A Chip Off the Old Block

Manson's Son Von:
A Chip Off the Old Block
"A Chip Off the Old Block", is about Charles Milles Manson’s fictional son. The serial killer/kidnapper is named Henry Smith and his biological parents are Manson and Former Family Member, Susan Atkins. In this novel, former Family Member, Frieda Smith took the infant when Atkins and Manson were arrested on the murders of Tate/Labianca.

The book has some similar situations to the Cleveland kidnappings and rescue case. This book contains a scenario in which the kidnapper has kept three females alive for his pleasure at the same time. The book also deals with the Stockholm syndrome.

The Suspect also has a job that one would not suspect of doing any wrong doing. Like Ariel Castro being a bus driver; the suspect is a Fresno Police Department Dispatcher.

The kidnappings occur in the counties of Merced, Madera, Fresno, and Stanislaus.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Do genetics alone determine a person's destiny or characteristics?

Mr Gonzales toys with the idea that serial killer; Charles Manson's (fictional) son would follow in his father's footsteps. The only difference being the son would have learned from his father's failings to become even more devious and twisted in his evil schemes.

This is a hard-core tale that deals with kidnap, rape, torture, gruesome murders, lies and... mehr anzeigen

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It's a good story and a great reading sample. Great introduction and descriptions :)

3 Kommentare

Thank you. Have i told you lately, you are awesome. You are awesome.


You're Welcome. You are awesome too. ^_^

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S. K. Wilson

I love the way you describe some things, i.e., the 'white off rice' part, and the reference to the night before Christmas. I really enjoyed it, and am looking forward to reading more!

2 Kommentare

Thank you so much.....

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L. Avery Brown

I've read through the 'teaser' section and I must say it reads a good deal more smoothly than the first person narrative I remember reading a while back - so I can definitely tell you've done a lot of work on it.

From the reading sample alone, I do see that there are some technical issues that I believe could be fairly easily remedied with editing by 'fresh eyes' (after all - we, the authors, tend to read our own work so many... mehr anzeigen

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Glad I stumbled across this in the book swap group. I usually avoid this style of tense due to not being so used to it and needing more dialogue to comprehend the flow...but the details of the story kept me interested. This must have been challenging to organize, yet you've pulled it off.

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Hi TJ,

I was enticed to read your book sample after reading the blurb. I was expecting action, of a different nature. However, i must admit I was not disappointed. I will definitely add your book to my reading list.

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I have begged, pleaded, and now I must take your first born if you do not read this book; at least a few chapters and give me a review. It is up to you, you can give me your first born or give me a review....Please.......

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Hey you! Yes, you reading this post. Please leave me a review.....

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Please leave me a review! Please leave me a review! If you hate it, tell me. If you love it, tell me. I want to be a better author, any comments would be greatly appreciated.....

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