Surgical Incident

Surgical Incident
Two young lads arrive at a doctor's surgery, the younger with a serious injury, requiring an operation. The doctor is annoyed when the lad insists on assisting him, but become astounded when he discovers what the boy has in mind.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
lazarus67 vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

My kind of story. Enjoyed its originality.
Voted. And passed it on.

Wichtiger Beitrag
robbedbygreed vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

Well, this was a very well pleasing piece. You had me racing through the pages to find the answers to all the silent questions you posed! Wow. This was well done :)

However, you need to define your paragraphs so that it's painfully obvious when a new paragraph begins. Also, the dialogue needs definition, as it's not as clean as would be desired. And though it's perfectly fine as it is now, if you cleaned it up it would feel... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
jesswygle vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

Great work with this short. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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