How some judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were term

How some judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were term

How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated How judaism and torah genies of current sucked private part of others and why and why they were terminated

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Austin, TX

There is no free lunch. Today, I'm in Seattle, on vacation. We are going to
the SAM, Seattle Art Museum. I'm very happy to pay, as I do NOT live here,
yet. The locals and Washington State residents pay for services.
Visitors should pay. The costs of running a huge museum/ institution are
astronomical. Support the Museums as tourists, and ENJOY.


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Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

San Carlos, CA

""Avoid social"" is key. Getting news from Facebook is sooooo 2013 anyway. I
mean, who uses Facebook other than grumpy oldsters pretending to be happier
and younger? Why get news from fakers and trolls?


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