Greegs & Ladders

An Incredible Journey Through Space and Time Von:
Greegs & Ladders
Greegs & Ladders is a wildly exciting tale of three oddball characters romping around space and time. Equal parts social satire and fun loving adventure, Greegs promises laughs, a few mildly intelligent and/or interesting observations, & several run-on sentences. You'll also get to find out what the hell Greegs are, and how life on Earth came to be, and the meaning of it all (at no extra charge.) From the rubbish heaps of Garbotron to the bottommost, subterranean layers of Lincra, this is one unique, literary journey of epic proportions. And also a book, with words in it. Find out why Grant T. Ecklesmere called it "The best damned book about Greegs and/or Ladders I've read in a fortnight."

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