The Vampire's Song

The Vampire's Song
When Mark Thompson goes across the bridge from Texas into Mexico for a night of fun, he has no idea that the sexy stripper who ends up on his lap is a vampire. Despite his crush on the beautiful woman, Mark’s strict, Catholic upbringing tells him that he must destroy her. Can he do such a thing, or would eternity with Carmen be so bad?

Religious dictates battle with love to push Mark toward a decision that will change both their lives forever.

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horror story, vampire, romance
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Social media will survive, whether by current social media of by another
means. Neither the President, nor Congress, nor the Republican Party, nor the
Supreme Court will stop social media. These folks, especially the young folks,
like David Hogg, will find a way, without arms to make their feelings known
and communicated. My hats off to them.

For many decades, the USA has been a beacon to all who love freedom and to... mehr anzeigen

Daxiv Video Daxiv Video -- Movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
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Quinton, VA

It's strange to fire the head of Veterans Affairs, which is complicated
billion dollar administration job and replacing him with someone like Dr.
Ronnie Jackson who may be a better fit for Surgeon General, but has never ran
a huge enterprise like the VA.

I would also point out that just as firing Shulkin for using taxpayers money
for personal use, as big, if not bigger case can be made for also firing, Ben
Carson,... mehr anzeigen

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Bronx, NY

My wife and I both take measurements 1-2 times a day. The automated BP
measurement done via “oscillometry,” tends to be more accurate than the
traditional cuff and stethoscope method used by MDs'.

While the basic ""sensor"" technology is common to all oscillometric devices,
the algorithms used to calculate the BP varies from brand to brand, so your
measurements may have a ""bias"

Music: ... mehr anzeigen

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New York, NY

Perhaps if there were more books published with diverse characters that
appealed to some minority populations, cities like Philadelphia wouldn't need
projects like the Thirty Million Word Project to make up for the language
deficit that poor children experience in relation to their more affluent
peers. [

Music: ... mehr anzeigen

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Trempealeau, Wisconsin

Ok NY Times, I dont believe your sincerity as to wanting to open up your
readers to differing opinions.
Prove me wrong , I want you to hire a true left leaning (non neo-liberal) NOT
in Paul Krugman's mold
You must also hire an acolyte of Noam Chomsky and finally you must hire a true
socialist who does not agree that Capitalism is the best economic model and we
are in the end times of history.
I will wait
You... mehr anzeigen

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Carlsbad, CA

Here is where you are wrong: Britain is getting ready for Brexit and they know
they’ll need even more money soon. So Britain needs Russia more, and their
financial institutions such as HSBC couldn’t care less about whose money they
are laundering as long as the money is the right color. Russians are all over
Europe (read about what they are buying and how they are getting European
Union citizenship in Portugal-another... mehr anzeigen

Daxiv Video Daxiv Video -- Movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
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Lebanon Township, NJ

Thomas L. Friedman wrote a thoughtful piece.
We have lost our souls and with it, our conscience. Perhaps a few Statesmen
will rescue us and our Country before we succumb to the wrath this
Administration has sown.
Give us hope?


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venice beach, ca

With the approach of St. Patrick's Day, Maureen Dowd clearly is my favorite
Irish lass, who has the wit of an old Irish bard and the moral authority of my
old parish priest. Today she nailed the hypocrisy of the Christian right for
their blind support for Donald Trump, a man who knows no shame and a man
without a shred of human dignity. A man who has unprotected sex with a woman
he compares to his daughter is more... mehr anzeigen

Daxiv Video Daxiv Video -- Movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
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Santa Rosa, Ca

Could it all be the Dunning Kruger effect? Could it be that the collective
intelligence has fallen so far that not only can we not recognize expertise in
others, we can't recognize its lack in ourselves?


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