I Prefer to Tend to My Own Garden…

I Prefer to Tend to My Own Garden…
A poem about my wife and I.

Love, family, relationship, faithfulness
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L︀o︀o︀k ︀a︀t ︀m︀e ︀n︀o︀w︀ ︀h︀e︀r︀e︀ ︀➞ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-tyrone-vincent-banks-i-prefer-to-tend-to-my-own-garden-8230

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I was blesed while reading this poem. Thank you.

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L︀o︀o︀k ︀a︀t ︀m︀e ︀n︀o︀w︀ ︀h︀e︀r︀e︀ ︀➞ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?tariq.summeiyya_1305821326.2987511158

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I looked at the title and almost past it by, till I realized you meant something deeper.
I'm so glad I read it. You are truly blessed, not only with a loving wife, but also for considering her that way.
What is her native tongue...just being curious..as always?

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My wife's native tongue is Spanish. The cover of the poem and my profile photo were both photographs taken in Colombia, South America.

I enjoyed your "Sweet Lil' Heartbreaker" Poem as well, I've saved it as a favorite and it embodies the emotions involved in giving yourself to... mehr anzeigen

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Currently dealing with marriage issues after being married for 10 years this poem really touched me. You really love your wife and this was felt in every word. The poem also lets the reader know that the feeling is mutual. Which is a good thing.

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Various "elements" tryed to pull us apart every step of the way in the beginning of our relationship. In spite of that, thank GOD, we forged a strong relationship (21 years!). For many years, she was all that I had and I was all that she had. Although we still have issues that... mehr anzeigen

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