Fakemon Lovers
- 14 Mitglieder
- 5 Beiträge
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- Gruppensprache: Englisch
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For users who like creating their own Pokémon or Pokémon (Mega) Evolutions, you came to the right place!
Fakemon Lovers is a community that supports sharing your creations with others and expressing your creativity!
Admins and Moderators may post up links to Fakemon creations on DeviantArt that they desire to share, adding the original artists name to give them full credit for their work!
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I've published my first Top 10 in Fakemon! Tell me what you think!
Name: Tiefee (Tiefling + Fey)
Artist: Smiley-Fakemon
Species: Mischievous Pokemon
Type: Fairy
Ability: Cute Charm / Inner Focus
Height: 0.63m
Weight: 18.2Kg
Pokedex Entry: "Tiefee are often mischievous, either due to a malignant nature, or pure ignorance. They can be very loyal to their trainers, but most Tiefee that live in the wild grow chaotic. "
Base Stat Values
HP: 46
ATK: 43
DEF: 34
SpA: 65
SpD: 58
SPD: 49
Evolutions: Tiefee evolves... mehr anzeigen

Name: Mianari (Mīakyatto [Meerkat] + Kaminari [Thunder])
Artist: Smiley-Fakemon
Species: Lightning Pokemon
Type: Electric
Ability: Lightningrod / Keen Eye
Height: 0.48m
Weight: 7.20Kg
Pokedex Entry: "Mianari live in desert areas and hide underground when predators are spotted. They absorb lightning with their tail during storms. "
Base Stat Values
HP: 55
ATK: 35
DEF: 50
SpA: 65
SpD: 40
SPD: 65
Evolutions: Mianari evolves into Surinari at... mehr anzeigen
