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  • 4 Mitglieder
  • 8 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe
  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
this group is for friends that i know personaly or for a very long time like a year and 5 months

RULES !!!!
1. do not smack talk or trash talk to anyone
2.yall are lemons ok you can eaither be sweet or sour i dont recommend being sour im sour do not turn out like me
3.i will make a new group pic dont come at me
and arguing i completly understand but do not argue with anyone ok


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ok yall members please get to know eachother Von: ☽Demon☽
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4.oliver (me)
5.ghost (she has not replied)

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Hi I'm Raina and stuff about me is that I can be dark and mysterious sometimes.
Im no longer Raina its Raven


Hi im oliver and im shy cold hearted distant depressed and im rudely honest people compare me to simon cowell actually


Hi I'm GhostWolf you can call me ghost or wolf or both is fine by me, I'm 15 I'm a female, I love art, reading, climbing trees, camping, swimming, exploring, and Minecraft! I love wolves birds and horses oh and reptiles (I want a baby boa constructor) I LOVEEEEE RP and I'm... mehr anzeigen

goooooood morning Von: ☽Demon☽
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goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood morning goooooood... mehr anzeigen

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