Does He Love Me??????????????

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  • Gruppensprache: Englisch
for us girls who like a guy but don't know if he likes us back this is a place where we can chat about it get it off our chests help each other out


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IDK Von: Alai
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There is a person I like. The problem is I'm lesbian. The person I like is genderfluid. I don't know if the person will like me or not?

HELP Von: Sarah
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there is this guy i like but and i told him i like him but he just laughs as if it's a joke what do i do


tell him your not joking i told one person that I love him and he kissed me

Gelöschter User



good idea thanks

Jonny sikel Von: Gelöschter User
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I really think he is a really hot guy but every time in a round him he satires or when I get bumped in him I fell hot heat rush to mt cheeks or a shiver up my spine but idk if he fells the same way. I ask my closes friends to ask her why do I like him but he's rude she said bc u love him and u need to tell him but I don't even know hom without melting when I look into hi deep light blue eyes and the way he smiles always makes... mehr anzeigen

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you look at the ground and tell him while listing to music

Ugh Von: Caterina A. Robinson
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Ok. I'm just having troubles. I don't know if we're dating or whatever. He talks to all these girls and I just get so mad. It's not a good feeling :[

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well you have to be patient

Suri's Library

ask him casually. dont make a big deal of it :)

?????????? Von: Nicole
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so there's this guy that I really like and we talk we're really good friends. I don't know if he likes me back. We're in study hall and cube club together, and in study hall I'll glance out of the corner of my eye and I find him just staring at me so I'll look at him and he'll look at me and smile then turns to his laptop. He makes me laugh and I make him laugh. But I'm not sure if he likes me ): Help??????

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Caterina A. Robinson

DUR HE LIKES YOU!!!!!!!!! It's obvious. Just do some more flirting ;)


that's what I do but he's always talking with this other girl and he's always walks with her to her locker and I'm so confused I feel that he likes me but I'm not sure

Just one more day Von: lynnfalcon
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Here's my issue. I've only had three boyfriends my whole life, and my first one was the best I've ever had. He respected me, tried his hardest to keep up with me while he dated me for a year, but then we hit high school and the school's -cough cough- decided she wanted him and deserved him more than I did. After seeing them together so much I decided that if I loved him as much as I claimed, then I could let him go and be... mehr anzeigen

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just get together outside of school get to talking and eventually the truth will come out I promise I've done that before


But he has a girlfriend... and he is a very awkward person that doesn't really open up like that... so it might be difficult

Caterina A. Robinson

Awh girl. My whatever you want to call it isn't very open either. But, I think Nicole and I have the same opinion of him... He likes to open up and you go along. So... Just start by talking and maybe he'll open up later

Caterina A. Robinson

*as you go along

i dont understand Von: gisselle
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we've been friends for a while then he seems to like me then we like we barely talk, wtf

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Caterina A. Robinson

Oookayyy so. Maybe he's lost interest because you haven't talked as much as you did. Just try to build it back up :)


yes right try maybe its work


Just get together some day when both of you are free do something that you both like and then the talking will begin again the friendship is mended

Confused Von: Caterina A. Robinson
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So I like this guy. But the thing is... I don't know him. We're total opposites and he's given signs but it's not a positive. There are some awkward moments when kindness is mistaken for flirting. Maybe I've just lost it. Torn by fantasy and reality. Idk what to do... :/

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Just start talking to him get to know him and he'll get to know you and maybe a little later on in the friendship you might actually hit it off


care him more be the kind in front of him,

Does he love me??????? Von: Nicole
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so there's this boy in my grade that I really like but I don't know if he likes me what should I do?

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Caterina A. Robinson

Just go for it. Do some flirting. He flirts back? We'll. hahaha :D and I so did not know you were in this group!!!! Would of joined a long time ago!


I started this group sorry I didn't tell you

Caterina A. Robinson

It's ok... Lol


love you and now I can't see your beautiful face change your picture back Please

Caterina A. Robinson

This is my faceeeee. Lol

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