Writing Contests on BookRix.com

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Join this group if you are interested in knowing more about BookRix’s writing contests. We will use this group to promote our contests, winners and news, In addition, BookRix group contests will also be held here. Here you can ask or answer questions about the BookRix contests, promote your contest books and read the latest contest news. Enjoy!


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Digital Book Awards Contest Von: BookRix.com
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The Digital Book Awards (formerly known as the Publishing Innovation Awards), founded in 2010, recognizes innovation, creativity and excellence in all aspects of digital book publishing. Each year, award winners and finalists in 15 categories demonstrate fresh thinking, inspired design and bold technology integration, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in this constantly evolving publishing arena.

The program... mehr anzeigen

The Digital Book Awards | Digital Book World http://www.digitalbookworld.com/the-digital-book-awards?et_mid=636339&rid=240981801 Celebrating Innovation in Apps and Ebook Publishing The Digital Book Awards (formerly known as the Publishing Innovation Awards), founded in 2010, recognizes
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Very interesting.

Jim E. Beer

I did note however, that one thing writers do a lot of...is write.

Gelöschter User

Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> http://︀i︀n︀t︀i︀m︀c︀o︀n︀t︀a︀c︀t︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀p︀r︀o︀f︀i︀l︀e︀group_1030883121

HONORABLE MENTIONS - Be the Best (Seller) You Can Be YA Contest Von: BookRix.com
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BookRix would like to thank all the members who have participated in the “Be the Best (Seller) You Can Be” YA contest, whether you wrote an entry for submission or took the time to read and vote for your favorite story.

Along with the 2 winners we would like to share our honorable mentions:

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Glynis Rankin

Way to go guys! Congrats!

J.C. Laird

Good work gang. Kudos and congratulations!

Mia Tchoukour

It's always great to be recognized. Good job to all of you guys and congrats! I will get to reading some of these books soon.

Community Vote WINNER! Be the Best (Seller) You Can Be YA Contest Von: BookRix.com
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BookRix would like to thank all the members who have participated in the “Be the Best (Seller) You Can Be” YA contest, whether you wrote an entry for submission or took the time to read and vote for your favorite story.

There were 2 winners chosen for this contest. One winner was chosen by community vote and the other was chosen by the BookRix Team.

Without further ado, the winner that was chosen by the BookRix Community is:

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Twisted http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-kaycee-r-twisted-5/ Cayden Rivers wants nothing more than to be normal but we dont always get what we want. He hides the fact that he is unnaturally fast and strong from everyone including his best friend Camilla. Ano...
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Me too, KayCee:) LOTS of readers here enjoyed your book immensely. You are definitely a winner!

Mia Tchoukour

Congrats! Love the cover BTW.



The BookRix Team WINNER! Be the Best (Seller) You Can Be YA Contest Von: BookRix.com
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BookRix would like to thank all the members who have participated in the “Be the Best (Seller) You Can Be” YA contest, whether you wrote an entry for submission or took the time to read and vote for your favorite story.

There were 2 winners chosen for this contest. One winner was chosen by community vote and the other was chosen by the BookRix Team.

Without further ado, the winner that was chosen by the BookRix Team is:
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Cerberus. Book 1 of Solace http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-p-k-gallagher-cerberus/ Kaeden Parish thought he lived in a world that followed certain rules, a world where everything made sense, everything could be planned for, and everything was as it seemed. Unfortunately, it wasn'...
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P. K. Gallagher

It is, thank you! <3


How do I say???? P.K., YOU ROCK, GIRL!!!! Congrats again!!!!

P. K. Gallagher

Thanks Patrick. I'm still freaking out about it :).

Glad To Be Back Von: Deon Christie
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Looking through old comments and posts, I'm stunned. It's been 8 years! But I'm back, with almost a decade's knowledge this time. Looking forward to working with you guys again. Have a blessed Christmas and a most prosperous 2024.

加速主义 Von: sansuiyiqian
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加速主义 Von: sansuiyiqian
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加速主义 Von: sansuiyiqian
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#闫丽梦“FAKE SPECIALIST” YAN LIMENG Von: sansuiyiqian
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Overnight, Yan Limeng has caused a sensation throughout the right wing media. The senior adviser of President Trump and conservatives who has authority seem her as a hero. The social media labelled her interview as a fake news just as quickly. Scientists refused her research and said that was sophistry disguised in jargon. In fact, in the process of undergraduate to doctoral education, Yan’s areas of expertise are not... mehr anzeigen

澳大利亚广播公司播出涉嫌种族歧视节目片段 华裔社区要求其道歉 Von: sansuiyiqian
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据悉,ABC Me频道上周五(20日)晚上播出了《糟糕历史》第六季第二集节目中,一名英国女演员身穿中国传统服饰,扮演唐朝的女皇帝“武则天”。在表演中,她吃了老鼠、蟑螂和水母等,以体现中国唐朝的饮食文化。




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