Labyrinth der Vergangenheit

Labyrinth der Vergangenheit

Während eines Kirmesbesuches besucht Nina ein Labyrinth was mehr in ihr aufwühlt als nur Spiegel das vermögen. In Gefühlen und Gedanken der Vergangenheit gefangen versucht sie das Glück der Gegenwart wieder festzuhalten.

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Seattle, WA

A rather one-sided article. I suppose I should be grateful that you included
comments from Dr. Hoffman, but everything from the title to the inherent
commentary in the article is slanted in favor of cerebrovascular thrombolysis
(""clot-busting drugs"").

Why not give the actual arguments for and against and discuss their scientific

You mentioned Dr. Hofmann's analysis that the stroke severity in the... mehr anzeigen

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Etna, NH

Bravo to these wonderful, wounded young people. To be able to articulate their
heart ache and horror, and express their dedication to this cause is heart

The country as a whole, and the cowards in the congress, and the phantom
president, who chose to hide in Florida, could take a lesson from them. One
can only wish and pray for their success. They deserve every ounce of support
that they can get, and the... mehr anzeigen

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