The Boy Who Would Live Forever

1st life of Sean Donoghue, Hamish & Ennis Von:
User: catch1958
The Boy Who Would Live Forever

Sean Donoghue is a tweleve year-old peasant in the small village of Sweetwater in the country of Hamish when he discovers a legend is real and it changes his life forever. This first part is his life in Hamish and Ennis.

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fantasy, immortal, love, life, peasants
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I've read your books about Harry & Jake and loved those. U write really good books sure this one will rank with those.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I had to go back to the conditions of entry. I didn't read the entire book, but based on the first 30 pages, I am compelled to cast a vote your way. Catch. You have created a very real and intriguing world.

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