Lady Chiyo Vs The Rot Vol 1: Blades Drawn

Lady Chiyo Vs The Rot Vol 1: Blades Drawn

The sky had become dark and cloudy, lightning flashed across the sky like someone had turned on a large white lantern in the sky. 

Thunder boomed loudly after each flash of lightning. The wind started to pick up in strength, blowing trees and bushes in the direction of the wind. 

Leaves and branches snapping off and flying off into the far distance, some breaking off and flying into the unknown. A storm was coming and it was going to be a rough one, no doubt about it.

But the tall white fox standing at the edge of her village did not run or cower into her home like the others in her village. No, she had a royal duty to do, for IT was coming for her village and if she ran away now or failed, then her village would become its hunting ground and if it wanted a battle, she was prepared to give it one hell of a battle.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Dead Hill"
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