Young Writers

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  • 1129 Beiträge
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  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
We welcome all young writers, 12 -21yrs, as well as adults who write for the YA (Young Adult) and children’s market.Our mission is to teach, help and motivate all of our members, so that they may achieve a higher level of writing skill and diversity.We encourage ideas from all sources & members within the BookRix community, especially in areas that may help our new generation of writers improve their craft.


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Useful info on BookRix and external sites Von: Gelöschter User
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The explanation is all in the title. If I come across some useful information/links about writing on BookRix or on other sites, I'll post them here.

Everyone can contribute if they think the information they come across is useful to help other members hone their writing skills.

Gelöschter User

How to create characters by: Emanation

Character Creation My posts from BetterWriters and YoungWriters on character creation.
Gelöschter User

And another about character profiles:

Questionnaires for Writing Character Profiles - Creative Writing Help Writing character profiles is an easy way to invent characters and to come up with short story ideas or start a novel outline. Use these helpful questionnaires to begin.
Gelöschter User

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Free eBooks for downloads! Von: Gelöschter User
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Post your BookRix free eBooks that you can download from Amazon and other eBook stores in this thread.

DO NOT POST FREE BOOKS YOU HAVE ONLY ON BOOKRIX. Use the 'Advertise your story here' thread for those.

Put a link either from your BookRix page or from Amazon or the other big shops below.

For the readers: Please, leave a comment on Bookrix and the other shops if you enjoyed the book. Reviews help authors and encourage them to... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User
The Hand of Fate Janie has lost both parents to Cancer and is so distraught that she will also share the same fate, that she pushes a close friend away. Can she let him know her true feelings before fate takes a hand?
S.P. Johnson Jr.
The Other Side Of Here And Now A mercenary considers the implications of an anomaly seen in the aftermath of his work. A young romantic struggles to align the life he knows with future he has seen. An innocent girl refuses to se...
Gelöschter User
Princess Rose and the Golden Bird. Children's fairy tale by Sergey Nikolov / Bedtime story with illustrations The beautiful Princess Rose and her golden bird sang a lullaby every evening, and all the people in the kingdom fell asleep and dreamed sweet dreams until break of dawn. But one day something ter...
Hello newbies. A small guide to how you upload books. Von: Gelöschter User
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First and foremost, hello to all newbies and wlecome to the site. I hope you have fun.

Now, since there are many who need help to upload books, here's a short guide to help you publish your story.

First thing: Go to your profile. There's a tab that says, 'Create Book'. Click it and enter the title of your story.

Second: So then, that tab takes you to another page. There are 3 tabs there called, 'Edit Book Content', 'Edit Book... mehr anzeigen BookRix profile of – Learn more about favorite books, friends and so on. Join our Community to get in contact with
Advertise your story here: Von: Gelöschter User
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No comments in this thread. All we want is your story: the blurb, cover and genre.

If you want to swap a story with someone else, go to their profile and ask them in a message if they are interested.

This thread will be deleted after a month and a new one will be made.

Please, if you have more than one book, post them all together. One thread per author is sufficient.

Make sure your blurb and cover are enticing. Look at how... mehr anzeigen

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Please fill free to check out my newest book "Asmyne"

Asmyne. Book 1 of the Worlds Collide Series What if you found out that your new roommate was an alien? How would you feel if you had a criminal from another planet sharing the same apartment with you?   April led a normal life until s...
Gelöschter User
The Gravestone in the Pool One night Hannah finds a mysterious Gravestone in her pool that leads her, a stranger and her best friend, John, to Colorado, Hinsdale County where they have to find the hidden cemetery and an anti...
Valerie Diestro

Song in the Sunset An Angel's Mission is a young adult, romance novella.

Song in the Sunset . An Angel's Mission Shining student, Natalie Austin, hates Dave Park because of his lazy attitude. However, everything she feels about him changes when she catches him singing her favorite song while playing his gu...
Promote a paragraph Von: Gelöschter User
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Be it your favorite or the last one you wrote, just pick a paragraph from your story. Copy/paste it in this thread and tell the readers the genre of the story you took the paragraph from.

Also, let them know what kind of creatures your imagination has created. Are they werewolves, vampires, fairies, elementals or normal humans with a cool story to tell? Whatever they are, share them here.

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It was then, when we both took the opportunity to look back over to Ellis and his new friend that I saw him. A man with dark, richly black hair that ended at the nape of his neck walked by, seemingly in slow motion. I couldn't put my finger on why I seemed so automatically drawn... mehr anzeigen

Nicole Mitchell

The Shapeshifter Chronicles: Aries

"I loved you once," Aries told her mother. "You are my mother, and if bringing you back alive is out of the question, then so be it." She slowly unsheathed Fire and Ice and brought them on the each side of her mother's neck. "Y-you wouldn't do... mehr anzeigen

Nicole Mitchell

*The series, from the title, is obviously Shapeshifters. Daniella (Aries) is a jaguar, her father can take any form he pleases, and her mother a leopard.*

In case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will improve your writing skills, click on ... Von: Zeus
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In case you're wondering about some helpful tips that will improve your writing skills, click on this link to get enlightened.

Hello everybody Von: Testykenzie
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Hello everyone. I have a blog i just created. I write stories on there. If you love to read anything, please visit the website.

If you have any suggestion please feel free to contact me Subscribe to my blog and you'll get notified if i post something which would be often.
Also follow my insta @a_readers_haven to get updates. I am about to do my first giveaway to... mehr anzeigen

A Reader's Haven
Hello guys, i released my first book yesterday. Titled:Pathway To John Doe. Awaiting your honest ... Von: Joshua Anuoluwapo Oyekanmi
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Hello guys, i released my first book yesterday. Titled:Pathway To John Doe. Awaiting your honest opinion.

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