An injured Marine contemplates his life and the decisions he's made as he recovers from a battle.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I hear the reality pulsing through your words and am impressed by you ability to communicate tis situation so well.

Hat's off man, great job.

Wichtiger Beitrag

My father was a WWII Navy veteran; my husband is an Air Force veteran of Vietnam; I'm active in our local VFW. Any time I see someone get out of a vehicle with a Marines/Navy/Army/Airforce, etc. bumper sticker, I go over and thank him (or her) for his (her) service to our Country, for standing in the gap and keeping us free. Sadly, I've met too many like the soldier described in your story who never got to hear from all... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

God Bless and Thank you,

Wichtiger Beitrag

A story that reminds us of the horrors that our troops encounter. Very well written. Good luck in the contest.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a sad story, but it does happen. One can become a hero in his own country. A war may end, yet its impact last a lifetime to these men. This is well written with a moral lesson to remember - these men are heroes to be honored and not to be forgotten. Good work!

Wichtiger Beitrag

You capture the horror and inanity of war. And the sadness of being just that number, just for that use, just futility.

Your stories need to come together in a volume and put on Amazon.

1 Kommentar

Thank you for your comments...when our warriors return there is a short window of time when they are adored for what they did for our country. But what happens 3 - 4 years later (...or less)when all that has been forgotten and the nightmares come? That's when they need us the most!

God bless,


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