I just found out that Jake Bass is a gay porn star..........
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- Gruppensprache: Englisch
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- This is for the depressing shits like me who hates their life and needs fucking help. For the people who feel like they are drowning in the oceans of Depression, the people who have contemplated suicide so many times- this is for you. Join me in fucking hating society
So there you go! This is a group for depressing shits. Join us in the sorrows of the hell we call the world.
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Never fall for expectations, they are dead ends. They'll suck the soul out of you, they are the roots of your headaches. But it doesn't mean that you should go with the flow, you always have to keep your ass up by your own self because no one else would do that for you, because they don't give a shit. They say " You complete me." , crap!! No one can completes you, not even your soulmate. You have to complete your own self.... mehr anzeigen
i have loss faith in love because of me fall for bad boys and never falling for the good guy
All of the guys I like like my friends and date them but they like me too but don't want to date me like................bitch
my life just wants me to be the old cat lady
skylar u crazey.