My High School FairyTail

My High School FairyTail
Sakura is a smart, pretty girl from a rich family. She is currently living with her aunt, uncle and 2 cousins, because she is tired of getting treated badly from other people, because of her famous parents. Sakura attends Karasuma Private School, but little does she know, there is a dark secret waiting to pull her in.
One Day Sakura runs into some trouble with The 6 School princes and ends up having to join them in their club. Now her life is turned upside down and she has to suddenly deal with jealous girs, annoying boys, pesty siblings, all the while a dark mystery is rising and is going to make her life even more difficult.
This is a Fantasy with a lot of different twists to it. Also a very loving Romance!

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write more please ^^ its such a great book so far

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You updated X)) I really love this ^=^ you should definitely keep going, totally let me know when you put more up :D

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I can't wait until you put more up X)) that was way too short hahaa lol definitely let me know when there's more :D

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