Kryptonite Kisses

My Diary -- Made Public Von:
Kryptonite Kisses
Two years ago, I was lost in a pit of despair. I thought that I was a failure, a disgrace. I couldn't believe that anyone could ever love me, nor did I deserve to be loved. I now know that I was suffering from teenage depression.

And this is the diary that came from the depths of sadness.

I want to bring teenage depression into the public eye, so that all the young people that are suffering out there right now know that they're not alone.

Teenage depression is tragically common, and people need to realise that it doesn't just, "blow over".

-- Names have been changed.

Suicide, Depression, Diary
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i love this book im only on febuary 1st 2009 though

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I wrote a diary a couple of years ago, it sounded alot like this. I know what u mean about how its good to write it.It use to get all my feelings out so i could forget about them, you know what i mean?? Thankyou for sharing this(:

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I am still a young girl and I have suffered through depression for 4 years now, my parents have just now found out and are trying to help me but it is very difficult to let them in to help. I have always kept every thing to myself out of fear and just plain "stupidity" as many like to call it. I am now a bit more inspired to let my parents in to help me but I know that it will take a lot of work to do so. My parents got... mehr anzeigen

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Dear Trixie Belle,
I just wanted to let you know that I, like you, have suffered through teen depression. I am still dealing with it, but I am glad that you have gotten through it. I was wondering if you would give me permission to print this out and give it to my friends that don't understand why I can't just "shake it off". It would be greatly appreciated. I will not do this without your permission.

Also, I wanted to let you... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

You're a brave girl to speak out.
I never suffered anything like this, but I greatly admire you for speaking publicly about such a misunderstood illness.

1 Kommentar

love it

Wichtiger Beitrag

It took a lot of internal debate to finally get this diary up here, but if it helps just one person realise the feelings that they're feeling are both not true and not healthy, then it'd be worth it.
My depression alienated me from friends and family and, at the time, I didn't realise how far I was pushing people away. I want to spare people that.

Megamind -- You need to realise that, at the time that I wrote that, I was deeply... mehr anzeigen

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heaven does exist if reasearch u can find that there WAS aman named jesus and he did make many miracles every person that tryed to prove that god dosnt exist ended up proving that he DOES exist also,god is not the one causing u problems its the devil if god makes problems 4 u its probably because ur doing somthing wrong or he wants 2 bring u closer 2 him. lots of pp if u ask if they r christian will tell u after they turned... mehr anzeigen

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wow how sad i never had these thought or feelings im glad you came out of that mist

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The story is about suggestion to not bow before the depressions.You have taken up the subject very nicely & this subject is very delicate to handle.The reason of suicide are not only depressions.These are attached with so many factors i.e.,not upto the expectations of parents,friends etc.
Any way congratulations for touching this subject,nicely written.
Thank you.

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