In Antipathia

In Antipathia
A unique take on dating presented through a series of poems from one lover to another. This wry collection of works weaves a potent concoction of heart, cynicisim, humor, loss, disaster, self-absorption, and meaning in the vein of Shel Silverstein, Charles Bukowski, and Edward Gorey.

poems, poetry, love, loss
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I was fascinated by the unique points of view. Your subtle passion kept me riveted. Nicely done.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I read this through once and then felt compelled to read it again. I don't understand every allusion but I am gripped by your use of language, rhyme and rhythm. I think it's brilliant.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This book sweeps the leg! Rules of the Road is awesome. Me and the rest of the Kai ride our bikes on 405 freeway in CA. Tight.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Sorry, die pure Katastrophe! Ich würde mir niemals die Mühe machen, das auch noch zu übersetzen. Der Autor muss zum Leser finden, und nicht umgekehrt, schon deshalb für mich im doppelten Sinne .... nicht lesenswert

Wichtiger Beitrag

Can't say I read poetry very often and I almost clicked off this once I saw it was a collection of poems..but dayum, this was cool. Could use more moon creatures but that isn't really your fault ;p

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