The Lost Phoebe

User: lazarus67
The Lost Phoebe
This IS NOT one of my stories. I only designed the cover.
It's about a man who lost his wife, and then lost his mind.
This was published in The Century Magazine in 1916... after 19 rejections.

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okay good book i love the old timey words

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This is language and writing from a past era, one in which we thought differently about things, saw things that mattered, like "a lime-stained bench that had once been used to keep flowers....." We just don't have this romance in us any longer, I'm afraid, we're besieged by modern nonsensical parlance, text-speak, custodians of the English langauge who condone and perpetuate change in the language, and people who are in too... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Gorgeous writing. I am green with envy. If only I could put words together in the same way as Mr. Dreiser. Your cover is gorgeous. Send it to me via email and we can feature it on the Byron&Kugler website.

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