful and harmless and friendly, others were ugly, very hostile, dangerous and ferocious, or horrible to look at.
Some were quite intelligent, while others were totally dumb, useless and totally pitiful. These had life in them, but had neither sight nor hearing, neither feeling nor power of speech and could not move. Such beings were often destroyed and researches in them were discontinued.’
‘I myself created one such dangerous animal. It was quite similar to the tigers now existing on Earth. Unfortunately my laboratory was in a building that was adjoining my home. The beast that I created escaped, entered into my house and savaged my young daughter, whose age was about eight of your Earth years.’
‘And my daughter’s death caused a great outcry that resulted in our government ordering all scientists to stop their experiments. You see, such brutal deaths no longer occurred in our world. Murders did not exist, accidents were rare and virtually unheard of in some countries; people only died of old age.’
‘We obeyed our Government and the experiments on creation were subsequently stopped. However we continued with our researches in other avenues, concentrating on life itself, its diseases and its shortness. It was thus that we stumbled on one of our most capital discoveries; how to prolong our lives.’
‘We discovered that inside a muscle located in a certain part of the humanoid anatomy, there is a tiny muscle about one and half centimeters long and half a centimeter wide. If this tiny muscle is cut off, the ageing process of the body is stopped and physical longevity is more than ten times increased.’
‘A person that undergoes such an operation could then live a minimum of a thousand Earth years and a maximum of two thousand, with perfect health and their looks intact. After which time, the muscle would slowly have grown back to its initial size. If anyone wished to live even further, they only had to have the operation redone.’
‘Us, the scientists who made that discovery were the first to undergo the operation ourselves. Some other citizens who wished to try it took a chance; while the majority of the population was opposed to such practices.’
‘But when later generations verified that we indeed had lived to two thousand years with all our physical and mental faculties intact and performing to their highest degree possible, with the ability to still reproduce whenever we wished, the method was finally unanimously adopted. It became known as the ‘Secret Of Eternity.’
‘With the Secret of Eternity, our scientists were able to use their genius as long as they wished. More discoveries were made, and giant bounds were made scientifically.’
Now we had also begun effectuating interplanetary travel right at the epoch when we had first begun experimenting with creating living creatures. At that time as we had begun to visit the three moons around our Planet, we had realized that intelligent Humanoid Beings from other worlds had been also visiting, not only those moons, but our Planet itself, without however having contacted us.’


‘On our Planet there were originally three humanoid ethnic groups: Those with a dark brown skin complexion. You may call them ‘Blacks’ as you do on Earth. Those with a pink complexion, the ‘Whites’; and those with a complexion between the Black and White, the ‘Red’, who resembled those who inhabit the Indian Continent on Earth. So on our Planet, they looked like those now existing on Earth, but also different.’
‘We believe in a God and we believed that we were gods, because we had Old Scriptures about our existence. They said that God had created us to be and to look exactly like Himself’.
‘For a long time already, we had made it our religion to study ourselves and everything around us, in order to get to know our God. For we were taught that, to find and know our God we had to look within ourselves. (This is what we recommend you to do too).’
After we had discovered the Secret of Eternity, the beings who we had discovered to have been visiting our moons finally made contact with our Government; and they were welcomed and accepted. They are those of the race of the small ones with slanted eyes whom you met today on the ‘bridge’ of this vessel: the ‘Green Race.’ They said that they had come from ‘Draconis.’
‘They came to us with a big ‘Mother Ship’ and told us that it had landed itself on their Planet with the preserved dead bodies of its previous owners in it. They told us that they had found messages informing them that they had been created in laboratories as well as ourselves and people living in two planets of the two Sirius, and people of Orion and the Pleiades; whom they said looked like the people of our Planet. And they proposed to share all their knowledge with us if we would form an alliance with them.’
‘While many of our people never believed their story about us all having been created by the same ‘Creators’ - and that was obvious since even though they were humanoids, they looked so different from us - our Government and theirs formed an Alliance; and we began trading economically and scientifically with them.’
‘As well as new scientific knowledge, these ‘Green Newcomers’ brought us a method from their ancient scriptures, that allowed us to understand our Holy Scriptures even better. We thus understood why we had been taught for millennia that we were gods. And we learnt a method left to us by our ancestors enabling us to create life, perfect life, very quickly with the power from within ourselves and with our words, coupled with that power.’
‘We began, on our own and with the renewed permission of our Government, to create android humanoid beings, using this ‘Sacred Wisdom’. These were different biological beings that lived only to serve us and whose only pleasure was to be in our service; but there is a good reason for this particular nature. You already know about those types of beings, as your grand-father demonstrated to you. And do remember that this time, we were only allowed to create humanoids, not animals.’


‘With some of the new knowledge brought by the scientists of ‘Draconis’, we developed a very sophisticated method of education that virtually turned all our people into geniuses.’
‘These Newcomers also had at their disposal another means of creating their own androids. They had huge machines that made perfect metal skeletons and everything needed in a human anatomy, except from blood, skin and muscles. They made them to grow on those metal skeletons. But their biological robots, unlike ours had no spirit in them, and their owners did not treat them with consideration in the way we did ours.’
‘We objected to this and let our feelings be known to our new Allies; and that was the beginning of our dissent with some of them. For not only did they misuse their own biological robots, they also began to use ours in the same manner.’
‘The other subject of dissent was over Divine Laws. While we fully respected the Laws and practiced our belief in God within, the Newcomers declared that they had long rejected all beliefs in God, and had adopted Science only as their religion; and since it had made them as God thus equal to Him, they had rejected Him altogether.’
‘Thus though having been equally left with the same knowledge of the “Divine Mysteries” as us, the Newcomers had abandoned them and even made a law against practicing them in their Home world; they were now a totally atheist people. They defiantly practiced all deviated corporal acts and perversions forbidden by Divine Law before us, not only between themselves but also on their defenseless biological robots as well as our own androids.’


‘In our first three thousand years of longevity after discovering the Secret of Eternity, we had managed to build more powerful vessels for interstellar travel. We thus travelled for the first time to the Two Sirius, to Orion and the Pleiades and made contact with those who lived in those systems. They joined our Alliance and together, we began exploring our respective Galaxies.’
‘But us scientists, decided to begin our experiments again in order to create animal, vegetal and humanoid life. Our Government agreed to let us continue these particular experiments, provided we did them elsewhere; on other deserted planets for example. The teams of Creators now comprised, as well as people from our planet, those from the planets of ‘Draconis’, of the Two Sirius, of Orion and of the Pleiades, among them were “the Greens” as we called them.’
‘It was very easy for us to prepare the many moons and Planets of our Solar System for creation of life. But we did not immediately meet with success; for we realized often that though some vegetation could thrive on some of those planets, humanoid life could not. Also some of the Planets were too close to the suns whose rays were dangerous to humanoid or vegetal life, sometimes both.’
‘But we had even worse enemies than nature and the elements, many of the Newcomers, those from Draconis and some from the two Sirius had disagreed with some clauses and conditions of the new “Creation Act”, which was part of the ‘Alliance Deed.’
‘Together with categorically refusing to accept the Divine side of our inheritance and refusing to believe in God, and to follow the Divine Laws; together with ignoring our advice not to use androids and biological robots for their carnal pleasure and depraved acts, they also opposed the law that stipulated that all humanoids beings successfully created jointly by all of us should be left to evolve freely on their own after a while. And though we might monitor their progress, we should not interfere in their affairs, or in their governments in any way. Or try to take them over, or subject them to our rule in any manner whatsoever. And finally the decree that we should never interbreed with them; for the sake of our scientific experiment, and the perfect and absolute proof of the success of our work of Creation.’
‘These people proposed that, instead of giving any beings that we would eventually create together the same teachings that we were given by our own Creators concerning our Divine State, we should give them limited freedom and limited education; and get them to worship us as gods.’
‘On our categorical refusal of these proposals, those protestors, not only did they separate from us, but they withdrew from the Alliance altogether. Of all the Newcomers, just the representatives of one Planet, on the advice from their Superiors, chose unanimously to remain in the Alliance.’
‘The rest, also looking like them, who represented another small Solar System, were divided in their opinions; and as a result, a deadly Intergalactic War with these Renegades ensued. A book was written about these wars. It was the first part of the Chronicles, which became known in our world as: “The Book of the Wars of Yahweh” (or Jehovah). When that War first died down, a Peace Treaty was never signed. Thus without fighting, we remained in a state of Cold War.’
‘Those of the Planet of the ‘Green Race’ from Draconis who sided with us, had to be evacuated to our own Planets that became part of the Alliance; leaving the enemies in their original Planets.’
‘We thus began joint experiments anew with them, this time creating humanoid beings with them in laboratories. This time we decided to make hybrids of our mixed four races. The results were four races as you have on Earth.’
‘Those that look like yourself, like Africans, those that look like the Europeans, those that look like the dwellers of India and those that look like the dwellers of Japan. For though you have seen that I have a complexion like your own, but you have no doubt noticed that I am not really like the Black men of Earth. There is still a difference between us.’ (This was obviously the Brown alien still speaking, and he was right about that; he and I looked different.)
‘Well to continue with our story, our enemies, the Renegades, followed us everywhere we went to create, and always managed to corrupt and interfere with our creations. They took the direct approach by very simply bombarding the laboratories that we set up, killing many Creators and the beings that we created in the process.’
‘And when they could not do this, they waited till we had left the new colonized planets. Then they came behind us and corrupted any teachings that we had given to those beings. Turning them against us, and installing themselves as gods over them, after either killing our Watchers - the Guardians that we had left behind to monitor the new creations’ progress - or corrupting them to their way of thinking.’
‘And if they failed to exterminate or corrupt them all, they very simply sabotaged the whole scientific experiment by interbreeding with the new races created and making children with them, knowing that we would consider such colonies a failure. Believe me they knew what they were doing.’
‘When that happened we were always forced to move elsewhere, and we continued regardless to create; returning from time to time, visiting the former colonies, contacting some members of their communities to talk to them on our behalf, and tell them the truth about us and about the Renegades.’
‘Sometimes some of our Creations were faithful to us and respected our teachings, thus elevating themselves in our esteem. Others were excited into forming alliances with our enemies and to come to war against us.’
‘Since that time when we first succeeded in creating humanoids, till the time when we came to this part of the universe, we populated four hundred and ninety nine planets (499) all very similar to this Earth. To all of them we taught our national language, which resembles ancient Hebrew. And the individual groups also taught their creations their own languages.’’



‘It was because of those Renegades that we the scientists decided to leave our Galaxies and to venture further on to a Galaxy very many light years away from our own; where we hoped we would not be as easily exposed to the Renegades’ attacks as we had been till then.’
‘For that, we turned to the Old Writings of our long-gone ancestors in which their past exploits and adventures had been recorded.’
‘One in particular recounted how they had gone to a far away Galaxy in this Universe where they had found a lot of empty space. There they had virtually ‘created a whole Solar System’ of their own, where they had successfully created living beings using the Divine Secrets in their possession; which Secrets they had also passed on to us.’
‘That Solar System is this one, and their “creation work” had taken place 4 billions of Earth years or so before our generation. Earth, as well as the other Planets of this Solar System, did not occupy the orbits they are on rotation on now.’
‘That is what they meant by “creating this solar system” as they were going to completely change the way it looked. They caused almighty explosions that knocked the planets out of their former orbits, and into the position they wanted them to be.’
‘After that “creation”, Earth as well as the other planets, was initially mainly used for mining at that time.’
‘And it is from here that I shall begin to quote from the writings of your Prophets and from your Bible, which is the book of the story of Earth and of the creation of its very first inhabitants, and of others that came later.’


‘For the description of the beginning of Earth that you have in your Bible took place in the time of our ancestors, not ours. And we simply taught that description to the Adam and Eve, (the first couple of Human beings) that were created by my personal group. But before I come to those writings, there is one thing to which I want to draw the attention of all who will read this message.’
‘When Moses and all the other prophets throughout the Scriptures said ‘Sons of Men’ they meant humanoid people who were not human beings of terrestrial origins. These are also referred to as the ‘Sons of the Gods’. And when they said ‘Children of men’ they usually meant the humans of terrestrial origin.’
‘Such an appellation is particularly used in the Book of Daniel to describe the “heavenly messenger or angelic” being that saved Daniel and his companions from the furnace.’
‘Extra-terrestrial beings, some good and others bad were also called ‘Watchers’ by early biblical writers.’


‘Now let us go to the Bible. It is written in your Bible:’ “In the beginning Elyonin created the Heavens and the Earth. Now the Earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of Elyonin hovered upon the face of the deep; and Elyonin said: “Let there be light” and there was light’. Genesis 1:1-3
‘The above lines, which are the first three lines of your Bible, are the description of the time when our ancestors actually came into this sector of the Universe. Not the time of the creation of the Adamic Humanoids, who are the ones you all are now.’
‘It is the beginning and part of a whole different set of records. So we shall continue this sentence through the Genesis of Abraham which is still existent on Earth in the Book of Mormon.’
“And there stood among them one that was semblable to God, and he said to those who were with him: ‘we will go down, for there is space’ there. We will take of these materials, and we will make an Earth.” Abraham 3:24
‘When our ancestors came, nothing in this small part of the Universe was as it can be seen today.’
‘So they took their own materials, the same that they had used to do similar work elsewhere, and came and shaped and displaced, not only Earth and this whole solar system. The whole work was to try and change the very whole Galaxy in which this Earth is: THE MILKY WAY.”
‘In space, they released chemicals that exploded in almighty explosions when these all came together, and this Galaxy took shape as it is now, and this little Solar System right at its borders was born, or reshaped to look like it does now. And that took a very long time to accomplish.’
‘So if you wish, there was truly a ‘Big Bang’ if I may quote that human expression. But it did not occur by itself as the learned people of this Planet insist on affirming. It was provoked. Explosions were made in this area of the Universe. The power of the conflagration sent billions of particles hurtling toward the void. Those were to be part of and become the solar systems of this Galaxy. Also notice the following words:’
“and the spirit of Elyonin hovered over the face of the deep; and Elyonin said: ‘Let there be light’ and there was light”. Genesis 1:1-3.
‘Now the word Elyonin is a plural. In Hebrew it means ‘Those from above’. And that, our ancestors indeed were. They travelled a very long time and came to this sector of the Universe. At that time this Solar System looked totally different. It too had to be virtually artificially shaped, or created in order for it to look like they wanted it to.’
‘So the works that were done to prepare the planet Earth, for Humanity, were not done by immaterial, ethereal or imaginary beings, who are thus quoted saying: “Then Elyonin said: “Let us go down. And they descended in the beginning.”
‘The ‘spirit hovering over the face of the deep’ means that flying in their vessels they made atmospheric tests before descending on the planet and establishing themselves on it.’
‘Of course the work was done in stages by different groups of people; though they too had discovered the same Secret of Eternity, that we too only discovered some twenty five thousand Earth years ago (25.000). Long periods of time passed between each time. Once the Solar System looked satisfactory to them, they themselves used chemicals to create huge gisements of all the metals and gases they needed; these taking only a few years to be formed.’
‘And though you on Earth are only adapted to your Earth’s atmosphere, some beings in many planets of our Alliance can work in different conditions, in pure hydrogen and other gases that are fatal to you for example. Others are adapted to and used to very low and very high temperatures. So the teams of scientists spread throughout the planets of this Solar System accordingly. And remains of their bases can still be found to this day on Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Earth’s moon, Luna; as humans could discover in the coming Millennia, when they would have advanced in their discoveries and space explorations. They will find evidence that some of those bases were underground on the above planets.’
‘But on Earth as on all the planets of this Solar System, they created living beings that they used to help them with their mining work. But to create these human androids on Earth more work was needed. And the Planet needed to be adapted accordingly. Here is the proper way in which this passage appears in our former ancestors’ annals:’
‘In the beginning after our creation of the first Firmament and the continents on the Planet Terra, it was unformed and void. It was covered in darkness and ice.’
‘And we said: ‘This Planet is too dark, too cold and too far from its Sun. Therefore we shall move it closer to the Sun and there shall be light and our creation would have a better chance of survival. This was done and there was more light, and more warmth.’ ‘Let us go back to your Bible where it is written:’
“And Elyonin saw the light that it was good; and Elyonin divided the light from the darkness”’
‘And Elyonin called the light day, and the darkness they called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.”
‘The Earth, then on a different orbit and had to be moved a bit closer to the Sun. This work of moving the Earth from its former orbit took a very long time, in fact it took exactly one thousand earth years to be accomplished. For time was then still calculated as we calculated ours in our world. To us one thousand earth years equal one of our days as we call them.’
‘Tests were being done on the light of the Sun and its effects on the planet Earth and the effect it could have on life.’
‘Every time the planet was moved, tests and experiments were made, until these explorers and Creators decided finally that Earth was at a perfect and safe distance from the Sun; and its rays would not be harmful to the new life forms they wanted to create. And that, as well as being harmless, the Sun would be useful for the Planet and the air would become breathable. For that, it is written:
“And Elyonin saw the light, that it was good.”
‘This planet had to be perfect for their work. When the Sun was at a safe distance, the temperature of the whole Planet was the same and steady 68 degrees. And as the whole of Earth was covered in thick high peaks of snow, this snow began to melt and with proper sunlight the sky appeared, a beautiful firmament became visible. This slow process took another thousand Earth years.’
“And Elyonin called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.” Genesis 1:6-8
‘So the first record of that story was written by our Adam, the one we created, as we instructed him to.
‘The first Adam created by our ancestors was encouraged to call them Elyonin simply because they, like us, refused to distinguish themselves from each other. And like us, refused to tell him exactly where they came from. For they (as usual with us explorers from our world) had not written their names in their annals, distinguishing themselves only by what they did.’
“Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear, and it was so. And Elyonin called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called they the Seas; Elyonin saw that it was good.”
‘Elyonin said: “Let the dry land put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof upon the earth. And it was so. And the land brought forth grass... ... and Elyonin saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.” Genesis: 1:9-3
‘After two thousand years of preliminary work, they decided to create a continent. As you remember, the whole planet was now covered in large amounts of water, due to the melting of the ice caps. During this first occupation of Earth by our ancestors, only one single large continent was created.’
‘For that, huge underwater explosion were provoked with charges of explosives. As the explosions were very massive, miles-deep ditches were dug, and the water covering the planet rushed in the ditches, thus allowing dry land to appear. And a large Continent was thus created, the rest of the planet was covered in water. Of course there were a few insignificant islands off this Continent.’
‘Note that the repetition of the expression: ‘and God saw that it was good’ indicates that these were not the only things and experiments that were done, and that some, from time to time, had to be destroyed if they were not a success. ‘... it was good’ should therefore be interpreted as meaning it was successful, satisfactory, acceptable, or safe...’
‘When this monumental work of atmospheric tests and the creation of the continent was finished, the next step was to prepare the whole surface of dry ground by adding all necessary chemicals for vegetal growth. So bases were established on the bare desolate and empty planet.’
‘And other scientists arrived, who came to prepare the air, the waters and the whole of the Planet’s surface with all the chemicals needed for animal, vegetal, aquatic and fowl lives. Nearly all chemical components now found on land and seas were added to speed up the process when possible. On land large amounts of soft water were available for drinking due to the melting of ice caps.’
‘After that, the scientists who created plants came and began to plant their creations. These scientists had developed their work to a very fine art. And their talents can be observed in the beautiful varieties of plants and vegetation now on earth. This work that was not easy at all, also took a very, very long time; another thousand earth years.’
‘The creation of these plants was a new experiment that had never been tried by us before. And as the creation was going to be done only once, the aim was to create herbs, plants and trees that had, and produced their own seeds, that would grow into the same kind of plants when planted. In fact, the same aim of all the creation was to create animals, plants fowl, aquatic and human beings that reproduced themselves.’
‘Tests made on these plants proved that the work had been a resounding success. The creation of the ocean and land, their chemical preparation and the successful implantation of vegetal life took another 1000 years.’
‘The Solar System was properly set up with planets placed in the order similar to the one they are in now.
“And Elyonin said: ‘Let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night. And let them be for signs, and for seasons and for days and for years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the Earth. And it was so. And Elyonin made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars. And Elyonin set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the Earth, And to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness.’ And Elyonin saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning a fourth day”. Genesis: 1: 14-19
‘Our ancestor creators, after having seen that the plants had adapted and the Planet had begun to look so good, went on to arrange the solar systems of this Galaxy and the planets of this Solar System in different orbits. So that by their movement on rapport with Earth may create and determine the calculation of Earth times, seasons and climates, all that for the better profit of Earth.’
‘That work was similar to the one that was done when Earth had been moved from its original orbit. For our old annals clearly say:”
‘The planets of that solar system were then moved to new orbits around their sun to profit the new favourite planet’.
‘That planet, that was none other but this Earth, had two moons orbiting it at that time. The smaller one was sent hurtling into outer space, away from Earth in the Solar System and the larger one was moved in order to give more light to the planet at nights’. That work also took another thousand years.’
‘As the Sea and river waters were also prepared for all marine and various aquatic life, the scientists whose sole specialty was to create aquatic life forms of all kinds came and also began their work. And all the beautiful creatures they made did them justice. Many of them of course do no longer exist now.’
‘Other scientists created fowls, insects, reptiles and many different kinds of animals came. These were those who created dinosaurs and big flying creatures. That work was also very difficult. As we know, these creatures just like the plants had to be able to reproduce themselves. And as all these were created in laboratories, it took them another thousand earth years to perfect their creations.’
‘But not all animals were created then, in the sixth thousandth year after they had first begun their work, they created farm and domestic animals. And it is only after these that they began to create Human beings. These first ones were made, solely using the Divine secrets that they knew. Your grandfather demonstrated to you how that could be done. And we taught him how to do it’
‘Well, our ancestors created the very first Human beings ever to live on this Planet, then after I billion Earth years, they became involved in an Inter Galactic War with some very powerful alien enemies who began attacking their colonies all over this universe. That long and bloody War, which lasted one hundred years on this Planet Earth was lost; and our ancestors evacuated some of the few of their Creations that were left after. Those people were taken to populate a new moon that they had already prepared elsewhere away from this Galaxy.’
‘Those Humans by then had evolved greatly, having attained high technological knowledge. The ones that were left behind were reduced to the state of savages, serving those alien victors. Thus our people stayed away from Earth for half a billion Earth years.’
‘Then Earth was colonized by a totally different race of hairy ape-like aliens that looked quite like the gorillas you have now, but who walked straightened like Earth’s human beings.’
They too stayed half a billion Earth years, after which they too were overcome by yet another alien race in a violent nuclear war. That war resulted in Earth being moved out of its orbit again and away from the Sun, because these new aliens could not very well adapt to the conditions existing then. And because of that war all life existing then on Earth perished, Humans and occupying aliens alike.’
‘When displacing Earth from its orbit they also did the same to the other planets. These were then heavily mined for their gases and minerals. But people on our world always considered Earth to be part of our Alliance and followed all events taking place on it.’
‘Again after five hundred millions of Earth years of reign of these Alien occupiers, they too were involved in another deadly intergalactic nuclear war with another group of enemies. Earth was bombarded and all alien life was exterminated from it. The war was so violent that the planets of this solar system were also displaced from their new orbits by those who happened to occupy them.’
‘Later, Earth was occupied again by a race of fugitive alien slaves, also different from humanoid beings. But these occupied Earth for only five thousand Earth years, and their pursuers caught up with them. And as these had no interest in the Planet, they took those they could catch and exterminated the rest by releasing gases that were toxic to them. Our people came again and replaced the Planets in their former orbits. That work finished and the slow recovery of Planet Earth began.’
‘Thus you see that your archaeologists have discovered many different kinds of fossils, but there was absolutely no evolution from one kind of beings to another. They only occupied this Planet at different times. But as you already know and as I shall explain it later on again, there was interbreeding between some Earth dwellers and different colonists.’
‘Well for two hundred and ninety five million years Earth stayed empty, covered in miles high ice caps. During that time another treaty was drawn and Earth with this Solar System were again universally declared our property. And for seven hundred and ninety five million years more, Earth remained desolate.’
‘But our enemies, the Renegades, who had also decided to come to this area of the Universe to create their own solar system, illegally established bases on Earth, on its Moon Luna, on Mars and on Venus; allegedly to be closer to their place of work for their future solar system. And on top of that they also freely mined the Planets of their resources.’
‘As our people knew that their enemies’ true aim was to occupy Earth again, they ordered them to leave. They refused and were found to be all prepared and ready for war.’
‘Again an Inter Galactic War in which we were involved against the Renegades ensued, which ended with Earth again witnessing another nuclear disaster. That war is also mentioned in the ‘Books of the Wars of Jehovah’.
‘This time, our people won. The enemies left and this Solar System was once more abandoned and left to recover naturally. But both sides had been very badly weakened by the wars. After losing most of their eminent scientists, our people in our world were for a long time reduced back to a primitive state; a state primitive like the present level in which you are now on Earth and that brings us to our own time properly.’


‘We also again evolved in our world. In what took us a short one hundred and seventy five thousand Earth years, we began our biological researches. We also in our turn discovered the Secret Muscle of Eternity, and then moved on to genetic engineering in a big way. Which genetic engineering prompted us to come to this long abandoned property of ours, your Solar System with its prettiest planet called Earth. I was part of that expedition and we came in my third thousandth year of life, after we discovered the Secret of Eternity.’
‘That is therefore how the people from our Alliance of Planets again came back to Earth and did the same work that our Ancestors had already done before. This was of course the second time a group of Creators had come with the sole main aim of creating life on Earth. We had to do all the previous work all over again.’’
‘This time we had all the writings and calculations that our Ancestors had left behind and we followed those, only bringing changes where absolutely necessary.’
‘But our work was still difficult because we also had to go through deciphering their early form of our language, and the scientific terms that we used differed sometimes from theirs. But our work was much shorter than theirs.’
‘There were a total of seven bases established on the continents of Earth by us, and in these bases were created seven first couples that can all be designated by the names of Adam and Eve. But truly, they had different names on each base. These bases were whole big cities that extended the length of whole countries and comprised whole armies for our protection against the Renegade Enemies, huge laboratories in which worked scientists and researchers of all kinds, all experts in their fields. There were also schools with teachers in all disciplines for the beings that we created.’
‘This time we used two ways of creating. In Palestine we used the Divine method of creating the first human male, while in the other laboratories, creation was done entirely in a scientific manner. Several times we used our own combined genetic materials for better success, when needed.’
‘So in our time, only the first woman and all the rest of animals and living human beings, and vegetal life that we created in Palestine were created in laboratories.’
‘The first man, our Adam, was a Golem that we created using the Divine Mysteries. And out of him came the genetic material with which his wife Eve was created. And Eve’s ovules were first used to create the first couples of humans in all the other laboratories that were scattered throughout Earth.’
“So you see that two records of two different Creative expeditions were written down by our Adam, the Golem that we created. The first record was the record of the work done by our ancestors. The second one was of the work done by us. There would have been several records from all Continents of the story of the creation work that we did here on Earth, if those beings we created in the other laboratories on the other continents had cared to write about us too; only, they did not.’
‘But Moses who recopied those old writings decided to condense both stories into one, and then made a mistake by writing ‘Elohim’ instead of ‘Elyonin’; because in his country of origin many gods were then being worshipped, and mentioned, and the Creators were now firmly worshipped as gods anyway.’
‘Those are two very different words. They are all plural words in Hebrew. ‘Elohim’ means ‘the gods’. While ‘Elyonin’ means ‘Those from above’ or ‘those who came from above’, or ‘those who came from the sky. Elyonin designates an indeterminate number of people, while the word ‘God’ can designate one Entity, or one person only.’
‘So when that story was told it was about a group, a race of Creators, highly evolved people, who had come to create life on a planet that was then not inhabited; and the conditions of which at that time could not support life. It was the story of how this planet was prepared and made capable of supporting intelligent, artificially created human life.’
‘Well, when we came, Earth was situated quite level to the moons of Jupiter. In the ‘Genesis’ of Adam, before Moses condensed the two stories, it was thus written:’
“In the beginning before I was created, when Elyonin came to create life on Earth, the Earth was void and covered in deep waters and darkness, and the wind machines of Elyonin hovered over the face of the deep waters.” Genesis 1:1-2
‘So you see, this second Adam did not describe the actual creation of the earth, only the work that was done on the Earth that had already existed for billions of years. The ‘wind machines’ of course designated our inter-stellar space vessels.”
‘At the appropriate temperatures and with our help, the ice caps melted and this time we decided to create several continents. New explosions were carried out and the original continent was split in smaller ones. We spent another thousand years doing this, resulting in more than one Ocean and more than one Continent.’
‘From the time when we arrived to the time when we succeeded in creating this first Adam by using the Divine Mysteries, only six thousand years passed. He was created as a baby. ’

‘After we created our first Adam, genetic material was taken from him to be used in the creation of the first Eve. When that was done, Adam was a child of seven years of age. The Bible describes the surgical operation done on Adam thus:’
“And ‘Elohim’ caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh thereof. And the ribs, which Elyonin had taken from the man, made he a Woman, and he brought her unto the man. And the man said: ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.’ Genesis: 2:21-23
“There, all is clear. The passage that I have just quoted clearly states that the first Eve was genetically created and that creation was totally different from the first Adam’s.’
‘In order to create her, we performed a highly sophisticated surgical operation on Adam under total anesthesia. And with cells from him we made the first Eve. But such a type of genetic DNA handling was child’s play to us, compared to the unimaginable, difficult and scientifically impossible process we used for the creation of the First Adam.” (You will notice of course that the third person singular is used here, because those who translated the text used ‘Elohim and interpreted as ‘God’, instead of ‘the gods’).
‘Then the following passage of the Bible describes how we created the human beings in the other six laboratories:’
“And Elyonin said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, ... ... and Elyonin created man in his own image; in the image of Elyonin created they him; male and female created they them.” Genesis 1:26-27 (Actually, the original words were: ‘Let us make the Human race”...)
‘This is also very clear. Genetic materials from us were also used in the other laboratories where the most challenging of our work then took place. In our laboratories, we had to create the same conditions as those found in the wombs of our female colleagues. Remember, our aim in coming to create here this time, was to create humanoids formed of our four inter-mixed Races. And we created the beings. After many failures, we created another six pairs of perfect children in laboratories; each couple comprised a little boy and a little girl.’
‘The above two verses also serve to indicate what the ‘Creator’ mentioned in the Bible looked like, if it still needs be after all that I have told you so far. So we ask those who deem themselves learned on Earth now, and who preach the theory of evolution, are they trying to say that we, the Creators were apes, seeing that we created Man in our image?’
‘Trying to get people to believe the theory of evolution, is like trying to convince them that a stick of wood, if dipped thousands of years in water shall become a fish. That is impossible.’


‘The first children of our first Adam and Eve were quadruplets. This fact is not mentioned in the contemporary versions of the Bible, but it is very clear to those who can read the ancient Hebrew form, in which that passage was written. There were Cain, Abel and two girls.’
‘As we were still closely studying this first couple, we treated the woman with fertility medicines, to encourage mass production of ovules. Those were fertilized with Adam’s sperm that we took from him. Four foetuses were the result of this treatment.’
‘Note that we were doing this, first as scientists; and our work was similar to the experiments Earth scientists are now doing all the time with apes in their laboratories.’
‘The foetuses were completely brought to term in our sophisticated laboratory. The same procedure was carried out on all the over six couples that were created in the other six laboratories.’
‘Thus from some couples we produced up to ten babies at a time, the foetuses being incubated, inside large artificial womb-like machines only, to insure their survival.’
‘All fertilizations were done in-vitro. Only later on, after each couple had produced up to fifty sets of children within five years, did we teach and allow them to mate naturally, freeing them from the laboratories. But right from the start they were encouraged to bond with their children, getting them to visit them while they were incubating. You may rightfully call it mass breeding. All those children were then educated in the schools by the teachers that were amongst us.’
‘Within three centuries, as well as the Creators, each continent had millions of inhabitants, all descendants of these seven couples created by us. These were highly evolved people. All of them lived long lives because we had given them all the scientific knowledge that we had, including the Secret of Eternity. They were our obedient and faithful children, living in harmony and following all the Laws that we had given them about God, which Laws we ourselves obeyed also. We also taught them the Divine Mysteries that our loving Ancestors had left us.’

‘Do not forget that we came to this sector of the Universe for scientific purposes: our desire to create a new race made of our combined genes. It was a perilous quest regularly hampered by wars between our worlds and those of the Renegades. It had taken us thousands of years of trying, before we managed to create a brand new race of living beings that we called the HUMAN RACE.’
‘It had taken us thousands of years of research, of eliminating deadly diseases, and genetic flaws from our four races. It had taken a lot of cleansing and purification before we finally chose the information that was to be instilled in the build of this pooled genetic material in order to create the New Race. Of course many embryos and children had to be destroyed over and over again until we were satisfied of the results.’
‘And as we had agreed beforehand, we had to ensure that the New Race remained pure. That meant that none of us were allowed to mate with any of the new beings created; because if any of the flaws that we had so painstakingly removed were reintroduced, the experiment would have to be deemed a failure. All the teams of Creators, Scientists, Teachers and others from our world who were with us respected this strict law and never interfered with our Creation.’


‘Three hundred years after our first Man was created, after deciding that our experiment was a perfect success, and each couple having over one million descendants, we resolved to move on and begin our work of Creation on another deserted Planet.’
‘So we designated seven teams or armies of Watchers, instructing them to monitor the progress of our Human Creation and not to interfere in any way in their evolution. Instead they had to protect them only from our Renegade enemies, and to intervene only in case of any inner wars that threatened the total extinction of this whole new Human Race.”
‘But within a century of our departure, the Renegades moved in, contacted the Watchers as they had already done on the other planets where we had created life and their work of sabotage began. They made the same proposals to these Watchers as they had to the others on the other planets before Earth.’
‘This time, the Watchers that allied themselves to them surpassed those who remained loyal to us in number. And a war broke out between both factions, and the Renegades won. Some Watchers managed to escape and join us, the rest were murdered. These Renegades are the ones designated in the Bible as ‘The Serpent.’
‘But before these events, and at the time when the creation of the first seven couples was taking place, there had finally been an improvement in intergalactic relations with the many planets of our enemies. After thousands of years of talks, a Peace and Trading Treaty was finally signed and we began trading diplomatically and economically with them again.”
“But when the Renegade armies were briefed of these events, the Green ones mainly from PROCYON and DRACONIS categorically refused to end the hostilities and to resume relations with us as they were again entreated to. To them, the war shall remain an eternal one, as they informed us.’
“They all went to an uninhabited, deserted planet in this universe that they artificially adapted and in which they moved and made their permanent home. There they established their own government and declared themselves sworn enemies of our Alliance, of our colonies, and of any new allies that we might make in future.’
‘They, like us were eternal, highly evolved geniuses who vowed to fight us to the death, and rid existence of all of us and of all the beings that we will ever create and that did not side up with them.’
‘They constantly updated their scientific discoveries and methods of propulsion. They had unscrupulous spies in our world who informed them of any new discoveries that we made.
“They therefore were the same Renegades that had sabotaged our work in our colonial planets; and they were the same ones who came to Earth one hundred years after we left. They look exactly like the two navigators that you have met on the Bridge of this vessel we travel on, and who too, descend from the Procyon and Draconis citizens who joined the Alliance.’
‘These Renegades are also those whose aim is to establish themselves as gods over our Creations, wherever they happen to be. For since separating from us, they have never succeeded in creating their own purely biological beings, or even any ‘golems’ the way we do, using the Divine Mysteries. Even though they can make biological robots, the skeletons of these are made of a natural looking but synthetic material, and these robots are totally devoid of free will. Well, they established their own bases on Earth after they corrupted our Watchers. Now know that all the Renegades have above them four Supreme Leaders, all of them originaries of Procyon.’
“Number one is Kingu, the one who dubbed himself the Enlightener, the Giver of the Light, and whom you on Earth call Lucifer. He established his bases mainly on the tops of high mountains.’
‘The second one established his bases deep in the Oceans and the seas; he is called Nammtar. The children of the people that we created named him LEVIATHAN, after one of the gigantic sea beings created by our ancestors. The third is Tiamat - the one known later as Ha-SATAN- the tempter. And finally, the fourth one is Azag, known on Earth as BELIAL.’
‘These four, all of Royal blood from their original planets are mad, ruthless criminal geniuses at the head of millions of other defective royal representatives of all the Royal families of many galaxies with all their cohorts.’
‘Notice those names used for them on Earth, which are Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial, are not even their real names, just attributes. Their real ones are the ones I gave above. So their true names are given above for the first time; learn to call them by their proper names.’
‘They would stop at nothing to achieve their aims. They are at the head of powerful Kings, Dukes, Princes and Prelates, Marquises, Presidents, Earls and Counts, and also Knights, all of these at the head of billions of legions of highly skilled eternal armies.’
‘In fifty of our colony planets, they have left nothing but debauchery, wickedness, nuclear destruction and holocausts. They have used the same tactic everywhere they have gone:’
‘They appear to people, claiming to bring peace and universal love. And they make promises that they very well know they would never keep. They assume our identities, claim that they are the ones who created our people whomever they happen to be. And then they begin to give them teachings contrary to those that we had previously given; and they make them the sort of promises and offers that are very hard to resist.’
‘Then they get them to practice all sorts of perversions, immoralities and crimes. They teach them not to have any respect toward the lives of the unborn ones and finally persuade them to deny their divine state by persuading them that there is no God. And worse of all, they inter-breed with them.’
‘And once they have done this they disappear, leaving nothing behind them but confusion, desolation, ruthless atheism and madness. They have always told the same stories, and we can virtually predict exactly what they are going to tell their next Contactees; or if we may use the proper term, their next victims.’
‘But this time we have decided to fight back and use the same method of contact as them. Whenever they contact someone on Earth from now on, we will also contact someone, to expose that person and give our Children of Earth the right to chose who they want to follow; us ‘ELYONIN’, their true Creators, or the so-called Renegade ‘Elohims’ who did not create this Earth and who have no legal Galactic claim to it!’
‘That is why we are here and giving you this message. Because they also are now in the process of contacting a man in France, and giving him their message of sabotage and lies. If those lies are heeded, it will lead to another global catastrophe happening on Earth as has already happened before, and on the other planets of this Universe I have told you about.
‘Now once and for all, what truly happened and why was the Big Flood provoked, and who exactly did what?’

‘Know therefore that the SERPENT, as well as the four I have already told you about, namely Lucifer, Leviathan Satan and Belial, comprised the following princes who were the leaders of the Watchers:’
‘Samyaza, Arstikifa, Armen, Kakaba, Tura, Rumiat, Danal, Nuka, Baruqa, Azaz, Armers, Batari, Basasa, Auana or Auana, Simatisi, Ietar, Tuma, Tar, Ruma, Izeza.’
‘There were also officers who had been heads of armies with millions of others at their command; and their head were:’
“Yekum, Kesab, Tenémue, Kasyade, Amazarak, Urukabaram, Akibe, Tami, Gadral, Ramu, Azka, Sarakmy Aza, Anane Zavebe, Samsava, Erta, Yomya, Araza, Barkay, and Asarad.”
‘Those are the ringleaders amongst the Watchers who with their armies proceeded to defile and destroy the pure Human Race that we had so painstakingly and lovingly created.’
‘When they later presented themselves to Humans, they added ‘el’ as a suffix to their names to sound more divine; since ‘EL’ means ‘God’ ... But what exactly happened?’
‘Kingu, or Lucifer as you call him on Earth, came to the Commanders of the Watchers that we had left on Earth to guard the Human Race. He tempted them to make a pact with him and his companions, urging them to rebel and unite with him against us. He promised them to make them all gods if they allied with him and went to fight us, Elyonin, in order to appropriate all the planets that were part of our Alliance and to chase us out of our galaxies.’
“That pact is clearly described in the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Enoch.
‘And he told them that, to show that they were willing to ally themselves to him, they should first disobey the express order that was given them not to indulge into carnal intercourse with Human Beings, and to marry human girls, and the female Watchers to marry Human males.’
‘Nearly all of them refused Kingu’s (Lucifer’s) offer and reported back to us. But of these Watchers 200, headed by the ones I just named succumbed.’
‘And when these Extra-Terrestrial Watchers (the biblical Angels, the Children of Heaven) began to be tempted and had a proper look at the human ladies, they admitted that they were very beautiful, as it is written:
“... And they said to one another: ‘let us choose ourselves women from among the Human Race, and let us have children with them.’
‘But Samyaza their leader told them: “I fear that you may not accomplish your design. For if you did, I would be the only one to suffer punishment of your crime, unless we make a mutual pact in which you shall all swear to me that we all share equally the penalty of our action.”
“But they answered: ‘… we swear it to you.’ The Book of Enoch.”
‘The Watchers knew very well the consequences of such a rebellion, since becoming the allies of the Renegades meant they would be cut off from their world and suffer the same fate as the Renegades if their attempt at taking over our Galaxies failed. And Samyaza as their leader was the one who was contacted by Kingu (Lucifer). And as the leader, he knew that he would be asked to account for the behavior of their armies. So he wanted to make sure that they did not come back on their word and leave him alone to face the punishment; he decided to make sure that they were all equally guilty. He wanted their oath to tie them also to the sentence that was decreed on the Renegades at the time of the Great Rebellion.’
‘And for that they first had to break all the Government and Divine laws to which they had all been submitted until then. And they all flew to the top of a mountain where Lucifer and his companions had landed their vessels and made a pact with them.’
‘We swear to you and we shall all covenant by mutual execrations; we shall change nothing to our design, we shall execute what we have resolved.’
‘And they swore and indulged with Samyaza and his companions the Renegades and between themselves, in an orgy of homosexuality, perversions, bestiality and distasteful mutual deviations and execrations. And thus these Watchers also became ‘fallen angels’, as the above acts were among those of the Divine laws that were not to be broken.’
‘Once this was done Tiamat (or Satan) went straight to Adam and his wife and their sons and befriended them. While Adam, Eve and Cain with his two sisters began to socialize with him, Abel refused and separated himself from his family.’
‘And the rest of the Renegades, together with the former Watchers, began contacting the humans and giving them different teachings as Lucifer, Leviathan Satan and Belial had instructed to.’
‘Tiamat (Satan) next came to Cain in person and of course gave him his doctrine, telling him that he and his companions were gods, and that he wanted to establish his religion on Earth and wanted Cain to be his high priest. They made a pact that involved Cain killing Abel, and which led to him being made ‘Master Mahan’, or the great right hand and representative of Satan on Earth.’
‘Of course you understand that Abel had to die because he was going round warning the other Humans about these new Extra-Terrestrials and their doctrines and immoral teachings. And since their aim was the total corruption and destruction of the Human Race, they could not afford to have somebody going round and undermining and trying to scupper their sabotage activities.’
‘Cain after that pact married one of the lady extra-terrestrial officers who were with Lucifer. And the children they had immediately proved to be very different from normal human children.’
‘These were the ones that were called Nephilim by the humans. Some were giants physically others were born with inherited physiological and mental illnesses not suffered by the pure humans.’
‘Others were grossly deformed with two heads, three eyes, and sometimes whole body parts missing. Virtually all of them had six toes and six fingers on each foot and hand.’
‘Thus what we the Creators had feared happened. The pure race was again corrupted. Bad genes and deadly diseases that we had taken so long to eliminate from this new race began to be reintroduced in their children and the results were disastrous.’
‘Kingu (Satan) then decided to make Adam and his wife break the laws before the eyes of their people; because they were respected, venerated and held in high esteem by the other pure humans. He reasoned that if they saw Adam himself break the Laws they would easily be convinced to break them too.’
‘So he sent the ex-Watcher Gadral to actually seduce Eve and to have sexual intercourse with her. He in his turn convinced her to tell Adam to do the same, telling him the story that you well know as it is written in the Bible. And so Eve did.’
‘She told him that the Watcher had introduced her to perverted books and sexual practices that she did not even know existed and she showed him those.’


‘Another matter we wish to enlighten Humanity on. Adam, his wife and his sons had first been taught the type of worship of God that was later given to the Hebrews. There was one of us, one who had undergone the ‘Eternity Operation’ and who was therefore an eternal being of our planet; an expert in religious matters who had been left on Earth with the Watchers, after the Creators left. That being is named as Melchisedech in your Holy Bible.’
‘He remained on Earth for a very, very long time observing many events, preparing and measuring lands for future generations of our faithful Humans on Earth. His work was mostly about Divine matters, and as such, he was a High Priest. But he came to be a great King, living in what was then called Salem. The Humans called him the ‘King of Peace. And they knew that he was not a native of Earth.’
‘He had ordained Adam, Abel, and Cain in the first Priesthood Order that ever existed. And for a long while they were very good, God-fearing people, Cain included. When Tiamat came and perverted Cain, he and Abel were both forty years old. So any idea that they were children when Cain killed Abel is wrong.’
‘For a long while they took it in turns to officiate in the Temple that was built at that time. And that temple stood exactly where King Solomon later built his first Temple. It is at the same place where the Hebrew people, still go to pray at the ruins of the Herodian temple now. So the two famous ‘offerings and sacrifices’ mentioned in the Bible, that were done by the two brothers before Abel’s murder, were true priestly ones.’
‘It happened that, after Cain had been corrupted and ordained by Tiamat, he again came to our Temple when Melchisedech was there and tried to make the ritual sacrifice. Only, Melchisedech already knew what he had done, rejected his sacrifice, forbid him from offering it, and ordered him out of the Temple. It is then that he asked him where his brother was. And Humanity knows Cain’s answer.’
‘It was therefore Melchisedech who also confronted Adam and his wife, and later chased them from the city we had built for them, and where Adam was the Leader of the Humans.’
‘Here, I shall stop with my story today, as we have just received news from our Watcher in France. Come tomorrow to the cocoa plantation and we shall continue.’


I lay still on my bed with my eyes wide open. My head was throbbing, and, for an unknown reason, I was seized with stomach cramps.
And I began rolling on my bead uttering what I can only call a silent scream, as I did not want my grandmother to hear me moan.
If I did, she would rush to my bedroom; take me with her to her bed, and most of all she would not want to leave my side the following day. And I could not allow that to happen if I wanted to continue meeting my friends.
So far, I had managed to hide what was happening from her. How well, I did not know. Because she had begun to watch me very closely, asking me how I had spent my day and if I was quite well.
And so far, nobody in the village had told her of my quotidian randonnees to the cocoa plantation; and I wondered just how long they would resist their customary curiosity and need to know what everybody else in the village was doing. In our village it was virtually considered people’s right to know the affairs of others.
If someone was sitting outside their house and saw another person passing, and it looked as though they were going somewhere interesting by being dressed in their best clothes, they would not fail to greet the person; and ask them where they were going.
And the person would patiently stop and tell them. And that would happen with every person sitting or standing outside and those they came across on the road itself. It is tradition and it is expected to happen.
But I could not tell my grandmother, and I simply could not go around telling my story to the villagers. To begin with it was too incredible, and they would all call me “a Witch” as usual.
And further more, my Elyonin friends had told me to keep the story to myself until I was ready to write it. And my intuition told me that I had better listen to that advice.
I always know when to keep my mouth shut, and now was one of those times.



The following day, early in the morning, I told my grandmother that I was going to the neighboring village of MEYO, to borrow a book from a friend of mine; and I wanted to catch her before she left with her mother for their farm. She did not argue and let me leave in peace.
So at six o’clock in the morning I left with the book that I already had, hidden under my pullover, and went straight to the cocoa plantation. There I sat in the clearing reading. And that is where my ‘Friends from above’ found me. Somehow they had known that I was there because they arrived at 7.30 o’clock, instead of 10 o’clock when I had expected them to arrive.
I climbed in the flying vessel and we left again for Mount Cameroon whose peaks were again covered in fog. Throughout we had gone through the same rituals of greetings, of walking in line in the vessel, and of sitting down.
Nothing seemed to be left to chance or to be taken lightly. They all looked very solemn. After some small conversation, I was again taken into the room with the ‘operating table’, strapped on it and put to sleep.
This time, I woke up while still lying on the table and opened my eyes. And I saw one of the little aliens standing close by, pressing buttons and making some of the instruments to silently disappear in the walls.
I did not like being alone in that cabin with him, and felt fear beginning to creep deep within me; I had to join the others as soon as possible. So I did something I did not believe I were capable of doing. Despite my fear I reached out.
The small alien, who had been left to awaken me, was startled when I extended my arm and grabbed his elbow from behind. He turned round, looked at me and withdrew from my grasp; and then he rushed out while I began examining the hand that had touched the alien. He soon came back with the ‘Brown’ alien, who smiled broadly and said: “I see that you are awake.” By now I was sitting up; so I put my feet down and stood up.
He asked me to follow him and walked out, with me right behind him, furtively looking behind to be sure that the little alien was not following us. He was not. No matter how often I saw those little aliens, I could not get used to them or be relaxed with them like I was with the others. I was simply afraid of them.
Soon the space vessel began its descent toward our plantation. I was given the usual mint-like drink, the dosage of which was being made smaller. For I noticed that the glass this time was smaller, more like a shot glass really. It looked like the ones used at my grandmother’s church for the communion wine. After our good byes, my friends left me and I went back home, busying myself with the day’s chores left me by my old grandmother.



At night when I finally went to bed, I accessed the message very quickly and easily. It said:
‘Good evening, Desiree. In today’s message, we shall begin with telling you in detail about the conflict between us and the Renegades.’
‘The people of Earth should therefore pay great attention to our explanation and should study it minutiously, after reading the book that will be written by the Young Man from France. We want to be sure that Lucifer and Satan do not succeed this time in their work of sabotage’.
“Yes, as we have explained, our work has been sabotaged by them on many Planets. And if sometimes we have left the people of other colonies to finally do as they wished in the end, we will never completely stop warning the people of Earth, ever... Because our work of Creation on this Planet was a twofold one, there was both a scientific and a spiritual reason to it, with an exoteric aim and also esoteric purposes.’
‘For not only we wanted to create a pure race made of our combined genes, but we also wanted to finally test the claims by our ancestors that our species, having been created by an ETERNAL GOD, was also a species of ETERNAL SOULS, like our God; and that we could also function like our God in our own right.’
‘And that as souls we could move from one world to another, from one dimension to another, from one plane of reality to another one, eternally. And not only that, but those who stayed behind us could actually monitor us, contact and communicate with us, and keep trace of each one of us from one plane of reality to another.’
‘As we had already succeeded in the creation of living beings, and proved the possible eternal prolongation of our bodies and those of those beings that we created; now we wanted to prove the totally scientifically verifiable eternity of our Souls and of those of any beings created using genetic materials taken from ourselves.’
‘We also wanted to prove the affirmation by our Holy Scriptures that each of us could realize a divine state by himself through the Divine Mysteries. We had prepared the required environments and facilities according to all the writings, plans and descriptions that they had left us. All that was left for us to do was the experiment itself.’
‘It was that once the biological bodies had been created, souls from our world would come and inhabit those bodies, leaving our first bodies behind for an eternal trip of different lives, in different bodies, through different planes of reality; with the ultimate aim of Realizing our Divine State as permitted by the ONE TRUE GOD’. The understanding was that such trips could also be interrupted later, if wished on our own conscious request to the Supervisors.’
‘There was also an added challenge. Those who went on such eternal trips should try, under total amnesia, with absolutely no help from the Supervisors, to access their own Divine Powers, and Create new beings, new worlds and perform new acts, with no other help than our Divine Laws and the Mysteries of those Laws.’
‘Thus we considered that the creation of biological bodies in which the travelling souls could live, was no big challenge, compared to that of the transmigration of souls which was to be a totally never attempted experiment until that time.’
‘So even though we could tell you about our creation work on other planets, we only give you an account of this Earth and its inhabitants for it is our Highest ever success concerning our Creation works on the whole.”
‘You see, there are many Creations, many worlds now still unknown and innumerable to Man on Earth. But we know some of them, and all those we know are ours. And when it comes to Earth, every human being that had ever been born, and every human being that lives now on Earth is accounted to us, known to us and monitored by us. The same shall be of those of the future, on this Earth while it is still ours according to the Galactic Law till we decide not to continue transmigration work here.’
‘Know then that all those Souls that come to inhabit Human bodies through birth come from the Planets of our United Intergalactic Alliance. They are divided into many groups and come to Earth with many different aims, missions and other duties. No other beings from another world or another Alliance can live in a human body through birth unsupervised by us.’
‘Our methods, which are absolutely unique to this universe, insure that there is no other way except through us. Of course as you now know, beings from other worlds can come to Earth, but they can only do so by artificial means and they are forced to remain in their own alien bodies.’
‘Also there is the eventuality of beings travelling different planes of reality deciding to experience life on Earth. Those beings usually decide to take over a human body, weaken the rightful Soul and squat in the body thus temporarily subdued. That is what you call sometimes possession, (demonic or otherwise) and sometimes ‘Walk-Ins’. Those can be chased away and ordered or forced to leave.’
‘But there is a minority of other groups of highly evolved beings that also come to Earth, through birth, for their own purposes. Those are beings with whom we have many agreements and whom we allow to be born on Earth. They can be born normally; then when what they had come to do had been achieved, they would leave. They are absolutely not involved in the long-term experiments described here, and their destinies are totally different from those of normal human beings who are part of the Eternity programs.’
‘They never truly emotionally attach themselves to their human partners and children like those of our Programs do. That is because they are not obliged to go through the process of forgetting their former state and thus they always know who they truly are.’
‘Now not just anyone comes to live on Earth. To begin with, all those who decide to go on the ‘ETERNITY TRIP’ must be fully-grown adults in our world. They must be highly educated and they must not be insane or criminals.’
‘They must not have any dependants or have any debts to pay to our society. They must not be a reigning monarch and if they are, they must have someone readily available, and willing to replace them.’
‘They must agree to travel totally alone, and not to depend on any one else for their progress. And they must accept responsibility for all their acts and abide by the rules set. For that, a contract and many forms must be signed, and a battery of tests must be undergone before proceeding any further.’
‘To begin with, they all have to start the trip on equal terms; for that they have to go through a process that renders them amnesiac during each particular life cycle. By that we mean that they must agree to temporally forget all their scientific knowledge, all their erudition and the privileged lifestyle that they had had in our world, and begin as if they had never learnt or known anything , or lived anywhere else before.’
‘Then they must agree to live a minimum of ten thousand earth years which are divided this way:
a) A minimum of ten earth lifetimes if, during their life on Earth the secret of Eternity is discovered.
b) And (or) a minimum of one hundred earth lifetimes without the benefit of the Eternity surgical operation, in order to learn the divine laws anew, and to also willingly abide by them.’
‘In fact the true success of the experiment depends on how one adheres to the Divine side of their life, for only obedience of Divine Laws, and the willingness to live one’s life according to them, would allow the person to definitely progress from one plane of reality to another one continually.’
‘Then there is the choice of the future gender, profession, religion, skin colour, country and continents where they would live for a success in every phase of the experiment.’
‘Some people decide to work in groups, so family arrangements are made before the trip. Roles are usually swapped, so one person can find themselves the son or daughter of someone who had been their own child in a previous life-cycle.’
‘Nothing is left to chance; even the number of children, marriages, illnesses, accidents and the type of deaths are arranged; because all of these contribute to the Soul’s progress in the experiment.’
‘Also there are the Watchers and the Guardians who accompany each person; and that is where God and Science meet and interact. For every human being there are four Watchers from us and four from God. They are:
-One guardian whose duty is to care for the person to ensure that they do not die accidentally before their destined time. This is the one who protects the person, changing situations as needed and saving them from all kinds dangers.” This one is from God. We have no power over him.’
‘Then there is the adviser for the good of the person and all things good and propitious for him. This is the one known as the ‘Good Inclination’, the Holy Guardian Angel. He is the one to whom is entrusted the Divine Doctrine that is personal to that person on the day when they formally Realize their Divinity on Earth using the Divine Art of the Mysteries.’
‘There can be as many religious doctrines as there are Human beings. All of which complement each other and are never contentious about the matters of Heaven. This particular private doctrine is the one by which the Realized individual must conduct himself for the rest of that life. By it they shall also be judged for that life.’
‘The Holy Guardian Angel, also gives the person instructions that they should give to those other human beings who have not been searching, in order to help them also ‘Realize’ their own Divinity. This Watcher has to regularly report back on the individual’s progress. He too is from God.’
‘Then there is also the Tempter for all things evil. This one is the one who will tempt the person and do everything to make the person abandon their quest and infringe laws. He is the one called the Evil Inclination. He also reports back on everything that the person does that is bad and contrary to the divine Law. He too is from God.’
‘Finally there is the neutral Watcher who reports not only on the individual, but on the work of both Watchers to ensure the fairness and accuracy of their reports. He too is from God. But we too have our own counterparts of these. It is not necessary for humans to know how this is done.
‘The very first people that came that way were thus the first couples that were created. And others began to arrive when these couples began having children. That is why human beings were ordered to multiply; for if they do not multiply, the whole Soul Transmigration Experiment is slowed down. And if the whole population of Earth died, this would have to be abandoned until other beings are successfully created again.”

‘Then why, would you ask, did we need to come to Earth and try to accomplish a feat that could well be attempted in our own galaxy? Now pay a great deal of attention to what I am about to say, for I am about to explain why Man is on Earth, and why we are here giving this message to Humanity today.’
‘In the study of their predecessors’ Divine records, our ancestors discovered and proved to themselves beyond doubt that there is a God, and they gave to that God a four-barreled Name which can be identified by its initials of YHWH. And to them, no matter how they tried they could not find anything else that could be defined or be given the same title.’’
‘Thus they concluded that there could be only one true God and that God was eternal. The more they studied the matter, they could not allow the thought to enter their minds that there were any other god than the Eternal one they had discovered.’
‘They acknowledged His unity, loved Him, began to revere Him and sanctify His Name. Nothing bearing the Name of God was destroyed.’
‘They also had the same basic Commandments that were to be given later to all genetic beings that they created.’
‘To acknowledge the existence of God was to affirm these two words: ‘I am the Lord, thy God. And to even allow the thought to enter their minds that there were other gods besides that God was to violate the Commandment that says: ‘You shall have no other god before me.’ They reckoned that such a person denied the principle on which everything existing depends.’
‘To them as to us, God is one and cannot be separated. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and cannot be separated.
‘The Father’ is the Thought, or all that is and all that can possibly be thought of. ‘The Son’ is the divine spark that is in every human being. He is the entity that every person really is; the one that lives in the human body. He is the Word of God. And the ‘Holy Spirit’ is the Power by which the Word of God acts, through which His Word comes and is accomplished.’
‘And that is God. He is one in such a way that, none of the things to which the term ‘One’ can be applied, which exist in all the Universes is like His Unity. Or a unit as a species comprising many units. His Unity is such as there is no unity like that one, anywhere in existence.’
‘The Father and the Holy Spirit, or in other words, the Thought and the Power has no physical body, therefore He has no bounds, no limits. His power is infinite and unceasing.’
‘That can be seen in the fact that the Universes, the whole existence, the whole infinity do not cease moving, revolving, being and existing and living. His power is not the energy of a physical body. And since He is not a physical body, all ills and accidents applying to physical bodies do not apply to Him, so as to distinguish Him from another being.’
‘So in the beginning was the Word of God, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And in the beginning, the Word became flesh according to the will of the Father; the Word was One and was called the Only Begotten or Spirit Messiah. By it He spoke and His creation was. And His creation could physically hear Him and see Him. The Word or the Only Begotten cannot speak independently or without the Thought or the Power.’’
‘So the Word spoke the Thought, using and thanks to the Power. These are one and united. So it is impossible that He can be anything but one. And to realize this truth is to affirm and accept the words: ‘The Eternal our God, is one God.’

‘No one can see the Father physically except by beholding the Son, neither can anyone accept the Son and deny the Father; for they are one and the same the Son and the Power are subjected to the Father.’
‘But anyone who claims to have seen both the Father and the Son is a liar for this is impossible; bringing a distinction between them is to deny His Unity. The fact that the Father is not a physical body distinguished apart from the Son is explained in these words: ‘Know therefore that that the Lord, He is God in Heaven above, and upon the Earth beneath’ and a physical body is not in two places at the same time. And the Son is the Spirit Messiah. So here O Man is wisdom:’
‘Each and every one of you is the Son, as there is a spark of the Son in every humanoid being, in every man. Each of you has he ‘Son’ within them. Realizing one’s Divinity can only be effectuated by accessing the ‘Son’ who is the spirit Messiah within. And once the Messiah within has been accessed, one can talk to the Father through the ‘Son’ face to face. In other words, one becomes truly the ‘Son, and can call himself so.’
‘And to every man is given power to develop powers as those of a god, and become as a god. For the Kingdom of God is within every man. Thus every particular being, living or dead can be given the title of ‘Son of God’. But anyone Human being who has Realized his Divinity and accessed God within is entitled to call themselves the ‘Son or Daughter of God’. So, not one human being that has lived, lives or will ever live can be designated as the only Son of God, not by himself or by any group of people. You all Sons and Daughters of God, and you are all one, since you are but sparks of the Son.
“Truly, it is beyond the mental capacity of a human creature, composed of body and soul to obtain a clear knowledge of the truth of the Divine Existence of the Father.”
“He has no conjunction and cannot be separated. He has no location or dimension. No ascent or descent. No right and no left. No front or rear. No sitting or standing position. He does not exist in time or in space, because He has no beginning of days, and no end of years. He does not change for there is nothing that would effect a change in Him. He does not die. He cannot be said to have folly or wisdom as a distinct attribute, or passion, or frivolity; or joy or melancholy. Neither does He have a distinctly separate speech like that of all beings with bodies of flesh in all the Universes as it is said: ‘above, there is neither sitting nor standing; neither rigidity nor relaxation. Finally and most of all, He is neither male nor female.’
‘The Father can only be seen in the Son; and by that we must include both the male and female of the Human race who are both children of God and are equal in His eyes! Therefore, he or she who wants to see and know God must look within themselves and nowhere else..
‘So if I must repeat it again in order to convince the doubters, it was a perfectly physical and scientific creation that was effectuated on Earth by teams of scientists who came from another Galaxy.’
‘They were called sons of God because, they were seen to come down and go back into space in flying space machines, which the primitive prophets called ‘chariots’ or ‘clouds’.”
‘So all people who have lived in our Galaxy, are people who were first created in a Universe which is seven Universes away from this one that we all share now. This we know because we do have proof. And all people who have lived, who are living and who shall live on Earth in the future were first created in our Galaxy.’
‘Humans are simply transmigrated souls from our Home World whose name I am not at liberty to reveal. There, one of our days equals one thousand earth years as we calculate our time. Know therefore that prior to transmigrating to Earth; you were all as technologically advanced as those who live in our Home World now.’
“Our government decided that as we had virtually done everything that was necessary to render our lifestyle one that could be termed as eternally paradisiacal, we should test our claim that we loved God.’’
‘To see if all of us who claimed to love Him would still do so, or wish to seek and obey Him and be interested in Realizing their Divinity. If we were sent to live in another world and on other dimensions, if we momentarily lost our memories and were not aware of who we truly were, and of how we had previously lived, would we still love Him?”
‘And the idea of the experiment came: to create or adapt a planet where the beings of our world (or souls) could come and live. Then create bodies - composed of elements totally different from the ones our bodies were composed - inside which we would live.’
‘Then we would be sent and be taught about our God anew. Those of us who loved, obeyed and accepted Him should be allowed to come back to our Galaxy with the perfect knowledge of what we would have learnt, experienced and lived, with the complete memory of who we would have been. We have the power to do this.’
‘And with that we also would test the actual possibility of the transmigration of souls from one Universe to another, from one body composed of different elements to another composed of elements alien to the previous ones, and from one time zone to another. And most important of all, the aim was also for us to Realize our Divinities, by seeking God Within; which was the best of all these endeavours.
The testing of our love for God was necessary, as with all the wars and dissentions we had had with Newcomers, doubts still existed with those who had allied themselves with us. And this test was ordered by Divine command through our prophets.

‘Of course our Governments are organized like those of Earth, with many members holding different positions. Their primordial activity was to praise and worship God; that came before any of their government duties. They organized a special council to deal with all affairs concerning the New Transmigration Project; it was called the “COUNCIL OF THE WISE”.’
‘Among them were many eternal beings who had been appearing and disappearing in our world for as long as we could remember, and who established themselves definitely amongst us when we reached our space exploration era. Again this is where god and Science met with us, for the first time.’
‘Later those who had come from ‘Draconis’ and ‘Procyon’ and had allied themselves with us came to also gross the ranks of the members of that Council. And with them had come one who at first refused to reveal his real name and asked to be addressed by the title of ‘LUCIFER’ or ‘giver of light’. He had adopted the name of one other ancient creature mentioned in our ancient religious scriptures. I know that I have already named him earlier on, but I want to tell Humanity, how had first come to our notice.’
‘This being when he arrived, gave some light to a legend that had always been even in the annals of our ancestors, which claimed that the very first being that was created by God, and that was nearly like God still existed, he was an Eternal being and had visited our Home world several times, even before our time. And he told us that he was “that very same” being and he very readily told us about ‘his creation.’
‘According to him, God decided to create a being resembling Him or in other words, one almighty being just like Him but one that could be seen. That being was him, to whom God had given the title of Lucifer, but who later told us that his real name was KINGU in the world where he had been created.’
‘According to him in making him, God made him so similar to Him that He did put but a slight limitation to his powers. This limitation made Lucifer inferior to the Son within. By that I mean that in creating him, God cautiously used a different Mystery or Power, but did not use a spark from Himself as he did much later. And so, the Son could take away part or all of Kingu’s powers at will and or even terminate his life altogether. God however had the intention of giving him power to have access to the Spark. We hope you will understand this well.’
‘Also the creation of Lucifer was similar to the creation of our ancestors’ first Adam with the difference that Lucifer’s body was made of different elements from Earth, Water, Air and Fire of which Man is made. These very different elements which were used made him an eternal being outright; that means he could never die unless God and only He, willed it.’
‘Imagine a large bonfire, and a twig that can only be set alight by that bonfire; the twig once lit can set alight other objects. The flame is the same, but with the difference that only the bonfire has the power to light the twig or to extinguish it by engulfing it in its power.’
‘So Kingu (Lucifer), even though he had that power that was nearly as similar as that of his Creator, he was also totally inferior to Him. Now after him, Lucifer says that an infinite number of similar mighty beings were created, some of them were equal to him. Others were created in an order that went decreasing. In the same way the powers and knowledge these were given were also in a decreasing order. There were ten orders of beings created as we have come to know them:
1- The Hayoth. 6- The Malachim.
2- The Ophanim. 7- The Elohim.
3- The Aralim. 8- The Bene Elohim.
4- The Chashmalim. 9- The Cherubim.
5- The Seraphim. 10-The Ishim.

‘We consider ourselves to be Ishim in the Divine order we attain when we Realize our Divinity; and our language is the same ancient Hebrew language that Adam spoke, the Adamic Hebrew.’
‘The Hayoth, (Lucifer being the very first of them, according to himself), are in the highest order above which there is but the order of God, that is why it is said by the prophet in your Bible that: ‘the Hayoth (or Living Beings) are beneath the throne of glory.’
‘All these also like Lucifer were made inferior to the Son within. Or they were made without the Son within according to God’s Wisdom. But after a very long time, Lucifer who was a very proud and arrogant being, seeing how powerful he was, decided that he no longer needed to worship or be submitted to the Father God and was filled with extreme anger.’
‘He hated worshipping and reasoned: why should God be worshipped instead of me? Why should I worship Him instead of Him worshipping me? And so he led a rebellion among these beings telling them to worship him because he was the very first being and beyond him, nothing else that could be seen did exist that was higher than himself. He told this story very candidly, as if it was just a little dismissible act.
‘He said that many of the mighty beings followed him and rebelled with him deciding to become gods in their own right, excluding the Father God all together. But there was one there, who was called Yahweh, who led the other mighty ones who did not rebel, and they fought and vanquished Lucifer and his armies. (Yahweh, as you will note, is the name that was chosen by the Leader of our Council of the Wise).’
‘Now the Father God who had created Lucifer and knew his thoughts and actions reflected that all the people He had created were not good. That is why the plan of salvation was devised as exposed earlier on.’
‘For that rebellion, Lucifer was banished with all his armies to our world, that is, to this Universe; never to find his way back to the place of honor he held in the beginning. And never again could he have the chance to access the spirit Messiah, or the Son within as had been God’s intention to give him. In fact, the possibility of the power of the ‘Son Within’ was taken away from him altogether; which Spirit, God in His wisdom had wisely withheld at his creation. Because through the Spirit Messiah Lucifer could again find his way to his former glory.’
‘Now at the time when Lucifer arrived on our Planet, Yahweh was already living among our own people. He seemed to have realized his Divinity and his power was virtually unlimited. And because he had accessed the Spirit Messiah within himself, we gave him the attribute of ‘Messiah’. He too had claimed to have been created in the beginning, but second to Lucifer. And nobody knew how or when he had come to be among us; only that he had always been there.’
‘He was already at the head of the Council of the Wise. And he was already doing amongst us the work we did amongst the first Humans; and that, we wish you Humans to continue doing.’
‘He taught about the Father, saying that he was the Son, but that he was also submitted to the Father and had to pray Him for everything. And he said that he could not act without being motivated by the Father, because if the Father did not think, he could neither speak move or act. We believed him and now with the declaration of Lucifer, we came to believe that this was truly the same that was created second to Lucifer. But unlike Lucifer, he told us that we also were ‘Sons’, for we had God within us.’


‘Now Kingu (or Lucifer), being in the position in which he was, who also knows the story of creation and who knows about God, was again seized with jealousy the more he listened to Yahweh, and the more he observed the veneration and respect in which we held our Yahweh, who in our world was venerated as our Messiah.’
‘And he realized that, such a person appearing amongst a less civilized race would be worshipped as God, even though they would live, talk and do things together with him. And Lucifer right from then on, began to openly voice his doubts about the existence of the Father God; just like he had done before. And do not forget that he had already said himself that he had been created by God the Father.’
‘And with those doubts came anger, hatred, and extreme jealousy. Again he was jealous because here too he deemed and considered himself equal to our Yahweh. And here he hated worshipping God, believing that when we worshipped God, we also worshipped our Messiah. And he could just not get out of his mind that such honor was being given to a being that he could see; and that being was not him.’
‘And as you know now, the other activities that the members of the Council of the Wise pursued were Science and Government. And all these people having an incommensurable knowledge, they no longer learnt. Instead they created. They created beings of different sizes and looks and colours, and personalities and of different elements.’
‘And not only that, they could manipulate whole planets. They organized and placed them in the way that they remained in their proper spheres and moved thanks and in concert to the movements of each other.’
‘They had such a technological level that everything was reduced to the state of mind; that is, sometimes one could create anything as fast and as far as the mind could think and see it. And the limit of their creative abilities went as far as they could think them.’
‘But Lucifer even after having been made a member of the Council of the Wise, still could not shake the feeling of envy, hatred and jealousy, that he felt toward our Yahweh, and was consumed with the burning need to detach himself from his authority and influence in the Council of the Wise and to become a god in his own right.’
‘He therefore opposed him in everything there was. He opposed every one of his suggestions and advanced his own, which he always thought were better. As this Council was a kind of political one a kind of Senate, he made himself leader of the party opposing Yahweh and began actively perverting the minds of the otherwise good people that the others were.’
‘He told them that they needed not submit themselves to the laws of God or of the Council or listen to Yahweh, as they had so much knowledge that they could create their own planets, make their own types of beings in them, and install themselves as gods over those beings, without having to render any account to Yahweh or to worship God.’
‘He told them that Yahweh was lying to them about the existence of God, and that they were all in fact worshipping none other than Yahweh himself, who wanted to remain supreme ruler over them, that is why he had not told them the truth.’
‘Many of these good people were soon tempted by Lucifer’s offer to them to detach themselves and become gods in their own right. And angered by his proposes over Yahweh lying to them, they all began to listen to Lucifer instead of Yahweh and us, their friends of the Council of the Wise.’
‘Because of Lucifer’s machinations and through Divine Revelation, the Plan of Salvation in our world again became primordial:’
‘People of our world, as Souls, would have to transmigrate from our Home world to a totally different alien Galaxy, out of their bodies into totally alien bodies composed of elements totally different from the former ones and into atmospheric environments totally different from the ones they had lived previously.’
‘These beings shall be in a condition of total amnesia, thus they shall not remember the astronomically high technological knowledge they had attained, and the things they could do. These people shall be reduced to such an infinitely low level that they will have to begin to learn everything from the beginning. In fact, their level of knowledge should be null.’
‘Then they shall be told all over again about God, and about how He had created and loved them. Those who shall believe in accept and love Him even though they have no way of verifying His existence shall be allowed to go back and live in our Home world. Some might go immediately after their stay on Earth once their lessons had been learnt and are verified to have been learnt if they wished to go back.’
‘Those who, once they had transmigrated on Earth, do not get the opportunity to hear or learn about God, those who know but doubt, and those who totally reject Him will be made to return and try again. After the allocated number of chances, there will be no more opportunities to transmigrate to Earth. But even then life will continue.’
‘And those who not only totally reject God, but make or teach others to do the same will be immediately stopped from returning altogether, and their transmigration cycle will be switched off irrevocably.’
“Even then they will still have a choice. Once they return, their lives will no longer be extended and they will be allowed to die a natural death to be dealt with by God in whom we all still believe.”
‘They will be free to join the ranks of the Fallen Angels and thus become subjected to the authority of the lowliest man on Earth. And that is what we call Eternal Hell in our world.’
‘Yahweh the Leader of our Council of the Wise decreed that if the first part of the scientific experiment was a success, he should come himself, in the same way as the others scientists. To make sure that the people created would only ever believe in and worship the One True God. God, the Eternal Father.’
‘Lucifer, when he heard the exposé of the plan, immediately stood up and declared that he should be the one to go and be the Teacher. He said:’
“By what you have said, why should anyone have to perish? I was the first one that was created so I shall go and be the Messiah on Earth.’’
“I shall be known as the Only-Begotten and all those who shall safely come back; whether they believe in and accept God or not, whether they are very good or extremely bad, no matter how many crimes they commit, since they shall be in a different world, and shall be born into amnesia and live in an amnesiac world, will not be made accountable.”
“And in return, I want to be made god in that Galaxy. I want it to be mine to do with as I please.”
‘Our Yahweh said: “Wrong! That is the aim of the whole creation project, for many of you here are not perfect and present a great danger to our peaceful world’ and to all the infinite and eternal system! The aim is to root out this evil of atheism and rebellion and to bring back the world of God to our Universe the way it was; a happy world without unbelief, without hatred and dissent.’’
“So I decree that Man, as the people of our Home World shall be known, even though he shall be born amnesiac, he shall go out of Earth with the perfect recollection of all his earthly life.”
“And a faculty which shall be placed in him called ‘conscience’ shall make that recollection a truthful one. Thus man shall be judged by his own conscience, which shall remind him by playing back all his past deeds at the time of his coming out of Earth.”
“But we have the Son within each one of us. God within shall be the Redeemer.”
‘Lucifer again saw his chance of being God slip out of his grasp. For he was very sly, and if Yahweh had agreed, he would have ‘sold the whole of Humanity’s birthrights just the same way as Esau sold his, later, to Jacob.’
‘And Lucifer would have turned all the new Creation to his side. And he would have inherited the powers of the Son within, which powers were denied him at his creation and that he did not have at the time of his fall. And such powers accessed by such a person would have been deadly. There could never have been two gods, for the evil Lucifer would have taken the power of the Son and destroyed his Creator.’
‘O Man of Earth, here is wisdom. Know that the death of any ‘Divinely Realized’ Messiah was to be the accomplishment of the second part of the experiment on the scientific level:’
‘The return transmigration of the initial soul out of Earth, and out of a human body back into its former world and element and into a body of the original world without any harm coming to it, and with the total memory of its life on Earth.’
‘After Yahweh announced his decision, he said: “Your free will starts here. All of you shall vote and choose which of the two of us, myself or Lucifer, you support. You heard what we both had to say.”
‘Elections were therefore held. Two thirds of the people voted for Yahweh and a third voted for Lucifer. So Yahweh won. Lucifer ferociously angry at loosing again against his enemy Yahweh, called his followers to war. His decision was that they should kill Yahweh and do away with his rule over them as he stopped them from realizing their dreams of becoming gods.’
‘That War, which did not involve just the population of one world but of whole Galaxies, was a horrible one; and Lucifer lost.’
‘The reasonable thing to do was to take away a third of powers with which Lucifer and his followers were endowed. They were chased from our Galaxy, never to return; and were allowed to live in this Galaxy of the Milky Way, but not to have human bodies, and neither with power and knowledge to create any as golems.’
‘Every single being that existed and was born after that time in our Home world was to be subjected then to the ‘Test of Salvation Through Transmigration’. And that is why the Humanoid Creation expeditions began.’
‘Adam was thus created out of Earth, Water, Fire and Earth; a perfect biological robot or golem, with everything you all know that composes the human body. And that was the Divine way of first creating Man, because in that way, he came with God within himself. That is always we had to use our genetic materials for the creation. But as we have already said, he was not an adult when thus created; he was created as a baby of less than a year old.’
‘Then Yahweh, who was with us during that expedition, gave a transfusion of his own blood to the robot or golem. With blood running in its veins, the robot lost the cadaveric clay-like complexion of its skin, while its heart was started up, and began to beat. Genetic material was immediately taken from the newly created child, and through manipulation in our lab, Eve was created, being made to grow as an embryo in one of our incubation machines.’
‘Yahweh, our leader had performed mouth to mouth resuscitation on Adam as soon as he was created, thus at the same time, he insufflated part of his own soul and spirit into Adam to give him real humanoid sentience. That way all human beings share the breath of life and the blood and part of the soul and power of their Creator perpetuated through birth.’
‘And that was the fool proof way we ensured that Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial with their cohorts could not use an empty human body to place themselves in, in order to live naturally on Earth and find the way back to the grace they had lost. They can only possess bodies but even the possessed are still inhabited by a soul and spirit from God.’
‘That therefore in great detail, is how events happened and it is the true account. Those who will get the story of the young man from France should very well consider the facts related here, before they make a final decision and choice. We too wished to give our side of the story. It is up to you now to make up your own minds. One final thing: Adam was different in that he talked within six months of being created.’
‘Now we shall stop for now. Come tomorrow to the cocoa plantation as usual, and we shall continue with our story from where we left when Adam and his wife listened to Lucifer and the Fallen Watchers.’
‘If it seems to you there to have been a repetition here, it was deliberate. You will understand when you get acquainted with the story of the Man from France. We insist that you give this repletion in full as it explains in detail what I had only broached on earlier in this message; and here our story today ends.’


Well, such a long speech! I began reflecting on what I had just heard, and fell asleep soon after saying my bedtime prayer, not even knowing whether I had understood everything or not.
The following morning was December the 17th. I got up and stepped outside, and reflected about how my life had been turned upside down during the last three days. Everything now seemed unreal. I wondered how people could very simply go about their businesses, not knowing that every day I had been meeting and conversing with people from other Galaxies.
A young man on a bicycle stopped outside our house and stepped down. He went into the house and told my grandmother that my mother had sent a message that she would be coming to stay for a few days.
That spelt trouble for me. One thing that I did not want was the house full of my brothers and sisters. It would no longer be easy to slip away and go to my meetings without being followed by at least one or two children.
I just hoped that I would have the rest of the message before they came. Somehow I knew that my mother intended to spend Christmas with us. ‘Please God, let it be before the twenty second of December, that way they would not stay long.’ I prayed.
When morning came, I was almost shaking with excitement and barely ate. I told my grandmother that I needed to go for a walk at the cocoa plantation; and amazingly she made no objection even then. I took my set of keys and left, after asking her not to follow me because I wished to be alone.
Besides, it seemed that there were going to be some sort of general meeting in the village late in the day, which she wished to attend. And she wanted to be back from the farm in time for the beginning of the meeting. So I was reassured that she would not be tempted to follow me. I arrived at the farm at 10 o’clock in the morning, just as the shiny space vessel appeared.



Again, I calmly stood waiting for the space vessel to come closer and for the door to open. This was done and the same two beings that usually welcomed me appeared, standing in the same order as they did the day before; and looking just as solemn. I greeted them in the Essene manner, this time smiling and feeling quite calm, as I now trusted them.
The ladder was lowered and I climbed up. We went through the same round of rituals passing along the curbing corridor to the same room where the woman and her companions waited. After we had sat down and were secured in our seats, the vessel shot up, following the same trajectory as the day before. Then as they were maneuvering to descend on Mount Cameroon, a signal flashed at one of the buttons near the large (TV) screen.
The woman pointed a small pen-like device at it and a view of Mount Cameroon appeared on which there were people climbing the mountain. She even brought the view in close-up and I could see that it were White people, dressed in shorts and tee shirts with climbing shoes and full climbing equipment, with rolls of strong ropes.
These were probably some of the tourists who regularly go round climbing mountains in Africa and around the world. They were accompanied by two Cameroonian guides, who both also seemed to be very experienced climbers and were also dressed like them.
It was quite amazing to see these people in such close-up, since the vessel was so high up that I doubted the climbers could even see it.
The ‘Brown’ man in our company whispered a few words and the vessel immediately shot back up into the sky towards another direction.
After what seemed like only five minutes the sides of the vessel became transparent again and I saw us just landing on a flat desert landscape at the shade of a huge sand dune.
‘My God! Where on earth are we now?’ I exclaimed suddenly alarmed.
“It is alright” - replied the Black being – “we are still in Africa, further north to your country, here”. And he pointed at the screen on which an aerial view of Africa appeared.
“The Sahara desert? God, this is the very first time I have ever left Cameroon! The Sahara!’ I exclaimed and rushed to look at the paysage through the walls of the craft whose doors remained firmly closed.
Even though I knew that it was very hot outside, it remained comfortably cool inside. The transparency of the walls of the craft was withdrawn leaving it as it looked before. Then the ‘White’ being turned toward me:
‘Well we shall continue where we left yesterday. Did you access the message easily?’ He asked.
‘Yes, very captivating’. I said, smiling nervously.
“You shall find it easier as time goes by, and as you keep on accessing the messages. Now would you please follow me”?
He got up and so did I. But as the ‘Black’ Being who still looked very familiar to me made no attempt to follow us, I was very reluctant to follow the other one. When they all saw this, they seemed to converse telepathically, because he got up and said:
“Do not be afraid, I’ll be right there with you”. Then he got up and led the way and I followed, with the ‘White’ one closing behind.
They took me again to the same ‘operating couch’. One of the small Aliens who, I admit, rather frightened me a little, was already there. I did not like him coming near me and the others had probably read my mind again because the ‘White’ Being came and put the casket on my head. Even though I had guessed that it was the little alien who operated the ‘medical equipment, I was rather relieved that he did not do it while I watched. A prick on my wrists sent me into a profound sleep.
I awoke with the pretty diamond-eyed female ‘Being’ standing next to me. The most amazing thing was that I was standing up and in the room where we usually sat, not in the ‘operating theatre’.
I was confused and was wondering how I happened to be standing, up as I had just awakened from my sleep. And how did I get into this room? Did I walk or was I carried?
‘It is time for you to go, we shall meet again tomorrow at the same time’. She said, again handing me the same beverage I had already been given before. I looked around and the two Beings that had always been first to greet me got up on their feet and smiled, as I made no attempt to take the drink.
‘Drink it. It is to help your memory’, the ‘Brown’ being said.
I emptied the very sweet and minty drink in one long gulp as the sides of the craft became transparent. We had arrived back at my grandfather’s cocoa plantation.
I descended down the ladder turned round and took leave of them, saying: “Peace be with you.” “And with thee”, said the ‘Brown’ Being”.
I stepped back under the trees as the vessel went up. Then I walked back home at a very leisurely pace, looking at the ground and lost in my thoughts. People told me later that I had walked past them without replying to their greetings.
The truth is; I frankly do not remember hearing or even noticing them. All the time, I was preoccupied about the new installment of information that had again been recorded in my brain and wondered what it would be. I could hardly wait to find out.
All my chores were done in such a state of distraction that I was not even aware that I was doing them. I simply worked by instinct. I had even started making some peanut butter by the time my grandmother came back from the farm.
I cooked dinner then I went to swim in the river that runs near the village.
When I returned, I declared that I was going to revise my lessons and would go straight to sleep afterwards.
Instead I went to bed straight away to access the message; it was half past seven in the evening. The message came immediately. It said:
‘Now we shall continue with our story. First let me recapitulate. The leaders of the Renegades, namely Kingu (Lucifer), Nammtar (Leviathan), Tiamat (Satan), and Azag (Belial); and all their armies, legions, and cohorts of rebels and dissidents, had already been banished from our Worlds.’
‘They had come with their alien bodies and a divine and eternal decree had put them at the feet of any Human beings, who could manage to access their divine powers through the Spirit Messiah within. That means that any such human being will never be under the power of the princes of the devils named above. This is also a Divine Power granted to us because, with the Mysteries, we too evolved to become as gods.’
‘But as this subject is part of the Mysteries that you were taught by your Grandfather, any more teachings that we shall give you on that matter are for your own intention and that of your future followers alone, Desiree. Therefore keep them from the ears of the profane and do not write them in the book containing this message.’
‘We had left behind armies of officers to watch and guard the Humans, and monitor their progress. The Humans called them Watchers and Guardian Angels. Note that ‘angel simply means ‘messenger’ in our language. Not very long after we left, the leaders of the Renegades came and tempted these Watchers to desert and join their ranks. Then they contacted all the Adams and Eves and the others that we had created and their children and tempted them to disobey and listen to them.’
‘They began with the couple that we created, who lived at the Laboratory City that we had built in Palestine. Eve was first, and she was tempted into having sexual intercourse with Gadral, one of the Watchers who had rebelled; and she encouraged her husband Adam to have carnal relations with one of the lady Watchers. But let me clarify the situation of our creation work a little more before we continue.’

‘You see after we succeeded in creating Adam and Eve in Palestine we did not simply stop at that first couple. We began creating large batches of children from them. We only needed just one first couple. Once it was successfully created we observed them till they passed the age of ten years.’
‘First many males and females were created through genetic manipulation of their DNA, using specially treated ovules collected from the first Eve.’
.So when these children reached puberty - which was usually at eleven Earth years for girls, and thirteen for boys - we collected ovules from the girls, and sperm from the boys and made children in our labs. We used large artificial and very sophisticated womb-like machines that could each hold up to twelve foetuses at a time. Conditions in these machines were the same as those you find in human female wombs, but even better. We added all the appropriate nutrients needed to produce perfect, healthy, full-size babies in the shortest times possible.’
‘As there was a lot of space in these breeding machines, we could deliberately cause the ovules to split and produce up to eight or ten foetuses at a time. And of course such children were identical. These were mass breeding campaigns, in which we treated the females to produce large amounts of ovules each month. And with at least a hundred of these machines in any one laboratory, you can imagine the scale to which these breeding programs amounted to, around the Planet.’
‘Of course all the children were monitored and studied for inherited diseases from us. And any babies found to have inherited our diseases and illnesses were destroyed. We could thus make nine thousands and six hundred (9600) babies a year per laboratory at least.’
‘I am afraid these children were all kept apart in their different laboratories and not allowed to meet in order to mate until we were absolutely sure that our experiment had become a success. Nothing less than that could satisfy us. Remember our aim for coming to Earth was for that scientific creation experiment. And the children we created were scientific subjects. We loved them of course, but they were scientific subjects nonetheless.’
‘Now in our laboratory situated here in Africa, the first Adam we created in this Continent, was produced through manipulation of our combined genetic materials with the material of the ‘brown-skinned’ Scientist’s material being predominant. That work was going on while Adam was also being created in Palestine.’
‘Once that first couple had been created in Palestine, ovules (eggs) were removed from Eve and fertilized in our African laboratory, to create a female; and African Eve. So the first children bred in Africa were of darker skin colour, mixed from the Palestinian Eve’s genetic material, and that of one of us. Thus we knew that breeding between both ‘Brown’ and ‘Pink’ Humans was perfectly possible.’
‘Using treated and purified genetic information from this same ‘brown-skinned’ scientist who has been meeting you every day, a few more beings were created; because he had been particularly treated and purified; and no dangerous genetic defaults as we have in our world existed in him. From these first dark-skinned children, was created the pure African ‘Black’ skin colour as you know it; ovules from the first female being again fertilized, using the first ‘Black-skinned’ Adam. That way, we made darker and darker Africans.’
‘After that, we began mass-breeding just like we were doing in the Palestinian laboratory. Our creation work in Africa was much easier than the one that was first undertaken in Palestine.’
‘And please, note that when our Ancestors had first come all those billion of years before, they had created their first Adam in a laboratory that had been situated in Africa. Also, that Adam was dark-skinned. In fact their annals say that only that first African laboratory was used for creation in their time.’
‘Our creation and breeding work was thus effectuated throughout the planet in our different laboratories. In the Orient, in our Chinese laboratory, the first Adam was created with the genetic materials of the green aliens being predominant. In the Indian laboratory, we used genetic material from the first alien-hybrids we created in Africa, crossed them with genetic material from some of the Palestinian ones, to directly mass-breed the Indian batches.’
‘It was only when we had created hundreds of thousands of children from the first Adams and Eves and were satisfied of their purity, that we allowed these original couples only, to mate naturally, before the rest. In age, they were in their twenties. All Adams were aged twenty eight, and all Eves were twenty five years old.’
‘Up till then, their education had not been neglected. They had been taught about God, and about where we had come from. We taught them about how we prepared this Solar System and about our creation work, as you can now read in your Bibles. We also taught them about our ancestors and the work of creation they had once done on Earth long before us.’
‘Many of them were allowed to work in our scientific laboratories, but their duties were limited; the more serious work was undertaken by Elyonin only. (But that does not mean we dissuaded them from becoming scientists or from doing their own researches; only that they were not allowed to use our laboratories, they had their own built.)’
‘Before being allowed to live together, the Palestinian Adam and Eve were properly married by Yahweh, the Leader of our Council of the Wise. The other couples were married by one of our own people, who was later designated and left to be the supreme Religious Leader of this new Human Race created on Earth after the teams of creators left. He was called Melchisedech. Thus right from the start, Humanity was taught to respect the sanctity of marriage.’
‘We also monitored Eve’s first pregnancy, as it was a multiple one of quads; two boys and two girls. While the girls were identical twins, Cain and Abel were not identical’. Abel had blonde hair and blue eyes, while Cain had red hair and blue eyes. If we had created them in a laboratory, we would probably have destroyed them as not being perfect. But we decided to take a chance and let them both live.’
‘Eve was helped in that she did not suffer in giving birth. The babies were delivered under anesthesia and by caesarian section; after which her cut was treated and repaired and she was left totally without any visible scar. Such a delivery was necessary, as it was our very first natural pregnancy. As a precaution after that, Eve was still treated with contraceptives while we monitored these first four naturally conceived children. It was after they grew to be normal healthy and perfect children that we deemed our experiment to be a total success.’
‘Then the male and female children of Adam that we had mass-bred in the laboratories, and whom up to then we had kept separated, were brought together in the cities we had built for them and allowed to marry.’
‘Cain and Abel and their two sisters, were thus described by Adam as being the first children, only because they were the very first with whom Eve had actually been pregnant.’
‘All Humans were very well looked after, educated, clothed and fed without any need to work and toil to survive. All their children were painlessly delivered and all believed in God according to our own beliefs. And Adam administrated to them as their Religious Leader.’
‘They effectively lived in luxury, so their cities were all called ‘paradise’. The same thing was done in all the continents; and then and only then did we decide to go away and leave them to evolve by themselves. When we left, Cain and Abel were fully-grown men; and both were married with children. They still lived in these luxurious cities and had not yet been chased away.’


‘It was thus after our departure that the Renegades came to Earth and tempted some of the Watchers to turn against us and join their ranks. And these in their turn swayed Adam and Eve and most of their Children. Abel remained faithful to us.’
‘Adam and Eve’s son Cain, made a pact with Satan, in which he accepted Satan as his god. He murdered his brother Abel as a blood offering and as a sacrifice for that pact. He and Abel were forty years old when that murder was perpetrated.’
‘Then Cain married a Renegade extra-terrestrial lady and promised to bring all Humanity to the worship of Satan and of the other Renegades; and to rid Earth of all people who tried to continue believing in the One True God.’
‘It was from then on that Humans began calling the Renegades ‘ELOHIM’, since these had presented themselves to the Humans as gods and demanded to be worshiped by them as such. Cain himself was the first to produce children born of a direct union between people from our world and Humans. These children were called ‘Nephilim’ by the Humans, which is ancient Hebrew for the ‘fallen ones’.’
‘The Adam that we created in Palestine had undergone the Eternity Operation’ when he was thirty years old. Therefore he remained looking young to the last year he lived, over eight hundred Earth years, before he moved to the next reality, after realizing his Divinity on Earth.’
‘But because we now know the contents of the story being told to the young man in France by Kingu (Lucifer), Tiamat (Satan) and Nammtar (Leviathan), we shall also give our version of what happened in detail, as well as the rest of our message. And we shall continue to use the Bible when and as necessary. You shall excuse us if we are being too prolix here and are repeating ourselves. But you are young, and we need to imprint this message deep into your memory and your psyche, so that you will never forget it. And we are sure that you will welcome those repetitions.’


‘It is written that Adam, after the death of Abel ‘had many sons and many daughters’ before he had Seth. “And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and Adam knew his wife again...” Genesis 4:25)
“… and begat a son after his own likeness after his image; and called his name Seth…” Genesis 5:4
‘The above passage means that for a period of one hundred and thirty years Adam avoided making love to Eve. Instead he had intercourse with these extra-terrestrial (or heavenly) ladies, and it is with them that he had those other ‘sons and daughters. Those children were Nephilim, just like the children of Cain. The next time Adam did make love to Eve Seth was conceived naturally and born. He was born ‘after his likeness’ means that he was a pure Human; not one of those mixed with the Watchers.’
‘The blame does not only lean on Adam, because his wife Eve also did the same thing and gave birth to children whose fathers were the Watchers. During those one hundred and thirty years they both refused to listen to Elyonin -(Melchisedech who was specially chosen to represent the Council of the Wise on Earth and those few Watchers who had remained loyal to us)- the same as he refused to worship God. Therefore those children were also evil like all the other Nephilim, which we Elyonin disapproved of. And they are those of whom it is written: ‘and the sons of Adam loved Satan more than God.’
‘Adam and his wife were held in high esteem by the other Humans. And when they saw them socialize with the rebel Watchers and other Renegade Extra-Terrestrials, they also began to do the same. A lot of them married these Extra-Terrestrials and a great deal of Nephilim began to be born.’
‘All the 200 Watchers that swore allegiance to Satan chose a Human wife each, approached them, and lived with them and had carnal intercourse with them.’


Now notice that the order of occurrence of events was not respected in the Bible. They happened this way:’
‘Adam and Eve remained in the beautiful paradisiacal cities long after what is now known as ‘their fall’. The faithful Watchers had been forced to flee by the Renegades, as they sought to kill them for refusing to ally with them and the Renegades and their Human followers lived in the Cities. It was after these one hundred and fifty years that Yahweh our Leader himself returned, after having learnt of the state of things on Earth.’
“On Yahweh’s return, a War took place. That is when Adam, Eve and all their children and the rest of the rebel Humans were chased out of the cities that had been built for them; because the pure race that had been created had been compromised and destroyed by the Renegades. Most of the diseases and illnesses that the pure race had not inherited had again been introduced by the Renegades through the children they had with humans. And by so doing, the scientific experiment of Elyonin could no longer be called a success.’
‘Many of the cities that had been built by Elyonin for the Humans were destroyed; and Adam and the Humans were left to fend for themselves. Cain also was separately punished for the murder of his brother and his allegiance to Satan.’
‘Lead by Melchisedech, the vacated Laboratory Cities were occupied by the good Elyonin Watchers, Abel’s children and those Humans who were still faithful to Elyonin.’

From then on both factions lived in a constant state of War. The Renegades completely took over the traitor Humans and they began to use their wives to get at the rest of Humans who did not join them immediately and to fight them. They taught them witchcraft enchantments and the magical properties of roots and trees. Not that this was wrong academically, but they abandoned proper teachings and instead, concentrated on introducing superstitions in their lessons.’
‘The women conceived and gave birth to children who grew into giants whose height reached 300 cubits (4 meters) and who accepted and worshipped Lucifer, Satan Leviathan and Belial as their gods. But before we even continue with the Nephilim, let us see what the fallen Watchers did in particular, to contribute to the ruin of the lovely peaceful and innocent but highly educated race that humanity once used to be:
‘Samyaza taught witchcraft to men. He and Azazial introduced corruption, iniquities and greed in men, and both of them took turns to disclose to men what kind of evil magic took place in their Homeworlds of Procyon and Draconis.’
‘Azazial also taught men to make swords, knives, shields, armors and mirrors and encouraged them to go to war with the God-loving people who were then called the ‘People of God’ and to exterminate them.’
‘He also taught the fabrication of bracelets and of ornaments, the use of paint and the art of coloring one’s eyebrows, of using precious stones to make jewelry so that the world became corrupted with greed and materialism. He convinced the women not to bother with education and to only worry about appearing alluring and beautiful to men, which occupation had till then not been a priority with them.’
‘Amazarak taught all the sortileges, curses and enchantments and again the magical properties of roots. Thus none of them got to be acquainted with the Divine Mysteries that were their birthright.’
‘Barkayal taught the art of star gazing and sent his students to go around telling and extorting fortunes from their neighbors. Tamial taught astronomy and Asaradal taught the movement of the moon, and encouraged people to rely on planets for their lives and fates instead of on God.
‘Yekum, one of Lucifer’s own War officials who lead the Galactic rebellion with him, is the one who, on the advice of Lucifer, actually made the speech to seduce the Extra-Terrestrial guards and talked them into going and procreating children with human beings. Kesab even used his special powers to inspire ideas of lust to those Watchers that were hesitant, and then pushed them to go and have sexual intercourse with human women.’
‘And Gadral, as well as luring Eve into a long carnal relationship with him, also taught the Humans the ways of inflicting death quickly and slowly. It was also at this time that Cain murdered Abel, and the true time of Adam’ and Eve’s transgressions; when they mated with the Extra-terrestrials.’
‘Gadral also taught them how to make the instruments that inflict death and torture; also those that can help avoid death in war. And this was actually when Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Holy City.’
‘Kasyade is the one who revealed the most diabolic and evil arts to the children of men. He taught them how to practice abortions, which were then forcibly practiced on the women of the People of God.’
‘Tenemue by his power revealed bitterness, softness and sweetness, in other words he taught hatred and prejudice, as well as sensuality to the Humans, and he uncovered to them all the secrets of false wisdom. Thus by him, Humanity has seen multiplying those that have lost and mislead themselves and others in their vain wisdom, from that time of the beginning till now; all those so-called scientists who have explained and continue to insist on explaining creation on Earth to themselves and to humanity in their own way. He is the one who teaches to atheists that there is no god, or to designate God as one of the visible things of creation, thus leading them and others to the practice of idolatry.’
‘It was also Tenemue who taught men to write, and showed them the use of ink and paper. For men were not created to consign their knowledge by means of paper. They were created and taught to imitate our purity and justice. And had they remained that way, they would never have known death. We have been giving you some of our means of remembering everything we teach you every day. That sweet liquid we give you to drink. And you will see just how long you will remember our message and how it will help your brain faculties.’
‘The Humans we created used to consign everything to memory. But as soon as they began using paper, their brain capacities quickly became atrophied and their memories began to fail them. Knowledge that belonged to all became a commodity only reserved to a few who then used it to become masters over others. And not only that, impiety increased, mindless fornication multiplied, the creatures transgressed and corrupted their ways.’
‘Now you can begin to understand what great harm the Renegades did. For though they possessed some science, they kept it from the Humans, but the bit they showed them was not always for all.’


‘The Humans we created were never taught to eat meat, because we did not eat meat ourselves. Flesh and all product that comes from anything that has lived and been killed, do not belong in the Human body. Such products are harmful to the Human being. We had alternatives like milk and eggs, which are the only things coming from living beings worth eating by Man.’
But the Nephilim were giants, as you already know. They used Humans as their servants and made them bring and prepare all their food. Before long it became impossible to feed them. So they began to fall on the birds, the beasts, the reptiles and the fish to feed themselves, they also drank their blood. And when the animals became rare to find, they fell on the Humans, especially the Men of God, and began to devour them in a savage and sickening orgy of cannibalism.’
‘But we Elyonin simply could not allow all the hard work that we had done to be totally destroyed by the Renegades. On Melchisedech’s advice, we again contacted Adam and his wife; who had become disappointed with the Renegades and had repented and reunited just before the birth of Seth, and had again begun to worship God. Their exile from the Holy City had lasted a hundred years before we returned in force. By that we mean that after the war during which they had been chased away, they repented not long after that, but Melchisedech let a whole hundred years pass before he was sure of their sincere repentance, and allowed them to come and live with him again the Laboratory City, which by them was called the Holy City.’
‘But that also took another very savage and bloody war with the Renegades and their children and descendants. The Renegades fled with many of the Nephilim. The remaining Nephilim were exterminated by us, after we chased them from our other City-Laboratories in which they had established themselves as gods.’
‘There we had to again treat both Adam and Eve and render them pure and free of any alien diseases before Seth could be conceived and be born. Adam was then crowned King and High Priest, with Eve as his Queen It was when Seth was born that Melchizedech was again confirmed as Elyonin’s Ambassador. Adam and all leaders of the ‘People of God’ who were also Kings established in their own kingdoms, paid tithes to him.’
‘We then helped Adam and Eve take control of the cities and to gather those few Humans who had remained loyal to us, and who had also remained pure by not intermarrying with the Nephilim or the Extra-terrestrials. Adam and Eve taught Seth how to operate the transmitters that we left them with in order to contact Melchizedech and us. And he too taught his children.’
‘We left them after creating more batches of pure humans from Adam, Eve and Seth. Adam’s family was left to administer all divine rites and to lead the people as the leading pure family and people of God.’
‘Of course the Renegades came back again, not too long after we had left; and proceeded to again wage war against our faithful people, and to interbreed with those Humans who now lived in savage tribes throughout the Planet. They are the ones who chased Adam and his people from the cities for the last time in a savage War with him.’
‘When news came to us of what Satan, his friends, the Watchers and their children were doing again on Earth, an expedition lead by Michael, Gabriel Raphael and myself, Uriel, came back to Earth. By that time Enoch was now on Earth and he was the one who contacted us with the transmitter that he had taken over after becoming the leader of the pure race.’
‘He was a scientist as well as a prophet and Religious Leader, keeping the faith in God among the few people that still believed. Melchisedech was the one who met him regularly and educated him. Enoch and other Human scientists still had knowledge of the ‘Eternity operation’, and they administered it to those who were worthy.’
‘Calling us had only become necessary as a last resort to him after trying many times to exhort the Watchers to turn back from their wickedness. After our first visit, we took Enoch with us for some time on another Planet of this Universe. Nobody back on Earth knew where he had been taken or what had happened to him.’
‘There, the Watchers who had refused to follow Lucifer and who had been called back named him ‘Enoch the Scribe’. There he was instructed even more deeply into the Mysteries. He was even taught how to adapt planets, and was given materials to do that. Enoch was later brought back to Earth, and was sent to talk to the Fallen Watchers one last time; with the promise that if they came back they would be forgiven.’
‘He then went to talk to the Watchers and the Nephilim, but they refused to listen to him and he barely escaped with his life after they tried to grab and kill him. That is when he used the materials we had given him and he adapted a large island that was nearly a continent. It was situated in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately off the coast of where North -West Africa is now, and which extended as far as to be close to where the islands off the American continent, the Caribbeans, are. That island was named Atlantis.’
‘Then a brutal war began between the Humans helped by us, and the Nephilim and the Watchers helped by the Renegades. As the Wicked ones could not very well protect themselves on the mainland and sustained heavy losses; they lost the War.’
‘All the Watchers and their wives were rounded up, taken to and then forced to live on that planet their ancestors had first adapted long ago. Many Renegade Watchers moved to bases in the Arctic and Antarctic polar regions. The Nephilim who were half-human and who could not support the polar climate of Earth, where some of their parents’ bases had been, were allowed to go and live on Atlantis and to make their home on it. All those Humans who had allied themselves to them also went to live with them. At that time, there were flying crafts on Earth which were owned both by the humans and the Nephilim.’
‘That war had lasted three years, and the Nephilim and their followers, who also had experienced the kind of suffering they had been inflicting on Humans, were somehow subdued for a while. They became a great civilization; very scientifically evolved, but a very immoral one.’
‘They still rejected God and His existence and thrived in self-autonomy. Their only religion was science, as they believed that only science would help them create their own New World; a world without moral laws and a world without God. For having been brought up by their evil, perverted and bitter parents, they had all grown up and remained ruthless, wicked, violent and totally debauched; like their fathers and mothers before them.’
‘They were still in regular contact with their parents the Watchers, who now constantly roamed the Galaxies. And their greatest obsession and primordial aim as they were taught by their parents, was to go back to our Galaxy and vanquish Yahweh, the head of our Council of The Wise; because as long as he was still there, their dreams were never going to be realized.’
‘Their second obsession was that they were determined to win the whole of Humanity on their side and to stop them from worshipping God or even remembering His Name. Failing that, they aimed to kill them all.’
‘We again left after assigning a new contingent of Watchers for the Humans, under the leadership of Melchisedech. The Atlantean Nephilim began to come again to the main lands and to befriend them. And they again began to teach them all sorts of false doctrines, encouraging them to indulge in unnatural perversions and causing them to commit idolatry, and worship the Stars, the Planets, the Fallen Angels or Renegades, and the Watchers and themselves as gods. And they ordered those who allied themselves with them to commit horrific murders by making human sacrifices to Satan and his three friends Lucifer Leviathan and Belial.’
‘For another three hundred years this state of affairs remained. The Nephilim and their fathers had built centers of culture all over Earth, teaching their false doctrines and disobedience to initiates, who also went and opened their own training centers. And again they encouraged their followers to make war with and kill all those who worshipped God, and most of all to offer them as blood sacrifices.’
‘They were therefore not the great people that the Young Man from France would want you to believe they were. If that is what he will teach, nobody should believe him, he is a liar.’
‘The Atlantean civilization did not last long. By that three hundredth year, the majority of Humanity had reached the height of depravity, debauchery and wickedness; and their influence had spread on the whole of Earth. And those who were with them greatly outnumbered the People of God.’
‘Soon our Watchers could not properly protect the faithful. As they had to constantly fight Atlantean airborne raids, all their Earth bases had to be abandoned and they settled on temporary bases on Earth’s moon, Luna. But even there, they were not safe from the Atlanteans. So they reported back to our Government and asked for help from the Council of the Wise.’
‘And when the Atlanteans’ attempts to kill Enoch became very frequent, and it seemed that they were going to succeed, Enoch too contacted us. It was decided that this time, the Nephilim were going to be dealt with once and for all; and our Watchers were sent reinforcements with orders to destroy Atlantis.’
‘In a week long fighting, most of the Nephilim died. But quite a large number of them who already knew of the impending disaster escaped in space vessels. Many of them moved to the African continent. Others scattered themselves on the American continent. More others went to India. A great deal went to Ceylon where they built the original city of Pagan.’
‘Others went to where Korea now is and China, also spreading to the Tibetan mountains and into Mongolia. The rest made homes for themselves on the neighboring planets on old bases that they adapted for themselves. And Atlantis was sunk into the waters in a week long series of explosions, earthquakes and fires provoked from above; and all pagan temples were destroyed on the Continents.’
‘But unfortunately the Nephilim were still on Earth and their followers were still loyal to them; and they continued, unabated, with their Satan worship, their idolatries and their debaucheries. They rebuilt their temples and before long they again began pursuing, murdering and offering the ‘People of God’ in Sacrifice to Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and Belial.’


‘Our Watchers abandoned their bases on Luna as the Atlanteans who were now there, were regularly bombarding them; and as they had been weakened by all the constant fighting, they could no longer sustain any more attacks without heavy losses.’
‘And the ‘People of God’ were left without Watchers, with only Melchisedech representing us, and in a sorry situation; having to meet in secret by fear of being discovered and massacred. Unfortunately, Melchizedech never got involved in wars, and they could not count on him.’
‘Then came Noah. The transmitter had come into his possession by right of inheritance; as he too, like his father, had remained faithful to God.’
‘He was deeply versed in the Law and the Mysteries, and spent all his free time gathering groups of people and intrepidly preaching to them to abandon idolatry, to turn from evil and wickedness and back to God; and to faithful cohabitation with their neighbors.’
‘But now that the Watchers had left, those Renegades who had been exiled to their ancestors’ Planet bases began regularly to fly to Earth and to influence the Humans. Satan regularly came among them and taught them to hate Yahweh, all Elyonin and all Humans who were faithful to them and who believed in God and obeyed His commandments; telling them that only he, Satan, loved them and could give them better lives, and they believed him.
‘So Noah’s anger was kindled against all of them. Like those before him, even though he was part of a large family with several brothers and sisters, he found himself standing alone.’
‘Only three of his sons and a handful of good people sided with him, while the rest of his relatives, and people in his area of the World preferred the Nephilim and their debaucheries. Even his daughters refused to listen to him and they separated from him and married Nephilim.’
‘The Nephilim, pushed by their fathers, began again to personally terrorize the few ‘People of God’ that were left in tiny communities around the world and to murder them. Their first targets, as usual were prophets; because they were those to whom Melchisedech and Elyonin spoke; and who could tell people about God and about us.’
‘Noah’s anger was worsened at the loss of his daughters. He went to preach to these giants and one more time told their Human followers that if they repented and saw the error of their ways they could still be saved. But instead of changing, they became even worse.
‘And through marriage, the Nephilim began to multiply at an alarming rate all over the planet. They fought the ‘People of God’ for their lands and possessions; and in Palestine, a very high prize was put on Noah’s head.’
‘In the end, there were only Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth who worshipped God and followed His Laws. That is when Noah decided to ask for help from Elyonin. So he used the transmitter and told Melchizedech of the state into which Earth had again been reduced. And we were told...’
‘Finally the Council of the Wise had to admit that what had happened to the other colony Planets had now happened to Earth. Even though the Creation Experiment had been a complete success, it had once more been irremediably sabotaged; so a decision was taken. Yahweh, our Leader, decided that simply provoking earthquakes on Earth would not do, only a permanent solution was required in order to rid Earth of the Nephilim and all the Satan worshippers.’
‘Because the plan of Divine Realization had been completely jeopardized; and people who should have spent their time doing what they had come to do, were wasting it worshipping those who had lost what they themselves were seeking, and murdering those who wanted to try. Yahweh our Leader decreed that the whole lot of them had to be drowned, that way those who had lost their way could come back in our world to be told of their mistake and be given a chance to return and try again later; while a small group of pure People of God would be left to multiply and continue with the original plan.’
‘So Noah was ordered to build an enormous, three storey ocean-going ship in which he could shelter himself and those who went with him while the rest of the people would perish.’
‘Noah who was a Scientist as well as a Prophet of God had to ensure that many animals, fowls, reptiles, and others would survive, except all aquatic beings which were expected to survive. Those that were not too large came in couples of males and females, seven pairs of each species; and sperm and ovules from the very large ones were collected and preserved for re-creation later by Noah.’
‘Notice that Noah was told: ‘make yourself an ark of gopher wood’ that is because at that time flying ships were composed of materials that do not exist on Earth now, but that we could produce in the factories that we set up on Earth.’
‘Wood was used only for building boats, ships, houses, furniture and other things but never for any flying vessels. Because with the technology that we used, wood simply would disintegrate and come apart during acceleration maneuvers.’
‘Notice also that Noah was advised to cover the Ark inside and outside with pitch. This was to preserve the wood and make it impermeable to water. And the description of the Ark in the Bible should tell you exactly what it looked like, what its shape was:
“Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make rooms in the ark and cover it inside and out with pitch. This is how you are to make it: The length of the ark, three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height, thirty cubits. Make a roof for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above, and set the door of the ark in its side; make with lower, second, and third deck.” That was a description that, to me is very clear; and if a drawing had been made of it, we would have got the shape of the ships now seen in your oceans.’
‘As I said, we now know of the contents of the story that is being given to the Young Man in France, and we shall try to give our details that will give our side of the story when necessary. We therefore refer to these passages of the Bible:
‘Then Yahweh the Lord continued; For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the Earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life from under heaven, everything that is on Earth shall die’... ‘and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons and your sons’ wives with you ... for I will send rain upon the face of the Earth forty days and forty nights... ‘And Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him... all the fountains of the great deep burst forth... and rain fell upon the Earth forty days and forty nights... The flood continued upon the Earth... and the waters increased, and bore up the Ark, and it rose high above the earth. The waters prevailed and increased greatly the Earth; and the ark floated upon the surface of the waters. And the waters prevailed so mightily upon the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered; the waters prevailed above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits deep... and all flesh died that moved upon the Earth, birds cattle, beast... and every man.’
‘Everything on the dry land died... Only Noah was left and those that were with him in the ark...And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.” Genesis 7:17-24
‘Noah at that time was six hundred years old when he entered into the Ark; and the flood came five days later, a flood of WATER, as it is written.’
‘That is the way in which the Flood came to be in Palestine. There is absolutely no other way than this one. The passages that I have just quoted state very clearly that life was destroyed by waters only, and not by anything else, because it rained for a hundred and fifty days.’
‘So if the Young Man from France will come and say that Noah’s Ark was anything else than a Sea-going ship, do not believe him; he is lying to you. And if he tells you that there was a nuclear intervention from Elyonin, do not believe him; he is a liar!’
‘There is no statement of a cataclysm here. And that is the word which is used in all the scriptures, together with ‘earthquakes’ and expressions like ‘the earth shook violently’ … ‘and the Lord rained fire and brimstone from the sky’... to indicate explosions and nuclear interventions.’
‘Besides, ‘flood’ is a word that is usually used to indicate a sudden rise or influx of a very large amount of water. In French that word is ‘deluge’, ‘inundation’, and both synonyms are definitely connected with water. Therefore you must not believe the Young Man from France when he shall come and tell you that it was a nuclear explosion that destroyed Humanity during the flood. He would also try to make you believe that Noah’s Ark was a space vessel, please, do not believe him; he is a liar!’
‘In the text it says that ‘the waters increased and bore the Ark with them’. The waters rose so high that the Ark also rose high above the normal ground level. It could only rise high above the earth as even the highest mountains were under the water.’
‘And Moses’ account clearly states on verse 18 that ‘the Ark floated on the face of the water’. He did not say that the Ark flew into the air and disappeared into the clouds. There is nowhere where it is written that Noah was asked to build a flying ship; and the word ship is profusely used in the Bible and other scriptures.’
‘And how did the situation get back to normal? It is written:
“But Elyonin remembered Noah ... And God made a wind blow over the Earth and the waters subsided; and the fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, and the waters subsided continually. At the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters had abated; and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth of the month, the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters continued to abate until the tenth month, on the first day of the month the tops of the mountains were seen.” Genesis 8:1-5
‘And here, there is no longer any doubt that Noah’s ark was indeed floating on the water. Because when the mountains began to show and the Ark became so heavy that it could no longer float, it became wedged among the high peaks of the mountain. So the idea of Noah building a flying saucer, as the young Man from France might allege, should be dismissed. Because if it had been a flying saucer, it would have been taken to the moon Luna, where it would have waited for the waters to recede completely; before simply flying back to Earth and landing on a flat valley. Providing the people and animals with enough air to breathe on the Moon would not have been difficult for the Watchers who would have been in charge of them.’
‘But Noah and his sons had to wait for the ground to dry before finally coming down from the mountains and herding the animals with them, which was not an easy task. Why would he have wanted to add to his troubles, if there had been an easier way to get him and all the beasts in his care to the valleys all at once and quickly?’
‘And the passage about winds blowing is a normal phenomenon, especially for people living in tropical countries where torrential rains are current events. Strong winds always blow after such heavy rains; and that is exactly what happened in our story of the great Flood. The whole of the Planet as we have already said enjoyed a temperate climate in which there were no harsh winters or heavy snows, before the same Flood, in Palestine.’
‘So when the Young Man from France shall come and talk about god, Satan, Lucifer and all the Fallen angels monitoring levels of radioactivity and dispersing it scientifically, you must dismiss him as someone spreading a mad concept. And those who follow him should beware of believing such a crazy idea.’
‘Trust the story of the Bible, and believe us Elyonin, your Creators, for we tell you the truth. We have never ever denied anything that we have said or done before, nor have we ever changed our story.’
‘And also I would like to attract your attention to the fact that Noah was asked to preserve only birds and animals (mammals and reptiles). And the Bible states that all the living things on dry land perished. That means that all marine life was safe.’
‘Now that would not have been the case if we had dropped nuclear bombs on the Planet as the Young Man from France would want you to believe. Not even aquatic life can be safe in the event of a global nuclear destruction of life on your Planet.’
‘The Nephilim who existed on Earth at that time and the people who descended from them all perished as it is written: “They were all destroyed, beasts, birds, reptiles, ‘Children of men’ and ‘Sons of Men’.’
‘As it has always been in the course of Earth’s history, Prophets are appointed by us among people who believe in God and who are ready and willing to obey us and be led by us. These Prophets prophesied, talked and wrote mainly about the events concerning the Country or Continent where they lived in particular and the world in general.’
‘That is why all Jewish Prophets discussed mostly the problems pertaining to Israel and Palestine, while American ones prophesied for the people who lived in the Americas, and so on with all the Prophets and Holy Men who have lived throughout Earth. So those parts of the Planet that did not have Prophets seem not to have been part of Humanity of those times; having no history. But they still existed, all of them.’
‘Know that there were about seven groups of people who were advised to build such ships. Only in the course of history and upheavals on Earth, their stories have been lost. There have also been other people who were instructed by us to build not only ships but also submarines.’


‘Getting Noah to build that ship was not an easy task. After he was told about the Flood plans, he did not begin work straight away. For a long time he spent time in his prayer place, praying for the punishment not to be carried out. Melchizedech had to visit him twice in two weeks to urge him to begin building the ship.’
‘He was finally told that if he did not obey, he would die with the rest of his countrymen. Then he first moved from his village that was near the Sea with his followers, and went to live on top of a high hill. There they began the work; and that is why the people of that area were mocking him for building such a large ship inland. But even then, it took a long time for that Ark to be finished.’
‘For years he and his followers would stop working. Then Melchizedech would come and urge him to finish the Ark. Noah and his people started the work three times; then they would stop each time and Noah would urge them instead to pray for the disaster to be averted.’
‘Also, they were impeded by the natives of the land where he moved to, before he began the building work. They were constantly attacked, also, some of the work on the Ark was sabotaged; and they had to begin again. And when they were not sabotaging his work they mocked Noah and his people and insulted them.’
‘When the Ark was ready, Melchisedech came and gave him an instrument, a sort of a whistle with which he called the beasts to him. Every time he blew it, any animals in the surrounding areas and as far as a hundred miles would head toward the sound.’
‘And it was not only Noah and his sons and his wife in the Ark. There were about a hundred and fifty people with them in total. His sons had wives and children, who in turn also had children. Some of those grandsons and granddaughters of Noah were aged from between fifty and eighty years. And some of their children, Noah’s great-grandchildren, were already grown up and married, others still small.’
‘Well as it is written, Noah and his sons were advised to free all the animals and birds and reptiles. They separated in three main families and set on to repopulate their world. In their part of Palestine, they were the only survivors with their wives. So we came to assist Noah, who, you remember was a Scientist, and who was told to speed up the re-population.’
‘In fact, we also helped him build a scientific laboratory, and there we helped him produce multiple ‘artificial pregnancies’ as we did at the time of Adam, producing dozens of children from each wife of his children in regular and close succession in large incubator machines. And when their daughters were just thirteen they were made to marry and also helped with producing many children. So it was indeed Noah who was the ancestor of all those people who existed in that whole area that is now the Middle East.’
‘After this further mass breeding, Noah separated his people in three main groups and set each one of his first three sons at the head of these groups. Notice that only three sons of Noah are mentioned in the Bible, but he really had more, even when he was ordered to build the Ark. But Shem, Ham and Japheth were the ones who were designated as leaders, and were ordained as Priests over these groups. And to them were entrusted the keys to the Mysteries as we gave them to Humanity.’
‘Japheth’s group went to the area of Earth now called the Caucasus with all the lands and mountains surrounding. Shem’s group remained in Palestine, stretching from the whole of the area now that encloses, Lebanon, and down all the way to Saudi Arabia. While Ham’s group went to Egypt.’
‘So before long, within two hundred years, that area became highly populated. For a long time, the whole of the people who lived in the countries around Palestine had one common national language which was the Ancient Hebrew I have already told you about.’
‘We did not just abandon humanity after helping with this mass production of children. Again schools were built where we sent some of our best teachers, who once more came and educated these first children. And when there were enough centers of cultures with Human teachers taking over the education of the rest of the populations, ELYONIN teachers left once more for the new Planet where we were again doing creation work, and the Humans were left to progress by themselves.’
‘However, Humanity was by now definitely calling us the gods or ‘Elohim’. And though we never encouraged this, we also no longer bothered to stop them calling us gods.’
‘Watchers were left to monitor their progress, but they were stationed on the main bases which were situated on Luna, and on secret ones on Earth. But Melchizedech was the exception amongst ELYONIN who were in this Solar System. He lived openly as King in the city then called Salem, where he had a large castle. There, the ‘People of God’ regularly came and paid him tithes. Some other Human communities, including the Egyptians, had transmitters.’
‘As they multiplied greatly as a family, the descendants of Noah began to migrate. A few of them, moved to the area where the country of Iraq now is, and further on. There they implanted themselves and multiplied greatly.’
‘And they built Erech, one of the best cities that had ever been built until then entirely by Humans, with colleges and schools. Erech was built when Heber, from whom descended Abraham, now lived. It was a masterpiece of architectural genius. A square city of twenty miles a side.’
‘From each side came five large avenues that all converged toward the centre of the city. About three-quarters up to the centre, these avenues came to a large circular road, which was about eight kilometers in circumference. There, within that circular road, was the administrative centre of Erech.’
‘Again from this administrative centre came four large avenues toward the centre of the city. Again these four avenues converged to another large circular road. And within the central area formed by that second circular road was the Scientific Centre; and right in the middle was where the scientists of Erech decided to build their famous “Tower”.’
‘Erech became thus a great centre of culture, and was soon full of scholars and wise men. Many literary societies were formed as well as different associations and organizations. At that time Nephilim, the descendants of those who had left Earth on flying vessels began coming back to Earth.’
‘As these descendants of Noah progressed and admitted more and more Nephilim in their midst, they also became more and more materialistic. Their love and faith in God Most-High faded and then finally died; to be replaced by deep-set hatred for God. Just a handful of them remained faithful. That is when the members of one of those societies, comprising of eminent Scientists and Nephilim, decided to again, go to our home Galaxy (or Heaven).’
‘As it has always been when the people have stopped having need of God, their first aim has always been to get rid of belief in God in the hearts of their contemporaries; believing that they shall never achieve total freedom with faith in God still existing in others.’
‘And such an attitude is and has always been dictated by God’s, and our arch-enemy: Satan, together with his vassals. For the education of these people consisted also, apart from sciences, of materialistic doctrines and Satan and demon worship. With lecturers in Satanic doctrines like the ones we are telling you about now, the same that are being given to the Young Man in France.’
‘For Satan and Lucifer, who began using Humanity from the beginning, imparting knowledge to them in order to get them to do their bidding, have never missed an opportunity for doing so.’
‘In those days, Angelic Beings, or Extra-Terrestrials, were seen more often and easily recognized; as they looked and dressed differently from the Humans. And the Humans also saw the vessels in which they travelled, and which biblical prophets called ‘chariots’ and which are described all over the Bible and other religious scriptures. It is written:
‘Now the whole Land had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.’
‘And they said one to another: Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly. And they had bricks for stone, and slime for mortar.’
‘And they said, Come let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the whole Earth.’
‘And the Lord came to see the city, “and the tower which the Sons of Men had builded.’
‘And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one and they have all one language; and this they begin to do.’
‘Come, let us go down and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the Earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the Earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the Earth.’ Genesis 11:1-9
‘Once and for all we shall tell you the truth about what did happen. All the population here spoke the same language, which was at that time the language of Adam; which was our very own language that resembles ancient Hebrew. And what we are dealing with here is how Satan and the other Renegades came again and tried to use Humanity against us, and also provoke Yahweh our Leader to become angry again with Humanity.’
‘Now, even though the city itself was built entirely by humans, the ‘Tower’ was built because of, and thanks to the instruction (or doctrines) of the Sons of Men, who were Nephilim “or the fallen ones”.’
‘Now in those days, when men built many cities, we Elyonin who are described here as ‘the Lord’, never made it a habit of coming and seeing and inspecting all of them, as that went against our policy of leaving the Humans progress by themselves and never interfering with their lives and natural progress. And everybody knows that we would not worry over a mere building no mater how it was.’
‘There exist many skyscrapers now on Earth whose top floors are in the clouds and anyone climbing on top of those buildings shall see nothing but the immensity of space. Therefore this ‘Tower’ that the people of Erech built was no ordinary tower’
‘The Tower that these people were trying to build was one that looked like the ‘chariots’ in which the ‘angels of God’ or Extra-Terrestrials travelled, with a top which pointed toward heaven. That ‘Tower’ was to look like today’s rockets found on Earth.’
‘And the expression ‘let us build a tower whose top may reach unto heaven’ means: ‘let us build a machine which could fly, with its top pointing toward the heavens, for that is where we want to go. And that way, the heavens could be reached.’ Or very simply: ‘let us build a flying machine that will take us or help us reach heaven.’ And by heaven here you should understand that they meant our Galaxy.’
‘That is proved by the rather weird sentence added immediately afterwards: ‘... and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the whole of the Earth.’ You must understand that as times pass, the ways people express themselves change, and the way the writers of long ago used to make their descriptions and tell their stories is no longer similar to the way those of this era do.’
‘And both the Ancient and New Testaments books of the Bible usually use the word ‘name’ to designate also the whole person bearing that name; most of all when it is the case of the name of God, and when it is the case of us Elyonin.’
‘So ‘to fear or love the name of God’ is to fear or to love God. Sometimes God is simply designated as ‘the Name’. A name also means a reputation. So, ‘let us make a name for ourselves’ means let us make gods of ourselves. Or let us make ourselves equal to God’ or as powerful as God. Let us make a powerful, God-like reputation for ourselves.’
‘Of course many precious parts of this story were taken out by those people who translated the Scriptures from ancient Hebrew. If they had been left intact, humanity would know the whole true story by now. But this story, like many others had been diminished with the parts giving the complete explanations of the facts being left out.’
‘For we would not go through the strenuous task of scattering people all over the planet, some with Watchers and angels assigned to protect them during travels lasting up to forty years, over a mere building. No matter how high it was built!’
‘And the second important expression to be noted from the passage that I quoted is: ‘lest we be scattered abroad upon the Earth’...They feared being scattered abroad!’ When the people of Erech decided to become gods and dispense with our Leader Yahweh’s authority, they agreed that they could not totally be free to be gods in their own right, while the Almighty God was still being worshipped; and while Yahweh and our Council Of The Wise still existed.’
‘So they decided to ‘go to heaven’, to our Galaxy, and murder the members of our Council of the Wise, thus effectively ‘killing God’ and then take over the ruling of the Alliance and of our Galaxy. For fear that Yahweh should come later as he had done before, and destroy their Satanic society by splitting them up and scattering them abroad. Which they knew Yahweh our Leader would definitely do. So they stupidly decided to ‘go to Heaven’ and eliminate Him beforehand.’
‘But as usual we still had Watchers who lived on Earth; and others with Galactic Class space vessels, who regularly reported on all activities taking place on Earth. The members of the Council of the Wise had been alarmed at the construction of this rocket. And when their spies learnt of the plans of the Nephilim, they reported back to us. And our Leader Yahweh sent angels (this word means ‘messengers’ in our language’) to come down to Earth and see this particular city and the ‘tower’ being built in it.’
‘Sometimes as all Scriptures’ readers have surely noticed, even angels are called ‘the Lord’. Even when they have given their proper names and declared that they were just heavenly beings who live in the presence of Yahweh (or God).’
‘They are given the name ‘the Lord’ because they come with the word, the orders and commandments of ‘God’ Yahweh. And therefore having been sent by Him, they also wield the same authority as Yahweh and all Elyonin or ‘God’ when fulfilling their duties. And when during a scriptural conversation someone had called and angel ‘Lord’, those who shall read this should understand that the biblical human personage speaking had meant “Sir”.’
‘Of course when a real Angel of God Himself had appeared to a Prophet who uses the Mysteries, the expression had meant exactly what it were supposed to mean, just like it does to ourselves Elyonin, when an Angel of God appears to us’. So messengers came and saw the ‘Tower’ and reported back to Yahweh. And he said in a speech to the Council of the Wise:’
‘These people are all united in their aims, they speak the same language, and now they begin to do this. And as they propose to attack our Galaxy, if they are allowed to remain together, nothing shall stop them from actually attempting such a trip, when their knowledge has increased enough for them to build flying machines powerful enough for them to succeed.’
‘Obviously as you can see, our Leader Yahweh, saw according to the descriptions made to him, that their rocket or ‘Tower’ was useless and could not help them achieve their aims, that is reach our Galaxy. But the idea was there. So he contented himself with separating them. Therefore he sent an army of officers and messengers to come and ‘confuse their language, so that they may not understand each other.’
‘And the confusion here does not mean that the city people suddenly could no longer understand each other literally. The way it was done is clearly explained: They were scattered abroad from there, over the face of the Earth’. That means that these learned people were each taken by the Watchers and placed separately in foreign countries where all the languages spoken were different from the Adamic Hebrew that these learned people still all spoke.’
‘Do not forget that only the language of those human scientists who were in Erech and who belonged to the Renegade Satanic society of the Nephilim was confused. They therefore were the ones who ‘began speaking strange different languages’ to the people of the countries where they had been taken. And being thus isolated, they could no longer get together to plot things like building rockets to go to Heaven.’
‘Of course this did not take place quietly. There was a violent war with the Nephilim. Most of their space vessels were destroyed and a lot of them were killed while the rest again fled in the vessels they could escape with and scattered again in their Renegade bases in this Galaxy.’
‘After that triumph the armies of Elyonin destroyed the ‘Tower’, rounded up the human scientists and gave them the choice of dying or being exiled abroad. These all chose exile and were thus taken each with his entire family to a different foreign country.’
‘Furthermore Yahweh our Leader decreed that the names of the human scientists and leaders of that particular society should never be written down to be known later by Humanity. So these people shall remain forever anonymous. That society was called the Akkadian society by the Human inhabitants of Erech.’
‘So, as a result of the intervention from our armies, the building of the ‘tower’ was stopped. That was the entire and true reason why the building of the famous ‘Tower of Babel’ was undertaken.’
‘From Erech the name of that city became Babel Erech. The word ‘babel’ is from Hebrew: ‘balal’ which means ‘confuse’. Later, Erech was dropped from the name, and name of the city became Babel. Therefore if the young man from France comes and tells you Humans any fancy stories about how this happened, no one on Earth should believe him, he is a liar!’
‘After these people were scattered, their rocket was destroyed and their centers of culture closed and the Akkadian society was disbanded. For a while the Nephilim stayed away from Palestine. And here before I continue with our story. I shall first refresh your memory concerning the genealogy of the descendants of Noah through whom the Law of God was kept:

2- SHEM who had
3- ARPACH’SHAD, who had
4- SELAH, who had
5- HEBER, who had
6- PELEG who had
7- RE’U who had
8- SERUG who had
9- NAHOR who had
10- TERAH who had

‘You probably have noticed that from the time of Noah, we no longer bothered with destroying any people who descended from the Nephilim. That is because we had decided that just one group of people were enough to keep our legacy.’
‘What went on in Palestine and the whole Middle East also went on around the whole Planet. We no longer bothered with the rest because no one amongst them was willing to follow our teachings or be faithful to us, even though some had managed to remain pure. Therefore only those who had remained pure in line right from Adam interested us. We could not always continue to exterminate humanity.’
‘Those faithful people were thus those who we called our Chosen People. And they and only they and their children and descendants were important to be named and remembered in the scriptures. It was for the purity of other nations on Earth that we decided to be lenient. For many, like virtually the whole Race of the Black African people, simply stopped believing in God, but never intermarried with the Renegades. Thus we gave the Divine Law to the descendants of Abraham to keep, for the later enlightenment of Humanity as a whole.’
‘Therefore when these are known as the Chosen People it is not because we love the rest of Humanity any less, or that they are deemed superior to the rest of the Human Race. All Humans are loved and considered equal in our eyes and in the eye of God. And we chose a little African girl for this particular message because we know that many prejudices that should not be, exist now, and have existed for a long time on Earth.
This message is for those who until now have suffered prejudice and have been deemed unworthy by those who should know best. Therefore those who have suffered from this prejudice and who would not be willing to listen to those who have discriminated against them, should much more easily be willing to listen to and believe and follow this, our Little Messenger.’
‘No single nation should deem themselves worthier or more important or superior than others in the eye of God, for nobody knows God’s will or God’s ways better than God Himself.’

* * *

‘So, ten generations after Noah, we come to Abraham. After the scientists of Babel had been exiled abroad, those of the few ‘People of God’ who still existed began to practice the traditions of people around them. And that was just a while before they began to neglect their Divine worship and religious practices altogether.’
‘Of the many Scientists that were building that rocket, Nimrod was amongst them. Shem the son of Noah was still alive. And as always they found that enjoying themselves and not having to observe religious rules was better and easier than trying to realize their Divinities.
And as such neglect began with the community elders, soon all were more interested in enjoying themselves and to be seen to conform and assimilate with the others. Then they turned to idolatry, as those they socialized with had never stopped their own practices. ‘So even though they still had the Divine Doctrine and the Mysteries, none of them sought to delve deeply into them, or to understand what their precious legacy had for them.’
‘The transmitter that Noah had used in order to contact us had long ceased to serve its purpose as few knew how to operate it. In the end it ceased functioning. It was not repaired then and a replacement was not given to his descendants, who had not until now shown any great interest in us Elyonin. For a long while they carried around the old transmitter that had itself, also become an object of veneration. Terah, Abraham’s father, was the one who last owned it.’
‘He offered it to a Chaldean king as a political present and a means of introduction and acceptance in their elite society. That act displeased and strongly distressed his son Abraham, who temporarily separated from him as a result.
‘By then it was no longer easy for either us Elyonin, or for the Renegades to come and present ourselves to Humanity as we used to. You see, Humanity had multiplied greatly, and they had become very self assertive and savage and could no longer easily be influenced like they used to be. Any non-terrestrial beings that presented themselves to Humans stood a much better chance of being massacred than listened to.’
‘So only those with faith in God were much more accessible and were very dear and valuable to us. One such young man who saw his father Terah, a community leader turn from God, was Abraham who was first called Abram. So Abraham who had already received the Mysteries from his father, decided to separate from his community and to go somewhere where he could try and realize his Divinity as prescribed in the Mysteries. On this he wrote:
‘In the land of the Chaldean, at the residence of my father, I Abraham saw that it was necessary for me to obtain another place of residence.’
‘...And finding there was greater happiness, peace and rest for me, I sought for the blessings of the fathers, and the right order to which I should be ordained to administer these blessings, having myself been a follower of righteousness, desiring also to be the possessor of great knowledge, and to be a better follower of righteousness... And desiring to receive instructions and keep the commandments of God, I became a rightful heir, a High Priest, holding the order which belonged to the fathers.’
‘It was conferred on me from the fathers; it came from the Fathers, from the beginning of times, yes, even from the beginning, or before the foundation of the Earth down to the present time, even the right of the first born or the first man who is Adam, our first father. My fathers, having turned from their righteousness and from the holy commandments which the Lord their God had given them, to worship the gods of the heathen, utterly refused to listen to my voice...’
‘For their hearts were set to do evil ... therefore they turned their hearts to the sacrifices of the heathens, in offering up their children to these dumb idols, and did not listen to my voice, but made every effort to take away my life.’ (Abraham 1:1-7)
‘As you can see, nothing had changed. Every time that one person tried to bring people to their senses, they sought to kill him, just like it happened to Enoch and Noah and the others.’
‘Again we appeal to Humanity to seek the knowledge of the Mysteries and to take possession of what was granted them by God; for the knowledge that Abraham spoke of in the passage that I just mentioned was nothing but those Mysteries. And you, Desiree as our messenger, are again fully in the possession of those Mysteries. Therefore give them as freely as you have received but only to those in whom you shall find the strong desire to do good and help their neighbors and the rest of Humanity to do the same.’
‘Abraham therefore was not only seized, but he was tied up. To be sacrificed to Satan, and to the Sun and to Lucifer; together with other men, children and virgin women. But as the Watchers that we had left behind had been instructed to follow him and protect him, they told us of Abraham’s arrest. At that time members of our Council Of The Wise had come again to Earth to do the kind of work we came to do with you and that we have been doing since we met.’
‘They had also come because Abraham had realized his Divinity on Earth. And therefore they were going to reveal to him who he was, and to give him his mission of Prophet. On that occasion, it was our Leader YAHWEH himself who led that expedition, and who came for that important ceremony; he also brought with him Melchizedech whom he introduced to Abraham. On that Abraham wrote:
‘And as they lifted up their hands on me, that they might offer me up and take my life, look, I raised my voice to the Lord my God, and Elyonin listened and heard. And God filled me with the vision of the Almighty, and the angel of His presence stood by my sides, and immediately loosed my bonds.’
‘And His voice told me: Abraham, Abraham, behold, my Name is Jehovah (Yahweh) and I have heard you, and I have descended to deliver you, and take you away from the house of your father, far from all your parents, into an alien land of which you do not know ... Therefore I have come down to visit them and to destroy he who raised his hand against you, Abraham my son, to take your life ... Look I will lead you by my hand, and I will take you to put my Name on you ... and my power shall be over you ... It shall be with you as it was with Noah, but through your ministry my Name shall be known in the Earth, forever, for I am the leader of your Elyonin’. Abraham 1:15-19
‘Of course as you can see that the ‘angel’ that untied him was just one of the soldiers of our army. He was freed first, of course by the soldier, the conversation reported here happened after that.’
‘Once he was freed, the soldiers killed the people who had tried to perpetrate the mass sacrifice. All the temples dedicated to the Renegades and to the Fallen Watchers were destroyed. And our Leader who always travels to Earth when necessary came, because of the importance of the occasion.’
‘It has always been important for us to have a representative among Humanity; someone who would be willing to listen to us and to tell people about us. Those occasions for us are all very solemn, and even now as we meet you, we do not take this task lightly even though you are but a young girl. Every one of our messengers and representatives who is willing to do the work is very important and worthy of respect to us.’
‘Abraham was ordered to leave his home city with his father Terah and his nephew Lot and was led to Egypt. During his journey he was regularly visited by the Watchers that were assigned to him, who educated him in science and taught him astronomy. I must also add that Lot was in the act of realizing his Divinity at that time.’
‘Abraham stayed seven years in Egypt, and when he left he was a very rich man; so was his nephew Lot. Myself and Michael, the highest ranking officer of the army directly under the Council of the Wise, were ordered to come and escort them back to Palestine. Lot settled in a city called Sodom, which was very close to another called Gomorrah, and Abraham settled North East of Hebron. Meanwhile what was happening in the rest of the world?’
‘We told you that we were forced to round up and disperse the scientists of Babel Erech all over the Planet to make sure that they were no longer in a position to pool their knowledge and plan to come to our Galaxy. But some of these men, helped by Nephilim and Renegades, had again made their way back to Palestine and gathered in the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.’
‘At that time more Extra-Terrestrials supporters of Satan and his Renegades also began to descend on Earth. This time they simply moved to Sodom and to Gomorrah, and began Satan’s diabolical work of debauching and turning the population into perverts.’
‘It was not long before the two cities were totally turned to paganism and Satanism. It became an endless orgy in the inns, in the streets, and in the eating places. Temples that had once been consecrated to God Most High were now used for insulting satanic rites during which virgins, women and children were sacrificed on the altars once used by the high priests of God Most High. Murders, thieving, muggings, bestiality, and sodomy abounded. All kinds of abominations were practiced in the two cities.’
‘And again these people went right back to their plots. By worshipping Satan, and indoctrinated by the Nephilim and the Renegades, they were stirred into even more anger and hatred against our Leader Yahweh, and decided again to invade our Galaxy and topple him. Also mixed marriages were again entered into, like it happened before between Humans and Extra-Terrestrials. And again more of those children, the Nephilim were born.’
‘And as they did all these things, Satan did not cease taunting, laughing at, and provoking Yahweh. Boasting that he had taken over Earth and describing what His ‘beloved children’ of Earth had in store for him. For that has always been Satan’s tactic. He excites the Humans to sin and abominations, then accuses them to our Leader and mocks him for the ‘failure of his experiments’ ; that is to say the creation of beings full of ingratitude and lacking in faithfulness, or the failure of the Plan of Salvation. Such is the mission that Satan is now in course of giving the Young Man of France, therefore pay attention to this warning, and beware of him.’
‘Now as well as loving Satan and his Renegades more than us, their true Creators, the people of Sodom and of Gomorrah had committed the vilest abomination in the eyes of Yahweh, by sacrificing Human beings on the altars and in the temples dedicated to God Most High. And this is an abomination that we Elyonin punish with the total destruction of the perpetrators, and (including) all those of the generation of the perpetrators living in the offending city, country, continent and even Planet if and when necessary.’
‘In Sodom all people were corrupted and guilty, except from Lot, Abraham’s nephew. The Watchers that were left to protect the People of God were finding it difficult to even enter Earth space without being pursued and attacked by the Renegades and their reports were becoming more and more desperate.’
‘Eleven years after Abraham and Lot were brought back from Egypt the situation had again become intolerable and our Council of the Wise decreed that another intervention was necessary in order to drive the Renegades and the Nephilim from Earth. So our Leader dispatched the three of us, Michael of whom I have already spoken, Gabriel his second in command, and myself, Uriel. We were given a message for Abraham, and orders to go and see if the rumours about Sodom and Gomorrah were true.’
‘At that time, unlike the Renegades, the Humans no longer had any flying air craft, but they were used to seeing crafts piloted by Extra-Terrestrials, just as they were used to seeing beings that were alien to their Planet. Some of them were very savage and bloodthirsty and had been taught to recognize us ELYONIN by the way we dressed, as the Renegades had taken to wearing very distinctive clothing that helped the Humans to distinguish them from us.’
‘So we had to land our spacecrafts on the tops of high mountains and disguise ourselves and come down from the mountains in order to meet our prophets. When our Leader himself came, the prophets were convoked to the top of the mountains to meet him.’
‘Abraham had been using the Mysteries in order to have a child and our message to him was that his wife Sarah who was a ninety year old woman would get pregnant. For nothing is impossible when using the Mysteries of God. We never touched the old woman to cure her scientifically of her illness, as we know the Young Man from France is going to say. We only came to pass on the message as we had been instructed to.’
‘We stayed with Abraham who served us a sumptuous dinner, and then we went to Sodom, after which we reported back to our Leader Yahweh. Notice that it is clearly stated that we did eat. We are corporal and we need nourishment, contrary to divine Angels who do not need to eat.’
‘We had seen sacred Temples smeared with human blood and parts of the bodies were still hanging in the same Temples. We had seen that human rebels had again regrouped into a powerful satanic society. We had witnessed their orgies and depraved antics. We had seen Nephilim that had again been produced through forbidden mixed marriages.’
‘This time two officers were sent on a powerfully equipped intergalactic craft with orders to remove Lot from Sodom and to destroy it together with Gomorrah.’
‘These officers went to visit Abraham to tell him of their mission, and then went to Sodom because they were going to carry out Melchizedech’s orders.’ (You’ll remember that he was the resident representative of Yahweh on Earth.)’
‘They arrived at night and though they were in disguise, Lot saw them and recognized them immediately as Elyonin and invited them to spend the night at his house. They first refused, saying that they will spend the night in the street. But as he insisted, they agreed, but by then they had been noticed by the city people.’
‘Word soon got round that ‘foreigners’, Elyonin, officials of the Planet of Yahweh were at Lot’s house. And the Renegades who now reigned masters in the city excited the population to anger, and Satan sent the mob to capture the two officers and kill them. And Lot’s house was surrounded.’
‘Lot was ordered to surrender the two men. And despite pleading with them to leave the two strangers alone, the crowd also threatened to deal even harshly with him than with the two; and they tried to push their way into the house. That is when the two officers used their highly sophisticated weapons on them. They used bright light bombs that discharged a powerful blinding white light as it is written:’
‘And they struck with blindness the men who were at the door of the house, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves groping for the door.’ Genesis 19:11
‘If we are not mistaken, we believe that humans have now also invented the same devices for their police forces. In the confusion, our officers fled before advising Lot to leave the city and go far into the mountains. And that is when after hundreds of millions of years, we Elyonin again used atomic weapons in a war on Earth. Of that it is written:’
‘Then Elyonin rained on Sodom and Gomorrah fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities, and all the surrounding cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground... But Lot’s wife behind him looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.’ Genesis 19:24-26
‘As you can see this is the description by a primitive man of a phenomenon he knew nothing about. And he used the expression of his times to describe what he witnessed. Notice also that the destruction extended to all the other cities surrounding the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah where the explosions actually occurred. And this is how the explosions were described:’
‘and lo, the smoke of the land went up like the smoke of a furnace.’ Genesis 19:28
‘That was a perfect description of a mushroom-like ball of fire and smoke. Earth now possesses atomic bombs, and the explosion of atomic bombs produces effects similar to the one described here. That bomb was in fact a very small one, as we did not wish to extend the destruction too far from those main cities. And the wife of Noah who not only did not hurry out of the city, but tried to go back was instantly incinerated right where she stood; that is why she is described as becoming a pillar of salt.’
‘And just like at the time of Noah, the populations of two large cities and several small ones had to be totally destroyed, at the exception of just one family; Lot’s family. Needless to say that it was a real War as there was exchange of fire between us and the Renegades who were in the city, even though that is not mentioned in the Bible.’
‘That is how seriously we take the work of Creation that we undertook on Earth, and we shall continue fighting Tiamat (or Satan) and the others Renegades, every time they defy us and try to in interfere with humanity or detract them from the true reason why they were sent to Earth.’
‘We shall continue fighting them every time that they contact our children of Earth. We shall see our experiment through, at all costs. Therefore let those who will follow the Young man from France, take note. If necessary, they shall be removed and be dealt with when time comes, like those who had allied themselves with Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan and Belial and or any of the other Renegades.’
‘Earth belongs to us, we created it and everything else in it. Tiamat (Satan) and his vassals are usurpers, and they shall not be allowed to take Earth or to install themselves as leaders over it, ever.’
‘Humanity is very evolved now and we like that. But to us this Planet is a laboratory for a specific scientific experiment, and we shall see it through. As long as Humanity deal only with the affairs of Earth between themselves, we will leave you alone. But any alliances or collaboration with Alien Extra Terrestrials who have no legal claim to Earth shall be dealt with as they have always been. When we come, Humanity shall know and recognize us.’
‘Now, we shall stop here today. We would love to record this whole message in your brain in one sole trait, but that would be very risky and damaging. So we just have to give it to you by installments. Come again tomorrow at the same time as you did today and we shall continue. We would try to make the installments longer and longer, in order to shorten the time it would normally take to give the message to you in full. Good night, and, Peace be with you!’
I fell asleep soon after this part of the message, as it had been very easy for me to understand. It did not require for me to toss and turn, trying to think everything over and over again like I had done with the other installments.


The following day, my mother sent another messenger to tell us that she would not be coming until the following week after all. That was very good news for me, as I could easily get away with doing anything I wanted when I was alone with my grandmother. It would be another story when my mother and brothers and sisters will be there.
Oh, I forgot to mention that my elder sister, Marie Therese, who we called ‘Fillette’, had arrived the previous evening from Yaoundé. I had found her in the house when I arrived from the plantation. After hugging me and learning that I had been to the cocoa plantation, she was very disappointed that I had not brought any African prunes with me, and our trees were full of beautiful dark blue ones.
And suddenly that struck me. Had the circumstances been normal, I would never had gone once to the cocoa plantation without climbing the prune trees and bringing home at least one bucket full of prunes. I had even stopped checking the pineapples, stopped hugging my favourite trees, and stopped sucking cocoa beans. I promised myself not to forget to remember to bring some prunes back with me the following day.


I woke up early in the morning. After a quick wash, I had my breakfast, then went to my sister’s bedroom and woke her up for a little chat.
She was not very happy about being awakened and grumbled at me to leave her alone; so I just hung around until 9.30 in the morning. As my grandmother did not seem to be paying any attention to what I were doing, I quietly escaped and headed for the cocoa plantation with a bucket and a bunch of exercise books under my arm.
Just as well, as a curious man, a nephew of old Michel Ovanda asked me where I was going. I explained that I was going to our cocoa plantation. ‘But I have seen you go there virtually every day since you came back from Yaounde, what do you go to do there all alone?’’ He asked me, a suspicious and interrogative frown appearing on his brow.
‘Revising’, I said showing him my exercise books: ‘I am simply trying to catch up on my schoolwork. If I stay at home, I am tempted to do nothing but go to my neighbor’s and waste time chattering.’
‘Oh, I understand; how very dedicated of you!’ He said, a smile immediately replacing his frown; and he walked off. I too had started walking right after he finished talking, before he could continue; problems already. That was all I needed. If he went telling his relatives about my daily visits to the plantation, they would all start watching me.
I arrived at the clearing and sat down leafing absently through my books. Elyonin found me there, and I was greeted and invited into the small space vessel, which rose up immediately as soon as I was inside.
I was led into the sitting room, and as soon as we were secured in our seats, the craft accelerated in a manner that I found different from the way it did the other days. It also felt very cold in the craft. In less than two minutes the temperature was back to normal and my companions got up their seats.
‘We are here!’ Said the ‘Brown’ Alien as he freed my seat at the same time as the sides of the craft became transparent. We were again in the Sahara desert. ‘We have decided to bring you here every day from now on, to give you the rest of the message,’ he said. ‘Today, there are people climbing Mount Cameroon again, and as we do not wish to risk being seen, we prefer this place where human beings never come for years. Come, please, we shall try not to keep you too long today.’
‘Before we begin, may I ask you a question?’ I said, not getting up. ‘Of course’ he replied. I looked at them all and said:
‘Pardon me, but I am very confused by something. You all seem to use names that we know belong to God and His Holy Angels. Won’t that also be confusing to those who shall read my message? After a while it will be difficult to know when you are talking about yourselves and when you are talking about God Himself and His Angels’.
He smiled and said: ‘We have always used those names amongst us, all of us. Those names are in our language, remember? Have you had any difficulties so far’?
‘No ... But’... I said. ‘Well do not worry. If you are able to follow the story, others will too.’
He got up and I went ahead of him by myself, toward the room to which I had now become accustomed. All the others stayed behind. Inside, we found one of the little mongoloid Aliens waiting. I sat on the table, looking away from him while the ‘Brown’ Alien strapped me on the wrists and ankles, and then put the ‘cask’ on my head. I kept my eyes closed, felt the familiar little prick that usually sent me to sleep.
And after what seemed just like a ten minutes’ sleep, I awoke to find the pretty Alien lady standing next to the table, with my hand in her cold hands, curiously examining my dark red nail varnish. I was no longer strapped to the couch.
I withdrew my hand with an unintentionally brisk movement that startled her and she stepped back. I sat up and followed her as she left the room. We went back into the sitting room where the Brown Alien handed me the mint-tasting drink, which I swallowed like medicine this time, without keeping it on my tongue.
The door of the craft was open and I noticed that the space machine had actually landed on the clearing in the cocoa plantation for the first time. After saying our goodbyes, they left and I went to climb a prune tree to pick some prunes for all of us. I gathered the prunes in the bucket and went back home.
The villagers were all feverishly hurrying with their preparations for the reception of the Government’s Official, who was finally arriving that afternoon. I too went later, with all the others to the Chieftain’s compound.
When the Government’s Official arrived with his following of police guards and associates, the national anthem was sung, before the conference began, which, I think, turned out to be an electoral campaign on behalf of the then President of Cameroon, who was called Ahmadou Ahidjo.
As I watched the proceedings and the solemn way they were received, the behavior of both the Official, of his companions and of his guards, and that of the Chieftain and the villagers including myself, I suddenly made a rapprochement with my meetings with the Elyonin.
This was a very special and important occasion for the Humans. They were acting on the orders of their President, and they took their work very seriously. How many times for the Aliens who had travelled light years just to meet me, a little African girl of nothing at all?
I had always been amused, and taken for granted their stuffy and serious attitude towards me; their greetings, their bowing and respectful behavior. But now the enormity of what had been happening hit me so hard, that I suddenly felt very sick and nauseous. This time I went behind the Chieftain’s house and vomited. Then doubled up in pain, with renewed and even more violent stomach cramps, I left my grandmother and my sister at the gathering and went home.
I immediately went to bed. And there I lay, trembling, my teeth clattering, my head aching, my face burning while I felt very cold at the same time. How could I even begin to reason with myself in view of what had been happening? Those Aliens who had been meeting me every day, were there on the orders of their Leader Himself. The respectful attitude they had was not for me, but for the One who had sent them.
And who were they truly? They were Humanoids, and they looked human. But they travelled on space vessels that did not exist on Earth. They used names that I usually read in the Bible, and some of their names were names of very respected personages that are named in the same Bible. They told and talked of stories I was familiar with, and that I could read in the Bible.
But what were they? Why me? Was I mad? Was I dead? Was I locked in a very long and deep sleep, and would I wake up to find that it had all been a dream? What was happening to me and was it all real? I did not even try to access the message that had been recorded in my brain. Instead I went into a disturbed sleep, which was filled with chimerical dreams.
I woke up at about twenty-two hours. It was now night time and I could hear the loud beating of tambours and of tom-toms, and the harmonious music of xylophones coming from the village Chieftain’s compound.
I went into the kitchen to drink some water; and my grandmother, who never liked the frivolities of dancing and merriment, was there. And she was surprised to see me at home; as she thought I was still at the Chieftain’s compound with my sister, dancing with the other village girls.
I told her that I did not feel well and went back to bed. I was no longer cold now, however I just felt tired. All the same, I decided to listen to the message, as I reasoned that if I gave in to illness, the meetings with the aliens would be compromised, and I did not want that. I now, more than ever wanted to know what they had to say, for myself. So I concentrated, and after a while, it came:


‘Again we urge Humanity, to stop thinking that they are the only living humanoid beings in this Universe. Such a belief would be utterly stupid, naive, and dare I even say ignorant. If you people of Earth care to study all the old writings now existing on your planet, you will find that on many several occasions, our presence, and the presence of other non Earth beings, who have visited your planet are mentioned. We shall now continue where we stopped yesterday.’

‘So, even though those Humans who were faithful to us no longer had a transmitter-receiver to contact us with, we still followed them; we watched and guarded them from a distance, listening to their prayers and intervening and helping them when we saw fit to do so.’
‘In the book of Genesis 28:11-19, another encounter between ourselves and Jacob, the grandson of Abraham is related. At that time Humanity had virtually returned to a state of savagery.’
‘Sightings of us Elyonin had virtually become but legends. And as they saw the pagans worshipping the Fallen Watchers and the Renegades, the ‘People of God’ had begun worshipping us, now calling us their ‘Elohim’ or their gods; in the same way the pagans called the other Extra-Terrestrials they too adored. For the ‘People of God’, Yahweh, our leader had now become the main god they worshipped; while we, His messengers or angels, were held in similar high esteem. Nothing we told them could convince them that we were beings similar to them.’
‘So Jacob was alone in a deserted place at night. And seeing his devotion to God and his effort in mastering the Mysteries, we judged him worthy now to be contacted, and to be made one of our messengers among the Humans; as his father and grandfather had been.’
‘He had fallen asleep when he was awakened by our space vessel landing close to where he was sleeping. The door of the vessel was open, a ladder had been lowered for the visitors to descend, and a strong electric light from it shone on the whole area. And as he had never seen such a thing before, Jacob concluded that he was dreaming, and was having a vision from God as it is written:
‘And he dreamed, and behold, a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending.’
‘And behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham, thy father, and the God of Isaac...’
‘Of course the words truly were: We are the Elyonin of whom Abraham and Isaac your father spoke. But having said this, we also urge you to believe that God and His angels truly exist.’
‘And if and when Humans make the effort to master the Mysteries of God, as we urge them to do, they would receive the proof by themselves. Because God’s angels would appear and tend to them as they do to us, and as they did to the ancient Prophets; for nothing has changed.’
‘The difference between us, and the Messengers from God is easily noticed in the scriptures. When one of us was offered food and drink, it is clearly stated that he ate. But when an Angel of God was offered food, he never ate; instead he would order the food to be set on an altar as an offering. Then he would set fire on the offering and ascend in the smoke of the sacrifice upwards. Or he would simply disappear from the seer’s sight. Now we come to Moses.’
‘Moses was one of our Prophets after Jacob who had regular visits from us and who described his sightings, and our interactions with him in a most spectacular and detailed manner.’
‘Know then, that despite any scientific explanations that would now be given by Human scientists, what happened when Moses was in Egypt was both a demonstration of our power, and the use of the Mysteries that we gave to Humanity. For nothing is impossible to God, we tell you again. And not believing that there is a Universal God is a very bestial and mortal error that should not even be in your thoughts.’
‘Our work with Moses was one that was our last attempt to forever give the Law of God, and to firmly establish faith in Him among the people of Earth, while at the same time insuring that the memory of us did not disappear from Earth for good.’
‘The Nephilim had again firmly established themselves on Earth especially in Egypt where they married the daughters of Noah’s descendants by his son Ham, and helped found the first mighty Royal Dynasties of the Pharaohs.’
‘Our battles with the Renegades were confined to Outer Space, away from Earth, where we now had to fight their space vessels, before we could enter Earth’s space to meet with our Prophets who lead the few ‘People of God’ who existed then, and who gave our side of the story to Humanity at that time.’
‘Our Council of the Wise decided against any further military interventions against the Renegades on the Earth’s surface, whenever we could help it. Since they saw that it was exactly what the Renegades wanted. As their aim has always been the destruction and the annihilation of the Human Race, the Renegades welcomed the Wars, because they could then just watch the sufferings, and the deaths of large numbers of our beloved Creation. But Earth being now so heavily populated, we could no longer conduct our Wars here.’
‘All had returned to a near-primitive state and idolatry abounded. All Extra-Terrestrials that came to Earth came to be seen as gods. The people who were loyal to us were worshipping YAHWEH, the leader of our Council of the Wise as God, as I have already said. The rest worshipped the Nephilim.’
‘And those who knew of both our stories, worshipped us and the Nephilim, by making several, different idols of both groups of us. Even the people who travelled with Jacob and who had the opportunity to know our teachings, still superstitiously kept the old idols of the Nephilim that they had brought with them and still prayed to them. On that, Jacob admonished them as it is written:’
‘Then Jacob said unto his household and to all that were with him, ‘put away the strange gods that are among you and be clean’ ... And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hands, and all their ear rings which were in their ears, and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Sechem.’ Genesis 35:2-4
‘In the end, our Council of the Wise decided to concentrate on keeping our memory and the faith in God alive on Earth. And telling Humans that we were not to be worshipped, no longer seemed such a pressing issue. It was decided that when Humanity had developed again enough to understand what flying machines and high technology were, and when they had developed their own aircrafts - as we knew they would, - then should be the time to again give them the truth about their Creation; and about their presence on this Planet called Earth.’

‘After Jacob and his son Joseph had died, most of the People of God that were in Egypt became all pagans and worshipped Api, and many of the other idols the Egyptians made of the Renegades. And only a few cared to be educated in the faith of their ancestors; and even while doing the learning, they still worshipped the idols.’
‘But Moses was a real seeker, who dared to see beyond the philosophies, the idolatries and the injustices of the Egyptians. And it was he who, after realizing that the Renegades and the Nephilim were mere living beings, dared to question his teachers’ stories. Then he sought and contacted us, in order to know our side of the story.’
‘That is why we again saw our hopes renewed and contacted him. We had to use telepathy to bring him to meet us in the mountains. In the biblical book of Exodus, we appeared to Moses for the first time:
‘And the angel of the Lord Yahweh appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the bush: and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed.’ Exodus 3:2
‘As anyone can now understand, a flying vessel landed not far from Moses with a bright orange landing light on. And the description that was made of its light behind the bush is similar to the one that a bushman in Papua New Guinea would have made two centuries ago and even early this century, if it had landed before him too. This was a confusing and amazing sight, because the bush seemed to be on fire but it did not burn.’
‘The scriptures are full of similar descriptions of Elyonin appearing to other prophets, and this with hundreds and even thousands of years of time between them. Take Nephi a prophet named in the book of Mormon. In it, it is written: ‘There came a pillar of fire and dwelt upon a rock before him’
Nephi 1:6 the Book of Mormon. That description is similar to the ones given by Moses and others, as we shall see.’
‘It was during that meeting that Moses was told of our conflict with Tiamat (Satan), and his three colleagues, the rest of the Renegades and the Nephilim. He was given the whole story just as we are giving it to you again now. Then he was told to go and ensure the freedom of the now enslaved descendants of Jacob, and to gather as many people as he could, to whom he would entrust our story for the rest of the Humanity of the future; and to get them out of Egypt. It was after that, that he went and began talking to the people.’
‘But his work was very difficult, for those that were put in his charge were a savage, unruly and disobedient crowd who did not have respect for human life and who easily killed each other for the tiniest of reasons. They virtually had to be convinced to believe in the One True God, and the faith had to be implanted so hard in their hearts and the memory of events before that, had to be seared in their minds in a way that they would never forget.’
‘First they had to be removed from among the people who refused absolutely to follow us Elyonin, in a manner such that they would never be tempted to go back. Then they had to be taken somewhere where they could not be easily influenced by the Renegades. And that is why the events at that time had to be unforgettable ones.’
‘For before the very famous Exodus as you now know it began, we Elyonin encouraged our Human helpers to conduct religious evangelical campaigns all over Earth, and in Egypt in particular to try and win the populations to our side. There were seven such persons; Prophets, similar to Moses at that time. The Nephilim’s followers also began doing the same.’
‘These campaigns did not go smoothly as there were constant Wars between us and the Nephilim, and between their followers and those who were loyal to us. And their people threatened those who tried to follow our Prophets, and forced them to change ranks. The Nephilim of course charged their people to instruct the Humans that it was in fact Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial (or Kingu, Nammtar, Tiamat and Azag) who created Humanity on Earth.’
‘And Yahweh the Leader of our Council of the Wise, was portrayed as a contradictory despotic liar, and a cruel Creator who destroyed and exterminated populations for no important reasons, and when he felt like it. In the end Moses was the only one who managed to gather a large number of people willing to listen to us. The other six leaders in other parts of Earth were all murdered with their followers; with a few that escaped with their lives being taken into slavery by the followers of the Nephilim.’
‘Moses decided that he should present the idea of the one God, with His Name being Jehovah/Yahweh that they already heard about; because none of the Hebrews would obey him if he presented Elyonin to them as real living beings. Thus he put the seal on our leader becoming and continuing to be worshipped as the God of the Hebrews.’
‘When time came for him to conduct our people out of Egypt, we did all we could to ensure that they at least survived. Because even then, the whole pharaonic family of Egypt and their armies were followers of the Nephilim, who explained the danger of there being any group of our followers on Earth.’
‘And they were the ones who instructed the Egyptians to make sure that our followers never left Egypt; and to exterminate them before they could go and set up a nation of their own. That is why they pursued them after they left Egypt. The following biblical passage tells how we protected Moses and the people on their way:’
‘And the Lord (or Elyonin) went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and by night.’ Exodus 13:21
‘Here, this pillar of cloud was just a fleet of ten of our grey-coloured flying vessels which flew slowly in a line ahead of the crowd, and which were ordered to follow the vessels. As these were high in the sky, they formed a column, or a horizontal pillar. All space vessels are called ‘clouds’ in the Bible, because of their colour and at default of an adequate description by the primitive people.’
‘At night, the vessels switched on strong lights directed to the ground, to allow the people to see where they were going. When the Egyptians, on the orders of the Nephilim through Pharaoh, pursued the people to exterminate them, we again used our vessels to protect them, as it is written:’
‘And the Angel of the Lords (or of Elyonin) who went before camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face and stood behind them. And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these so that the one came not near the other all night.’ Genesis 14:19-20
‘That means that during the night when the People set up camp, the vessels were landed between the Egyptians and the people. And strong spotlights were switched on and directed towards the Egyptians, while the people remained in darkness and could sleep in peace. While our officers who were in the vessels watched the Egyptians, and stopped them from coming near the people.’
‘And to cross the sea, Moses was also again helped: ‘And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord (Elyonin) caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land and the waters were divided.’ Exodus 14:21
‘This passage says clearly that the parting from the sea was caused to happen from above. A repulsion beam that pushed the water back was used. And this was felt as a violent wind that blew in the middle of the sea. The water was thus held apart for a while, allowing the people to pass through to the over side. Anyway, we chose a rather shallow part of the See of Reeds for them to cross.’
‘Someone might ask: “why did we just not take them in our vessels, and deposit them where we wanted Moses to take them?’”. To that, we say that it was important that these people learnt a few lessons, and also learnt to take care of themselves.’
‘Also, it was important that they believed in God Most High like we do, and that they understood that we, Elyonin, were not that God. If we had made the task easier for them, we would have failed in wiping idolatry and the worship of the Nephilim out of their hearts, which was the most important thing we wanted before anything else. And not only that, they would have simply started worshipping us again and called us gods.’
‘And our course of action was amply justified during that adventure as we shall prove. The exodus of the people lasted a very long number of years, and some of them even set up in villages and encampments and remained in those, while the others continued on.’
‘This was because, even with the vigilance of the Watchers that protected them from the air, Satan and his Fallen Watchers still had access to their former followers that had come among Moses’ people; thanks to miniature transmitters hidden in the idols that they had brought with them. Through those, Satan and his friends told the people that Moses was leading them to their death; that he had brought them out of Egypt to be exterminated by Yahweh.’
‘And those who had these idols were easily persuaded to rebel and to drop out of the long exodus. Because most of those who had come had been slaves; and their original reasons for following Moses was the prospect of escaping their masters and regaining their freedom. Once free, they quickly decided to stop travelling, set up camps and refused to budge; preferring to worship the idols they already had, and out of which voices came from time to time, instead of a nameless God whom Moses told them about, and who they could not see or hear.’
‘But more of those who had idols still followed the crowd, in order to go as far away from the Egyptians as possible, and because their needs were met by Moses. Next Moses again had to be called to meet us, this time on Mount Sinai in order for us to again give him some equipment which comprised a transmitter and receiver, and also to teach him how to use it, as well as giving the Law of course.’
‘But this transmitter was a new improved model, different from the ones that our earlier prophets had been given. This one functioned by an ‘atomic powered battery’ to which was also attached another machine that was to be used to make food. We also gave him the Divine Laws destined for the people that were in his care; laws by which we too abide; and the proper way to Realize their Divinity.’
‘Here we would like to bring to your attention, that those people that left Egypt with Moses, were not all Hebrews. Moses was not told to get out the Hebrews only. He was instructed to take with him all those who were willing to disassociate themselves from the Egyptians and the Nephilim, and to listen to and follow us Elyonin. Those people who were willing to follow our teaching and to believe in God as we believed, whether they were Hebrews or not.’
‘All the Hebrews left Egypt only because they were all slaves, and were hated as Hebrews. But many of them were also followers of, and worshipped the Nephilim and the Renegades. They also were just as savage, violent and hostile as the rest of Humans everywhere. And they were particularly stirred into attempting to assault the mountain where Yahweh, our Leader met Moses, in order to capture him, as Tiamat (Satan) promised them that he would be a better god to them.’
‘One such rejection of our Leader and of God was demonstrated by the ‘golden calf’ that those people made while Moses was in the mountain meeting our Leader. And along the whole of the Exodus, Moses was subjected to verbal abuse, and sometimes he was even threatened with violence.’
‘As long as these people behaved like that and swayed in their loyalty to Moses and to us, we could not allow them to reach the country that we had destined to only those who would be loyal to us. That is why they remained in the desert for forty years. Because it became necessary that all those who had come from Egypt died, before their children installed themselves in the new land. For it was obvious that those who had not known slavery and the Nephilim, would be easily taught and made to obey than those who had been exposed to the Nephilim’s teachings.’


‘Now, Yahweh our leader had to meet Moses himself; as he did with all the prophets who were entrusted with very important and history making tasks. And the Commandments that were given to Moses for all Humanity at that time, are the same that we had already given to the Egyptians before the Nephilim got to them.’
‘In reality, Moses was given two different sets of Commandments, which were both worded differently. The first time he descended from the Mountain, he had brought with him the first Laws, which would have been more liberating to Humanity. Then when he came down from the mountain and found that they had made the ‘Golden Calf idol’ he broke those first tables of the Laws in anger, then he returned to us to report on what he had found.’
‘It was then decided that Humanity of that time was simply not ready for those rules aimed at Divine Realization. Moses was advised to occult the first Laws, teaching them to a chosen few. Then he was given another set of Laws; those where the ones that he openly brought from the mountain the second time. And they are the same that we shall give again now; only we shall interpret them again for Man of today, since the time of Moses is long gone. But nothing has changed. Nothing has been taken out of those Laws.’
‘They are thus, as it is written:
‘And (the Leader of) Elyonin spoke all the words, saying: I am Yahweh your creator, which have brought you out of the Lands of Egypt, out of the house of bondage:’
1- You shall have no other gods before God Most High.
2- You shall not make any graven image to yourself, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow yourself to them, nor serve them: for I, the God that is your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
3- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for your God will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.
4- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your servant, nor your maid, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates:
For in six days we made Heaven and Earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day: wherefore God blessed the Sabbath day, and Hallowed it.
5- Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord God gives you.
6- You shall not murder.
7- You shall not commit adultery.
8- You shall not steal.
9- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
10- You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; nor his wife, nor his manservant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbour’s.’’
‘Those were the Laws given to Moses. And everyone who believes in this message should also take those Laws to heart; and respect and obey them as those who followed Moses were expected to. But know that Religion was instituted for Man; Man was not created for religion. The Laws were made for Man; Man was not made for the Law. Therefore you must live with the times. And as time goes by the law has to be adapted to keep in step with the time; because those Ten Commandments were also intended to be Civil Laws by which to live. So once again, let us see those Commandments, and let us tell Humanity of today how we, Elyonin interpret then for this time in which you live. Now let us expound these Ten Commandments in details.’

‘We say, having given you those Ten Commandments and the others that are in the scriptures anew, you must live in the time you are in, and interpret them accordingly. As I have just said, they were made for Humanity and not the other way round. Without the existence of Man, the Commandments would be useless.’
‘Certain customs and traditions that were acceptable at the time of Moses are no longer in practice now. And attitudes that were acceptable in those days have become intolerable and even unheard of now. The legal verdicts dispensed and imposed by Moses are now considered barbaric and sanguinary. And acts that used to be considered awful crimes are now benign to contemporary man.’
‘Accordingly, you must see that Moses’ primitive interpretation of these commandments does not become a chain around your necks in view of your way of living now. The first commandment is to be obeyed as it is expected to be, because it is a perfect Law. Therefore only God Almighty, the God of your heart should be your God.’
‘You must never worship any thing that exists, has existed and (or) shall exist, if it can be seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelt, felt or easily fathomed. You were created in the image of God, and only that God that is within you, and is part of you, is worthy of your worship; and you are all aware that God within can neither be seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelt, felt or easily fathomed, He just Is.’
‘In order to realize your Divinity, you should do all you can, sacrifice all you have if needed, in order to succeed. For that is the only reason for your transmigration on Earth now. For that you must research, investigate and try all Lineages of Mysteries and wisdom, until you find the one to which you properly belong in order to access that Divinity.’
‘Trust God within you, and in time, you will surely find the Master who will come to instruct you and thousands like you; for that is how transmigration is organized. And when you have found your Master, it is to him that you shall give all the time, attention and devotion that was programmed in you; and that, during your Divine realization.’
‘For to him, you owe even more dedication and devotion than to your own father. And to Him and only him you owe something close to adoration and worshipful devotion. That is what we Elyonin have all done and how we have proceeded in our world over the ages, and how we always will.’
‘But you shall not waste your time in devotion and worship for any realized Religious Leader or Teacher who does not give you or is not willing to give you the means to Realize yourself and raise yourself to his level. Your Divine realization is the primordial reason for your presence on Earth. Therefore do not waste any of the precious time you have, when you are presented with an opportunity to get on the Way.’
‘There are few genuine Lineages of Mysteries left on the Earth such as the Essene Lineage, as held by this, our little messenger Desiree. There are also the Jews who hold a perfect Lineage quite similar to hers, since Essenism is a branch and a Lineage of the Jewish religion. But seek those that are Messianist in Orientation; and by that we mean Yeshua’s Messianism. Seek those Lineages of the Jewish faith that are not hostile to the teachings of the late Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth. Many of them exist nowadays.’
‘But seek not only those of Yeshua’s but also those of Wise Men of other Religious Denominations who do not despise or disregard other true Lineages; and who instruct people in the Mysteries using the Mystical Qaballah. Because the rest of the branches of the Jewish faith have now fallen into a monarchic, conservative and even selfish way of refusing to disclose their knowledge to all. And such is the kind of attitude that Rabbi Yeshua was opposed to.’
‘Then there are many Buddhist Lineages, such as those handed down by the Karmapas. They have the Mysteries, and are willing to impart their knowledge to real seekers. The only problem with them is that their teachings are in need of modernization. But our little messenger here is instructed to give you what you ultimately seek.’
‘There are a few Muslim sects, the best being the Sufis, who have ten Lineages that some amongst you can seek. But they too need to be modernized, because a lot of traditional and sectarian beliefs have long been introduced into their teachings.’
‘As well as these four groups, there are a few Christian Masters who are working in silence and are unwilling to come out in the open, because of the intolerance that exists in Christianity. There are also a few indigenous Wise Men throughout your World that still have the Mysteries in full. Seek them out if you wish, and learn from them, but do not limit yourselves to them only.’
‘Those are the ones you should seek and go to, for your progress. But as you shall see, there can only be one teacher on Earth that could allow you to totally break through to the Light, and that is the one that was chosen as your group teacher before you transmigrated. He has the complete knowledge to bring you to success. Seek him out.’
‘But others could help you on the way. Some for meditation, others for correcting your attitude toward yourself, towards others and towards the way you see those dissimilar to you. And still some more for preparing you for the ordeal ahead and the ‘dark night of the soul’, and for preparing and helping you to help others to do the same.’
‘But ultimately you will find the Lineage that was yours from the beginning of your Transmigration Journey. And when you have found that Lineage, you shall know that you have found your real home and you would stop seeking. Then you will begin working on your Divine Realization.’
‘Now if you ask us which one amongst these ways is the best, we’ll say the Essene Way, as presented by our Messenger; which Rabbi Yeshua Bar Joseph’s Way was also.’
‘Note that Divine Realization should allow you to help your fellow Humans without the conventional human means. For example you should be able to cure illnesses without performing any medical operations or administering man-made drugs and medicine.’
‘You should be able to live in opulence and comfort; you and those who are your responsibility. Past, present and future should hold no secrets to you. Neither should the lives of those you come across. You should be all knowing, all seeing and all-powerful. A Divinely realized being who should put his knowledge to good use for himself and the rest of the entire Human race.’
‘Joining a religious group that does nothing but sing Mantras without knowing how to use those for the good of mankind is a total waste of time. Becoming the devotee or follower of a seemingly or truly realized Master, who does not help you to become like himself and to develop the same powers as himself; and simply being amongst his throngs of followers is a total waste of time.’
‘For when he dies and leaves Earth you shall be left empty-handed and all the time spent following and worshipping him would have been useless and wasted. Instead, seek a Master who might not have millions of followers, but if he or she is willing to actively help you progress, he should be the best choice.’
‘Furthermore, going to a place of worship is good for the communion of Souls with likely orientated people, but useless if you do not realize that God Is Within You.’
‘A person that respects Divine Laws, that respects and does good by others is better, more righteous and worthy than one who is a regular frequenter of places of worship and tithe payer, who does not practice what is in the law of God the Mighty One.’
‘It is absolutely useless and very sinful to worship Rabbi Yeshua, his mother, his Apostles, and a host of long dead Religious Leaders and Teachers, whoever they may be or praying to them; without ever mentioning the God who they themselves worshipped.’
‘Those people were living beings like you, who like you, came to Earth for their Divine Realization; only, they succeeded. You must all therefore strive to do the same; and even do better than they did. Not by praying to them and asking them to do the work for you.’
‘You must come out of the conditioning you were born in, and realize that those people are dead and gone. They did not ask for, neither would they want you to worship them. For that is an abomination in the eyes of God the Mighty One. Praying to or worshipping dead former Prophets, would make absolutely no difference for your Divine Realization. You must do as they did, by yourself.’
‘Yeshua came and pointed out the way that Humanity had to follow. And instead of looking at what he was pointing at, Humanity is now stopped and stalled, staring at the tip of Yeshua’s finger. Oh Man, wake up and see what he was trying to show you! Stop worshipping him, and start worshipping the God that Yeshua, himself, worshipped. The God whom he wanted you to see and to worship.’
‘In line of what I have just taught you, Yeshua was worthy of great respect and veneration only when he was alive, and only by his followers alone. Because they were those who profited from his teachings and who managed to realize their Divinity thanks to him.’
‘But worshipping ‘Jesus’ and all the others now that they are no longer alive, breaks the First Commandment; and is an abomination in our eyes and to God the Mighty One. But asking him to intercede for you during your prayers to God is not. In the same way as praying to God and asking Him to grant your demands through the merits of ‘Jesus’ is not an abomination; but praying to Jesus and calling him God while excluding God Himself is an abomination.’
‘In the same way, do not make any statues, likeness, images, carvings of any living beings, any humanoid or any animal, either dead or alive; that is, do not make them with the aim of rendering a cult to them. Nor of any planets and stars that exist, have, and shall exist, with the intention of adoring those. Do not bow down to those, or worship or pay any homage to them in any manner. For such would be denying God Most High and that He is One; and thus you will be putting them before Him.’
‘Therefore parading crosses of Yeshua being tortured on a cross, through the streets of cities; or statues of him as a baby and statues of his mother is an abomination. Also the kneeling to, bowing to, and worshipping of those, is an abomination in our eyes and to God the Mighty One. Honour should go to God that made you, and to no other.’
‘Please, note that we do not wish to discourage art in any form. We ourselves love and thrive on it. We even wish hereby to encourage you to be creative in the media of painting, sculpture, drawing carving filming, designing, building, singing, acting and landscaping arts. Be creative and enjoy your lives and your environments with every fiber of your being. It is only idolatry that we want to discourage and that we are warning you about.’

‘Do never use the Holy Names of God Almighty for vain oaths, vain invocations, vain accords, promises or agreements that have nothing to do with Divine Work. Do not swear, pleasant or amuse yourselves in ridiculous songs, conversations, speeches and cusses in association with Divine Names in whatever form and in whichever language.’
‘For every time you say or pronounce a Divine Name, the Divine Spirit and Power that is associated with, and is assigned to that particular Name is immediately summoned to your side, who shall report to God on all your ensuing words, oaths, actions and attitudes. And the useless and careless invocations of Divine Names are an abomination in our eyes and to God the Mighty One. For God should never be mocked.’

‘Remember why you came to Earth. Worshipping God, whether you are part of a Religious Denomination or not, is primordial; but you first have to live in order to do this. Therefore set a day apart, in which you must dedicate yourself to honoring and thinking of God, acknowledging His existence and Sovereignty with prayers and acts of adoration; either by yourself or with like-minded people.’
‘That day must be holy to you and to all those in your care and in your home. If you can help it do not do any work on that day. But as we have already said, those rules were made for Man; so the Sabbath was instituted for Man, not Man for the Sabbath. Therefore live with the times.’
‘Before, people took this law to extremes, not even washing their bodies or warming up their food on the day of the Lord. Such fanaticism is not required of you now. Cleaning your body in order to appear presentable before God is not only acceptable but necessary; the same as cleaning the body of a baby that has soiled himself on the Sabbath is not only acceptable, but also necessary and hygienic.’
‘Before, people considered it work if someone wrote even a single letter or a single symbol on a piece of paper, or warmed food cooked the previous day for the Sabbath. Such fanaticism is not required of you. Simply writing someone’s address or telephone number on the Sabbath day is not working.’
‘But you will break the Sabbath, if you install yourself at your desk to continue with the type of work you usually do during the week. You will break it, if you avoid praying and paying homage to God, in order to write piles of letters to catch up on mundane correspondence. But there are exceptions with this law.’
‘All works of charity, and of people like doctors are permitted; if it is urgent to save a human life. Therefore all those who work in the emergency departments of hospitals do not break the Sabbath if their shift work falls on that day, or when necessary.’
‘Doctors should never schedule surgical operations for the Sabbath day in order to pay homage to God. But if any emergency operations are necessary, they should leave their Church, Synagogue, Temple or Mosque and go and save the life of the patient when asked, or when necessary. They do not break the Sabbath, and what is more, they are doing a divinely commendable deed. Saving a human life is more important than meditating.’
‘Some fanatical people consider it a sin to drive a vehicle to go to their place of worship that is wrong. You should make all efforts to get to the place of worship on time. Therefore driving a vehicle in order to go and worship God is not an infraction of the Law. You invented vehicles to be able to travel faster. It is similar to walking. The vehicle simply replaces your feet and helps you to get there earlier and without exerting yourself too much. But driving a vehicle for the sole aim of going to do your regular work on the day of the Lord - except to save a life - is a terrible sin that should be avoided.’
‘Therefore, respect the Day of the Lord, and keep it holy. Let every person that lives in your house and the confines of your property do the same. Not even an animal that works for you during the week should be made to work on that day. Instead, it should be fed and left to repose itself.’ And guests staying in your house should respect the Law of reposing and not working; whether they believe in God or not. If they refuse to obey your wishes, they should be asked to leave. Do reach any half-way understandings with anyone about that; it should be your way, or no way at all.
‘You should prepare all week and look forward to the Day that has been traditionally dedicated to the Lord in your religious denomination. So much that you should even go with less food during the week in order to celebrate that Day in abundance.’
‘On that Day, clean and adorn yourself to look good in your own eyes and in the eyes of those who see you. Adorn your table with the fineries that you possess, and serve the finest foodstuffs and wines. But at the same time, avoid excessive indulgence and drunkenness. In fine, simply make it to be a very special day, distinctively different from all the others.’
‘With regards to asking those who break the Sabbath in your house to leave, we urge you to never compromise your quest for Divinity. It is best to fall out with a Human being, than risk the wrath of God the Mighty One.
‘Everything you do while observing the Ten Primordial Laws of God is taken into account. Do not for one moment think that any of your efforts are wasted. You shall realize just what advantages come with obeying these Laws, when you begin to acquaint yourselves with the Mysteries.’
‘Respect the Day of the Lord and keep it holy. But as we have said, learn to recognize the times when concessions are necessary and acceptable. Always be obedient and even a slave to God; but sometimes when necessary, you do not have to be a slave to the Law, or to your Religious Denomination, or to your tradition.’
‘This also is a perfect Law. You must show all due respect to your parents. On no account, must you abuse, insult, neglect or disrespect them. In our eyes and before God, nothing justifies an appalling attitude towards parents. Let your parents be in your eyes as God that you have never seen, and show them the same respect as you show your Monarchs and all people in authority in your countries.’
‘The same as they had looked after you when you were young, and even if they had not looked after you properly because of their poverty or state of physical or mental health, do look after your parents from the moment you have the means, and in their old age.’
‘If you have the comfort and the means to support them when they are old and senile, do not put them away in a hostile hostel or old people’s home. But let them live their final years with you, surrounded by the attention, companionship and the warmth of their children and descendants. The only exception to this rule should be if their state of health is such that they need constant professional help and attention which you could not provide; or if they are a danger to you, to themselves and to others.’
‘But if in their old age, their attitude or habits make living with your spouse or your chosen life companion difficult; arrange for your parents to have a habitation in the grounds of your property or immediately close to your home, where you would be able to care for them without them destroying your own relationships with others.’
‘But on no account should you let them interfere with your efforts, in your search for Divine Realization. And if despite your efforts, their attitude is such that you cannot live happily with them, then separate yourself from them and suppress all physical contact with them. But still endeavor to care for them from afar, as much as you can. And even then, on no account, should you return their abusive attitude in a manner alike to theirs.’
‘Obey your parents, no matter how old or stupid you may think they are. Thus if you are ready and on your way to go to Church, Synagogue, Mosque or Temple, and on of your parents asks you to do something useful to them, like fetching water for example; you must first fetch them water, before going to the place of worship. In this case, obeying your parent in doing something useful and needed to him, is much more important than going to the place of worship.’
‘Refusing to obey such a reasonable request from a parent in order to go to the place of worship, will not excuse you before God. You have broken God’s Law of obedience to your parents.’
‘However, if a parent stops you from going to the place of worship and asks you instead to go and worship the Devil with him, or to go and carry out a robbery, you must not obey him or even listen to him. Because he is asking you to break the First Commandment, and (or) the Eighth Commandment that says: ‘You shall not steal.’
‘Notice the difference between the first and second situations, and be wise.’ Be perfect and impeccable, as the Lord your God wants you to be. For that is why that Law was given to you.’
‘You shall on no account kill anyone or anything for fun, or out of jealousy; nor to disguise a crime committed either by yourself, your relatives, your friends, or for someone else or for money. But the same as with the other Commandments there are attenuating circumstances even for this Law.’
‘Thus, if you kill a Human being that is trying to murder you, after you have exhausted all attempts at escaping them or protecting yourself, you do not sin in the eyes of God Most High, nor in our eyes. The same goes with animals. While it is permissible to kill an animal that is trying to kill you, or that would otherwise kill you if you spare its life, it is a terrible and an unforgivable sin to kill any animal for no apparent reason, or for sport.’
And if you live where fruit, vegetables, eggs and milk and cheese are in abundance, you shall refrain as much as possible from consuming meat. It is however acceptable to kill an animal and eat it, when you are faced with a famine and where food is not in abundance.’
‘Therefore if you are in danger of being killed by an animal, or of being murdered by a Human being, try to simply wound them in order to incapacitate them and to give you the chance to escape. If it is a Human being, let him be judged and dealt with by the law of the Country where you both happen to be.’
‘Few animals are murderous by nature. They kill to survive or for self- protection. Therefore if you wound and escape from an animal that was trying to kill you, it would abandon pursuing you to attend to its wounds.’’
‘But if despite your efforts to only wound them, you kill an animal or a Human being in order to save your own life, you do not sin. But never use excessive force when you are able to escape with less damage to your aggressor. Make use of mercy, pity, love, compassion and understanding when dealing with other living beings. And love and protect them as you would love and protect yourselves, and as you would like to be loved and protected.’
‘A vow taken before God, in the Name of God, or over any of the existing sacred scriptures should be scrupulously kept. Thus, marriage vows are very divinely binding and you should never break such vows so as not to become your own killer.’
‘And beware of making any promises that you might not be able to keep in the future. The law of faithfulness in a marriage appeals to your sense of freedom. You are free when you are making a vow. Know and value that freedom, and do not let any carnal feelings control you. Instead, be the master of yourself and of your feelings.’
‘However, no matter how strong you are in keeping vows, feelings of love cannot be forced. So it was divinely decreed and permitted to annul vows and to peacefully divorce a partner with whom a vow had been taken. Therefore it is necessary to vow to be faithful to your partner for as long as love unites you, and as long as that vow keeps you both together. The annulment of the vow and the divorce should be undertaken as happily as the marriage and vow were entered into.’
‘We, ourselves, have found that it is possible to have feelings of love for more than one person. And we have always felt free to show love to all those persons, without making any promises to them, or taking any vows with them. In acting that way, we are also making use of our freedom of decision. So unless you are capable of having true feelings for another person, feelings that can last a lifetime, do not selfishly gamble with another being’s feelings.’
‘Always be sincere with them, explaining that you are only capable for loving for the moment and for as long as the feeling lasts. There is, and there should be no divinely binding laws amongst you, such as the ‘indissoluble bounds of matrimony’ imposed on anyone. No religious or civil authority should enforce such a regulation, because God does not ask that of you.’
‘Any love that has died should be laid to rest. And any marriage that has broken down should be dissolved, so that both partners may love other people and remain friends with each other. Much more so if children were produced within such a marriage.’
‘When children have been produced in a marriage, though the vows may be immediately annulled to allow both partners to be free to love other persons, the couple should never live in separate dwellings until the children have become adults, and have experienced love for themselves. They should always be told of any annulment of vows immediately, but the family unit should never be broken until the children are ready to leave home.’
‘However, a family unit in which there exists violence should be immediately split, for the well-being of the children, and for both spouses peace of mind. No children should be permitted to remain with a brutal or abusive parent. And when the abuse takes place between the spouses only, they could only be better parents for their children when they live apart. That is the concession for this Commandment.’
‘But while you are tied by a vow, keep it holy until it is annulled; and do never commit adultery or perjury of any kind; especially when you have taken the Vow of Nazirite in order to realize your Divinity. That is how we, Elyonin deal with the seventh commandment.’

‘You should never take, extort or appropriate anything belonging to another person without their consent. But there are concessions even with this law. As such, if for example you have not eaten for a week, or if you have no means to obtain any sustenance despite all your efforts, it is permissible to take and eat food you find unattended, in order to survive.’
‘But before taking it, you should make all efforts to find its owner and ask for their permission to partake of it. If they cannot be found, you should arrange to leave a message or another way of letting them know that it was you who took their property; promising to replace or pay for it as soon as, and when possible. Even if it be in the middle of a desert, you should provide means for the owner to find you easily and claim their due.’
‘For if that food is cooked or prepared, it definitely belongs to someone; and when taking such food, do not take more that you need for that moment only. Also when you find someone with food after going for a week without any, you must ask them for it. If they refuse to give it, never abuse, attack or hurt them to take it to feed yourself. You shall walk away without anger, as you too expect goodness from God, who sees all and who eventually will provide you with nourishment.’
‘A warning goes here to any one whose food has been taken in such a manner and to whom a note, a payment or a promise of payment had been left. You shall be understanding and not in any way try to punish such a person; or get them arrested in order to be punished by the Law of the land. Be forgiving and accept their excuse and payment, just as you expect to be forgiven by God when you sin without being caught. It is for this reason that you were advised in this Law to let poor people glean from your fields, and to reserve a corner of your field where some products may be taken by those who desperately need them.’
‘You should walk away without anger if you find that your food had been taken by a more hungry person, for God who sees all will provide you with what you need., and in more abundance. By comporting yourselves in such a way, you shall be without fault before the Lord your God.’
‘Do not take anything belonging to another person in order to have more than they have. And by this, we do not mean that you should not have more than another person; only that you should deserve what you have by earning it honestly.’
‘Work honestly and hard to obtain everything you need either to live simply, in comfort, or opulence. You will enjoy it more the better, knowing that all that you have was honestly and honorably obtained, and that you did not do anything to offend either your fellow man, and God the Mighty One.’

‘For absolutely no reason should you lie or accuse another person of something they have not done. Neither should you make such a declaration on the behalf of another person, to help them get out of a difficult situation.’
‘This law concerns and touches all situations and all persons regardless of who or what they are. For every single false accusation that you make against another person shall be held against you by us Elyonin, and by God the Mighty One, whether your trumpery is discovered on Earth or not.’
‘Therefore, if you have committed an offence, admit it. Do not accuse another person. And if you made the accusation because of the resemblance of the wrongly accused person with the perpetrator, please correct your mistake as soon as you are aware of it, and acquit the innocent person. Thus you will be found righteous before us Elyonin, and before God the Mighty One.’
‘Do not covet your neighbors’ house, nor his riches and belongings; and do not covet his wife, or his servants. It is perfectly normal to admire your neighbour’s house, if it is larger, prettier and better decorated than your own. And it is perfectly normal to admire his wife, if she is prettier; or his children, if they are more intelligent. And it is also normal to wish you could have servants helping you with domestic duties around your home and property like your neighbour. All of that is very natural; we too used to have such feelings.’
But what is against God’s Law is when your admiration and covetousness becomes such, as you loose sense of reality and become vicious.’
‘When you become so hateful, resentful and jealous that you become a nuisance to your neighbour and to your family. When you would resort to slander, malicious reviling gossip, criminal destructiveness, and even murder in order to annoy your neighbour or to appropriate what he has.’
‘If you admire your neighbour’s possessions, strive to work even harder in order to possess similar or even better things; without however making a nuisance of yourself, or letting him know that you are in competition with him.’
‘And if he acquired his wealth by right of inheritance, then it is according to Divine Judgment and disposition. In that case, content yourself with what you have and count your blessings in other situations in your life. Thus you shall be found righteous before the Lord your God.’
‘But having said this, it is very acceptable and very good to wish to live in opulence. In fact we even recommend it. It is not, neither has it ever been the will of God for any Human beings to be poor or deprived. Therefore, do your best to live as well as you possibly can; and try and make your life better and more comfortable as you want. But do it the right way.’
‘Acquire riches, but in an honest and humanely legal way. Honest ambition and healthy competition will contribute to evolution and a better way of life for all. We recommend all those who believe in God, and those who will come to learn the Mysteries from our Messenger, to live by those amended rules.’
‘We shall stop here today. As any one who gets to read this message will understand, we had been, as well as giving our message, trying to prove that beings from other worlds have indeed visited this Planet and continue to do so.
‘With the following installments we shall continue to point out more examples whenever possible. But most of all, we shall concentrate on warning Humanity about the Young Man from France and his activities, and give our side of the story to cover what we believe he shall be telling Humanity.’
‘We shall also enlighten Humanity on other matters and on Rabbi Yeshua; before leaving you all to freely make up your own minds. And we urge all those who get to meet this young African female messenger of ours, to give her all the help they can. Go to her also to learn more about the tenets of these Ten Commandments, and to learn how to realize your Divinity.’
‘I lay in bed for a while, wide-awake with tears streaming from my eyes. I did not understand why I was crying, only that I felt better the more I cried. I was at the reasoning that this time, it all made sense to me. With this new interpretation, the Ten Commandments were acceptable for our time, and easy to follow and keep. Finally the tears dried of themselves and I went back to sleep.

After our meeting on the fifth day, the message, when I accessed it, began thus: “We have already seen how the ‘Glory of the Lord’ landed on top of Mount Sinai, and all the noise that it made. We also know that you now understand that the ‘Glory’ was the name of the Mother-ship, the Intergalactic vessel that our Leader uses when travelling to meet our Prophets in.”
‘Another Prophet was Eli’jah who preached to the population of a Satan-worshipping Kingdom and admonished them for their abominations.
‘He, like Moses, lived forty days and forty nights (again) in the desert, when the population of the area also sought to kill him. He described the landing of a ‘chariot’ that came to him thus:
“And he said, ‘Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord’. And behold, Yahweh passed by, and a great wind and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before Him; but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.” Kings 19:11-12.
Literally, that was a classic description of the landing of a flying machine: First the wind and a whistling noise; then the earth-shattering noise of the landing with the scattering of stones, and a fire escaping from underneath; then silence.’
‘The still small voice means in religious terms that he was called ‘by the Holy Spirit’ and he heard. It usually is a sort of whispering voice, soft and virtually silent to others but perfectly audible to the person it is intended for. In human terms we can call it telepathy as everybody cannot hear that voice.’
‘Elyonin had had promised to Eli’jah that they shall take him ‘to Heaven’ alive, or in other words to their planet, when his work had finished on Earth and before his physical death. When time had come, Eli’jah went to the arranged meeting place with his young aide and disciple Elisha. This description was made:’
“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire; and parted them both asunder; and Eli’jah went up by whirlwind into heaven.” 2 KINGS 2:11
‘Elisha saw the ‘chariot of fire’, and this was the description made by a primitive person of something that must have looked like the arrival and take-off of an airborne machine, with smoke and fire exiting from its blast-pipes.’
‘That passage also has a deeper meaning, but for a good reason it is not my intention to comment on it now, so I shall leave it there.’
‘Of all the descriptions - and there are many - that can be found in all the scriptures, none can be more explicit than the ones that were given by the prophet Ezekiel. He described small flying saucers and the landing of a mother ship. And he also described space men and their attires. He wrote:
‘Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of Elyonin...
4- And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud, and a fire unfolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
5- Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
6- And every one had four faces and every one had four wings.
7- And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.
8- And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides: and they four had four faces and their wings.
9- Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.
10- As for the likeness of their faces they four had the likeness of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side; and they four had the face of ox on the left hand side, and they four also had the face of an eagle.
11- Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upwards two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.
12- And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.
13- As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: It went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went out lightning.
14- And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.
15- Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.
16- The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
17- When they went, they went on their four sides: and they turned not when they went.
18- As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.
19- And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.
20- Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went; thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels lifted up over against them:
21- When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when these were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheel.
22- And the likeness of the firmament upon the head of the living creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.
23- And under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other: every one had two, which covered on this side and every one had two, which covered on that side of their bodies.
24- And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings.
25- And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood and had let down their wings.
26- And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.
27- And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins downwards, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.
28- As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the Glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.’ Ezekiel 1:1-28
‘Now if you care to consider the description of what Ezekiel, in his own words or writing, said that he saw near the river Chebar, we may confidently say -and no doubt you will agree with us- that he described none other than space ships. I shall now take you step by step through that old text to explain exactly what Ezekiel saw.’
‘If we interpreted those descriptions in a more modern way, what he saw was a huge mother-ship, small flying saucers, and space men dressed in space suits. Just as the being that visited Abraham had told him, he informed Eli’jah that he lived on a Planet, and told him that his name was Yahweh.’
‘It is therefore very normal that this same being, that was now paying a visit to Ezekiel, should again physically travel on space vessels when he wished to appear to another Human being in the flesh. Yahweh, our Leader, did not appear to Ezekiel in such a manner for nothing. He wanted him to go and describe what he had seen, not only to his contemporaries, but to Humanity of the future; in other words, you the humans of today.’
‘Ezekiel’s generation did not use words like space ship. Even though he saw it, he could not properly explain the large, bulky objects in the sky, which were not birds, but which nonetheless could move, looking like houses, but sometimes were the grey colour of clouds.’
‘There is a passage that states, after Yahweh had arrived to meet Moses to give him the Commandments: ‘The Glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire ... and Moses entered the cloud, and went up in the mountain...”
‘Let us now see how Ezekiel described the landing of that flying machine. ‘The ‘whirlwind which came out of the north’ was the vapor trail which can be seen behind Earth’s jets nowadays, when they fly at high altitude.’
“(...A great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing continually and in the midst of the fire, as the colour of gleaming amber...)”
‘In other words the huge space ship appeared, with flashing lights; which made the metal of the vessel gleam intermittently. Amber (or electrum), is used in contemporary Hebrew for electricity; so he clearly said that the light that he saw, was like electric light.’
“And out of the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance (or this is what they looked like) they had the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and every one four wings.”
‘What he wanted to say is that he saw four humanoid beings wearing antigravity suits equipped with direction engines on the sides, along the legs, and casks with portholes on them. (Every one had four faces and four wings).
‘Those casks were quite similar to those worn by your own human astronauts when they went to the moon. Anyone watching the moving images of the first Human astronaut walking on your moon Luna can see the similarity between him and Ezekiel’s space people.’
‘And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass. And under their wings on their four sides, they had the hands of a man, and they four had their faces and their wings. Their wings were joined one to another …’
‘That part of the description means that the space suits were shiny and in one piece. These suits were metallic and seemed rather heavy. The feet sparkled because they were one with the suits. When they moved, they gripped the guides of the jet engines, and he saw their hands very clearly.
‘Their wings were joined to one another’ means that when they rose up, the fire and smoke of the exhausts of the jet engines intermingled. The wheels were small flying vessels that came out of the Mother Ship.’
‘... Behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures... …The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of beryl: and they four had one likeness: it were a wheel in the midst of a wheel...’ ‘They shone brightly as they were made of metal of course…’
“When they went, they went up on their four sides: and they turned not as they went...”
‘By that Ezekiel meant that the wheels did not turn as he had expected to see them turn; instead they glided, rotated around themselves, and flew by shooting right up, vertically’
“...As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.” Note that these ‘rings’ were simply the rims, and the ‘eyes’ were the portholes, to allow the people inside to see outside.’
“... And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up... Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.”
‘You must already have understood that the spacemen were obviously doing exploration work, moving and stopping. And the small flying vessels came along. Also, it appears that they did demonstration flights for Ezekiel. This is something that we do regularly for people we want to see one of our vessels, even if we are not destined to contact them. Let us continue.’
“...And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living beings was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above...” This was the Mother Ship that had brought them to Earth, the one in which our Leader, Yahweh, usually travels.”
“...And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of the speech, as the noise of an host (or an army): when they stood, they let down their wings...”
“like many waters” means like a waterfall. This was the roaring of directional jet engines, which to him sounded like thunder. You must not forget that this was a primitive man talking.’
“And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood and had let down their wings...”
‘Obviously, you understand that he could not hear anything while the engines were still roaring, so the persons that were inside had waited, and then spoke when the jet engines had been switched off; therefore he could hear the voice.’
“...And above the firmament that was above their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone and upon the likeness the throne as the appearance of a man above upon it...”
‘The shiny material was on the floor of the cockpit of the space vessel. Every single prophet that had ever been met by us or by our Leader Yahweh himself, and gone inside his huge mother ship had made the same description. And you too, Desiree have seen the floor of our vessel and you can see that it is made of the same metallic alloy. Ezekiel saw what looked like a human being sitting, and he described his clothing thus:’
“...And I saw the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downwards, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about it.”
‘Around the waist of the humanoid being’s that Ezekiel saw, there was a shiny belt with an orange glowing light, and the cockpit itself was full of lights of different colours. The belt that the being wore around his waist is very much similar to the ones that you have seen around our own waists every day that you have met us.’
“...As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain; so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the Glory of Elyonin. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spoke.”
‘That rainbow of colours is what any other human being would describe if they saw one of our Mother Ship at night. Well when Ezekiel saw this amazing and incredible scene, he fainted.’’
‘This reaction was the same for all the Prophets who either saw our space vessels or our spacemen. For such sightings were beyond their imagination. Even humans of today who are used to air planes and know about spatial explorations are still getting gravely affected by such encounters. And for Ezekiel, the unbelievable event was just too much for his nervous system. No such thing as a big flying house full of strong blinking lights could possibly exist. To him there could only be one answer: God was behind it.’
‘But now all the inhabitants of Earth know that air planes exist. All have seen them and most have travelled in them. Those air planes are made on Earth. Men are alive on Earth today, who have been to Earth’s Moon. Interplanetary spacecraft exist, made on Earth. When those went to the Moon, they were not immaterial beings, and they are not immaterial now.’
‘They were, and still are solid human beings. And if there were life on Earth’s moon, and one of the beings living on it had seen the human astronauts who went there, they would have looked like Aliens to it; but nonetheless they would have been true. They would not have been the figment of the ‘Moon being’s imagination.’
‘So, we beseech those who shall read this message to believe this our messenger; though she is still but an ignorant girl. Because if Man went from Earth to explore and walk on Earth’s Moon, why should other highly evolved beings not have come from another Planet in another Galaxy, to create life on Earth? And if those beings are hundreds of thousands of years ahead of Earth’s scientists in technological knowledge, why should they not have created or affected the whole Solar System and Earth themselves altogether?’
‘Now the flaw in the myth of an immaterial creator of Humanity becomes very obvious. We created Man in our own image and if we were immaterial beings, Humans would also be immaterial. But you, Humans are solid and visible, and alive and true. And you, Humans having been created in our own image, we therefore are also truly human as we have always maintained ourselves.’
‘But we are not only Man, we are also Divine beings; and so are all of you, the Human beings. And the sooner Man on earth accepts this fact, the better it will be for all of you. Believe in God, honor Him and access your Divine powers. Such is your birthright. And we are instructing and sending our little messenger here to teach you how, to show you how, and to help you access to your Divinity as we have shown her.’


‘Here, Ezekiel had described a space vessel, together with space men. Now we shall see if those space men were just anonymous Extra-Terrestrials, or us, the same Elyonin we have been telling you about until now. Were they Elyonin of Adam, Enoch and Noah? Were they Elyonin of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses? And was Yahweh, our Leader with them?’
‘After Ezekiel had fainted, the man who seemed like the captain and leader of the space crew revived him and said to him: ‘... Son of man, stand upon your feet, and I will speak to you …’
‘And this is what the man who was seating on the ‘throne’ or on the desk of the cockpit said: “And he said to me, son of man, I send you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even to this very day… …For they are impudent children and stiff-hearted. I do send you to them, thus says Yahweh the Lord of Elyonin and your Lord.”
“And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear (for you are a rebellious house), yet shall they know that there has been a prophet among them… …And you, son of man be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with you, and you do dwell among scorpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.” Ezekiel 2:3-6
‘There! The space man was truly the same: he was our Leader, Yahweh. He warned Ezekiel that the people would not believe that he was sent by Elyonin, and by Yahweh, our Leader himself. And they would neither listen to his warnings, nor obey his orders and the Divine laws that he will give them. And not only that, they would also say horrible things about him, and make false accusations and darkening his image. And they would seek to stop him from doing his work by laying traps before him, for him to fail. He continues:
“And you shall say my words to them, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for they are most rebellious… …But you, son of man, hear what I say to you; be not rebellious... …open your mouth, and eat that I give you… And when I looked, behold a hand was sent to me; and lo, a roll of a book was therein... and he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written there in lamentations, mourning and woe.” Ezekiel 2:7-10
‘In the book of Genesis most of the teachings that were given to Adam and Eve by the Renegades were in books which they were given to read.’
‘It is written that ‘Eve took the fruit of knowledge, ate it and gave it to Adam’. This means that she read the teachings that were in the books and assimilated them. It was explained that after she and Adam read those bad books (or ate the knowledge contained in them), led to their shame when their eyes were later opened. Nobody eats paper; only food can be eaten.’
‘The same expression is used here by Ezekiel. The scroll had letters and words written on both sides. So, ‘eating the scroll’ on that occasion could only mean assimilate in order not to forget. Or to learn and keep with him the contents of the scroll.’
‘He was even told: ‘Eat... and go to speak to the house of Israel’. That meant read what is written on this scroll, learn it, fill your brain with it, then go and tell, and teach it to the house of Israel (‘speak to them with my words’).’
‘Finally, in the light of what we have just read, we can confidently conclude that the space man who spoke to Ezekiel on that day was the same one who spoke to Abraham and taught him Astronomy and the Mysteries. He was none other than Yahweh, our Leader himself. The scroll here clarified everything for him and he again became the new owner of the Divine Mysteries as they had been once given to his ancestors. And he was again told of our continuing war with the Renegades, and of the many rebellions of Humanity and what resulted from those.’
‘Ezekiel was then taken for a ‘ride’ or a flight on the space vessel. The description of that trip is made in the book of Ezekiel 3:12-16. He said that he was first very frightened, and then angry. Frightened because of what he had seen and of whom he had seen, and he did not like being taken up on that strange machine.’
‘He was so terrified and overwhelmed by the whole events that, after he was finally brought down again, he remained bewildered and in a state of shock for seven days. That was a very normal reaction in the circumstance. All the people that we have contacted over the millennia react very much in the same manner.’
‘Another one of our messengers called Jonah, whose story can also be read in the Bible suffered a similar shock after he had been rescued by one of our submarines and kept under water for three days. But we can assure you that those people were not hallucinating. They did see Elyonin and spoke to them; and most of them got to meet Yahweh our Leader.’
‘Virtually all Prophets and messengers that we have contacted on Earth have been given the same story that we have given to you here, as well as being given different tasks.’
‘You, Desiree, are certainly not considered the least important to us because you were not given this message by our Leader himself, or because you did not get the opportunity to meet him. There was no need for you to meet him for the work you have to do; and it would not have made any difference if you had met him.’
‘If you do your work well, he will surely come, if all goes well, in His own time and when needed; to designate and install a personality that will become a historical figure in the Earth of the future. That is if circumstances are as we wish them to be. You, however, will never meet Him.’
‘But you must content yourself with the task that we are giving you now, which is just as very important as those of the others. We have now come to the end of today’s installment of our message and shall meet you tomorrow at the usual Earth time. Peace be with you.’


I lay in my bed, reflecting on what I had just learnt. I forgot to mention that my mother had come with all my brothers and sisters, and our house was now full of children. I had found them there when I came back with the message that I had just listened to.
While my grandmother was delighted to have all her grand children around her, I on my part was not very happy. After the original excitement of seeing them all, I resented having my domain invaded.
Such a reaction is something that only an only child could understand. There were times when I valued the solitude and the silence to which I had become accustomed. And their natural curiosity did not endear them to me.
In the days that followed they kept demanding to know why I disappeared alone into the forest for hours, and what I was doing there.

* * *

I do not know how I did it, but I managed to escape my siblings and go to my meetings with Elyonin. It was however difficult to leave little Henriette, my youngest sister behind. She was very attached to me and had entered into the habit of following me around, even sleeping in my bed. She was twelve years old that year. I had to fool her into going and looking for a non-existent book in my bedroom, telling her not to come back without it. And while she was gone I slipped away. Of course I met Elyonin and was given the message of the sixth day. And it went like this:
‘Greetings. By now you are familiar with the stories of your Bible, and you can understand what was meant in those old stories. Many times we had to use our space crafts and sea going vessels to help our prophets on Earth in their travels and in many other situations. Thus we used one of our submarines to rescue Jonah in the Sea.’
‘Another time when we had to introduce our new technology to one of our Human messengers is recounted in the book of Mormon, in the story of the Brother of Jared about how we helped him to travel to what is now the American continent.’
‘He was one of the Scientists we had to remove from Babel. He was one of those who had been involved in building that rocket or ‘Tower’ as it is called in the Bible. His name is not mentioned because our Leader had decreed that nobody on Earth should even utter their names, after their treason. But he was a good man who had been misled, and our leader had deemed him worth saving, because he immediately repented when he understood that he had been duped and lied to by the Renegades.’
‘He was given a compass, and was taught how to build submersible ships in which he and the people with him were able to travel through the Mediterranean Sea, and across the Atlantic Ocean. We recommend people to read the early part of the Book of Mormon to acquaint themselves with his story. But we also recommend caution, on account of the interpretations that were subsequently made of those writings afterwards.


‘Today we shall continue and tell you about Yeshua, the Messiah of Nazareth and soon, our meetings shall come to an end, so pay extreme attention to what we are about to tell you. And when you write your book, write this message faithfully, leaving nothing out, because we do not wish to come back and repeat what we have been telling you for at least another thousand years.’
‘We will be quoting many books and scriptures, all written by Human beings, some of which can be checked and consulted as needs be.’
‘The times when Yeshua (or Jesus as he is commonly known) and his cousin John the Baptizer were born, were times when most of the Jewish people were acquainted with the Mysteries and when all religious people sought to realize their Divinities.’
‘Men and women alike were eager to learn. In those days, there were many Essene communities, but in Palestine there were three main groups. One of them was composed of people, men and women who had chosen to live a life of celibacy and to dedicate themselves only to spiritual pursuits.’
‘Of the other two groups, one was dedicated to not only their own spiritual researches, but to also instruct people and children of both sexes. Who came to them from surrounding villages and countries; regardless of their faiths, and who wished to learn from them and to actively seek their Divine Realization in the Essene Way. Many of those students usually left at the end of their studies, and went back to live with their people. The rest chose to stay with their teachers, and live permanently with them.’
‘The last main community was composed of families of Essenes. Couples that had met at the second community, who had married, but had not wanted to return to their original villages and countries. Instead they had preferred to set up their own village; made up of people who practiced the same religious rituals, and who had the same Divine aims as themselves.’
‘Joseph and Myriam, Yeshua’s parents and their original families, lived in this third community. As well as being practicing Essenes, they were all members of the Pharisee sect, one of the existing branches at that time of Judaism, their religion.’
‘Joseph was even one of the Rabbis who lead their Synagogue; so was Myriam’s father who was called Jehoiachim. Both were Essene adepts, deeply versed in the Mysteries. And so was Myriam’s mother, Hannah. Myriam also began being trained by her parents as soon as she could talk; and by the age of eight, she was used to regular angelic communions. That is also when her father died; and she was an only child. Myriam’s name was later changed to ‘Mary,’ by the Romans.’
‘Joseph was a middle-aged widower with grown up sons. After Myriam’s father died, her mother went to see Joseph and asked him to take Myriam for wife. It was an offer that Joseph accepted eagerly.’
‘As the mother’s health was poor, she asked for the betrothal to be celebrated immediately after that. Then she died when Myriam was still twelve years old, but just weeks before her thirteenth birthday, soon after the engagement ceremony; which was performed by another one of their Rabbis. Understand that this ceremony was valid as a marriage ceremony.’
‘It was then decided during a meeting of the elders that Myriam should go and live in Joseph’s home, but that they should observe the traditional year of sexual abstinence, after which a more lavish religious wedding ceremony was to be performed. Then the marriage could be consummated.
‘And two years passed, and Myriam was now fourteen and a half years old. Then during Joseph’s ritual of prayer and fasting followed by the angelic communion, he was visited by Gabriel, a messenger from Yahweh. He told him that the first child that he was going to father with Myriam was going to be an astounding individual; because he was going to be one of those who transmigrated to Earth with their Divine and mental abilities intact. And of course Joseph called him ‘the messenger of God.’
‘Joseph did not waste time and the following day, he went and told Myriam about the visitation, telling her that they should consummate the marriage immediately and not wait for the official wedding feast that they intended to throw. Myriam was understandably afraid and disturbed as she expected the lavish wedding ceremony that had been planned to take place first.’
‘And it was only after she performed her own ritual and received the visit of the same Messenger that she agreed to consummate the marriage. And that is how it happened, not the other way round. Joseph was definitely the father of Yeshua. Understand however that the messenger never told Joseph and Myriam to break Moses’ law.’
‘But truly, Moses’ Law had not been broken, since it was a whole two years after the betrothal ceremony. But Joseph was a much older man. His fiancée was very young and beautiful; therefore he was only directed by his carnal desire for the young virgin lady. He simply could not wait for the wedding feast.’
‘It was after this carnal union, that the boy was conceived. And could it be punishable by death since the child was fathered by the man who was her fiancé and to whom she was already traditionally married? Most people at that time could not afford two ceremonies; that is, the engagement, and another proper wedding feast where a lot more people were invited. If a couple was poor, just the engagement ceremony was sufficient, and in the eyes of all, they were married.’
‘Myriam did love Joseph. In their time, someone who had knowledge of the Law and the Mysteries was very much desirable as a husband. Also he was rich and very much the father figure that was lacking in her young life. He was also handsome and a descendant of King David; and as such he was a member of her ethnic group, which was the tribe of Judah.’
‘So that part about Joseph musing over sending her away, or the threat of her being stoned to death simply never occurred. It was an invention concocted by the Romans, to introduce their virgin, non-carnal conception story.’
‘The prophecy concerning a virgin and a baby is in the book of Isaiah in your Bible. But that word ‘virgin’ was written to mean ‘a young woman’ or a ‘maiden’ in the original Hebrew language in which the scriptures were written. And while it said that a maiden shall conceive, it does not stipulate that she should still be or remain a virgin at the time of her child’s conception, or throughout the pregnancy, or that the baby would be conceived without any carnal union, or without any biological human father.’
‘And even so, in the case of Myriam, she was indeed a virgin before she and Joseph consummated their marriage. Therefore stories that Myriam never had any sexual intercourse with anyone, and was still a virgin at the time when she was pregnant, when she gave birth and even when she died, are nothing but an invention of the Romans. And that story of Yeshua’s conception as found in the ‘New Testament is therefore a Roman fabrication’
‘Also if the Young Man from France comes to you and tells you that ‘Mary’ had been impregnated by his ‘Elohim’ you must not believe him, he is a liar! We have already told you that it was strictly forbidden for Elyonin and for the Watchers, to mate with Humans. That law has never been changed. Therefore if anyone comes and tells you differently, and then claims that he was sent by our Leader Yahweh, he should not be believed, he is a liar! Also any stories of ‘Mary having been impregnated by the Angel Gabriel’ are simply not true.’
‘But we have to add that Myriam was visited twice after becoming pregnant, by one of our medical teams. But only to ensure that the child was developing normally, and that there were no complications with the pregnancy. Because in those times, pregnant women did not have the necessary monthly ante-natal care services provided on Earth now. Also a particular surgery was performed on him to enhance and improve his former life’s retentive memory abilities.’
‘However, a wedding feast was eventually held; since Joseph was a wealthy Prince with a large extended family, as was Myriam’s, and the elders were informed by Myriam herself that she was already pregnant. When the elders argued that they should have waited for the wedding feast, Joseph said that he was the one who had made her pregnant, and there had been no need to wait, since they were already married. In fact the whole discussion was held amid howls of laughter. Therefore, the Romans simply twisted the story here to suit their purposes.’
‘Another thing we want to briefly comment on for the purpose of your book is the month of Yeshua’s birth. Contrary to what has now become known all over Earth, Yeshua was not born in the month of December. He was born ten days before the day of the Hebrew Passover festival, as we shall demonstrate to you later. The person that was born during the month of December was his fellow Essene and relative, who later became known as John the baptizer (Baptist). Proof of that can still be found in some of the books of the ‘New Testament.’
‘Also, we shall enlighten Humanity about that ‘star’ that was supposed to have led the ‘Three Wise Men’ to Bethlehem. As many of your scientists and astronomers can now prove; it was of course, not a star that had led them. There were actually three space vessels that guided them. They had been met by our messengers, who had been sent to fly them to where the child was. But they had all been afraid and had refused to climb into the space vessels. That is why the messengers had been forced to simply guide them on their way, with a spotlight from the vessels.’
‘You must understand that we never force people to come with us in our vessels. Only, sometimes our Human messengers would get into our vessels after being invited. Then out of fear they panic, and try to flee, without realizing that they had a choice to come with us or not to come. Only after, would we realize that they had been very frightened, after they had written, or talked about it.’
‘And after the Three Wise Men, who were adepts in the Mysteries had been met, they travelled together and were led by just one space vessel, that later positioned itself above the right stable, to show them where the baby Yeshua was.’
‘The next thing we want to comment on is the story about Jesus’ transfiguration, and his ‘ascension’ to heaven. As I think we have already told you, a lot of the Biblical stories are incomplete. And those of the part of your Bible called the New-Testament are very heavily falsified.’
‘The original writings of Yeshua’s apostles were seized by the Romans. And it was they who, when they decided to create a Roman State Religion using Yeshua’s name, ordered their scribes to change the accounts of the apostles, and write them anew to suit their own needs and to perpetuate their pagan beliefs.’
‘And we urge everyone who deems themselves followers or would-be followers of Yeshua to wait for, and learn what we shall tell this our young messenger; before they make their own minds. We therefore say that the events retold in the stories of the ‘transfiguration and ascension’ occurred the same day.’
‘For a long time Yeshua tried to teach his followers about the Mysteries, but it was very difficult for them to understand the very deep concepts he was discussing, seeing that a lot of them were simple and illiterate peasants. On many occasions he tried to tell them about the many meetings that Yahweh, our leader regularly had with him in the mountains; and he also taught them about us Elyonin.
‘And when he thought that they were ready, he brought Peter, John, and James, and another young Essene man - a Levite named Pinchas - with him, in order for them to witness one of those meetings with Yahweh, our Leader. That Levite by the way was your ancestor Pinchas, Desiree…
‘They witnessed Yeshua being taken up by levitation into one of our space vessels. Before Yeshua went up, he told them to go back to the village and come later that night to meet him. But when they saw this, they remained were they stood looking up toward the sky.’
‘One of our officers that had been left behind to watch them and be sure that they left, felt obliged to go and say to them: ‘Why are you standing here looking in the sky? Yeshua shall come back tonight the same way you saw him go. So do not worry and go home.’
‘That was the story of that famous “Ascension” and it definitely took place a long time before Yeshua died. Of course those who have read that ‘New-Testament’ know how that story was told after it had passed into the hands of the Romans.’
‘Late that night Peter, John and James were back waiting for Yeshua, as he had commanded them. When the space vessel returned, Yeshua was levitated back to the ground accompanied by two space people or Elyonin. The place where they stood was illuminated by a very bright light from the vessel, which was of course above, and slightly behind Yeshua and the two Elyonin.’
‘Unfortunately the scene was too much for the primitive Apostles. Yeshua had remained very long in his consultation with our Leader, in fact it was early morning when he returned; and by then the disciples had again fallen asleep. Peter concluded that the men with him were Moses and Eli’jah. He was terrified and became delirious, proposing to build altars for Yeshua, Moses and Eli’Jah.’
‘It was then while he spoke like that, that Yahweh, our leader, spoke from the space vessel, which is described in Luke 9:28-36 as a ‘cloud’. The end of Yeshua’s story should be taken as it is in the book of Matthew, in which there is no question of ascension after death.’
‘But Desiree, since we know that your ancestor Pinchas left a very faithful account of his time with Yeshua, during his childhood and the whole length of his ministry, we shall leave you to write that account in a book as it is a very accurate one. For now we shall continue with our message.’


‘The Mary-based Catholic Religion that was created using the name of ‘Jesus’ by the Roman Emperors, and of its Christian offshoots therefore has absolutely nothing to do with the faith of Yeshua, the Messiah that was crucified by those same Romans in Jerusalem.’
‘Most of the practices now found in Christianity, were never performed or promulgated by Yeshua or his followers. He was a Jew, a Synagogue-and- Temple-frequenting, Kepa-and-Tallith-wearing Hebrew, who practiced a very tolerant form of Judaism. He never created a Church neither did he himself, ever set a foot in one. As a matter of fact, Churches never existed till more than three hundred years after Yeshua died.’
‘And anyone truly willing to follow and emulate him, should first wait for all the demystifying revelations that we shall verbally give to this, our little messenger; then read the account that was left by her ancestor, as she will give it later on, before they can continue.’
‘Because as he said himself, everything he did, all people can do. And it is only through the Mysteries - that he and his ancestors before him had mastered-, that it can that be achieved. And it cannot be achieved in any other way. That is done only after Divine Realization has been achieved. Not by kneeling before crosses and hand-made idols; but by living as he lived, worshipping God as he worshipped and practicing what he himself practiced and preached; and most of all by realizing one’s Divinity.’
‘After the Temple had been destroyed in Jerusalem by the Romans, after all the Jews had been scattered abroad, being sold into slavery; and after most of Yeshua’s true followers had been decimated, the Religion that took over the world was the Roman Catholic Church. For Rome controlled most of the then civilized world as Earth’s ruling empire. All Jews had been forcefully sent abroad, and none were allowed to set foot in Palestine again.’
‘About 230 years after Yohanan (or John), one of Yeshua’s apostles wrote his book of Revelations, the Roman Empire was virtually separated in two; one part in Europe, the other in the Middle-East. Then their authority was constantly undermined by ferocious attacks by the many factions of revolutionaries that existed throughout the occupied territories at that time.’
‘Finally, the Roman Empire was reduced to being called the Bizantine Empire, after the city of Byzantium, which King Constantine made the Empire’s capital, and later named Constantinople, after himself.’
‘He then split this in two, by starting his own Religion based on the Jewish faith, after having seized and confiscated most of the manuscripts kept in Jerusalem and other Synagogues throughout Israel. He had also seized those written by Yeshua’s apostles, and the ones the apostles had received from their own parents; with writings from the early prophets, as it had been customary. Which custom we encourage Man of today to also take up, to discourage such falsifications as were done by the Romans, in future.’
‘As the Roman Empire declined, the Holy Papal Empire, hiding behind the name of ‘The Holy Roman Catholic Church’, rose out of its ruins. And that decline had begun from about year 185, ending with year 476 of the Christian Era; the Empire by then had had a population of 120 millions. And thanks to this Papal Empire, Rome continued to rule the world for a further one thousand years.’
‘Constantine, an Ishtar, Apollo and Satan worshipper, had decided to create a Roman State Religion, he had also been determined not to abandon his pagan practices. His Church kept the original pagan worship of Ishtar that took place near the time when Yeshua was crucified; and the new worshippers were lied to, that it was to commemorate ‘Jesus’ death. The name of Ishtar was therefore, modified and replaced by the innocent sounding Easter, 400 years after Constantine’s death.’
‘It was therefore the Roman Catholic Church, the world’s religion that brought Christianity to Earth. And Christianity no matter which sect it is, is the product of the Roman Catholic Church. Since as Humanity knows, the other groups began to be created when many nations protested and began to rebel against the Roman Church; after realizing that it was still the Roman Empire, only under a different name and in the guise of a Religious Denomination. But we want to tell Humanity the truth, once and for all and to help those who shall follow our messenger; this young lady to whom we are giving our latest message.’
‘Our Leader Yahweh ordained a calendar that was supposed to be kept by all of Humanity. And which we are pleased to say, is still being kept by the Jewish people of today. We shall recommend those who will belong to the new Essene group to do the same but only in regards to the Religious festivals; for their practices in the Mysteries. By that we mean they should observe the Jewish religious festivals, not the Christians ones.’
‘The calendar that was given is lunisolar; and months are reckoned according to moon, years according to sun. So to reconcile lunar years (354 days) with solar years (365 days), one month is added to lunar years seven times in 19 solar years.’
‘Leap years occur in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th years of fixed cycle established in Temple time. With twelve months in an ordinary year; and 13 months in a leap year; and months have 29 and 30 days. We give you these precisions on account of Yeshua’s birth date which was a leap year...’
‘And with these precisions, we repeat that Yeshua was not born in December; we will also prove it. Christmas is nothing but another Christian paganist festival that should not be observed by any follower of Yeshua. Although there is no indication whatsoever in that ‘New Testament’ book, that ‘Jesus’ (or Yeshua) was born on December the twenty fifth, people cite Mathew’s passage in Chapter 2:1-2 to justify Christmas; which they say is a celebration of the saviour’s birthday.’
‘Humanity keeps this annually on December 25th, the time of the winter solstice when the daylight portion is at its lowest, and the sun begins to come back a little longer each day afterwards. But nowhere in the Bible can it be found that Yeshua asked his disciples to celebrate his birthday. Or that the apostles or any other of his future followers ever observed that particular birthday celebration.’
‘Never is there recorded in the Bible that they kept such strange customs as cutting a Christmas tree, dressing it up and covering it in multicolored strings and garlands. Never is there recorded that they kissed each other under a mistletoe sprig, cut and burned or baked ‘yuletide logs’, or exchanged expensive gifts.’
‘No, they never did, because this festival was a pagan festival that went against Yeshua’s faith which was also their faith. It was against the Law that Yahweh, our Leader, gave to humanity. Let those of today who claim to be Yeshua’s disciples follow his example. Yeshua (Jesus) and his disciples never kept Christmas, and none of his early followers did keep it. And it is wrong for you to do so, at least not in the name of Yeshua.
You must follow the Laws they followed, celebrate the same feast days as they celebrated, and thus return to the ancient path, as we Elyonin do ourselves. It is perfectly acceptable to have a tradition of celebrating the lovely season of Winter, with its white snows, especially for those who enjoy giving presents to their children, but that tradition should at all not be in the name of Yeshua.’
‘Therefore our followers, who shall worship with Desiree, should call the Winter Festival by the name of Noel, not Christmas. It is normal for all cultures to have customs and traditions, and since the Christmas tradition is now established, we say, let it continue.’
‘Children never like to be left out when others are enjoying something. And since Christian children have grown to expect presents at that time of the year, you must also make a point of dressing a tree and buying presents for your loved ones, and make that time of the year an occasion for family gathering and of exchanging presents. But do not do it to mark Yeshua’s birth.’
‘His birth should be celebrated ten days before the festival of Passover, which you should not omit to celebrate. We recommend you make it an occasion to enjoy giving more presents to your children; they will love it Christmas is rooted in paganism and was a heathen celebration that was being kept centuries before the time of Yeshua. To claim that Jesus was born at that time is a lie.’
‘How can the pagan Christmas be his birthday if it was already being celebrated hundreds of years before he himself was born? However the Jews at the time of Yeshua did have the habit of gathering together at that time of December, when the Romans celebrated their pagan festival. That was usually two or three weeks before the roman Christmas day.’
‘You see, the Romans usually eased off and sometimes even stopped their persecution of the Jewish people at the times of their festivals in order to concentrate on their orgies. This left the Jewish people with some respite. Thus they too profited to gather together and pray in peace without any fear of being disturbed, scattered or arrested by the Romans. And Yeshua followed this tradition with the rest of the Jewish people’.
‘Such a period, Hanukkah, is still observed today; if you want to have a religious festival in December, make it be known that, that one is the one you are celebrating.’
‘Yeshua therefore was a devout Jew. And his birth had been planned by Yahweh, our Leader, all around the Jewish festivals and the Hebrew calendar as we shall prove. So Jesus the Christian Christ has nothing in common with Rabbi Yeshua-Bar-Joseph of Nazareth.’
‘The Hebrew calendar as we just described to you, is what Yahweh gave to Moses, by which to calculate the feast days which were given in Leviticus 23. In Exodus 12:2 you may read:
‘This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.’
‘And this is how we Elyonin count Earth time: according to the Hebrew calendar, or Yahweh’s calendar. It is a lunar calendar, it should not be the solar calendar which the Romans forcefully imposed on Humanity and which is now best known.’
‘In the Roman calendar, the New moon comes during all different days of the month. The winter solstice always comes at Christmas time. But in the Hebrew calendar, the new moon always marks the first day of the months, and the Winter Solstice comes in different days of the month.’
‘There are 365 days in the Roman calendar, with a leap year of one extra day every four years. There are 354 days in the Hebrew calendar, with whole extra months added to the leap years.’
‘Our feast days for us Elyonin, are celebrated on Earth by the Hebrew calendar. For instance, Passover comes on the fourteenth day of the Hebrew month Abib. It can fall anywhere from March to April by the Roman calendar. It is not kept the same day every year by the Roman calendar.’
‘Now if even Yahweh, our Leader, commanded Humanity to celebrate Yeshua’s birth, which he definitely did not, it would be kept according to the Hebrew calendar on which he was born. That is, no matter when it was, would always fall on different days according to the Roman calendar. Because no Hebrew date falls on the same Roman Calendar date every year.’
‘Even if Yeshua was born during the time in the Hebrew calendar, which would correspond with December 25, the next year it would be on a different date to remain on the same Hebrew calendar date. But as we have said there is a Hebrew festival that is celebrated early in the month of Kislev (around December). It is called Hanukkah.’
‘Therefore it is the will of God the Mighty one, and of Yahweh, our Leader that the festivals of God are not regulated by gentile calendars, but by the calendar that he gave to Moses. Besides the fact that neither Yahweh nor Yeshua ever gave instructions to celebrate the birth of Yeshua as a holy day, there is also the fact that Yeshua was not born on or near December 25.’
‘This can be proven from the Bible. In fact, even the true date when Yeshua was born can be proven from the Bible.’


‘Let us begin with the time that the mother of Yeshua became pregnant. It is written in the New Testament:
‘And in the Sixth Month, the angel Gabriel was sent from Elohim (Elyonin) unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a maiden espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the House of David; and the maiden’s name was Myriam.’ Luke 1:26-27.
‘Now you must remember that this sixth month was according to the Hebrew calendar, not the Roman calendar, when our Gabriel appeared to Myriam. You shall notice what he told her in verse 3: ‘And behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Yeshua.’
‘Myriam was to conceive Yeshua at this time. And the sixth month is Elul, and comes in correspondence with the Roman calendar August to September. Myriam wondered at this, as we read in verse 35:
‘And the angel answered and said to her: the Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called son of Elohim’.
‘So Gabriel was showing her that she would become pregnant with Yeshua during the sixth month, not some other month. How do we know this? Before the angel made this announce to Myriam, Elisabeth had already been pregnant for five months.’
‘And after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived, ‘and hid herself five months,’ saying thus hath YHWH dealt with me in those days wherein He looked on me to take away my reproach among men’. (Luke 1:24-25)
‘So Elizabeth conceived John, and then hid away for five months. Then in the next verse, Gabriel came to Myriam, who had become pregnant during Elizabeth’s sixth month of pregnancy. If Myriam became pregnant during that sixth month, she should have become pregnant after Elizabeth had been pregnant five complete months, and was her sixth month of pregnancy. And we find the proof in Gabriel’s speech to Myriam: ‘And behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren’. (Luke 1:36)
‘In the sixth month, by the Hebrew calendar, when Gabriel came to Miriam to announce that she would conceive Yeshua, Elizabeth was in her sixth month of her pregnancy with John the Baptizer. Elizabeth conceived in the first month. If Myriam became pregnant with Yeshua in the sixth month, then she and Elizabeth would have been pregnant at the same time or about three months before John was born.’
‘Now in order for Yeshua to have to have been born on December 25, Myriam would have had to have become pregnant about nine months before December 25, which would be the Roman month of March. This would correspond to the Hebrew month of Abib, which is the first month, the time when Elizabeth became pregnant. And that year, the Hebrew first month fell in March of the Roman Year.’
‘If Myriam became pregnant in the sixth month, Yeshua would have been born nine months later, in the spring!’ You should also remember that the Hebrew calendar has leap years, when an extra month is added; and if that year was a leap year, Myriam would have been pregnant:

1- The sixth month . 6- The eleventh month .
2- The seventh month . 7- The twelfth month .
3- The eighth month . 8- The extra thirteenth month .
4- The ninth month . 9- The first month .
5- The tenth month .
‘The first month is Abib, which falls the following year, the month when the Passover comes; making it a total of nine months. The only way for Myriam to have conceived Yeshua until March after Gabriel appeared to her, so he could be born on December 25, would be that Myriam never became pregnant until after John the Baptizer was born.’
‘You shall remember that in that Hebrew sixth month, Elizabeth was sixth months pregnant, so John would have been born in her ninth month: which would be the Hebrew month of Kislev, the month when Hannukah is celebrated, which is in winter time! Then if Miriam did not conceive ‘Jesus’ until after John was born, so that ‘Jesus’ could be a Christmas baby that would mean that Myriam and Elizabeth could never have both been pregnant at the same time.’
‘Let us find out which is true: were Miriam and Elizabeth never pregnant at the same time, making December 25th a distinct possibility for Yeshua? Or were Miriam and Elizabeth both pregnant at the same time, making it impossible for ‘Jesus’ to have been born in December 25th?’
‘And Myriam said (to the angel) behold the handmaid of YHWH; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.’
‘And Myriam arose in those DAYS (of that sixth month) and went into the hill country with haste into a city of Judah; and entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth.’
‘And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Myriam, the babe (John) leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was influenced with the Holy Spirit: and she spake with a loud voice, and said, blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, and whence is this to me that the mother of Adoni (My Lord) should come to me?’ (Luke 1:38-42)
‘You see that when Myriam departed from Gabriel, she said: “be it according to thy word.” So, she became pregnant during that sixth month. That same month she immediately went to Elizabeth who was six months pregnant with John. Elizabeth said: ‘blessed is the fruit of thy womb’, then said that the mother of her master Yeshua had come to her.’
‘The fruit of Miriam’s womb was with her when she arrived at Elizabeth’s house, and she was already called Yeshua’s mother, for he already was within Miriam’s womb. They were therefore pregnant at the same time. And that makes a December birth for Yeshua impossibility, unless Yeshua was three or four months premature.’
‘Now that I have established that Myriam and Elizabeth were pregnant at the same time without the risk of a doubt, how do we know then that Myriam actually conceived in that sixth month Let us consult the passage:’
‘And Myriam abode with her (Elizabeth) about three months, and returned to her house. Now Elizabeth’s full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son. (Luke 1:56-57)
‘Myriam started staying with Elizabeth, who was six months pregnant, with enough time for her to carry John to a full term nine months, before John was born. If Myriam had waited a month or two after Gabriel departed, before she became pregnant, and went to Elizabeth’s house, it would have been the seventh or eighth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. And Myriam could not have stayed with her for three months, and John still not be born until Myriam went back home.’
‘As Elizabeth was nine months pregnant with John before her time came to be delivered, we know, counting back three months would have made Elizabeth in her sixth month with John. We also know that when Myriam arrived at Elizabeth’s house, she was already conceived with Yeshua. And it was this very same sixth month when the Angel appeared to Myriam, telling her that she was pregnant with Yeshua, and it was at that time Elizabeth’s sixth month or pregnancy.’
‘And that proves, without the shadow of a doubt: Myriam conceived Jesus during the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar, the same month Gabriel appeared to her. Now let us continue.’
‘When John was born, Myriam was three and-a-half months pregnant with Yeshua, who would have been born in Abib, making John, Yeshua’s older cousin by about six months. And this in itself proves it impossible for Yeshua to have been born on December 25, making Christmas NOT the time of the year when Yeshua was born. This means that, when people celebrate it, they are not celebrating Yeshua’s birthday, it is John the Baptist’s.’
‘But since John was not as historically important as Yeshua, it can be positively said that they are celebrating a pagan feast that is based on lies and deceptions, and in the mystery of iniquity. Later, we shall come to the mystery of iniquity, for now I shall find further proof of exactly when Yeshua was born, still on the bit of information which can be found in the ‘New ‘Testament’ and which as you shall see, is sufficient.’
‘If the Roman who had rewritten the Apostle’s account had been familiar with Jewish religious customs, they would have taken the whole text of Luke about the birth out of their ‘New Testament’ all together, in order that their lies may remain forever hidden.’
‘Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of Passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.’ Luke 2: 41-42 (King James Version). In the Kingdom Interlinear Translation, the original Greek verse 42 says: ‘And when he came to be of years twelve, going up according to the custom of the festival.’
‘You see that Yeshua was not simply twelve years old (as the KJV states) when they went to keep the Passover. But he came to be of years twelve, (as) they were going up to the feast. That signifies that he reached his twelve years during the time of the Passover.’
‘If we translate it properly: ‘And when Yeshua became twelve years old, they were going up to the festival’, or ‘As they went travelling up for the festival, Yeshua became twelve years old.’
‘And this is in harmony with what we have already told you, if Yeshua became twelve while they were journeying from the Galilee to Jerusalem, or as they entered Jerusalem for Passover. This means that his birthday was in the month when Passover comes, the month of Abib. This is nine months from the time Gabriel appeared to Myriam, in the sixth month.’
‘That means that Yeshua’s birthday was a little before the Passover day, for he became twelve as they journeyed, or as they entered Jerusalem. And they had to get there a little ahead of time to get ready for the feast. Let us see what the Law of Moses says of Passover.’
‘In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is YHWH’s Passover.’ This is the month that Yahweh told Moses, would be the beginning of months when Israel was to have the Death Angel pass over their homes in Egypt. So Yeshua’s birthday was a little before the fourteenth day, but still during the same month, the month of Abib. That is why Paul called Yeshua the ‘Passover lamb’: ‘... For even Messiah (Yeshua) our Passover, is sacrificed for us.’ 1 Corinthians 5:7)
‘Yeshua has to fulfill the role of Passover lamb, to be called that; that means he should be proved to have been born ten days before Passover. Many times Yeshua is called ‘the lamb of Elohim’ which washes away the sins of man. Now let us find out when the Passover lamb is born, to see if ‘Jesus’ fulfilled it and is rightfully called so.’
‘Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, in the Tenth Day of the Month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house.’ Exodus 12:3
‘You shall notice that the Passover lamb was taken on the tenth day of the month, a little before the Passover day, which is the fourteenth. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year’ This verse says that the lamb must be exactly one year old, taken up and set aside on the Tenth Day of the month, and it was to be kept for the Passover on the fourteenth.’
‘The tenth day is mentioned for a reason: Passover came on the fourteenth, and that is when the lamb was sacrificed. The tenth day is when Yahweh said he wanted a one year old lamb set aside for the fourteenth. The lamb had to be exactly one year old on the tenth.’
‘Therefore each year, on the tenth of Abib, all the Passover lambs of one year old that were born the year before on the tenth of Abib were set aside for Passover. Also, those mothers that were eweing had to be watched on the tenth of Abib. Because every lamb born on that tenth day would be specially and exclusively kept track of, as Passover lambs for the following year, when the next tenth of Abib came. And lambs one year old were needed again for the next Passover. This was a strict law that had to observed, as no other lambs were suitable.’
‘So, if Yeshua fulfilled this, he would have been born on the tenth of Abib, at the same time as the little Passover lambs. Now did he fulfill it? That is when I send you back again to that story surrounding the birth of Yeshua, and which the unsuspecting Romans so thankfully for us, left intact in the book of Luke.’
‘And she (Myriam) brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for him in the inn.’ Luke 2:7
‘Remember YHWH’s days start and end at sun sundown. So from the time the sun went down, ending the ninth of Abib, to the next day at sundown ending the tenth of Abib, the shepherds had to watch flocks to keep track of all the lambs born that night and daylight portion of the tenth of Abib, so they would know which lambs were to be used for Passover for the next year.’
Luke said: ‘And there were in the same country (side) shepherds abiding in the field, Keeping Watch Over Their Flock at Night.’ Luke 2:8 These shepherds were out all that night for one purpose only: to watch on this tenth day of Abib, which of their flocks were eweing. For their lambs to be used the following year.’
‘Notice that the angel (really one of Elyonin) said to those shepherds: ‘For unto you is born This Day in the city of David a savior which is Messiah the ruler.’ Verse 11.‘This very same day, in which the shepherds were watching for the next year’s Passover lambs, On The Tenth Day of Abib Yeshua Was Born.’
‘This is the evidence that Yeshua (or Jesus for you) was indeed the human Passover lamb, that he turned twelve years old just as he entered Jerusalem for Passover, showing that his birthday was on the tenth, just a few days before Passover, which comes on the fourteenth day. And may I add that Abib, the first Month that year fell in April of the Roman year’
‘And Myriam became pregnant with him during the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar, and reached her full term to be delivered at this time during the month of Abib. So Yeshua was not born on December the 25th or even near it. Christmas is not biblical. It is not based on the Bible, but on lies and deception, and our Leader Yahweh does not want his people to keep it.’
‘But Yeshua recommended his followers to keep ‘his’ Passover, which is, the Passover that he himself kept, or the Passover of his ancestors, the Jewish Passover. But he told them to remember him when eating and drinking during that time, because like a Passover lamb, he too was allowing himself to be killed as a sacrifice to his beliefs.’
‘You see that we prefer to call Yeshua by his Jewish name, but we used the name of ‘Jesus’ between parentheses from time to time here to facilitate what we wanted to say. From now on, there is no longer a reason for any true followers of Yeshua to continue practicing Christmas idolatry. You know the truth.’
‘So at the place of the Messianic Judaism that Yeshua expected all of his future worldwide followers to practice, the Romans created Christianity, a pagan religion. The papal Empire was, and is still alive in the Roman Catholic Church which is ruled by the office of the popes, the old religion of Babel.’
‘Who opposeth and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped so that he as Elohim sitteth in the temple of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim...’ This prediction, which is also for the leader of the Renegades who shall be on earth, makes allusion to the Church that was created by the Roman, and is illustrated till this day by the Popes.’
‘At that time there was only one power that ever set itself up as Elohim on Earth after the days of Yeshua’s Apostles, and that power was the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, beginning with Constantine. He took on himself the title of Pope and changed the real Roman Empire. Then he enforced Christianity upon the Roman people, making it as we have already said the Roman State Religion.’
‘And Constantine forced on the Romans all the days of Sun-worship: Sunday, Easter, Christmas... etc. Then he forced everything that was Jewish or had anything to do with Judaism out of the teachings of Yeshua’s’ Apostles. This law came from Constantine in 235, which stipulated: ‘Magistrates, city people and artisans are to rest on the Sun day’. And this was the first ever Sunday law.’
‘A fanatical supporter of Constantine, Eusebius who had been nominated ‘Bishop of Caesarea’ wrote: ‘All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath (the 7th day), these we have transferred to the Lord’s day, Sunday.’
‘At the Council of Laodicea in 364 A.D. canon 29 was made by the Church of Rome, which stated: ‘Christians shall not judaize and be idle on Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath), but shall work on that day...’ So from then on everything that was Jewish or connected in worship with Judaism, Yeshua’s Religion, was abolished.’
‘The Roman Catholic Church was very anti-Semitic, right from Constantine himself; because for his plans to succeed, he wanted to do away with Yeshua’s religion. This he openly said. When he proclaimed that the Christians ‘shall not judaize’.
So when Constantine became Christian pope, he began to persecute the Jews. Christians were forbidden to associate with them. He banished the Rabbis in 337, and made it a crime for a Jew to marry a Christian woman. At the Council of Nicaea in 325, the question of Easter was discussed, and Passover was simply changed to Easter. Constantine said:’
“And first of all, it appeared an unworthy thing, that in the celebration of this holy feast “we should follow the practices of the Jews”, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are therefore deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul... Let us have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd. Or we have received from our savior a different way... Beloved brethren, let us with one consent adopt this course, -and withdraw ourselves from all participation in their baseness-... It was needful that this matter should be rectified. So that we might have nothing in common with that nation of parricides, who slew their savior... That all should unite in desiring that which sound reason appears to demand, and in avoiding all participation “in the perjured conduct of the Jews”. In fine, that I may express in a few words as possible, it has been determined by the common judgments of all, that the most holy feast of Easter should be kept on one and the same day.”

‘Yeshua the Jewish Rabbi was not born of a virgin birth, unlike Jesus the Christian Christ. But do the Christians know that Crucifixion was not an event unique to ‘Jesus’? Many others died exactly the same way in other mythologies:
‘Mithras was crucified in Persia, Tammuz in Babylon, Thules and Orontes in Egypt. Odin in Scandinavia, Hesus in Britain’s druidic tradition. All these crucifixions happened thousands and hundreds of years before Christianity surfaced.’
‘There were also many ‘Virgin Births’ and many’ Immaculate Conceptions’ in other pagan religions. Does humanity know that the ‘Christian Mary’ was not the only ‘virgin’ that had an ‘immaculate conception’?
‘In Mexico, Quetzalcoatl the Sun god’s mother, ‘conceived him as a virgin. The ‘strictly celibate widow’ Semiramis conceived Tammuz after Nimrod’s death ‘Without’ a male partner. Hercules, the Only-Begotten Son of Zeus, (father of Greek gods) was born in a ‘virgin birth’ to Alcmene. In Egypt the goddess Isis ‘conceived Horus as a virgin’.
‘Ancient Egyptian inscriptions can still be found which say: “Immaculate is our Lady Isis”. The same title, as the whole world knows, is now being given ‘Mary, the mother of the Roman Catholic and Christians’ Jesus.’
‘And did you know that ‘Mary’ who is now being worshipped as a goddess, is a variety of the same entity in ancient mothers and goddess stories and traditions. For example, Maia was the mother of Buddha. Moya was the mother of Agni. Myrrha was the mother of Bacchus. Mariana was the mother of Krishna. Myrrha was the mother of Adonis ... etc.’
‘Hercules had abolished sacrifice in his time, and was called ‘the good Shepherd and the Prince of Peace’. He descended in the realms of Pluto, then later ascended to his father Zeus... So normally, Christianity abolished Temple sacrifice in the name of their ‘Jesus’ who, it was also decided by the Romans, will be known in the future to have ascended to his father ‘God’, naturally.
‘In ancient Persia, Sun worship was much spread, and all worship took place on Sundays. We also have Zarathustra. He was born on the 25th of December, in a manger in a cave, and was ‘world savior’, from the Sun, many centuries before the Christian Christ.’
‘So, after Christianity took over the religion of the Messianic believers (as Yeshua’s followers were also known) - which was a Jewish Religion, and which combined the belief in, and the practice of Yeshua’s teachings as the bringer of the Messiah Spirit through the Mysteries, with the old Pharisaic Orthodox ones, - Constantine declared that he intended to wipe out everything Jewish, and everything Yeshua himself stood for.’
‘That way, Christianity would have nothing in common with the nation of the Jews; or in other words ‘with the true religion of YHWH, which was also the true religion of Yeshua himself. And they used the Name of Yeshua, a Jewish prophet Messiah, to reach their aims, saying at the same time: ‘Let us have nothing with the detestable Jewish crowd’.
‘So Easter was fixed on the Sunday following the Jewish Passover contrary to Yeshua’s instructions. They changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and Passover to Easter, a festival that was kept by the pagans in the spring in honor of Baal. And not only that, polytheism was definitely declared. The Popes became known as the Holy See, god on Earth; and they are still known as, and called ‘Holiness’ or ‘Holy Father’ even now”.
‘But that was nothing new. They simply kept and perpetuated the tradition of all Roman emperors who were declared gods and divine beings. The Pope of today is still set as a deity on Earth, and considers himself that! During that Council of Nicaea where Constantine made the speech that was partly repeated here, It was also decided that their ‘Jesus’ could not remain just a man; he had to be made a god.’
‘Surely the status of Yeshua as a simple Jewish Rabbi and Prophet could not fit, if his story had to be integrated into the old polytheist doctrine of Trinity. So this had to be changed. The bishops who sieged at he Council voted for the Hellenized Jesus as the third person of their ‘Holy Trinity of God’ in the newly renamed old Babylonian religion, by the raising of hands. So they voted. Thus the Jewish Rabbi and Prophet Yeshua-Bar-Joseph became ‘Jesus’. He was elected to become a god to be worshipped, by the raising of hands, at a meeting staged by a group of sun worshippers.’
‘After this meeting, Constantine issued the strict edict that said that: Anyone, Christian or not who continued to believe or claim that ‘Jesus’ was a simple man, or who accepted or followed doctrines that did not conform to the new Council of Nicaea decisions, was to be considered a heretic and to be exiled from the Empire or put to death. Those who were true followers of Yeshua’s original doctrine were persecuted, stoned, arrested, and killed; and all their manuscripts were seized and destroyed.’
‘Now we used the writings and events that took place on Earth to present today’s message because it was necessary. However, criticizing any existing religious denomination was not our aim here. We want Yeshua’s religion to be revived and practiced as he intended it to be. And we needed to make our point using the events that humanity are, or think they are familiar with. Only this time, we told you the truth. Therefore, Christianity is not and must not be your enemies.’
‘We have now finished with today’s message, Desiree. We shall leave you early today for reasons you shall know soon. We have come to the end of the messages that we had to record into your brain. Come back tomorrow and we shall meet.’
‘Then you will have the opportunity to ask us as many questions as you like; because for the whole week that follows from tomorrow, we shall give you the theoretical teachings that your Grandfather promised that we shall give you, and which we promised him that we would do.’
‘What we have until now recorded in your brain shall remain in it until you decide to write it down. We therefore urge you to write it in book form and have it published. This of course is not an order; you are free to write and become our messenger, or to refuse to do so.’
‘We will show you how to contact us in case you do not wish to become our messenger. Until you do so, we shall assume that you will write the book and we shall wait as long as necessary for you to begin your work. Do not worry about being poor, or not being eloquent or anything else, because we will not abandon you.’
‘Also, as we have told you, there are many people, among them some very rich and powerful personalities, - who were part of your transmigration group, and who are now on Earth - who will help you. The distant memories of all of them shall be activated as soon as they begin to read this message, and even before they had finished to read it, they would have decided and resolved to contact you, offering you help and support.’
‘So go with our blessing, because you shall never be alone. Those who are to contact you shall count in hundreds of thousands very quickly, later to millions. Every person that is supposed to contact you shall let themselves known to you in due time.’
‘We also advise you never to make a nuisance of yourselves, neither you nor your followers. Do never go knocking on people’s doors in order to tell them about yourselves. Just contend yourselves to make this message known to as many people as possible. Even if you find yourselves in public places where people are free to express themselves, contend yourselves with giving them information about how to contact you.’
‘Desiree, we are not sending you to start a new religion based on people from out of space, even though we advise you to open people’s eyes and minds to the fact that Humanity is not the only intelligent Humanoid race existing in this Universe. And to the fact that Earth is regularly visited by other highly advanced humanoid beings, who happen to be the Creators of the Human race.’
‘Instead we are sending you to go and revive the Jewish Essene faith of Yeshua, which unfortunately is not being followed by Christianity, as it should be. But be careful about your Essene legacy. Do not be too hasty in entrusting your knowledge of the Mysteries to any one who comes to you.’
‘And at the same time test those who wish to become initiated into them. And if you judge those people as serious, dedicated sincere and worthy, do not refuse to teach or to help them realize their Divinities. Be just as dedicated and faithful at instructing and helping them as your Grand-father has been, and as we too are going to be to you during the week that comes.’
‘As for those of you who will read this message, listen to your heart. If it stirs some remote memory, some need to meet and know this Messenger of ours, please, do not hesitate to write to her and be ready to help her and participate in this enormous task that we have just given her. Memories implanted in you should strongly tell you that this message is personally addressed to you, do not ignore their prompting.’
‘Do you own a piece of land that lay unused? Then do contact this, our Messenger, and offer it for the building of premises necessary for her to carry out her work. Do you have knowledge of constructing buildings? Then get in touch with her and offer your services. Or do you have building materials but do not have the time to do the work yourself? Then offer them to her, for another builder will come forward to do the work.’
‘A lot of you came to Earth, having promised to do just that, and for that you chose to be rich in this lifetime. And we have already helped many of you obtain those riches and everything necessary for this big enterprise to be carried out. Therefore, do not hesitate, and begin offering the help you promised to offer her, here on Earth.
‘Do you have a large house, a barn or a hangar in which your fellow Essenes could meet in comfort? Then contact her and offer your help. Do you believe you are one who is ready for the mysteries? Do you believe that you are on Earth for a specific purpose? Are you dissatisfied with your life despite your successes, riches and power; and feel that there is something lacking spiritually to make you feel complete? Do you have a feeling of not fitting anywhere, of not belonging?’
‘Have you always wondered why you were born and what the purpose of existence of Man on Earth truly is? And has this message brought you the last piece of a puzzle that has eluded you all your life? Then contact our Messenger and begin to piece the picture together.’
‘Have you amassed a large fortune and have no heirs? Or have you always been known as an avaricious person, hoarding up large amounts but never spending them, nor knowing what to do with them? Well your time has now come to put those fortunes to good use. Before you go and buy yourself a ring, a watch or a toy worth one million Pounds, stop and put that money at the disposition of the writer of the message we give here. Simply listen to your heart and contact Désirée, our female Messenger.’


‘This message does not by any means demean any other faiths now existing on Earth. All are children of God, and all people are guided by God in the way that they can best understand Him. But, to those who feel that there is something missing from what they have already learnt, is this message directed.’
‘We also emphasize that to be an Essene, is to embrace a whole way of life. Therefore, we forewarn you that, of the many that shall follow this our Messenger, not too many would want to become acquainted with the Mysteries. But that is perfectly acceptable. The way of the Mysteries is the way to Divinity and to Heaven. To access to it is a tough battle; and only the strongest and most persevering ones shall grab hold of it. Yeshua had said it before; and we repeat it now. But it is open to all, and it is not impossible. And with our Messenger, an opportunity presents itself here, do seize it.’
‘Some among you who have recognized yourselves through this book as being part of our Messenger’s Transmigration Group; and may have for a long time sought to realize their Divinities through other Lineages and methods, and have come out partially satisfied. Those shall be immediately prompted to contact our Messenger in order to complete their Realization.’
‘Some of you reading this message when it shall be published would already have met the Young Man from France, maybe even become his followers. But they would immediately recognize themselves by the fact that no matter what they had been taught by him, they had always felt that what he told them was not right, and that he was a liar.’
‘Maybe you have distanced yourself from him and are now in a state of confusion. But do not despair. It was supposed to happen that way to many others like you. Your memories were awakened right on time, and you are one of those who shall help our Messenger, contact her immediately, do not waste any more time.’
‘And are you, like many other thousands, a poor victim of that man’s perverted teachings and do not know whom to turn to? Do not despair, there are thousands like you. A sign of that is that many of his followers will go mad and suffer diverse mental illnesses Therefore, write to this Messenger of ours, and seek her help. It is for people like yourself that we are sending her. She would advise you with love and care.’
‘And you who are reading this message, if you believe that there could be the remotest truth in what we have just said here, If you believe that there is life on other planets despite what all of Earth’s Government say of the contrary, this message is addressed to you. Use some of the spare time that you have on your hands; and use your money, your expertise and your intelligence to help our Messenger spread our message. She cannot do this enormous work alone; she needs your help.’
‘Do you have a story to tell her that could be similar to what we have said here, contact her and join forces with her, for this message is for all of the Human race. It is about us, your Creators, about your origins, about who you all are. And as such, the teachings of the Man in France should not be allowed to corrupt the minds of those seeking for the truth about their Creation, and the reason why they are on Earth.’


‘And Désirée, feel free to do all you wish to do, and live a normal life until this message becomes properly public and widely known. After that, you shall abandon any other occupations, hobbies and activities you might be involved in, and shall dedicate all your time, efforts and energies to the promulgation of this message. That shall be your sole occupation until you choose to leave your body.’
‘And do not worry about how and where you shall live, or what you shall eat and wear. Those who, from the time when they were born, were destined to contact you will help you. You shall endeavor to have a contact centre, or a representative in every country where the Young Man of France shall have his, and you shall make this message available to all his followers.’
‘Do not also forget to help all those who are willing to Realize themselves Divinely. Be good to them as we have been to you. And give as freely as we have given and as you have received, following only the conditions as they were prescribed to your ancestors before you. We shall meet you tomorrow.’
After I finished listening to this part of the message, I opened the Bible and read the story of Jonah, and compared it to Ezekiel’s.’
‘Their reactions to their encounters with Elyonin were indeed similar, and a lot like the way I had been feeling sometimes in the last week, particularly where the illnesses were concerned.

* * *

The following day, I arrived one hour early, to find that they were already there and they had landed the space vessel in the clearing.
For quite some time, I stood there, just looking at the now familiar space machine. In the end as it suddenly occurred to me that they had seen me from the inside, I resolved to advance just as the door opened, and the tall white-skinned Alien appeared at the door smiling.
As I got nearer, he remarked: ‘We were wondering whether you were going to approach or not. Please, do come up, there is no reason to hesitate.’ ‘Sorry’, I said.
Then I climbed inside the space vessel. I realized that the door that had been opened to me was placed lower than the one I had been using up till now. It opened directly on the curving corridor; and as it closed, the panel slid horizontally from left to right. Another one slid from right to left, then another one from left to right, and finally a fourth one from right to left. This was done extremely fast.
About two meters from this outside door was another one on our left, that slid open and we went in. And I was right behind the tall Alien. Again we arrived into a circular interior room with no windows. One wall was taken by what I can only describe as a very large television screen, for that was what it looked like. He switched it on with a sort of device that looked very much like a remote controller.
Just then, the ‘Brown’ Alien who had regularly spoken to me and whom I had become much accustomed to walked in, accompanied by a little Black girl aged about five years, and by the pretty lady Alien, with one of the small short Aliens walking close behind her.
They all sat down as the screen came on. The Brown Alien had in his hand a picture set in a silver-like frame, that was transparent on the front part of it where the image was, while the back was totally made of the silver-like alloy. The little girl stood beside him, saying nothing and looking straight ahead without blinking.
Without thinking, I extended my hand and took the picture from his hand, then lowered my eyes, sheepishly apologizing: ‘Sorry, but may I have a look at this picture?’
“Yes, I brought it to show it to you”. He said. I looked at the picture and gasped: ‘Oh, she looks quite like me!’
“That is my daughter whom I told you about. Look!” He said, pointing at the screen.
Then I looked and saw the scene of a little girl similar to the one in the picture, playing around in a very large room full of toys. She had in her hand a shiny globe that she rubbed against her arm, then threw away from herself and ran to hide. She stood still for a second, brought a hand to her mouth and blew into a tiny whistle, then hid again.
Suddenly the ball appeared, rolling by itself toward the little girl. As it came closer and closer she slowly moved away and the ball followed, till she could find no other place to hide. The globe then rolled to her feet and emitted a noise similar to a police siren. She was very content to play by herself in this manner, laughing happily and rolling on the floor with her eyes closed.
“Now look!” Intimated the man grimly. I looked and saw a tiger-like beast suddenly appear in the courtyard of the compound where the house was. It jumped against a large door, which sprang opened, and it went into the main building. People came running and shouting, holding some sorts of guns in their hand, while people inside scattered away, screaming and locking doors behind themselves.
Then the beast entered into the room where the girl was playing. It stopped, then slowly advanced toward the now petrified child. Suddenly it jumped on her and the scene stopped. I had instinctively covered my face with my hands and screamed.
‘That was the animal that I created, when my colleagues and I began experimenting. And you just saw how it killed my daughter. At that time we still had not discovered the Secret of Eternity, but that was done soon afterwards. Too late for me to do anything for her. At that time the Separation had not occurred yet. The Renegades had not yet rebelled, and their scientists worked in collaboration with us at that time.’
That was when I properly looked at him: ‘Eh! You look quite like my Papa, my father Gaston Mani!’ I exclaimed. Now I see why you looked so familiar to me.
‘Well, that was very deliberate of me to look like him. We virtually engineered your mother and your father’s meeting, and controlled every thing for you to be born to them. I just chose a Human who looked like me for what we had in mind. Even your mother looks like my wife, who is still very much alive.’ I did not even try to question him over that statement. I had seen and heard so much in the last six days that those words did not astonish me. But truly, I tried not to dwell on those words, because if I did, I would have disbelieved him, and he would have known. I did not want to provoke him somehow.
“Look!” He said again pointing at the screen.
And I saw my mother, aged twenty years, but looking more like a thirteen year old girl, and about five months pregnant, coming from one of my grand mother’s farms and going back home. She had just arrived at another farm where my grand mother usually plants corn. It is immediately before a swamp that is quite close to the village.
Across the trail, there lay the trunk of a very large tree. And people usually sat on it to rest, before and after crossing the swamp. My mother was sitting on the tree trunk, leaning back a little, with her eyes closed. And I saw her being levitated into a space vessel that was right above her. Then I saw her lying on a table quite similar to the one that had been used for recording the Message into my brain. There were about six aliens standing around the table. And among them was the man who was now showing me the film. She seemed to be sleeping.
They opened her up and were working on the foetus inside her womb; soon they sewed her up again without leaving a single scar and deposited her back on the tree trunk. I even saw her awaken, looking around and then getting up and hurrying towards the village. She did not seem to be aware of anything having happened to her.
‘That was you we were treating in your mother’s womb. If we had not intervened, she would have miscarried, or you would have been stillborn. We had to work on you to correct a fault. You, yourself know that you have always been a very maladive child.’ He said. He was talking fast as if he was trying to justify himself.
Yes, I knew. I had indeed been a very sickly child, and I had been so constantly ill that I had not even walked until I were three years old. “Thank you.” I said, turning gratefully toward him.
“Now I have two fathers: my biological father, and my Papa-From- Above.” I said to him, really meaning what I was saying.
‘We have had to intervene several times in order to cure you of some illnesses that would have taken your life, and to protect you from harm.’ He said. Now a lot of things that had been baffling me for a long time began to make sense. Like for example a very out-of-place person that I had seen one night in my village when I was little. After I had nearly died during a hide-and-seek game.
‘Now look again.’ He said. I looked at the screen and realized that the pictures had been changed. And I watched, transfixed for a long time. Most of Earth’s momentous events were played to me. And I saw the war with the Watchers at the first time when they rebelled. I saw the destruction of a beautiful continent with explosions.
I saw the Flood during which Noah and a few others managed to save a number of people. I saw that the Flood described in the Bible took place mainly in the Middle East. Some other areas of Earth were not as badly affected, and others not at all. I saw Wars between different nations.
I saw the Hebrews leaving Egypt at the time of Moses. And they were certainly a lot different from the Hebrews of today. First, their skins were a lot darker than they are now. All were olive skinned, and were easily distinguished by their particularly big and sometimes hooked noses, their small mouths and their closely set eyes. I noticed that quite a few amongst them looked like my late Grandfather.
The Exodus of Moses was nothing like it has been romanticized by Hollywood film-makers. These people looked very dirty and very tired after just two days of travel; and the warriors very savage-looking.
Those armies of warriors were a frightening sight to behold. They painted their faces and covered themselves with mud when they went to war, and looked ferocious. They were also merciless at killing their adversaries and conquering them. I know this because I was shown them taking over two cities as described in the Bible. They showed absolutely no mercy. All human beings in those cities were mercilessly massacred.
I looked accusingly at the Brown man: “Couldn’t you just remove them and take them elsewhere? Surely there were other parts of Earth that were not occupied at that time? Why kill them that way? Even babies!”
He made to answer, but I interrupted him angrily:
“Yes, don’t tell me. Earth was just a huge laboratory for you people. Only those who were obedient to you mattered. The rest were dispensable. I suppose it is still the case nowadays, isn’t it? We are nothing but guinea pigs to you people, aren’t we?”
“Thou shallt not kill’. Remember those words? You gave them that commandment, yet you also advised them to massacre other human beings, simply in order to install themselves in the already built cities, and to appropriate what those people had worked hard for! What difference is there between yourselves and Human Politicians?”
I had stood up without realizing it, and was shouting at them with my fists rolled.
Amazingly, they sat there, silently waiting for me to calm down. Only the Alien lady showed some kind of remorse. She seemed quite ashamed and avoided my eyes. An awkward silence followed my outburst. Then the Black Alien calmly stared me into sitting down, and then he continued to show me more scenes.
I was shown that long ago, Africa had been a cradle of knowledge long before European nations were even formed into distinguishable ones; while they were nothing but scattered tribes and small agglomerations. And I also saw that the Africans themselves were responsible for their fall from grace. That was mainly because of their worship of the Renegades and the superstitions that ensued with the latter’s flawed teachings.
I can take the liberty of revealing here that some Africans also intermarried with extra-terrestrials. In the region covering the South of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and the parts of Gabon bordering the above two countries, the Epics of Akomo Mba and Abo Mama, recount the exploits of those Hybrid children of Humans and Extra-Terrestrials; giant people who lived there. The females of those Extra-Terrestrials are described as very short but beautiful creatures that looked like Japanese women.
Well I shall continue with my story:
I was even shown the seven first laboratories where creation of Humanity took place. And the work that was done to prepare the Planet Earth; everything had been filmed and recorded as they had been working. It was just amazing to see the incubator-like machines in which they mass-bred babies. Those machines were large so all babies grew to full size in them, not like the multiple births we usually have in which babies tend to be much smaller.
The machines were transparent and lots of tubes were attached to them, feeding nutrients that were automatically added to the liquid in the artificial machines in which the foetuses were being bred. Scientists both male and female, walked around checking the babies and making notes on small flat hand-held electronic ledgers. The babies were neatly lined up in their machines and it made me think of the pink litters of piglets that I had seen being fed by sows in our village.
Then I saw the time of Yeshua, and particularly the recording of his mother being levitated into a flying vessel after she had gone for a walk outside her village. A surgical procedure was carried out on the head of the foetus that Yeshua was, and his mother was brought back in a field and laid into the high grass. She never knew what had happened to her, as she had been asleep in that same field when she was taken.
And contrary to the way she had been pictured Myriam of Nazareth was not at all like the very white Caucasian woman we see in many paintings. She had a very Hebrew physiognomy. She had eyes quite close together, a long nose with a slight bump, and very good skin.
But she was darker, like an Arab or an Indian girl. She was still very beautiful to look at, and quite skinny. She had brown eyes and long dark brown hair. It was Joseph, her husband who was lighter skinned; but he too looked like a Hebrew. She did panic greatly when she had that visitation.
Yeshua on the contrary had become accustomed to seeing Elyonin by the time he was thirteen years old. And in the last weeks before his death, he regularly went to meet them in the mountains, eating and sleeping with them and returning to his apostles in the morning.
If I am to believe what I was shown, he was an extremely tall man; nearly seven feet tall. He had piercing and virtually hypnotic brown eyes. He was not exactly extraordinarily handsome to look at, but he was fairly good-looking; and he certainly stood out in a crowd because of his height. He was also muscular and athletic-looking, like a sportsman. His features were those of a very noble Hebrew.
But there was something about the eyes of the personality that I was shown. Once seen, he could not be forgotten. I was left with an uneasy feeling after staring at one of the moving images that were on the screen in the film that was running, and of course in it, he was very much alive.
He had been captured and was being held by two Romans. But he seemed to be staring at whichever person was filming him, with a half-smile on his lips and a trickle of blood running from his right nostril. I guessed he had just been captured as he was still fairly clean, and not yet at all badly battered.
He was silently defiant and arrogant towards those who held him, like he was above anything petty; as if he knew himself to be, or felt superior to his captors. The smile was quite friendly as it extended to his eyes, but I found out that I could not take my eyes away.
I felt trapped and immobilized by his stare; and when the picture moved on, I was left with an indescribable feeling. I actually had to shake my head in order to clear my thoughts.
I was shown a lot more things after that, which are not necessary for me to mention. But among them, that accident I had had, while playing hide-and-seek as a child. Had I not been so miraculously helped, I would certainly have died. Also, twice I saw myself being levitated above trees in my teenage years when I had found myself alone and in danger. I will tell about that later on, if I remember.
I was shown things that happened on Earth, some of which I had not even had the chance to learn about at history lessons. Then I was shown even more wonders, views of many Solar Systems in our Galaxy, and on other Galaxies. I was shown especially, scenes of some of the four hundred and ninety nine Planets, similar to Earth that have been colonized by Elyonin, and where they have also created living Humanoid beings. And there were many similarities with Earth.
One Planet was particularly pointed out to me, and I was told it was not very far from Earth. He said it was not too many light years away, about 20; and with the technology soon advancing on Earth now, it could be discovered by Human astronomers as early as during the first ten years of the coming Millennium. (He was speaking thus in 1973). He said they called that Planet ‘Emmet’.
He said that, the said Planet was not only like Earth, but that it was inhabited by humanoid people far more technologically advanced than Earth dwellers; and that atmospheric conditions in it were similar to those on Earth. Again he said: “Look at those children and men you are about to see, and remember them when writing about the Young man from France, because they shall be very much alike in deeds, words and behavior. What you are about to see took place on Earth.”
And on the screen appeared a space vessel in the sky, that landed in the countryside outside a city. There was a young man sitting beside a river and it was day-time. Next I saw him walking with small Aliens similar to the ones who piloted the space vessel that had been used by my Alien friends; but it had a Swastika painted on its sides and underside. He was taken into the space vessel, which then flew off.
“The young man that you have just seen was called Karl Marx.” He said.
‘Karl Marx?’ I echoed.
“Yes.” He said. “Now look again.”
I looked again and I saw another boy of about eight or ten years of age. He had gone on a picnic with his family. But he wandered off and came to a space vessel landed in a clearing in the woods. The boy stood staring at the vessel without any fear.
Its door opened and a small Alien, similar to the ones I saw with the other boy appeared. He held a round object in his hand, which he proffered towards the child with a sly little smile. The child still did not seem frightened; instead he walked towards the Alien who moved back into the space vessel, still followed by the boy. When the boy went past the door, it closed behind him and the space vessel rose into the sky. That vessel also had a Swastika painted on its underside.
I was shown the same Aliens visiting him several more times at different stages of his life until he was about twenty years old. The screen was then switched off. “That was Benito Mussolini.” My friend said. My eyes opened wide but I said nothing.
“Look again!” He said. The screen had again been switched on. I was shown another boy being met by the short aliens as he played alone in a large snow covered open area. He held a stick in his hand and was beating the snow rhythmically and counting repeatedly from one to ten in an unknown language. At least I think he was counting.
I saw him again being met two more times. The third time he was just coming out of a mountain building, and he had grown his hair long. “That was the man known as Rasputin.” I was told. Another young man about sixteen years old was identified as Gurdjieff.
The next person to be shown me was another young man who was about seventeen or eighteen years old who was also taken into the vessel of the aliens. The next time his face appeared on the screen, he was with six other people. They were in three cars driving towards a chalet that stood alone in a property that had no cities anywhere nearby.
The cars stopped, all filed into the house; and a space vessel soon came and landed in woods behind the house. Then three small Aliens similar to the same that have been shown me meeting the other different young humans, came out of it and followed two men who had stood, waiting and watching them land.
The main man that was pointed to me as the subject of the Aliens’ visit had not been difficult for me to recognize. He was Adolf Hitler!
“That was Adolf Hitler”. My friend informed me. Again I said nothing. He continued.
“As you saw, those different people were met by the same Renegades, the ones known as Lucifer and Satan and another one of their Chiefs. What those humans had in common is that their activities as well as their thirst for power and domination were instigated by those Renegades that contacted them. And it was those Renegades who were the force behind those Humans.”
“And those Renegades whom you saw contacting those future politicians and influential people, are the same who are now in contact with the Young Man from France. Therefore his future activities will be very much related to theirs, because through him, the Renegades want to continue what they started a very long time ago through those historic figures you have just seen here now. What they did with those people you just saw, is the same thing they are doing with him. Each one of them in his own manner was used by the Renegades, and so shall he be used too. Remember this as you transmit our message.”
“Now look again”, the Brown one said to me.
I looked at the screen where the film of a child, a little boy of about three years of age was now being shown. I was told that the boy I was looking at will also in the future be a very evil anti-christic figure; in that he would openly claim to be an anti-Christ, and actively promote Satanism. He too would want to build an ‘embassy’ for Satan.
I was told that he lived in Canada. Also that one of his male ancestors, ten generations removed made a pact with Satan, and promised him that his direct descendant in the tenth generation after him would serve Satan. Thus the boy was born evil and a Satanist. He will begin to feel that way when he will be about seven years old.
According to the Brown Alien, that ancestor of the three years-old boy, was contacted by Azael, a demon that was amongst the Fallen Ones. Therefore when that young man begins to respond to his Satanic urges, he too will be contacted by the same demon Azael.
I was told that The Young Man from France should be the subject of my first book, but that in future, I should test my powers and faculties by finding him too; and that I should mention him in the future if I wished, just to tell my followers and Humanity who he is, and alert them to his presence.
After... (buy the book to read it all)
To read the rest of this book, order it: "THE SACRED AND THE PROFANE" ISBN: 9781907540653 from Click the link below:


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2010

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To my beloved grandfather Solomon and my grandmother Marguerite of blessed memories... to my children... I you are my world...And to God the Mighty one, You are my Everything...

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