Jayne and Thorin's Book Reviews

  • 16 Mitglieder
  • 14 Beiträge
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  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
My friend and I love books and read similar ones, so we decided to make a book review group where we review books we've read, and that other users on Bookrix and can review ones they've read. We will mainly review books published outside of Bookrix, but if you want us to review your personal books or a friends, we can do that, too. Our reviews are just our personal opinions, so don't take... Mehr anzeigen


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My latest book, Flecks of Jupiter Von: Valerie Diestro
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Flecks of Jupiter http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-valerie-e-evening-diestro-flecks-of-jupiter/   A fantasy love story… Flecks writes a thousand of letters for the girl he will love forever. Rose is a girl which boys never take notice of. Not until she meets Flecks, the first b...
Hello! Von: Valerie Diestro
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Hello everyone! Good day!
I request a review for my novella, Song in the Sunset An Angel's Mission.
I just uploaded the prologue and first chapter.
I'm willing to know your suggestions and advices for improvements.
Thank you for your time. I hope to receive your replies.



Song in the Sunset . An Angel's Mission http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-valerie-e-evening-diestro-song-in-the-sunset/ Shining student, Natalie Austin, hates Dave Park because of his lazy attitude. However, everything she feels about him changes when she catches him singing her favorite song while playing his gu...
"They're Rugby Boys, Don't You Know?" by Natalie Vellacott Christian True Story Von: Gelöschter User
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They're Rugby Boys, Don't You Know?. A true account of a Christian Missionary seeking to share Jesus with the street teens abusing solvents in Olongapo City http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-natalie-vellacott-they-039-re-rugby-boys-don-039-t-you-know/ A true story detailing how a Christian Police Sergeant from England boarded the Logos Hope Missionary Ship in 2011 and was forever changed when, in the Philippines, she unexpectedly encountered and...
Divergent by: Veronica Roth Von: runnerchick2213
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Beatrice Prior must make a choice, with which faction (group whom they devote their life to, including jobs etc.) to choose. There is Candor (Honest), Erudite (Intelligent), Abgenation (Selfless), Amity (peaceful), or Dauntless (Fearless). You can either choose the one you grew up in (and stay with your family) or you can do a "Faction transfer" (losing your family). This book is full of plot twists, and surprises. It is very... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare
K. Black

I hated the ending soooooooooooo much. But appearently she has another one out, for anyone interested. (I probably won't read it.)


really is it just the collection called four? Me too though, but since there might be people who haven't read them I'm not going to elaborate.


How the heck did you already finish this, Jess?


finish what?

Breaking the Infinite by: Midknight Von: runnerchick2213
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Since this person is from BookRix I will just put their own blurb meaning that these are Midknight's words NOT MINE!!!

Fallyn is in Love with Caiden, her best friend. The only problem is, her family won't allow it and the strangest thing is, they won't explain why. Caiden is a mystery even to himself, because of an accident that left him memoryless. While fighting his own battles and his abusive father, his love for Fallyn... mehr anzeigen

Artemis Fowl by: Eoin Colfer Von: runnerchick2213
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Genius Artemis Fowl is not only a millionaire, but also a criminal mastermind. Even so he doesn't have a clue about what he's doing when he kidnaps a fairy named Captain Holly Short from the LepRecon unit. Artemis Fowl is an amazing magical fantasy! (There are 8 books in this series.) You won't want to put this book down!

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This isn't a romance...

Hi! Von: midknight
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I just joined this group. My name is Midknight. :) I love to read and write. I am excited to get to know you all. I really need some critique on my book: Breaking the Infinite. If any of you have time, I would love the feedback. I'm working to become a better writer and I'm not afraid of harsh comments, because that makes me better. It is a short read, because it is in progress. Thank you. :)


Thank you so much for bringing those grammical errors to my attention! I really appricate this valuable feedback. Swearing does take away from the story and I apologize. I don't remember that I put swearing in the story though, but that is probably because it is ordinary to me.... mehr anzeigen

Austenland by: Shannon Hale Von: runnerchick2213
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You've probably heard of this, as the movie just came out. A thrilling romantic comedy, Austenland, brings you right into the story. Jane Hayes is in desperate need of a vacation. Not only this, but she is obsessed with Jane Austen's books. In her Grandmothers will, she is left a non-refundable vacation to Pembrook Park in England. When there you get to basically live the life of an 1800 woman. She meets hilarious Miss... mehr anzeigen


Hey, romance is good too!!!!


haha, it's alright.

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