A life to start

User: Yolla
A life to start
So Guys this book is my first :)
I 've always wanted to write one but never had the courage ..but here I am now publishing ( A life to start ) I hope u guys like it .
It's about a girl called Annabelle who has a lot of trouble in her life and who lost her Best Friend . She becomes desperate until Life opens up the door for her and gives her a chance to live .
Feel free to comment and I would really be grateful to know ur opinions about my book !
Its only the first chapter so it wont take more than 10 mins to read please tell me what u think :) xx

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Please run the spell checker to fix typos and punctuation issues. Look into the format also. There is a smooth flow in the story and you can write more to make it an interesting read.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Vert Nice book Yolla, i agree with Alexis you should keep writing i love it so far <3

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I really like this book you should keep on writing. <3.

3 Kommentare

Thank u soo much :) I will <3


You are so welcome :)

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Adam Lewis LaValley

Very well thought out! Even if there is some trouble with grammar and structure, it's always good to get those words on paper. Although, I was particularly confused when switching between "u" and "you". I know that "u" was used in the case of texting, but a reference could probably be added, mentioning whether it was a text or not.

You can definitely sense the emotion that's trying to be brought out. And the narration had a... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Thank u so much :) It means alot I will try to work better on the book though :D

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Ok i know this is might be weird after sending a friends request and reading your book, but its good you just slipped up on a few places, which was nothing like my first book mine was miss spelled bad punctuation and my first book was horrible, but yours it very good just a few mistakes that can be fixed on a word doc or some site. :P So don't give up on this book cuz its friggen good!!!!

4 Kommentare

Thank u Soo much :D Ur words actually made my day ! I will work on the book more then :) any suggestions to make it better ? :D


not too much just reread what you have written and to triple check put it on a word doc, and then you wont be abile to lose it


okay I will :)

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