Pressed At All Sides...

Pressed At All Sides...
A young man finds himself at the crossroads of a choice that can make or break his life.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

i want to tell you it was a great story. im glad he straighten his life out.

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I like the character analysis of your group of friends -- very real and insightful. The motivations all ring true. I'm happy that you saw a way out, but sad for the trajic consequences for your friends. Good read!


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Thank you for your comments and thank you for reading.

God bless,


Wichtiger Beitrag

As teens we used to play an equally deadly game. Trying to race a train and several kids were killed in car wrecks. I am glad that you walked away, you walked away a winner.

Wichtiger Beitrag

yes, indeed, make or break, it is a good lesson for youngsters who play dice with their lives. This story should be read in a classroom. Congratulations, Tyrone

1 Kommentar

Thank you for your comments...It is important to remember that we're only given one life and one decision can end it all!

God bless,


Wichtiger Beitrag

I'm sorry that I didn't respond earlier. What you are saying is the truth. God gave us free will and it's our responsiblity to choose wisely and to do the right thing - even if you're "pressed at all sides" to do the opposite.

God bless and thank you,


Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

That was very real. Keep on writing.

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Thank you for reading and leaving your comments.

God Bless,


Wichtiger Beitrag
Dela Bobobee

I believe God has a very good reason why He gave mankind a freewill. Self realization. The choice to decide why to be at the right place at the right time with the right people with the right intuition. That is what makes the difference.

Discipline is knowing what to do and doing it at the right time without being told.

The only problem is how to distinguish between the voice of God and the voice our ego called self. It is... mehr anzeigen

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