Der Held der Geschichte wird auf eine Zeitreise geschickt, die er nie vergessen wird. Ebenso wenig wie die Gegenwart in einem US-Lager für Terroristen.

Zeitreise, Trauma, Folter
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Salt Lake City, Utah

No the reason we are ok with IP protection is that it benefits the upper
middle class and the rich. Working people often have to make a hard decision
on medicine's cost because we do nothing to regulate Big Pharma, but enable
them to continue to raise prices. But if a factory worker wants protection for
his job, The NY Times audience says ""go get retrained"" or ""don't be a
luddite"" . These attitudes are why... mehr anzeigen

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Beacon, NY

I am a user of the VA System. The VA, at least in my area, is superb.
Remember, it is the biggest hospital system in the country and has the highest
ratings for outcome. The VA saved my life but more fundamentally, it is the
way heath care should be. When I go to an appointment, they keep it - I have
rarely waited to see a doctor or technician. My wife has medicare and every
visit to a medical appointment starts with a... mehr anzeigen

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