The Mansion Part-1

Journey through the, um, SNAKE! Von:
User: Yash S
The Mansion Part-1

You are peacefully having dinner and suddenly, a black and red postcard arrives. This postcard makes you the owner of a VIP pass of a seemingly haunted mansion. What do you do?

Join me in my adventure through a snake and witness the horrors of "THE MANSION". 

Part-2 Coming Soon

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Mansion Series"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Mansion Part-1
Journey through the, um, SNAKE!
Beiträge und Kommentare
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I give you credit for working on improving something you wrote when you were eight. I used to draw crappy comics when I was seven that I want to write a new version of as a book (I need to figure out how to do it though, so it will be a while before then, ha!). I will say, there are some typos in here. Also, when you said "un-human-ly" there is an actual word to say that, "inhuman," also when you said that the snake skull... mehr anzeigen

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