...I'll find out if I've beaten Cancer or if it has beaten me. Mostly, when somebody tells you that you only have a couple more months to live, unless the treatment is successfull, you feel numb and the most idiotic things come into your head. Totally irrelevant things, like cancelling magazine subscriptions and cleaning out the oven so nobody can say nasty things about your commitment as a housewive when you're dead.
The Last Wish of Day
- 17 Mitglieder
- 11 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
- Gruppensprache: Englisch
- Administratoren:
- Beschreibung:
- What would you do if some one you cared about was taken away from you? What do you think would be there last wish? This group, The Last Wish Of Day,is about focusing on the most powerful moments on our lives. Death and surprises. Did anyone you know just find out they had cancer? If so, how are they handling it. Do they grieve, or spend there time with happy moments?
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Your all starting to piss me off. I don't like being mad but you people won't do anything so get your lazy asses of the damn couch and do something. I don't give a shit if your to tired, nervous about writing something, or just got nothing on your minds.
Just say Hey I truly don't give a shit.
There's already more people here in this group. Fine then my wish for today is for you guys who have recently joined to spread the word that this group is open for anyone who wants to join. However this is not a social group that caters to everyday conversations. It is for those who have a actual wish that they need to talk about. So you new guys spread the word please.
If you are there then i would really like to talk to you. Even if you don't have anything to say it'd be nice to know your there. So let's start with the basics. My name is John. I have black hair. I got the great idea to start talking to someone who isn't there and then i found this site and joined this "community". Not really sure if it counts but that was a joke;) I am normally really busy in the mornings and i am a self... mehr anzeigen
Okay so I'm gonna change the rules a little bit. I'm apparently the only one on the site so I guess I'll call the shots. Instead of having this be the last wish page it can be just a wish page for any time you need. For my second wish...I wish someone would explain to me why girls are so hung up on theirs exBFs it gets annoying. Seriously it's like I'm in highschool!
Okay so I know enough about the female brain to not do something stupid. However some things that they do truly astound me. A friend of mine NOT MY GIRLFRIEND has been kinda flirty with me lately. I shrug it of by being flirty right back but I learned that she's been trying to... mehr anzeigen
Okay so I know enough about the female brain to not do something stupid. However some things that they do truly astound me. A friend of mine NOT MY GIRLFRIEND has been kinda flirty with me lately. I shrug it of by being flirty right back but I learned that she's been trying to... mehr anzeigen
also i am 10 years old turning 11 on may 12 and i have a really big heart and i tink i can trust to tell you if i am crying or not or if i need help
hey my friend died of cancer
Awww thats soo sad sorry for your loss :*(
Well Im sorry for yours.... its no problem I've gotten over it