Holding His Hand

In a world where black means your'e nothing, they decided to risk everything Von:
Holding His Hand
It's late 1990's and from two vastly different corners of the earth, two lives are set on a path of uncertainty that will ultimatley lead to their collision.

Can class and racial divides dampen the passion between soul mates? or can love really be blind?

Based on the lives of the authors great great grandparents, this moveing tale of gentle romance and unshakable faith is timeless and moving.

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A beautiful story. It would read better if you had your time vignettes follow each other chronologically at the beginning of the book. Show two time lines of people in the same time line to bring home the history of the time in two separate places. Its like talking about Afghanistan while drinking coffee in a safe and peaceful habitat while hell reigns clear across the world. It will lend impact to your later story. Age them... mehr anzeigen

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