Followers of Jesus Christ

  • 31 Mitglieder
  • 12 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe
  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
This group will help Christians come together in unity to pray for others in a big prayer chain. This group is also to encourage others and ourselves to keep folloing Jesus Christ who died for us, all the way to the end.


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What is the life of a Christian girl like? Today? In Germany? Von: Sharela Koch
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In my new book "Sharelas Tagebuch" (Sharela's diary) I tell about my everyday life as a Christin living in Germany.

Is my life just like any other life? Where are the differences? Could you recognize me as a Christian?

The book has been published in German language as ebook and as paperback.

Free extract:

Sharelas Tagebuch von Sharela Koch - eBook Download - Buch kaufen Sharela ist eine junge Christin und Bloggerin aus Deutschland. In diesem Buch berichtet sie ehrlich und unverblümt aus ihrem Leben: von gelebtem Glauben, Gottessuche und Nächstenliebe. Unter Pseudonym lässt sie an ihrem Leben teilhaben, ohne ihre direkten Mitmenschen "auf dem Präsentierteller" zu servieren. Dieses Buch vereint unterhaltsame Anekdoten aus ihrem Alltag, Gedanken über "Gott und die Welt" und die beliebtesten Blogeinträge aus vier Jahren. Willkommen bei der Christin von nebenan!
Prayer Request Von: Aquilla
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Hey, my mom is in the OR right now for back surgery, could you just say a prayer that it goes well, please?

Prayer Request Von: Aquilla
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Hey, I have a friend who just asked me to spread this word, "Hello how are you today I'm fine but my friend isn't please prayer request for Emily she has the urge to die and so she cut herself please spread the word by asking for praying request." I'm sending this to as many Christians as I know.

hey guys I made a new book and it is going to be full of jokes so if u have a joke and want me to... Von: Gelöschter User
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hey guys I made a new book and it is going to be full of jokes so if u have a joke and want me to put it in there private message me and tell me the joke and whether or not if u want your username in there

please pray for me I have been really stressed right now my friend just commited suicide and I ha... Von: Gelöschter User
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please pray for me I have been really stressed right now my friend just commited suicide and I have a lot on my plate right now and I am so stressed and I do not know what to do and I just want to give up sometimes

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I will pray for u ok and if u need some one to talk to u can email any time ok

Gelöschter User

ok thank you a lot


u r very welcome

Troy n' Dubstep

ok i will :)

Hi everyone! Von: Aquilla
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Hi everyone! So I joined this group like two weeks (it's been that long already, dang I thought it was longer!), um, the admin hasn't been on in quite some time.... (As far as I know that is...) how are you all doing? Any prayer requests?

Hi Von: Aquilla
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So, I decided that after looking at some groups that I wasn't finding any groups for Christians, so I looked it up and found you guys! I wanted to say hi.

My testimony:
I have been born and raised in a Christian home, so I'm what they call a second generation Christian.I was so saved at the age of 5, but somewhere along the line I doubted that I was even saved. That happened because of somebody in the church.

I was at the Jr.... mehr anzeigen

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