The Gifts

User: tonicas
The Gifts
This is a nihilistic solipsist short story telling about romance, loneliness, friendship and all of what we considered as a foolish, pointless and unnecessary things we do all the time.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Faith,
thank you so much for reading "The Gifts". I really appreciate it, and after reading your comments all I mean to say is: I'm eager to continue expressing myself in English!



1 Kommentar
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Wichtiger Beitrag
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Wow, your story is wonderful and with English not being your first language your diction is incredible. Keep up the wonderful work please cant wait ti read more from you ~Faith~

Wichtiger Beitrag

Now, I'm glad. Your opinions are so important to me, and I'm planning to gain more and more knowledge concerning the English language, and I'll try to improve my level so as to get rid of those awful mistakes I'm still doing when I'm trying to write something down in English.

I really appreciate your comments, they are all most kind of you, positive!

See you around,


Wichtiger Beitrag

It is obvious that English is not your first language, but you have done well in getting your story told, despite a few setbacks. I ignored the errors because of this, and concentrated on your story, which is engrossing and very well told. You are talented and should keep on writing. Lots of luck to you. Valerie

Wichtiger Beitrag

...for sorting that out. Much better!!
It must be difficult trying to write in a language other than your native tongue. I speak French, but I can't imagine writing a story in anything other than English. I know I would fail miserably if I did!!
I think, under the circumstances you've done a very good job. There is a premise of a good story here, and I can tell you've tried your hardest to get the message across, so full credit... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Hi Wendy,

thank you so much for your message, and for reading "The Gifts". As you said, English is not my first language, and I started studying it - if memory serves - two years ago. Now, I'm trying to get used to expressing myself in English, though sometimes is kinda... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

hi, again.

I made some arrangements, so now it is feasible to read my book directly.

Thanks you so much, and sorry for any inconvenience.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Sorry; you were right: trying to read this short story could be annoying, even zooming the book.

I'll try to fix it; I'm very sorry; as I told you, I'm not used to BookRix, I merely uploaded my pdf file thinking at the time it was gonna be okay, but now I know that's false.

Thanks for your comment.

In the meantime, if you don't mind, maybe you could do with the downloadable pdf version.



Wichtiger Beitrag

How can I change type set? I mean, I can read it well but I'm not used to Bookrix, so maybe I'm gonna need some help ...

Thanks for telling me about this issue; I hope I could be able to fix it quickly, 'cause I'm glad you were going to read my short story.

See you,

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