Lost In Wonderland

  • 5 Mitglieder
  • 16 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe
  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
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This is a group for the broken. A group for the lost boys and mad girls. A group for the misfits and the abandoned. You can come here to rant or if you need a shoulder to lean on or even just to chat. Just know that someone will always be here for you. It is easy to feel unwanted in the society we call our own, but here we appreciate insanity. We are crazy people with crazy ideas and we love... Mehr anzeigen


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Reminders: Von: Gelöschter User
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You're beautiful.
I love you.
Remember to eat.
Brush your teeth.
Go outside, even if it's for just five minutes.
Stay strong.
Don't give in.
It will all be okay.
Hold your head up high.
You are worth every breath you take.

4 Kommentare
Gelöschter User

I'm a good girl. I never forget to brush my teeth XDD

Gelöschter User

*Claps* I am so proud of you. XD

Gelöschter User

*pats my own back* yay!! Jokes apart this this little poem is beautiful and motivational ❤

Gelöschter User

Here For You Von: Gelöschter User
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I Will Be Here For You:

When you're sad and depressed,
I will be here to put a smile on your face.

When you're angry and frustrated,
I will be here to calm you down.

When you're hurt and in tears,
I will be here to wipe them away and mend the pain.

When you're lonely and have no one,
I will be here to comfort you.

When you're feeling unloved and unwanted,
I will be here to tell you how very important you are.

When you're having a bad... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

Why are your poems so good?! ≡^ˇ^≡

Panic! At The Disco - House Of Memories Von: Gelöschter User
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Gelöschter User

Love this song. ^-^

Gelöschter User

Fave is High Hopes

Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User


Hey Von: Gelöschter User
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Anyone else feel as tho life is a dream that we could just wake up from at any minute?

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Gelöschter User

Ugh finally! XD

Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User


Deadddd. >.< Von: Gelöschter User
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How are my beautiful peopleeeee? ^-^

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Gelöschter User


Gelöschter User


The Beauty Of Death Xiv - Khalil Gibran Von: Gelöschter User
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Part One - The Calling

Let me sleep, for my soul is intoxicated with love and
Let me rest, for my spirit has had its bounty of days and nights;
Light the candles and burn the incense around my bed, and
Scatter leaves of jasmine and roses over my body;
Embalm my hair with frankincense and sprinkle my feet with perfume,
And read what the hand of Death has written on my forehead.

Let me rest in the arms of Slumber, for my open... mehr anzeigen

Be strong ❤ Von: Gelöschter User
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When things seem difficult miserable
Life is turning away from you
Intimidated and worn out you remain
In darkness at a corner you examine
Watching the sky as it disappears
Reminding the lost beloved ones
How beautiful and caring they were
Vanishing without saying goodbye
Shortening your long life span
And leaving you destitute and lonely
Deeply you wonder
How life can really be unfair
To honest and good people like you
But all you let... mehr anzeigen

Yo. >.< Von: Gelöschter User
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So...I feel like a lonely motivational speaker here...y'all can post in this group too... >.< XD

Congrats Society Von: Gelöschter User
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She sat alone,
alone and at home,
where her screams were silent,
but her mind was violent.
Her insecurities hid deep inside,
and they did indeed eat her alive.
A tear rolled down her face,
as her heart began to race.
She took a blade and tore her skin,
where her depression lied deep within.
This went on for days,
Until she cried her very last tears.
She decided that she had had enough,
the world around her was far too tough.
... mehr anzeigen

Lost Von: Gelöschter User
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"You like him because he's a lost boy. Believe me, I've seen it happen before. But do you know what happens to girls who love lost boys? They become lost themselves. Without fail."

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