Keep Fighting

Keep Fighting
To be completely honest, this little story is inspired by Green Day's song 21 Guns. This story is about a boy that saw bullying every day of his life and never thought why he didn't try to stop it. When he finally did, he saw that he needed to help out the victims and stop the bullying there and then. When walking around his neighborhood one night, he sees a boy being beaten by the park. He sees this as a chance. He pulls the bully off of the boy and ends up becoming the bully's new target. Running for his life after his discovery that his enemy has a knife, he starts to regret getting involved, but he knows that it was the right thing. He decides to turn around and face his chaser whether he wins or loses.

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♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣

Wow! Just wow! This book is amazing. It deserves way more than three hearts. I have this group called "Underdog Books". It is for amazing books with few hearts. I am definitely adding this to our group. I hope that will be okay.

(A small suggestion would be to separate them in paragraphs just like the ones with dialouge)


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