The Boarding House

User: tonicas
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What I find amazing is that you are able, despite the language translation barriers, to write a story that has such a good plot.
I waited through the story to see where the vagrant fit in, as Gooduklady pointed out, but realized at the end he was just the set up for us to see the boarding house was empty except for the ghosts who came there.
You were able to build this characters longings and angst quite well and kept me in... mehr anzeigen

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I don't understand what's that. I think I have to ask them. Maybe they did so to save it for later or something. I'll find out, 'cause I am curious as well.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for reading it! And yes, as you said, I'm Spanish and English is not my L1. This is a draft, so I have to make a lot of corrections - typos, and things like the ones you told me -.

Thanks for reading it !

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I am a little curious as to why an eleven year old and a sixteen year old have saved your book to their favorites as, clearly, it is hardly a book they would understand.

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That was an amazing piece of work. I am assuming that English is not your first language and will overlook obvious spelling errors (dinning room should be dining room; rumors should be murmurs; sighted should be sighed, etc) - and words used inappropriately, which is not your fault since, again, English is a second language. These obvious errors in word usage did not spoil the story which was extremely well written and kept... mehr anzeigen

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