Writers club!

  • 70 Mitglieder
  • 29 Beiträge
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  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
Here we come together to help each other with our stories and various other stuff!
we like meeting new people and do new stuff!


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hey Von: Gelöschter User
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I really need help to write a romance. If anyone has any advice, PM me

Please read to give feedback? Von: indie23
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I would like to know if this book is available to sell and if I have the margins right. I have been having trouble getting the margins in Microsoft Word. I keep fixing it, but when I upload it on Bookrix, it doesn't look right. I've trying to also fix the margins on my story Pawstales Chronicles (Forest) but still can't seem to get it right. Please give me... mehr anzeigen

Lost In A Dream http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-indira-nankoosingh-lost-in-a-dream/ A young woman falls asleep after a hard days work then finds herself in a different time period. She discovers a road and decides to follow it, hoping it would lead her back home, to her own time. ...
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Ah gal margins can be ste on word but on bookrix the editor is quite different open up the editor on bookrix and try to rectify ur margins

Me again - asking for help (again) Von: Gelöschter User
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Hi everyone!
Thanks for looking a bit closer at this thread ;)

It's a question for research. Sad but true, I am not from the US or any other English-Speaking country and even worse I tend to throw my characters into places I've never been before and probably will never visit.

So, it's a string of questions and I'd be really glad for your help, and may it just be the link to another website. (I read through the MSU - website and... mehr anzeigen

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well i am glad that you are here again! but sorry to say that i am from India and not U.S. so i am really sorry but i won't be able to help you here right now!
My advise is that you should google for education system in U.S. That should help you!
whereas spelling mistakes are... mehr anzeigen

How did you feel when... Von: Gelöschter User
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...you published your first book on bookrix?

Needless to say, it's what I just did.
My heart is racing, but it also might be the caffeine in my veins.

But how did you feel back then?


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when I got my first peep! I was damn excited and as more and more people read it i felt really Nice and that encouraged me to write my second book! and even today when the number of peep's on my books increases i really feel glad that people are reading it!!! :) i hope this... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Hi Zartaj,
you sure did. Thanks :)
(And it's good to know that excitement will never decrease^^)



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