Essential Philosophy of Law

Different Hermeneutical Approaches Towards A Phenomenon Called Law Von:
Essential Philosophy of Law
A law student must face many obstacles undergoing his or her legal studies, and one basic subject is philosophy of law. It helps understanding both, nature and hermeneutics of something we call law. This is necessary in order to operate with legal terms related to different levels and references.
Hermeneutics is the kind and the art of properly understanding legal texts.
This book is a collection of different texts I put together to help a reader understanding manifold hermeneutical approaches towards law. Conceiving both, nature and meaning of law is always a matter of clarifying personal preconceptions, historical developments and linguistical contexts. I invite the reader to plunge into the subject by reading a good deal of articles and essays expressing different views and perspectives. Thus he or she will automatically enter the “terribly appearing" realm of legal philosophy (as many use to think). It needs only a little patience and courage following the course of texts preparing the attentive mind for deeper understanding.
Philosophy does never simply mean “theorization in vacuo”, but reading lots of papers and sources conducted in silence. Legal philosophy is in fact a demanding, but nevertheless a very interesting and refreshing human activity revealing at least an abysmal stupidity or a dirty deviousness of many (including well–known) politicians. For whatever reason…

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