The Dragons' Eye

She has the eyes of the world in her hands... Von:
The Dragons' Eye
Loraine's life started with betrayal, lies, hurt, and conflict. She doesn't know that the only reason why she's alive is because somebody needs her. Now, at 16 years old, as she is finding her own way through life, she runs away.

This wasn't part of the plan.

Accompanied with a supposedly long-lost prince, she sets out to find the real reason of why the queen had adopted her, and what awaits her is more than what she wanted.

The Dragons' Eye: An artifact that can see through everything, made by the bloodshed and backstabbing of the first council of dragons.

It's all in Loraine's hands now. Literally.

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I was getting into the book, how could you end it like that. You could have added so much more, and you still can, it's not to late.

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【≽ܫ≼】 ︀➯ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?tremywoods_1331513452.6861081123

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