
Challenge of the Clan Von:
User: wolfheart
A clan of cats rescues a young kitten from a fire. They show her the ways of the clan, and she slowly shows them what a house cat is worth as she climbs their ranks and saves them from breaking apart at the seams...

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Dreamweaver's Song"
Cat Clans, adventure, wild cats, destiny
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alyssabeth1230 vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

I just want to read the rest of the series now..It started as a book report for my daughter, now we both fell in love with the clan and want to continue in their journey :)

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Gelöschter User vor ca. 5 Jahren

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Wichtiger Beitrag
alyssabeth1230 vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

I loved reading this with my daughter.Great book..Is there more to the series completed yet?
Looking forward to more :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
capone vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

this book should be longer but it is really good

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