내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang

(my first love) Von:
내 첫 사랑 che cha sarang
When eighteen year old Nyarai Kahari began her daily ritual of reading the newspaper to the blind stranger in the park, romance was the very last thing on her mind. But fate had other plans because the more she met up with him, the deeper his smile and gentleness enchanted her. On the same note, Alan finds himself helplessly drawn to a woman he’d rather not temper with. Far from eligible she was no match for a man adorned with good looks and status yet still he wanted her. Little did both expect that these moments of madness could etch a lifetime of attachment beyond their control, as nothing can prove itself to stand the test of time....
When Alice inflicts a curse of madness upon her life and Josh learns to raise their daughter alone, little was expected to change in their lives. Monica Winters could be said to be naïve and Jessie Barbers would be best described as selfish; what kind of affection could these two share? Dakota is burnt on hanging onto what she believes is hers and is ready to fight for it but a deep secret keeps gnawing at her heart.
Filled with lust, jealousy, hate and false hope striving in the face of love Che cha sarang (my first love) is an emotional story that shows that love is an ultimate force and time has no mercy for those whose eyes are blinded by it.

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When I see a new book listed in my announcements, I more often than not open it to look at the first page or two--to see if the author has taken the time to spell-check; to see whether he/she can capture my interest with a good, hopefully great, introduction.

Che cha sarang passed admirably on both accounts. I've read ten or so pages. One thing: You seem to have a lot of characters entering into the story early on, and I'm not... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare
Varaidzo Melissa

thank you so much for your honest opinion. i will throughly work on the areas you have mentioned.
I hope you have finished reading my book. Please tell me what you think

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