
  • 33 Mitglieder
  • 9 Beiträge
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  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
This group is for all those who are in pain and want to talk about it, and those who want to help those who are in pain get out of it. Thanks for joining.


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notice Von: Alexis
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I am thinking about deleting this group, if you dont want me to comment or message me.

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Gelöschter User

No dont delete it

Why??? Von: Alexis
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Why do I always fall so hard for guys when I just end up getting hurt, walked on, or even used.

4 Kommentare

it's not your fault sis we can't help the fact that we fall so hard for the guys who are jerks most of them happen to be extremely attractive that's why


It just suck's and it hurts so much that I dont talk as much as I use to.


it's fine I haven't been able to talk as much as I used to either but remember I'm always here for u if u ever need someone to talk to


I believe you.

love Von: Gelöschter User
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why not fix pain by love, llllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Gelöschter User



Wow well that's kind of the problem. Love can heal pain, but it can also cause it.

Gelöschter User

So true ... redhead16

Please take a look at my new book "A Heart Torn In Two" it deals with the pain from a heartbreak ... Von: renaissanceman
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Please take a look at my new book "A Heart Torn In Two" it deals with the pain from a heartbreak and life in general. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Will do.


as soon as I can

ok Von: Eli the Great
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Okay. I get this group. I like it its really supportive for bad heartbreaks. I might come off as a vibe kill... but just stop. Really why talk about breakups? Its only painful because you all make it that to... I've had a heartbreak.... in fact I had a recent one with the administrator of this group... Idc how much bad press I get on this.... Talking about your problems is just really not going to help... Please do move on...... mehr anzeigen

Eli the Great

That's my point if you believe that then why sulk in your sadness? When others are looking for girls/guys like you. Just saying. Mourning and crying just isn't worth it

Gelöschter User

well i didn´t joined this group because i wanna sulk in self pity.. i just wanna help when i can.. of course i had my experince but with time i knew how to deal with it

Eli the Great

Point taken... That's also very sweet of you as well ;)

:( Von: Nicole
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I'm going to end up alone forever

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Gelöschter User

well to be honest if the guy doesn´t asked u to the dance, then try asking him. U said ur close so why not trying.


okay I'll try but I'm very nervous

Thank's. Von: Alexis
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Thank's for joining. I will be glade to help you.

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Duchess Revolts

I would be glad to help to if I can. If you want to talk to someone I'm all ears. I also supply stupid jokes.


That means alot to me thank's so much.

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