Characters Of Shakespeare's Plays (Fiscle Part-X)

Characters Of Shakespeare's Plays (Fiscle Part-X)
William Hazlitt (10 April 1778 – 18 September 1830) was an English writer, remembered for his humanistic essays and literary criticism, as the greatest art critic of his age,[1] and as a drama critic, social commentator, and philosopher. He was also a painter. He is now considered one of the great critics and essayists of the English language,[2][3] placed in the company of Samuel Johnson and George Orwell.[4][5] Yet his work is currently little read and mostly out of print.[6][7] During his lifetime he befriended many people who are now part of the 19th-century literary canon, including Charles and Mary Lamb, Stendhal, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Wordsworth.

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