:'( nobodys talking in my group but ppl r chattin awaay in laurens group. Its like u use me like my cat named cotton. She usd to curl up w/ me when i talk to justine, megan, iierra, or lauren. Now she hisses at .e when i say 'hi mrs.whiskers, ya hungy? Ya hubgy' then she says ' you dum humans no that im a cat, not ms whiskers!!!' I says ' shat da cheese up! And she says 'make me! Then she claws me. Then i wake up jst in tie for school :D
The Allie's crew
- 7 Mitglieder
- 2 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
- Gruppensprache: Englisch
- Administratoren:
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- Beschreibung:
- :3 I know its a funy name but me and my sister Lucille came up with the title, if you dont like it just let me know :)