The War Within Us: A World War II Historical Romance

User: Juada
The War Within Us: A World War II Historical Romance

At a time of peril from bombings and wounded troops, the tale centers on Margaret strolling down a poorly lighted hallway of St. Mary's Hospital. She enters a room and enters Jack, who seems pale and in agony. Jack downplays his ailment, but Margaret is adamant about having it looked at. When she does, Jack notices her soft touch and they connect for a split second. Margaret, according to Jack, offers him hope.

As Jack speaks, Margaret's heart skips a beat and she senses a connection with him that she can't deny. She notices compassion and vulnerability in his eyes that she had never observed before.

For a while, Jack and Margaret remain silent, immersed in meditation. Before the war, when things were easier and she had her own aspirations, Margaret's thoughts strayed. Thoughts of finding love and raising a family had always been on her mind, but the war had altered everything.

By questioning Margaret about her life before the war, Jack breaks the awkward quiet. She talks to him about her aspirations to become a nurse and the sacrifices she made to get there. Margaret finds comfort in Jack's presence as he listens carefully.

As the night goes on, Margaret provides comfort and care for Jack's injuries. While she notices the suffering in his eyes, she also detects a gleam of hope. Even though she is aware of the uncertain times they are in, she finds a sense of fulfillment in being able to aid others.

Margaret discovers she has affection for Jack as the sun rises over the city. Even though she is aware that they may never cross paths again, she is nonetheless thankful for their

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