
We all like to dream, but we always find ourselves daydreaming about this and about that. It is a very good thing to be able to use the human mind to daydream about so many things. Daydreaming brings vivid pictures into our minds. Daydreaming is a step towards helping us to accomplish our dreams in life. So go ahead Daydream!

daydream, life, mind, pictures, dream
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T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-tonya-r-mcraft-daydream

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To add, the cover fits very well with your poem, where did you get your cover? Did you design it? Care to share on any book cover imaging sites? I'm inquisitive...

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T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?renee321.2011_1376689205.7426810265

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I'm a Daydreamer too! I loved your poem, very beautiful and I'll think I'll add it to my favorites!

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This would make a great relaxation exercise, Tanya.

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Chrisc., Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Yes. definitely great for relaxation exercise. :-)

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Your poem speaks volumes,I really enjoyed reading it.

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Thank you so much Sereni. I appreciate you taking the time to read.

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