The Word of YHWH

The Four Levels of the Faith that Saves Von:
User: giftofgod
The Word of YHWH

The beginning of the end of Religion. Jeremiah 51:45, Revelation 18:4, Luke 12:49-50

How loud must the trumpet sound when the professing Jew thinks he is Righteous and the professing Christian thinks he is already saved? Romans 13:11, Revelation 18:4, Luke 12:49-50

"The illusion of Righteousness is by far the most successful opium the enemy has devised. It is so successful that even logic no longer makes sense. 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 John 5:19 Reason this, how can man be free from Sin while being a slave to Sin? John 8:34, Romans 6:18 Can a man be dead to Sin and be alive in Sin? Romans 6:2 Can this be any more clear?"
Isaiah 46:12-13, Psalms 41:13

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