' Love '

Must I be Shakespeare to express my love
one which was greater than life
seeming to last forever, everlasting

We had it so good, enjoying each other
friends and lovers, or lovers and friends
difficult to say what was first, or both at once

Our love was the Sun splashing us brightly
and the shimmering stars at night
sending us kisses of love incessantly

Our love were people smiling at us
wishing us all the goodwills of the world
and we ourselves, united in each other

Everything was in place, rightfully and godly
rivers of honey, seas of boundless beauty
biodiversity serving us as we serving her

But when you went away one day from me
with no goodbye, no a word of farewell
it was the end of the world for me, Romeo alike

Stars crashed down on Earth the following night
and I was swept away by the high seas
a castaway on the ocean, in its full storm

I was myself a bottle with a message inside
saying I love you till the end of the world
the bottle filled with the tears of my despair

" Love " by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reserved.

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Thaddeus Tadeusz Hutyra

One of my latest poems:

" Children of Universe "

A handsome man with a blond shag and a hat in his hands
kneeled in a chapel alongside a busy highway
He looked at enormous image of the Holly Virgin
and having her as a witness he prayed aloud
fervently, with dampened eyes and a drop of tear
expressing his outmost love to a woman he seemed to have lost
Images of all the good times he had with her
swirled through his mind like fast... mehr anzeigen

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