The kitten came into this world with the gift of precognition and a great insight into the human and feline psyche. with these special gifts came the responsibility to lighten the lot of the feline, who is often considered dispensable by its human owners. vacation coming - " let her fend for herself. if she is gone, when we come back, we'll get a new one!"
how is it possible that human beings are not able to see what a lovely creature a cat is, how good it feels to hold her, and how relaxing her purr is. "how many happy cat owners do you know, who are seeing a psychologist ? asks the cat, who realizes the calming effect they have on their owners.
yes, indeed, this cat came into this world to lighten the lot of the feline by praising her kind and pointing out what a fantastic companion she can be. yet,unexpectedly, she will get so involved with human affairs and the problems she observes within her own human family that she begins to study the human psyche and becomes like a "Dear Abby" of old," a kindly adviser and a mild critic at the same time.
it's impossible not to fall in love with this cat, who knows so much, but is so humble and, let me add, quite funny at the same time..