Please tell Skysky.Bluestar that I'm sorry for everything even deleting and blocking her. I lost it. So since she blocked me I can't tell her I'm sorry.
Fans of Bunnytears
- 11 Mitglieder
- 8 Beiträge
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- Gruppensprache: Englisch
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- Hi!
If your a big fan of me, then join the party in this group! You can talk about your favorite books from me, and you can even add a fan book from my books! Your allowed to make and add fan books from my books such as The Moon Spirit and turn that book into Spirit Moon The or something! You can have fun! Or if you like, you can ask questions about me! I love people asking questions about me!
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I'm Booklover33 AKA Allie Joseph :) Sometimes people don't read my messages so I just hardly write them. So here I am. Enjoy my books :)
Hi! I'm booklover33 and I love 2 things in my life. No, not writing, but close.
BOOKS AND PIE! Drop in this area to talk about yourselves or ask me on a date. Just kidding I'm too young. But honestly. I'm a friend with the modetor and we've been friends like, forever. My hobbies are eating, sleeping, TV, laptop, books, fighting with my sister and Bookrix!
Allie and little Lucille aka Booklover3.3
We're the booklover twins!... mehr anzeigen
During the summer, I will hardly be on cause my stupid camp I'm going to. So I'll cya in August :'( But the good news is this week my brother is at my aunt Kathy's house so I can actually think straighter!! And I have BAD news: Camp starts next week. :´-(
I hope you enjoy all my books and love my ideas! I am a big fan of all kinds of people, such as Amyrosethehedgie, luce505, and even the person that's reading this, I'm a big fan of myself :3 everyone is a big fan of themselves!
RULE 1. Keep it clean. Don't swear or talk bad about pie.
RULE 2. Stay awesome. We like people who are happy! Who doesn't! If your unhappy, just message me and I'll fix the problem!
RULE 3. Be nice!... mehr anzeigen
Yay! say it again!
aw Lauren you put my name :3 all your rules make sense :)